>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
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What's your favorite plane?
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>Unearthed Arcana: Revised Class Options:
>Feedback Questionnaires:
>/5eg/ Mega Trove:
>Resources Pastebin:
What's your favorite plane?
>Previous thread:
Has anyone played as an Aarakocra before?
Can you tell me what sort of roles they'll be good at and what sort of fun you could have with them?
Sun Soul Monk, like seriously they just make amazing Monks with the 50ft. fly + Monk speed boost.
As a rule I never trust a player that wants to be a flying race
It's a toss-up between Limbo and Gehenna.
What rarity would a +1/+2/+3 weapon that deals a extra 1d4/1d6/1d8 points of damage be?
Once per turn or all the time? What kind of damage? Any drawbacks or limiters?
All the time, elemental, besides potentially requiring attunement no.
I would just bump them up one more step from where they were, but I have to say that would be pretty boring as far as secondary effects on a +3 weapon
Probably the same rarity as normal +1/+2/+3, considering Flame Tongues (which deal +2d6) are still only rare.
Agreed its pretty boring, I'm just trying to get a feel for where these rarity values would lie.
>everyone is actively being a part of a recent revelation and start considering conspiracies
>that one guy's basically removed himself from any conversation
>goes straight for loot
>kind of talks to himself, pointing out the obvious
>asks what the loot is ooc
I'm finally glad mostly everyone is getting into the swing of things even more but goddamn did I underestimate the power of 4v2s. How often do you squeeze in extra enemies if the PCs are wrecking everything?
Alright guys, I'm joining a one shot game that starts at level 10. We are allowed to use anything that wizards have made, unearthed arcana, volos, etc.
What is the best broken build you guys have ever played at that level?
Flame Tongues don't gain the +1,2,3 to attacks which I feel does affect the rarity.
I have been following something like this.
1d4 = Common
1d6 = Uncommon
1d8 = Rare
2d6 = Rare
If we added a +1,2,3 bonus to those it would go up in rarity.
If you don't add the damage from the +1-3 I would say just use the higher rarity, but raise it if you do
That'd be pretty good with the Mobile feat too, yeah?
Why do you say that? I just play with all my best mates, we don't do anything dodgey.
Flying races tend to attract players who try to solve every encounter by exploiting the advantages of flying instead of just about anything else. It kind goes hand in hand with a "when you're a hammer, every problem is a nail" mentality. It also tends to draw out encounters a lot by virtue of giving them more more reason to make every attack a hit and run one, and it also can make low level encounters trickier to plan. It's not like it always ruins a game, but I think it's better to just not bother with flying races
Is Immunity to Fear effects in addition to Fey Ancestry too strong? Using Yuan-Ti's flat Magic Resist as a baseline, seems like it'd be fine.
>Using the objectively strongest option as a comparison, it's clearly ok
Sure user, your homebrew is fine, using Lore Wizard and Nuclear Druid as a baseline, seems like it'd be fine.
Nah it gets shit for ASIs, +1 INT and that's it.
Ideas for Kobold character builds? I play too many human-like characters, but I also can't really see anything for them other than Artificer or Rogue.
What's the challenge rating for this creature?
Nigga, either you can't read for shit, or you think that has any bearing on what you already said. Either way, you are fucking retarded.
Threadly reminder, sheathing a weapon and drawing another is a full action.
well, they got draconic ancestry, and spells don't care about your size so sorcerer?
Threadly reminder, Asuka is worst Eva girl, even below Rei.
What about dropping a weapon and drawing another?
It's literally a beholder with slightly better stats and bloated HP.
Bitch ain't even top 3.
>Balancing Races around having strong abilities but less ASIs is dumb
For the record, if Yuan-Ti was +1 CHA with no other ASIs it'd be balanced.
>Is Immunity to Fear effects in addition to Fey Ancestry too strong? Using Yuan-Ti's flat Magic Resist as a baseline, seems like it'd be fine.
That's the post. You aren't referencing ASIs whatsoever, and only compare 2 medium features to the strongest feature.ASIs in general are way overvalued, mostly because too many campaigns die before reaching moderate levels
Sure you could do that. Better hope you remember to pick up your sword after because I sure ain't reminding you til hours later.
Then who is the top 3?
>he doesn't let unimportant fights wrap up, including item retrievals and non-invasive looting
Sure, if you want to skin that shark, you gotta tell me, but you can grab your arrows back like the PHB says.
So I'm making a Land Druid archetype based around forest fires. Sort of a feel of destruction, hardiness, and rebirth. How do my archetype spells look? Any suggestions?
3rd - 2nd level
>Scorching Ray
5th - 3rd level
>Plant Growth
>Fireball (or lightning bolt, I can't decide)
7th - 4th level
>Fire Shield
>Wall of fire
9th - 5th level
>Spike Growth
I'd go with fireball of those 2, but Call Lightning is probably the more thematic choice.
