>all the good people on Veeky Forums have gone
Where did they go?
>all the good people on Veeky Forums have gone
Where did they go?
Other urls found in this thread:
The great game store in the sky.
We told them to go to /qst/
They did and now we're suffering for it.
Get back to your ghetto.
>Dude we need to bring back all the cancerous old "OC" and memes lmao
>remember "Love can Bloom" that was the pinnacle of art and definitely to a cringe fest
>let's just have DUMB FUN again
>Sir Bearington! Edgardo! lmao!
Nah, actually, fuck off.
Face the hard truth: at a fundamental level, an adult trying to have "childish fun" is just kind of cringey. Society has cucked us too hard for "fun for fun's sake" to be a worthwhile pursuit now. That's just willful ignorance to the culture war, and that makes you as bad as the people on the other side of it.
The old Veeky Forums was too dumb and too optimistic for its own good, and it got cucked because of it. Look at what happened to all your old "content creators:" they're all on tgchan or Tumblr or furaffinity now, because being a "content creator" on an anonymous board makes you an attention whore and they couldn't take the heat when board culture turned away from asspats. Fuck them. We don't need them, and we don't need more of them. Artists are attention whores, and the gateway drug to special snowflake culture.
The old Veeky Forums is never coming back. Your old fun is never coming back. The board is waking up to how bad the world outside is, and maybe the slow realization that everything you used to do for "fun" has turned to shit will motivate you to fight the real fight against this cuck society
Gone to graveyards every one
When will they ever learn
/pol/ plz go
>this is what questfags ACTUALLY believe
I dunno. Veeky Forums seems fine to me. I feel like this whole obsession with the idea that Veeky Forums used to be a much higher quality board is just born out of people only viewing Veeky Forums's past through archived threads, i.e. Threads good enough that someone bothered to archive them.
A couple months ago we had a thread where everyone acted like a caveman and it was fucking awesome. Say what you want about 40K, I love the lore discussions that happen on here, acting like a concentrated autism machine determined to synthesize an ideal narrative.
/tesg/ remains the best place to discuss the weird lore of the setting with people who aren't completely retarded about it.
They're still here.
You just don't notice them since there's more shitposters shitposting.
Not more shitposters per poster, mind, just more in general. And you notice shit more than gold.
Wrong. Wrong. Look, I get it, I liked Quest too, but they didn't represent the "best" of Veeky Forums. The people who did are the ones that made a real impact on the board by being passionate about the projects they did on here, including a few Quests. The people that did so much for the board that we had to give them names because they earned it. People like Shoggy, Mr. Blue Sky, Culexus Alfabusa. The ones that went out and did something for the board.
Of course, then we got cynical, called everything that wasn't a masterpiece trash, and basically made it unpleasant to be a Writefag or a Drawfag outside of their respective Generals, which in turn led to them leaving towards other communities that wouldn't Shit on them for being creative.
Even the new Love and Krieg, the most recent of writefag events, was constantly being Shit on by trolls. It was even called a Hugbox because people were smart enough not to respond to those trolls, and kept an upbeat positive attitude.
nah, I was one of the most anti quest posters here, if not THE most. I just didn't realize what an utter shithole the board would turn into without them.
I'm just biding my time until they come back and we can have some discussion beyond shitty bait threads.
Yes, we all believe you. Now you have to go back.
Questboards weren't any good, though. I don't get how you think having the entire board clogged with not!hentai threads was somehow a rung up in quality from what's on the board at this very moment even.
Fuck off
>Implying the rampant /pol/ shit and stories that never happened are any better than one or two anime quests
Quests aren't necessarily the problem, however the extreme oppositional reaction people have against quests does signify a greater mental sickness across the board. It speaks of an emotional dogma that is anathema to the productive thinking and creativity that certain minds on the board at capable of producing. Not simply Quests, but also Writing, Art, Animation, Videos, even Role-playing.
In other words, attitudes of people against quests, but not about quests are more likely to be harming the board than anything else.
Also I'm namefagging right now so feel free to get mad at that as well.
Well, yeah. They're actually a lot better.
The /pol/ stuff at least provides platforms for discussion about in-universe stuff, even if it's a really stupid way, and the stories-that-never-happened threads, again, contribute to actually discussing Veeky Forums related stuff on Veeky Forums
I'd rather read those threads, which are fairly occasional by comparison to the various generals and legitimate questions posed on the board right now.
Quests weren't "1 or 2" threads. They were the entire board. They covered the first several pages at all times, and finding anything not related to them was almost impossible while they were here.
