I am officially declaring my Tyranids as a true swarm army. I believe there is nothing that enough gaunts cannot solve.
Tell me anything enough Hormagaunts cant solve
>I believe there is nothing that enough gaunts cannot solve.
How ever many gaunts you have +1.
>gaunts bigger than a space marine
When the fuck did that happen? I thought gaunts were large dog sized like zerglings?
How to open a glass jar without breaking it
a broken heart
Those gaunts do seem a bit oversized, but gaunts are bigger than a human.
Different hive fleets have different strains.
A flyer
The autism on Veeky Forums
There is massive variation among different strains, hive fleets, tendrils, etc.
the tyranids in Octarius are said to be larger than those of other swarms due to eating so many Orks, for instance.
The Chadgaunts in OP probably ate a bunch of Orks or. Space marine chapter or something.
Just look at the minis. Gaunts are as big as, or bigger than, marines.
Love can bloom on a battlefield. Who's to say the one waiting for you isn't a Hormagaunt?
A whole bunch of Orks ready for a good scrap
A single Khorne bezerker
Gaunts are horse sized. Rippers are dog sized
Pile up bodies until they reach the sky.
They can evolve monomolecular talons (or some shit) after enough failed attempts.
A talon can hold your heart together.
Sly Marbo
Your argument is invalid
I was planning to have atleast 120 of the suckers in my 2000 point army, HORMS 4 LYF!!!
> horse sized
JUST because you fantasize about getting horse cock up your ads doesn't mean that gaunts were horse sized. They are a little bit bigger than a large dog. Why do you think that are strength/toughness 3, you fucking idiot
stated to be horse sized in shield of Baal, you fucking idiot.
What if a tyranid hive fleet evolved to be nothing but gaunts? Carnifex? Nope, that's just a scaled up gaunt. Warriors? Nah son, synapse gaunts. An entire army of nothing but gaunts in various load outs and sizes
>Love can bloom on a battlefield.
Not for YOU, Otacon.
>no bigger than a horse
Gaunts are the size of a horse. They have to be big to rip people to shreds.
Five Stormravens, checkmate.
>flood board with bodies
>flyers have to switch to hover or die
>charge flyers
not him, but horses are S3 T3
that's what tyranids essentially are
You know, I'd really like to see GW release bigger gaunts in between the gant and warrior size to complement the variability of the smaller ones and add special options
>alpha hormagaunts with 4 scytalons and minor synaptic link
>alpha termagants with snipe spike rifle and additional plates
>alpha gargoyles with augmented blinding poison gun and ovipositor tails
Fluff saying "the warm just killed them all lel"
>Tell me anything enough Hormagaunts cant solve
Any other horde army.
Hormagaunts are shit.
Shield of Baal went full retard with GW telling the artists/writers that the fluff had to represent the models now even though gaunts were never properly to scale, like most things in the game. It's an outlier and should be ignored as shitty writing, like most of the modern nid stuff. They've always been about the size of a normal human.
>gets proven wrong
>j-just ignore the fluff that doesn't agree with what I said, okay?
Well tyranids are one of the races where the inconsistencies in the art and fluff can actually be justified since there is such a huge variation between swarms. It actually makes more sense to have it this way instead of having all the tyranids be uniform
they cannot revive the emperor
>>gets proven wrong
I'm not that user, that was my first post itt
>Well tyranids are one of the races where the inconsistencies in the art and fluff can actually be justified since there is such a huge variation between swarms.
This is true, and would be an easy explanation to swallow if GW bothered to mention this discrepancy in Shield of Baal instead of acting like gaunts had always been that size, directly contradicting older, usually better written lore.
>shield of Baal was bad because the gaunts were horse sized
I mean if you're gonna get buttblasted over one line that doesn't contradict or retcon anything ever mentioned about gaunts, then just tell yourself that horse sized is a very broad range and they easily could have been the size of pic related
>putting words in my mouth
Why are you trying to have arguments with an anonymous person on the internet over something they didn't even say?
Why bother with gaunts at all? They should just send in swarms of Warriors, space marine legion style. Solves the whole problem with the synapse issue
Not him but Shield of Baal was bad because it was written like shit.
The prose and shit made the entire thing feel like just an advertisement for the models, which, I guess, it basically was.
I could almost feel the (tm) after every single unit that gets mentioned.
Fermi's Last Theorem?
It's almost as if a game company that sells models uses one of its campaign books to promote new models. Funny how that works
>I'm a retard who doesn't understand the things he reads
Thanks for letting us know.
I actually kekked in public
>contradicting older, usually better written lore.
Such as ?
Decided to actually play the Swarm box i bought all the way back on release because hobbyfatigue always playing Non hero factions
I decided that Nids were a nice change of pace:
>Behemoth 2: Stealth Boogaloo (+3CPs)
Tyrant: Wings, Boneswords, Deathspitter w/bugs - 206
Tervigon - 250
30x Termagaunts: 10 Devs - 160
30x Hormagaunts - 150
30x Hormaguants - 150
3x Warriors: Swords + Spitter - 96
6x Rippers - 66
2x Lictors - 90
6x Hive Guard: Impalers - 288
Maleceptor - 184
2x Trygons - 350
Pre- 1st edition rogue trader, the only pure source of warhammer. Everything else is non canon fan fiction tier shit made by guys just trying to sell models
No swarmlord/10
Kill your self.gif
Fuck gaunts, I hate how so many people ignore tyranid tactical variety and think all they do is swarm. how does one go about making a viable army list that uses no gaunts whatsoever? I'm thinking all warriors for troops
>No bigger than a horse
>2.5 meter tall and wide and long as fuck
I have a theory that anons mentally associate Gaunts size with Zerglings because the HOTS opening cinematic is the closest thing we have to an animated tyranid invasion. Either that, or its easy to imagine them being skaven sized due to fantasy.
Gaunts in the art and fluff have always ranged from Human but hunched sized to those Horse sized Chadgaunts in OP that tend to be featured in art with space marines. GW already says there is huge variation between fleets and swarms and the hive mind is constantly adapting its troops in the codices, so that large size range for gaunts is fully justified. I don't know why anyone is arguing about this.
If you need further fluff to justify the gaunts sizes, just say the smaller Human sized ones are mostly for boarding/urban assaults where they need to be in cramped conditions, while Chadgaunts are larger assault gaunts meant for fighting against Orcs and Space marines. Or they got that big from eating a bunch of bulky enemies like said orcs and space marines.
Say that to my face
Imma make a 2000 points list with 1500 points of nothing but hormagaunts. 300 fucking hormagaunts, good luck killing all of them.
Yeah but guardsmen are also pretty much the same size as the manlet marines.
Sure, but still, their models put them firmly in the 'humanoid-sized' category, so definitely bigger than dogs or Zerglings.
Whether that means the size of a guardsman or an Ork Nob, we're not given to know.