I'm not a fan of Fire Shield here, mostly because you'd be making it cold to get fire resist.
Either Storm Sphere or Grasping Vine fit better imo.
I think Flamestrike+Tree Stride fit the best, but Flamestrike+Reincarnate is pretty good too.
>Allowing a PC that can fly at level 1
Yes, though GM and I bartered a bit so he had Wing-arms (cannot hold most weapons in flight and no somatic components without a feat to "foot-weave") but instead did improved unarmed damage (slashing) with kicks, stacking with monk benefits.
Shouldn't a druid be preventing forest fires?
Having small forest fires regularly helps stop the buildup of flammable plant matter (dry leaves), that could lead to the destruction of the entire forest in a roaring inferno when a fire does happen, and also gives time for the soil to regenerate.
They serve a purpose and going too long without them can turn a forest into a time bomb, but you have a point that there should probably be some spells that would help on the containment side of forest fires
Some plante rely on forest fires to propagate, it kills of parasitic plants, enriches the soil with ash.
A druids job is mainly to make sure the wheel turns unhindered, there must be predators, fire and death just as there must be herbivores, rainfall and birth
Forest fires clear dead growth, enrich soil, and generate genetic diversity by spreading species in numerous ways.
Spoiler tag is singular
Fuck me Storm King spoilers.
This campaign is pretty fun. I'm in a party of two level 4s and three level 3s and we just repelled the fiery attack on Triboar. We managed to kill everything except one fire giant but lost 2-4 villagers in the battle. The enemies focused our NPC counterparts and the first giant wiped two off the field in two rounds, but in the end we got him. I really enjoyed the intensity and interesting mechanics. Are the other printed campaigns like this?
I can't believe Smokey the Bear was wrong.
Well in general a forest fire started by a camper or a homeless person on meth isn't really a part of the natural cycle one way or another. There's no need to give up on Smokey just yet
Well, he isn't exactly, not all forests are set up in a way where forest fires occur regularly, and it's still dangerous as fuck.
Quickly!, I need a name for a bard that specialises in using water spells and singing. Her origional name was going to be Kiersie [Key-er-See] but I need a new one.
If you're the bush fire service, go backbrun ad make fire breaks all you want because you're going to turn a potential town destroying multiday disaster into a quick few hour clean up.
If you're a moron heading to a camping site and leaving your fire unattended, especially in the hell that is Australian Summer, you're a cunt.
A bush fire druid is interesting and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.
Play something that really takes advantage of Pack Tactics. You're going to be getting free advantage a lot, don't let it go to waste
Okay so what I'm getting out of this is that Druids start forest fires, but Rangers prevent forest fires.
Only Hugh can prevent florist friars.
>A bush fire druid is interesting and I'm kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.
It does seem like a pretty reasonable day-to-day sort of thing a druid or ranger would occupy themselves with
>Rangers prevent forest fires.
As long as it doesn't start burning down the town I'm staying in go right ahead
Curse of Strahd is top tier for the published modules. Tales from the Yawning Portal are great from what I've played so far. It's a collection of adventures you can work into a campaign based on your players' levels.
Druids stop unnatural forest fires but leave natural ones be.
Rangers do controlled burns and firebelts.
Ina natural forest he would be wrong, but in a modern farmed forest where tinder is allowed to pile up, he is right.
That does seem a bit obvious, if not overly-so.
I just have trouble keeping track of spells and sorcery points
What even would do that in particular, besides Rogue?
not in my campaign it aint
You could also do Warlock or possibly even Paladin swearing fealty to the dragon. An ancient dragon works well as a patron imo.
What's the absolute most (permanent) AC I can get with a lvl15 character?
With or without stat boosting items and boons?
22 without bringing magic items into the equation, but that's a barbarian with maxed out dex and con using a shield. A fighter could have slightly more with magic items since using con for armor means you don't have access to +X armor (though there are those manuals to raise con or dex I guess. Counting on those sounds like a long shot though)
Oh, I said fighter, but I really mean anyone who can use heavy armor and a shield
Min-maxxed high-elf bladesinger/barbarian/fighter with 20/20/20 dex/con/int can get to 29 by level 9.
Technically, bladesinging isn't permanent.
Ah yeah, only 22 than as neither is mage armour
it's not like Mage Armor stacks with barbarian unarmored defense feature anyway.
Isn't Bladesinger homebrew?
Nope, it's in the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide.