I would much rather have /pol/tards who talk about Veeky Forums than /qst/ards who don't.
Nothing changed except for 10 fewer quest threads and 10 more non-quest threads at a given time. They were always just a scapegoat for "the cancer ruining Veeky Forums right now."
>quest people only do quests
Isn't this the argument you made about moving people over to quests because they could use more than one board?
Literally every wrong with people posting on the internet today in one post. Amazing. I hope you at least have the ability to recognize yourself as the cancer.
>The /pol/ stuff at least provides platforms for discussion about in-universe stuff
No, they fucking don't., they invariably derail into real world shit that clogs threads and kill discussion about anything that isn't /pol/./ Advocating /pol/ on Veeky Forums is good is not only hypocrisy of the highest order, but a pretty good indicator that you're one of the people causing the problem.
>The /pol/ stuff at least provides platforms for discussion about in-universe stuff
You don't get to talk about problems, quest-shitter.
>Quests weren't "1 or 2" threads. They were the entire board. They covered the first several pages at all times, and finding anything not related to them was almost impossible while they were here.
Wow. Do you believe the lies you spout?
"If you disliked Quests, you must dislike any creative effort put forth on Veeky Forums "
Fuck off, Wayne. I'll agree that Quests by themselves weren't the problem- But it sure as shit isn't people who don't like them. I have no problem with quests in theory- I just hated that that they swarmed 98% of the fucking board to the point that there was hardly any actual Veeky Forums discussion going on, it was JUST quests.
I'm an enormous writefag, and I love drawthreads, art, animation, videos, and roleplaying.
But I don't like quests. They were insular hugboxes that not only failed to actually produce anything worthwhile, they made it impossible to enjoy the board in any way other than Quests, because they were fucking -everywhere-.
The drawfags all unironically went to tumblr
You're an illiterate idiot. Not even an argument, just a purely objective observation.
>Questfag trying to change history
Sorry, no, I also remember how bad it was. Do you think we're stupid or something? It happened almost yesterday.
As opposed to quests, which didn't even start off as anything valuable to derail from.
I'm not advocating for /pol/ by any means, I'm saying I'd prefer /pol/ to /qst/. That's all.
>you must be a questfag to dislike /pol/
There is litteraly nothing wrong with most tumblr artists though.
Do you really not remember exactly that being the case? Because it was.
Speaking of shoggy, did he finally get sick of our bullshit and actually quit?
Why not be more upset that /pol/ came in the first place rather than defend /pol/?
I remember knowing how to filter and using a catalog.
I'm tired of arguing over whether quest should stay or go, but the threads that replaced quest threads have not been especially quality either. It's just more of the same shitty threads, spread over a wider area.
> this is what newfags actually believe
At this point the thread is beyond salvageable, so my one goal is to post Big, Obvious Shitposting, the kind that gets deleted regardless of what board it's posted on, and make the thread so utterly unbearable that it gets deleted it no one can stand being in here.
Look! PonyShit!
Because the discussion isn't about /pol/, it's about quests. If someone asked me to compare Veeky Forums as it is now with /pol/, and Veeky Forums as it was with quests, I'd prefer Veeky Forums as it is now.
For all that you whinge about /pol/, it's NOWHERE near as prevalent and overwhelming as quests were. If you think they're really so shit and bad, I can only assume it's because you actually give enough of a shit about other people's political opinions that it bothers you to read them, which is retarded.
I don't mind if /pol/ people come here, and I honestly wouldn't mind a COUPLE quests on the board, but I fucking hated that for every 1 Veeky Forums thread, there were 9 quest threads, whereas with /pol, it's more the opposite, with one nonsense /pol/ thread being present for every 9 Veeky Forums threads.
>using The Trump Strategem
So in other words; You completely remember it being that way. Glad we cleared that up.
But did you buttfuck your dog today user?
Don't reply to that guy.
You could, if you weren't retarded, trivially filter quests.
Can't do that for /pol/.
And I have to disagree. There was a time where Veeky Forums was filled with quests, but I could at least have threads and discussions that didn't devolve into quests. The same cannot be said about threads today post-/pol/. Even dumb constants like Character Art threads regularly devolve into /pol/posting.
What are you doing. Just ignore him.
Those who cant handle being anonymous on an anonymous image board can go and hang themselves.
I really fucking hate you, Wayne.
Yeah! It only encourages his ego-stroking behavior and constant meta-bullshit.
Quite a few of them went to 8/tg/, although I don't think they're all still there (or that the ones who left came back here).
