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How stupidly has your character ever dressed up for the sake of magic items? Or some other reason?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How stupidly has your character ever dressed up for the sake of magic items? Or some other reason?
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At one point, my character was forced to wear vibrant orange slippers into combat, despite being a fairly dark and brooding sort. The reason for this was because they were the only 'Boots of the Winterlands' we had on hand, and an unnatural blizzard came over a town.
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>Biting their tongue would have been useless due to the fact that healing such a thing would have been trivial.
Sticking on severed limbs requires Regenerate.
Shit if a 7th level spell is trivial you don't need to take prisoners, or at least not ask them shit, you can just extract information from their mind. Sticking limbs back on requires really high level casters. Even if you're gonna pay for it to be put back on then you're gonna need to find a 13th level cleric.
>tfw will never be forced by the party Sonja and Elf to wear all the female magic items
>will never be forcibly trapified and ridden like a bucking horse till I need healing magic
Traps are only good for taking big meaty dicks, user.
Thats what the elf is for?
They clearly wanted to be trapified and were not talking about Elf.
The elf is for providing the big meaty dick dumb dumb
>hurr hurr go back to a general that doesn't exist despite that having one general for each system is redundant and pointless
That would run into the difficulty of entirely severing the tongue, as opposed to grievously wounding it, which could be more easily healed.
Elves are pure and faithful waifus, user.
If only they had the Emergency Interrogator's Kit from AA2.
I prefer to play my elves as less subservient and more maternal/paternal due to their advanced age. Most of the other core races tend to act for the short term (in the mind of an elf). Elves are tottally prone to one night stands. After all they live forever. They need something to fill the gap, and what better way than by filling gaps (my girlfriend would facepalm for that pun...). But in terms of being a faithful waifu, or even just a partner, that would take a lot more time (by human standards).
>mfw no hot, shredded big dick elf boys to ram my honey hole
Elves are all hermaphrodite because they had too much evolutionary pressure against being female. None of the females were allowed to have even children, always used to breed the other races instead. Now we have hateful herm elves that can work you over like a piece of meat in a butchers shop
Now THIS is a magical realm.
I am okay with this.
Especially if Spotted Hyena Gnolls are involved.
>setting has no half-elves or half-orcs
>player gets autistically angry about this because he wants to play a half-elf
>tell him it's because neither orcs nor elves breed like humans do, neither of them being even mammalian
>tell him elves don't even have sexes like humans do and orcs have three sexes
>tell him elves don't participate in intercourse and orcish intercourse is so different that a human can't even participate
>he gets angry because why would they even develop
>tell him that in the setting different races were created in different god's images, and the gods basically had no incentive to make their races breeding compatible save for the three brother gods who created the three variety of goblinoids
>the angry spiral keeps on spinning
Hokay, so, GM in need of some encounter-building advice.
I'm going to be running for a party that has a SoP Elementalist blaster-caster, a Pummeling brawler, a mageknight that does warp sphere shenanagans with Vital Strike, and a rogue that mostly does bomb stuff on the run from Underground Chemist+Scout. They're level 8ish, and basically will be able to dish out some pretty good damage, particularly in the brawler's case, while being able to move around.
I don't have a problem with this but I've been going too easy on my players for too long, and I'm curious what are some good ways to make an engaging challenge for a party that has terrific single-target damage but kind of meh area control in a desert-based dungeon crawl. I'm thinking I wanna put a lotta extra beef in my encounters for them so they can feel awesome by blowing through burly minions while at the same time not being able to just focus-fire the boss to death right away?
You can find them if you look hard enough.
Now we just need someone to step up and run it...
Have the dungeon set up to ambush them
Use multiple traps
Have enemies attack them while the traps are being disarmed
Have enemies use alchemical items, like thunderstones and tanglefoot bags
Xiombarg's Storyteller, why hast thou forsaken us?!
That feel when you will never use your war soul's thark rifle mindblade to silver crane spiral all enemies within 1 miles
I can make a hot elf if you need one.
What's the difference between the shortbow and the composite shortbow?
Composite gives a strength bonus to the damage.
Composite+2 means you need 14 Strength to wield it, but it does +2 damage per shot.
As a player, not GM, what books should I attempt to get?
None. Everything you might ever need is on the SRD.
OK then...which ones are obligatory to read?
