What are some cool looking bad guy uniforms?
What are some cool looking bad guy uniforms?
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Can't go wrong with Nazi uniforms man.
Back to plebbit with you
>21. I will hire a talented fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legions of Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormtroopers, Roman footsoldiers, or savage Mongol hordes. All were eventually defeated and I want my troops to have a more positive mind-set.
C'mon man, this is shit they teach you in Villainy 101.
You know... I'm honestly not even sure why Rick and Morty has been branded as Reddit-tier. I can see why people would dislike the show, however It seems more like it's just a blanket term to describe things that are popular that you hate. Sure, it's popular on Reddit, but EVERYTHING is popular on some part of Reddit.
>cool looking good guy uniforms.
That's totally what Hitler did though. Got Hugo Boss to design his Legions of Terror original, stylish uniforms.
>It seems more like it's just a blanket term to describe things that are popular that you hate.
Sounds like you have a good handle on it.
Most hate I've seen for the show has been wholesale incoherent rage at something for being popular.
No he didn't.
Boss MANUFACTURED the SS uniforms, as did many other tailors throughout Germany. NOT A SINGLE ONE of the various SS uniforms was designed by Hugo Boss. They were all actually designed by Walter Hech and Karl Diebitsch, neither of whom ever even worked fro Hugo Boss.
So in other words, do what hitler fucked up at attempting. That's most of the things on that list.
The sigil of the Order of the Worm in TESIV. Simple, applicable and danm nice.
I mean, there are legitimate reasons to dislike the show, too much gross-out shit, alien shit is very silly and improvisational sounding, show has depressing as fuck themes, no really positive characters to root for, but you never hear any of that shit when people are criticising it, they just say it's reddit shit. A broken clock is right twice a day people, and reddit is just a really retarded clock, it's not tumblr or /pol/ tier broken.
redditt is a nice place for faggots like you
The Totenkopf isn't evil, it's a symbol that you're willing to put your life in danger for the sake of your people. Dumb skit.
>>>/anywhere but here/
Can't find any pics, post some to the thread
There's literally thousands of examples to be found by googling "order of the worm", fuck off you lazy arse.
I think this somewhat fits the "successful villain" uniform
Hey, we were the GOOD GUYS. We even tried to bring civilisation to the bog-trotters. That's how GOOD we were.
>t. Eternal Anglo
He said bad guy uniform.
I'm right and you know it. 800 years we tried to stop you eating babies and blowing stuff up everywhere you went.
> Invade almost every country in the whole goddamn world
> rob everyone blind of all value that you got hands on
> deadly diceases wiping out populations
> preside over hungers that claimed millions and billions
> be foremost slavers, then be against slavery when you relised one could just build factories and have children & women work them, and let everybody else die from hunger and poverty
Really, is there any country more sinful then Great Britain? Even Nazi Germany comes short - and in can be excused, since it was only trying to follow GB's example
I'm pretty sure people post Rick and Morty images to bait people like you.
>Describes things done by every other European nation, Not to mention Russia, China Japan et al.
"It, it was always those mean Brits that started it sir!"
Face it Johnny Foreigner, we were just BETTER AT IT THAN YOU!
There's no resson during most of its airing there were threads about it all over /co/ and it was fairly popular. Dan Harmon even said in a panel that the reactions in Veeky Forums threads were his litmus test for whether an episode was good or not. If anything Veeky Forums should claim ownership of it even if it sucks.
Better at atrocities? Didn't know it was a race, m8
Yep, really villainous; bringing all that modern science, medicine, national infrastructure and so-on to the god-forsaken arse-end of nowhere.
Maybe if we'd had a bit more of that kind of villainy in India they'd have indoor plumbing today as well as a national railway system.
To contribute; stormies are iconic baddies, and their de-humanising, anonymous, armour makes their uniform pretty ideal. Goodies won't feel as guilty about slaughtering countless rank-and-file goons if they can't see the agonised grimaces on their dying faces.
> China and Japan
Ok, how many countries did they invade? On how many continents? Could you tell us how Chine forcefully exported opiun to europe, while you are at it?
> Face it Johnny Foreigner, we were just BETTER AT IT THAN YOU!