Mostly, though, everyone just got jaded. Veeky Forums was infected with the plague of pretentiousness that's gotten the rest of the site, where people think hating everything makes your tastes refined. The general exuberance of the 2012 era is gone, and all that's left are fags like .
Seriously. Just report and ignore.
To places where they can be internet attention whores. We got rid of nearly the all tripfags and namefags. And thats good riddance.
It only looks so bad after questers left because questfags literally ran everyone else off the board.
It got so bad at one point that gamefinder nearly died because of the drama questfaggots were starting because they percieved that people who actually played games were the threat.
>People STILL insisting that quests were good
You literally cannot even refute the argument that if quests were so good, why is /qst/ dead?
>B-because /qst/ doesn't have the user volume
But if you are relying on views for quests to be good, that would imply that more (you)'s is indicative of topic/post quality, which is obviously NOT the case in reality.
Veeky Forums is much the same as it was before. There are still the dumb cunts arguing about different RPG systems, there are still the shiteating mongoloids arguing about politics where it isn't relevant, there are still the same sex-crazed motherfuckers who turn everything into a fetish. But despite all of that, there are still those rare threads where an user has a good idea, several people come together and make something decent, enjoyable even.
The only real difference is that there isn't so much cataloguing of it now, less people trying to dump these projects onto somewhere like 1d4chan and trying to act as project 'leaders'. Personally? I prefer things decentralised, how many of these 'projects' got past the phase where something could actually be done with them? DTD40k is the only example of something that comes to mind which is actually usable. The rest just stick around as reference points for people to go 'remember when Veeky Forums was good?
Veeky Forums was never good
I dunno. The only threads I see that get completely taken over by /pol/ are ones that are clearly /pol/bait to begin with. On your average post, you'll have only a handful of /pol/sters making commentary, of which only another handful is actually blatant enough to not contribute in any way to the topic-at-hand.
I'll agree though, that I've had a couple threads that had genuinely interesting premises that were ruined by /pol/ derailment, and it sucked when it happened.
Thank you! Your reactions and lack thereof are all appreciated. I'll be doing this all night.
And while I'm at it, can we take the opportunity to stat some airplane food, so we can finally find out what the deal with it is?
Actually, reporting would be a good idea at this point, because the mods look at the context of the thread and would probably find it easier just to delete the whole thing.
Though in most normal circumstances I advocate against reporting and simply ignoring, because us being dependant on mods is actually what's gotten us into this situation in the first place. The board would be a lot better if we self-moderated and could ignore bait.
Close. The same guys that ran the questfags off the board had already been at work running off anyone that produced OC, and have been working on it ever since they won their first big victory.
Metathreads about subjective taste and board culture will bring them back for sure maf.
>muh OC ;_;
Your 'original content' that is nothing made up of ripped off cliches from other stories and memes is hardly original, nor was it good.
Thread reply count is not indicative of thread quality, as you can see with /pol/ bait threads
>You literally cannot even refute the argument that if quests were so good, why is /qst/ dead?
Because most people who played quest threads where normal Veeky Forums window shoppers who just click on threads that interest them.
Ok folks, my work here is done. The thread has been set to Sage mode and is no longer affected by normal Bump rules. It'll hit the archives as if it had already hit bump limit.
While the hyperbole is rediculous, there is a grain of truth to the idea that Veeky Forums quests were made by and involved people with creativity (note the lack of /a/ or other quests from other boards). If they weren't creative they wouldn't have tried their hands at quests.
Veeky Forums has a pretty good track record of chasing off people with creative input, and when you chase them off, even if they COULD come back, they have no reason to give creative input into a board that clearly hates them for whatever reason. So yes, there is a correlation, but it isn't the one you are making.
Buddy, CYOA is alive and well. Tower Girls is up right now. People were talking about a "Reimagine DC Superheroes as Eldritch Abominations" type deal a while back, too, no idea if fruit will bear from that.
I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about when you suggest OC-producing people have been driven off the board.
Tabletop, at its conceptual core, is an OC-driven hobby, be it from painting your dudes to building your world. You'll never get rid of content production on Veeky Forums so long as there are people interested in tabletop on Veeky Forums.
They couldn't prove those lies then, and they can't prove them now. It was an awfully long yesterday ago.
Disregard that, I suck cocks
Not defending quests, but /qst/ is dead because individual quests got popular when anons did their own thing on their own board, and happened to see a quest that seemed interesting and/or relevant to your interests. Very few people ever went looking for quests to follow, or went to Veeky Forums specifically because of quests.