Core book, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Pathfinder Unchained. Contains most everything you need to cause your GM to break down in tears.
The sections that relate to whateverthefuck it is your character will be doing.
Know your class abilities, know your trained skills, etc. If you're gonna attack, know the rules for it. If you're gonna cast, know the rules for it. You get the point.
You should also check out the PathfinderWiki and just... Start reading, seriously just find a page and start tabbing up anything with a blue name. The setting is vast and knowing it will make your characters so much better. My advice for a beginner is to start with the Inner Sea and work from there.
Only the SRD
Haven't had to dress up weirdly at all. My DM is an adult with a sense of humor above "wow, how random is that!" So doesn't give me neon colored slippers or tie useful enchantments to otherwise stupid items.
His army looked permanently shite (dirty and rusty despite being a +3 Defiant noqual full-plate), his shield had a bronze sheen, one of his swords was pink, he wore half a skull for a mask, his pauldrons looked like fists, his cloack was feathered, he wore green goggles and had high-heeled rider's boots in addition to having naturally formed wings, looking two categories older than he is and the permanent odor of gutted fish permeating through all of his clothing. If he didn't have a spare hat of disguise he'd look like a circus freak most of his time outside of his home.
Creating a gauntlet-type challenge for my group, still in the preliminary stages but need to know if my first encounter is missing anything at least thematically.
10 cr 23 ecorches (16 base + broken soul + dune sage + jotunblooded sand giant templates) 3-4 great wyrm ravener red dragons and the fire scorpion kaiju in a massive dessert during a huge sandstorm.
This will be for a party of competent level 20s, I will be adjusting HP and AC upwards as appropriate because high level PF Hp is a joke
>3 great wyrm dragons
Unless you play them like retards, that alone should wipe a 20th level party trivially.
What is the most pointless magus arcana, and why is it Broad Study?
The best part is that if your other class used to be able to cast arcane spells while ignoring ASF for certain types of armor, you can't do it after picking Broad Study.
I'm full aware of how to play red dragons, but their spell selection is less than optimal and this is a full level 20 party that has full WBL and will most likely have a knowledge bot with +50 or more to every knowledge.
I fail to see how the wyrm's spells will get past the variety of common immunities PCs have from magic items
What about an antimagic field, then grappling?
>What is the most pointless magus arcana, and why is it Broad Study?
>The most pointless magic arcana
>not being shit like Pool Strike or Ranger's Trap
At least Broad Study can pretend it can do something, however poorly, rather than being aggressively wasteful garbage. Shit like Ranger's Trap, Arcane Edge, and Errata'd Arcane Deed are just straight up worthless.
>radical looking guy with a flaming sword
>no good flame spells for magi to use with spellstrike
>fire is also the worst energy type to specialize into
it's not fair
Doesn't have grab on its nat attacks, doesn't have improved grapple, you take a penalty on CMB rolls equal to the damage you take from an AoO provoked by attempting a maneuver. It's a huge risk, turns off a lot of its power from spells, also they're Raveners, so AMF turns off almost all their abilties
Ignore true dragons and acquire linnorms. They are deadlier in almost every way and if nothing else works give them all a template that bumps up their curse DCs so that they aren't "Fail on a 1" rolls.
Wouldn't a Kinetic Knight Kineticist be better for that?
I keep hearing about that one. Is it any good?
Kind of needed to give the fight caster-support, the fire scorpion kaiju and ecorches are all (mostly) big-fat beatsticks
>wouldn't x be better for that then the class that should be perfectly capable of it?
way to twist the knife
Hello and welcome to Pathfinder.
Here's your complementary class that is outshined in its own specialty by another class.
Will you be having the caster supremacy salad today, or will you be dining martial?
So! How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?
Sphere Magus can do it good.
Yes yes I know, le sphere magus, but overall, sphere magus is still an upgrade for Magi.
God fucking awful.
Told a group of six players "Hey, since the current GM is stepping out for the summer, I'll be running starting friday". Got vague replies.
Showed up to the campus game club at 5, waited until 7. Nobody showed up.
Broad Study is great for one purpose: Gestalt.
Asurendra asura then. At will greater dispell, once a day summon monster 9 demand, three times a day blasphemy, quickened baleful polymorph and other goodies.
Shitty as always.