Plate Armor: 18
Shield: 2
Defense Fighting Style: 1
Warforged Race: 1
Total: 22
Add +6 for magic armor and shield: 28
Take Magic Initiate with one of your many ASI's and get Shield of Faith: 30
Be Eldritch Knight and cast Shield on reaction every turn: 35
It isn't permanent, but it's pretty practical all the same. If you really wanted to go crazy I'd say a dip in eldritch knight for the armor and fighting style then bladesinger would still be the most effective if your only goal is high AC since access to the shield spell and bladesinging can't really be matched (particularly at the wizard level you can use a first level spell at will, though I don't remember what level that actually is off the top of my head, and how well it would fit in here). I'm not sure how worthwhile that would ultimately be in terms of contributing to the party though
how do I stop myself from putting on an ironic tone like I know I'm playing a game
>Roll for starting Gold
>End up with 70 left over after buying a small armory
I suppose it makes sense that being a bounty hunter pays well.
So is rolling for gold and buying stuff almost always better than taking starter gear?
>a natural flier is flying most of the time
>This is problematic
Yeah man, like those walking assholes. Yeah you have a walking/running speed, but why the fuck do you always use it?
Why dont you crawl or something. All this running around is dragging out the combat. Just facetank it instead please.
Are you a player or a DM? As a player I can usually work part it by making an energetic enough character, though I think I've gotten better about it in any case. As a DM I have a huge problem with that
Bladesinging only works with light armour though
There's a difference between punishing a player you've already allowed to play a race, and knowing better than to allow it in the first place. Generally though I have no idea what you're trying to say
So in our latest game, one of the new players rolled up a character with 3 INT. It wasn't even with rolling for stats, he rolled a d1000 and the DM chose from a database based on that.
So yes, we now have a party member with the literal intelligence of a cat. This will be interesting.
Just make your game/ask your DM to make your game filled with mastermind type villains who like to play "games" with the party.
Very rarely DM myself, but as a player I just can't help myself from seeing exclamation marks over the heads of NPCs so to speak.
A DEX-based paladin? I still can't wrap my head around that stuff.
And what pact would that be? Fiend?
Giving a shit about characters motives can be hard if everyone isn't jumping in at the same time. Maybe try making a character with another player so it's easy to play off each other? If it's too late for something like that I guess just try to chime in more with another player who's more involved. I assume you not taking NPCs seriously means someone else is usually doing the talking
Friendly reminder to bully the elves in your party by rubbing their ears
>It is also worth noting that all elves’ ears are about as sexually sensitive as breasts, and a great deal of elven foreplay centers around them. One intimate greeting among elves is rubbing ears.
>A DEX-based paladin? I still can't wrap my head around that stuff.
Why not? Don't they get dueling style even?
Depends on the dragon.
>And what pact would that be? Fiend?
Could be undying with a drakolich.
Could be undying light with a celestial gold.
Could be an ancient green that has ties to the Fae.
Could be a really ancient mad red who is totally bonkers and gives you insight into the workings of the Great Old Ones.
How does poisoning work? I see plenty of creatures with attacks that leave you poisoned, but they don't say how much damage one takes from said poison.
It's just instant damage
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on Attack rolls and Ability Checks.
{[Poisoned]} is a condition. It gives you disadvantage on saves checks and attacks or something. If it specifies that you take 1d6 poison damage or 4d10 poison damage then you take the damage as any other type.
There's poison damage which is just damage, but there can also be the poisoned condition which is listed under conditions in the PHB. It's disadvantage on attack and ability checks
Ah fair enough, I just assumed that it would be an ongoing condition that harmed whomever was poisoned a la Pokémon/Final Fantasy/Pretty much every RPG ever.
There are specific types of poison which do that, but they're rare. I can't find them in the books but my character once inhaled cyanide and started taking crazy damage every turn. Maybe it's only homebrew stuff though.
Most of the time you either take poison damage, get the poisoned condition for X hours, or one first and then the other.
I am saying that you are a bitch if you have a problem with a flying race flying all the time. It does not break anything (I am a ForeverGM and pretty much always have a flying PC) and it adds some flavour.
Why are they flying all the time? For the same reason we are walking. That is their primary "easy" transportation.
I would hate a flying PC who did not doing fly everywhere.
Your problem boil down to:
>I hate how (class/race that does x) solves everything with x
You also hate wizards using magic to solve everything? Or Rogues using skill checks to solve everything?
Well it limits what a DM can do at lower levels. Any ground based rough terrain or traps become negated because you just fly over everything. Certain lower level monsters basically become unusable because they can't reach their attacker. Yes, you can come up with solutions that go around this, but it's a pain in the dick that I'd rather not have to piss about with at level 1 just to grant one of my players an utterly OP ability for that tier of play. By and large I'd be wary of a player who wanted to play a flying character from level 1, as in my experience they tend to be players who enjoy trying to break the game. Nothing wrong with the game going awry at all. I expect and enjoy when it does, but when you're actively trying to circumvent the DM with the very concept of your character? Nah.
Flying is objectively a very OP ability to have at level 1, no matter what way you cut it.
If every player I ever encountered that played a wizard was obsessed with ending their turn 50 feet in the air away from the enemy at low levels I would probably also have a problem with them (see 3.5). Your butthurt over discouraging people from using an optional race is stupid