Better at being imperialist? Sure! That's why i suggested GB's uniform here
> rape India for more then a century
> brag about how getting rich on stolen plunder, forced labour and so on allowed to build better infrastructire and standard of life in the metropoly
Typical anglos
The best uniforms are the ones which you wouldn't mind wearing yourself, even as they're marching through the streets of your capital in triumph.
not sure if this passes "cool-looking"
They got skulls on them!
As a Spanish lad this is very hurtful to say, but I get you, man.
Oh, aquellos gloriosos días...
I always had a thing for suit and mask bad guys, it gets so cool in uniform.
>88 maniacos
also these guys
Respirators are cool
I don't know what you're seeing, but I get maybe half a dozen black-and-dark-grey coloured close-ups among a whole lot of unrelated crap.
Not that user, btw.
The Helghast are pretty badass
The creator posts on reddit a lot, though.
Can't go wrong with the Fremen look.
Forgot pic.
Alternatively, look at any concept art of the Brotherhood of Nod armors. Great armor for the DEFENDERS OF THE PEOPLE.
Kane Lives!
Peace through Power
Good taste.
The spanish were arguably worse, they annihilated native cultures. At least the brits didn't demolish every temple they could find and make them worship protistant god.
Like so?
Well they more mostly based on the already existing uniforms of WWI
Still, minus the skulls, which radiate 'evil' a bit too much, the Nazi uniforms were stylish as can be
Nah, mate, Soviet style is atrocious, even US uniforms are better
The only things that are worse are Commie chinese and North Korean
Those are a pain on the eyes
Depends on the era. 1980's Afghanka uniforms were pretty Veeky Forums.
Who/what doesn't post on reddit?
It's basically facebook tier website where everyone sees it as a go to for any web interaction
Yes, and?
>Ok, how many countries did they invade
Oh man, it sure is swell living in Manchuria in 1933. Those Japs are real swell guys. I love being injected with every STD known to man or getting a transfusion of pig's blood.
Like, I know the Bongs did some fucked shit, but they also did tangibly improve things for some people living in the conquered areas. Which promptly fell apart after they left.
One of the core tenants of western civilisation is self determinism (going all the way back to the ancient Greeks) yet it's hilarious that all flies out the window when it comes to non-white people
Who cares if India didn't have its own rail system prior to British rule? The question isn't whether technology is helpful but rather that they (and the rest of the colonised world) should be able to determine themselves what's good for them instead of invaders deciding it for them
Pirates had skulls on their flags.
Go outside, kid.
And I get that, but Indians also burned widows alive at their husband's funerals. There's a point where taking away a peoples agency and re-educating them is a wholly better alternative to allowing them to continue their back-asswards practices.
Sounds like a good gateway to evil though, when the system isn't wholly altruistic; à la the Native Schools here at home.
There are a few things that fit the reddit mentality
>hurr hurr god doesn't exist
>hurr fuck da gubmint
>that one episode with a matriarchal planet
But that still makes the people who refuse to watch it for being "reddit" huge faggots. It was good, not amazing, but good.
Vietnam fought off Chinese invaders for the best part of a thousand years. Japan? Read some WW2 history you fucking retard,
OG skull soldier coming through!.
>Rape and genocide South andCentral America.
>Have to get the Brits in to build their infrastructure.
We built railways, roads, sewers, hospitals and schools EVERYWHERE that we conquered. The only things the Spanish built on the lands they conquered were corpse-pits and churches. So, yeah, better than you
Ooh, edgy. I like it.
>We built railways, roads, sewers, hospitals and schools EVERYWHERE that we conquered
The romans did the same and yet everyone loves them
Can't go wrong with masks and hoods.
what is the teradaya incident of video games
you can't prove this post isn't Veeky Forums related
I love sausages.
perhaps this too is a Veeky Forums good post
have more sausages
this time tell me how they taste
The Akatsuki uniform is pretty cool.
Bad guy uniforms are military uniforms,and military uniforms look cool
Additionally, lolsorandumb jokes and unironic "enlightened by my own intelligence" stuff from Rick
I mean when the native people are all dead from smallpox tearing down their totems and trying to convert them seems a wasted effort.
>tfw your descended from anglos and even you hate Britain.
you fucked over Australia when you showed up and you've been fucking it over ever since.
you fuckers shipped us off for petty crimes to a hellscape on crowded diseased boats, the rich fuckers with land make us kill off the indigenous populations, then send us too fucking Gallipoli. we are still technically part of your shitty monarchy.