Have you spoken to them about it since then?
What blunt weapons would you recommend as secondary or even tertiary weapon?
Have a romantic legion exploring the tomb looking for the mcguffin your party needs. Focus the legion on shield walls+bullrush+archery. Throw some living statues/constructs at them and watch them flail at DR for a bit.
I don't know.
Games went pretty well, but I don't know what's going to happen from here on out. I'm worried.
I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like to discuss it, or would you prefer not to?
Finally made a character for a 5e game. Also, been dowloading PF pdfs like crazy.
You'd be surprised how many free pdfs you can find just under a cursory google search
Your fists
We spent an entire session on a single combat encounter of assault a giant encampment with our airship, murdering most of them and then flying on an adult golden dragon crewmate and lover of my character, who is oblivious to this, to hang off a linnorm's tail while making several new nostrils in it's face with an angelic pistol. And it was great.
Shame I will never pull off crazy stuff like that outside of "one-shot" modules.
Reached out to a new player after leaving the want-ad up for a year.
He'll be playing a Rogue/Wizard gestalt. I'm trying to talk him into playing a Hidden Blade.
I don't know what the other player wants.
Seems neat, but still too limited. Players already know about ways to protect the soul directly, and since PoW is on the table, the martials have at least 1 chimera soul maneuver, which gives you the shapechanger subtype and removes the threat of baleful
I spent the whole weekend playing Warhammer Total War in an attempt to break my writer's block when it comes to writing the backstory of my character.
I've just given up on the idea. I spent hours prepping for session zero, then my morale got annihilated. They can go find their own GMs, I'll find another group for the summer.
We also have the trove up in the OP.
You'll just have to settle for orc cock as usual.
You can find pretty much every 1st party 3.5 book with a google search.
Megaz tends to work really slow on my computer, and has a tendency of crashing as well
What has you feeling concerned?
What sort of character will you be playing?
Not my place to say, mostly just drama between friends. I'm hoping it's just a temporary thing we can work out, but I know better than to be optimistic.
Already got a lot of 3.5 books, so I'm good there. I have an old folder of old pdfs that someone gave to me.
Said person was also the guy who turned me away from 4E, and indoctrinated me to 3.5, and by extension PF
Screw you Cory, you creepy Satanist NEET
Insane Paladin, who kills things with a shovel, and is obsessed with the duality between life and death. He absolutely loves getting his rocks off to killing the undead
What manner of circumstances led you all to such a pitched encounter?
Always nice to meet new players. Did you have anything in mind for the game itself?
Did it bring you any inspiration?
The captain's existential crisis about the correlation between the size of one's sword and the size of that person's treasure trove and the ship's aasimar disliking demon worshiping giants who took up a contract to retrieve something very old from a slightly less old place filled with nasties. The ship's "cook" (read: melon head goblin that has interesting ideas about the creation of the universe) also added too much black powder to the cannons, so they boomed too late and woke up the linnorm, prompting the brave captain to defy rules as written and taking ten every turn in his acrobatics to stay attached to the giant snake.
As for the unique crew that include an ifrit, an alufiend, an azata, the aforementioned golden dragon and an ancient Azlanti wizard: They are a whole 'nother module.
I wanna play in the theoretical Fantasy Guild/Shadowrun setting we talked about a few days ago!
Who else wants to play in the world of warring magical merchant guilds and monopolies?
What was the gist of that one?
Just remember to drop the class after 2nd level.
You don't HAVE TO, man.
Just like how Incanter has more levels than 1st
>tfw kind of want to try a retarded incanter 1, sphere magus 2, combat hedgewitch 17 build
>tfw I know I'd catch shit for doing it here.
I beleive he's talking about what we talked about here
You don't have to not shoot yourself in the foot either.
It's just not a good idea.
Why stay? You have all it's class features, most arcana suck or don't work with spheres, and other classes will give you something for your levels.
Of course, if mystic strike were better, than sphere magus would be completely redundant.
Have you heard of the "Barley Farming Simulator?"
Can an outwardly racist bigot ever be redeemed?
Yes. Especially considering it was a plot point for one of the character missions in Neverwinter 2
I have. Exciting stuff.
Sure, if they genuinely want to change.
No, once a racist always a racist. You need to kill them all, Peter.
I haven't, what's this about?