Honestly, /qst/ would be alive if you could "advertise" your quest on other boards/threads. Like pop over to Exalted General and tell them that that you're running a quest on /qst/ about a newly exalted Infernal, or go over to /m/ and tell them you're running a quest about Gundam. You know, the most basic, unobtrusive way to inform people that don't browse /qst/ but would probably care about your quest.
>implying that there is literally no corellation between something being good and something being popular
Don't be dumb.
>dead in 50 posts
So creative, so OC.
See example. Pretentious fags likes this, who balk at any sort of OC in some effort to prove they're above it all. This is the cancer that largely killed creativity on Veeky Forums.
I do, actually. I'm the Bisexual Polyamorous Namefagging Ego-stroking Bait-poster. My very existence is cancer and anyone who does try to insult me will find it rather difficult to do so.
I've even canonically stated that I have a Trap BF and a GF.
Yup. Most people aren't any good at creating content.
The exact same thing is true of quests.
You can't bottle lightning, at least not on purpose. It either happens or it doesn't. Be happy when it does, and don't sweat it when it doesn't. If you get some hairbrained scheme to try and force it, go ahead and fuck off because you'll only set things back.
Also, qst's a CYOA's I bet all the newfags don't even remember the /jp/ CYOA that spawned them, you literally fucked it up over here.
>implying that there is literally no corellation between something being good and something being popular
There isn't.
The correlation is between something being popular and something being palatable to a wide audience.
That is not synonymous with quality, it's closer to having a correlation with appeal.
Things of high quality are generally palatable to a wide audience, user, as quality is very appealing.
This is why the quests with the highest quality had more (you)s.
How do you explain niche things that never became popular?
>Things of high quality are generally palatable to a wide audience
Niche things are niche.
Wow, you are the cancer killing tg
Also, the fact you are using e-celebs as a reaction image shows you're a degenerate questfag with shit taste.
Next time you try to argue for the quality of quest threads don't expose your own awful taste while doing so.
I don't know, when things are of good quality people won't bitch about them.
Veeky Forums drawthread is no worse than any other since they all have too many requests compared to artists, but besides that, it doesn't have constant shitposting.
Other content producing ones like world building or custom card general also do fine.
Even for roleplay, threads dedicated to systems or game finder can help, their only issue being that most started using discord, killing activity.
Hey now, he might just be an underage
I'd have to have some specific examples to say for certain, but if I were a betting man, I'd say that it was due to momentum. Niche things are good at retaining an audience, but not that good at attracting one. If something is too niche, it never gets that critical mass of audience to keep it running smoothly.
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel there if you're looking for things to complain about, user, but I'll make sure to keep that in mind.
hi /pol/
except for most of the quest runners getting assravaged that filters existed and purposely not putting quest in the title to bypass filters.
When can we get MTG moved to /toy/?
Not even remotely similar, questfag.
Oh I just don't like things that aren't table top games. MTG is handheld.
8/tg/ is unfortunately dead or almost dead. I blame the crazies on 8/pol/ and /v/. Ruined any chance of having an influx of healthy new players and posters.
Having ran the math at most there was 23 quests active at most. Most dying and falling off the board due to it being ran at night.
On average you had 10-15. Warhammer was closer to something like 30-35 at all times and I found it far more cancer then any quest.
It still burns me to this day that /intl/ was right all along. 8gag could not run away from Veeky Forums's issues, and ended up just as flawed and transient and imperfect.
I'd honestly rather have "childish fun" than sit around as a cynical adult, bitter and angry because they changed themselves for a society that still views them with contempt.
Veeky Forums has gotten worse with each passing season, until we're now at a point where a single troll can spam the catalog with multiple D&D hate threads and each one somehow manages to get over 150 posts because people are so bored that they'll reply to practically anything.
Fucking /v/ has more in depth discussion than this fucking place, and that's sad.
I used to be one of the more prolific content creators on Veeky Forums (you probably have some of the things that I made on your hard drive right now), but around 2014 I started getting the feeling that the mods weren't very comfortable with homebrew. I think that was around the time we had a mod that really loved flagging threads for autosage.
The banning of quest threads (and the way the mod who created /qst/ pretended that he was interested in user feedback but then ignored every post) was a clear signal that Veeky Forums was only for officially-licensed fun.
You'd better post proof then.
Here's the thing, if you're not on here posting threads about bait, D&D, WH40K, MtG, or how /qst/ is the best/worst thing to happen; your thread is going to sink to the bottom of the catalog while the 17th daily D&D thread reaches bump limit.
There's no point in having genuine discussion because all anyone ever pays attention to is how everything is ruining Veeky Forums.
>thread is set to autosage
OP, you should probably make a new thread.