>Maybe if we'd had a bit more of that kind of villainy in India
you no fuck all about history do you
also I personally prefer watching evil fucks faces as they dies but thats just a preference
You've just replaced the "its a sign of racial purity." thing he said, its still a skull. Its not even laid in a way it would say "We respect those that die for ohr people" its "Lol fuck you, die pls. We master killerzzz"
They basically cover your exact point in the skit.
>But is that how it comes across? It doesn't say next to the skull, y'know, "yeah we killed him, but trust us, this guy was horrid".
>>Well, no, but -
>I mean, what do skulls make you think of? Death, cannibals...beheading...um...pirates?
>>Pirates are fun!
>I didn't say we weren't fun, but, fun or not, pirates are still the baddies. I just can't think of anything good about a skull.
>>What about pure Aryan skull shape?
>Even that is more usually depicted with the skin still on.
It doesn't matter what the skulls are SUPPOSED to represent. No one is going to look at a skull and think "well, that fellow over there must be willing to put his life in danger for the sake of his people." What's going to be thought is "that's a baddie."
But by all means, stay butthurt, Nazifag.
Nobody FORCED your ancestors to be criminal scum, roo-shagger.
Nearly 3000 years later, sure. But closer to the time? Nah.
Stay salty Oz. Just keep on blaming the Brits. We've been fucking over Australia all this time? Nope doofus, that would be YOU. You've even got your own government, don't you?
Dapper ant soldiers.
It's edgy to think nazis were the bad guys though. Assuming you're educated on the matter beyond what your highschool teacher told you. You are, right?
Key to making a good bad guy uniform
1) uniformity: each class of baddy needs to all be similar in some way, same helmet, same color schemes something
2)anoniminity: baddies need to not have a human element to them, they need to be faceless and distant from
The rest of the world
3) functional yet flashy: every bit of theirs uniform needs to serve a very specific function while at the same time being flashy and weird. Example, the helghast drum magazine
Tell me about the Strogg. Why does he wear the mask?
It's really hard to defend people who used death camps, user.
Lord Daiman from Star Wars: Knight Errant.
I don't know, my college professor does a good job of it.
The guy on the right is pretty cool looking, from a certain point of view. But I've seen those hats, and they do not look that good IRL. The coats do, however.
God damn Kamen rider is badass. I really need to watch the new series.
You know, this makes me wonder. What does "bad guy" food look like? What is "Bad guy" food?
The holocaust was a pretty good meme, but it was a forced one. It's not real. Jews refused to bathe and got killed by typhus. They were forced to take showers and they said they were being gassed. They got lice and said the zyklon b was for killing them all. Many jews lived in ghettoes before the work camps, and had poor hygeine then. They would literally shit and piss on the road. That didn't magically change once they got put in a work camp. Which they were.
Man, the dark horse Star wars comics had some great villain attire art. See also: imperial guard uniforms, arakanian royalty regalia, and Kotor era Mandos. Each converting a different type of villain, and doing it well
The order is obvious British>Spanish>French>Americans>early Puritan colonists. In order of least evil to most evil. The Spanish at least didn't murder all the natives the way America straight up did or perpetuate slave states into the 1950s like France did.
not that guy but i have both of those pics in big mode
That's his problem.
off topic i guess but this photo was doctored to make him look handsome. He actually looked like this.
Neat, thanks brother.
It's not really doctored. The first one is just the second one after a bath and a shave. No one looks good in their mugshot and everyone looks better than normal in a portrait photo. Stalin was handsome but not always portrait photo handsome.
did the gays, political prisoners, gypsies etc also refuse to bathe and shit all over the street. Is that why they died in the death camps?
Nah he had bad pox marks on his face which were removed from the portrait. They are more visible in the mug shot.
Nah man it's all because of the Jews, if they'd just bathed no one would have ever died. :^)
>. The Spanish at least didn't murder all the natives the way America straight up did
Protip, mexicans are Spanish not native Mexicans. The Native societies were razed to the ground and shit worse than a lot of Native American laws were put into place to keep Native people from doing shit.
>did gypsies refuse to bathe and shit on the street
Gee, I dunno.
>Is that why they died in the death camps?
Work camps. And yes, please look up what typhus is.
>did gypsies also refuse to bathe and shit all over the street
Yes, have you ever met a gypsy?
And the political prisoners?