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>How to Jumpchain
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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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On a scale of 1-10 how bad an idea is giving the mad scientist necromancy and her homunculus "son" a soul-sword?
Sounds fine to me.
How realistic do you try to keep things in your chain?
Stupid OP, Gilgamesh is best boy
Not all that much.
Realism is for suckers, I ain't a sucker.
I basically jump/write my chain like what I'd do if I were actually jumping, so pretty much as realistic as it gets.
Astolfo is best boy?
The entire premise is unrealistic. Why shouldn't I embrace that?
I try, but there's only so many pages in my notebook I can fill up with mystic symbols of magical math trying to figure out how to convert the soul of a demonic entity from beyond space and time into a Coin to slot into my Kamen Rider belt before I look crazy.
But I do try to look at things logically as I write events in my chain.
>mystic symbols of magical math trying to figure out how to convert the soul of a demonic entity from beyond space and time into a Coin to slot into my Kamen Rider belt before I look crazy.
The math itself is crazy, all you're going to get are irrational numbers.
Astolfo is best girl (male)
Suspension of disbelief is raped every few weeks.
real...istic? What is that and how can I wank it to work for me?
Mordred is best boy (female)
Pretty realistic, given that my first jump is a complete disaster that leads to me going somewhat insane due to Sea Hitler TPKing and Clusterspritefusion and afterwards taking about a fifty jumps to get back to being someone that can actually pass for a normal complete wreck, rather than a living disaster in both senses of the word.
Look, Caster Gil is attractive because he's not a huge jerk, Archer Gil can fuck off in the other direction and never return. I'll headpat and play checkers with KoGil anyday too. Prototype Gil...eh. As long as he doesn't try to end humanity by calling the primordial flood I'll be chill with him.
Travelers tell me of the time you could not fulfill a goal or request of another.
Tell me of when friends fell on the battlefield like wheat before a scythe, never able to be healed by your hand nor brought back from death by the mercy of The Gods.
Tell me of when despite your grand power you where unable to shift nations, move mountains, nor create stars within the sky.
Tell me when your defiance bore no fruit, poisoned the land around you, and simply brought you to sorrow.
So, are there any thoughts on my changes to the jump? I think it got missed with the Shirou discussion at the end of the last thread; I should have waited for the new thread.
I'm particularly anxious to see what people think of the new perk I have for the Human (Drop-In) capstone; I think I neatly avoided the big issue i ran into the last time, but I want to make sure people are okay with it.
Jalter is a cute girl (female), Jannu is good too, I suppose.
Well, I posted Cater!Gil for a reason
Realistic? Hell no. Maintaining suspension of disbelief?...sometimes. It's harder for some places than others.
Of course! The trick is turning the odd irrational numbers into Norse runes and even irrational numbers into Egyptian Hieroglyphics, then multiplying them together and adding them to the strength of the entity's soul.
After that is the hard part though. Converting it all into Cosmic Energy metrics is the real bitch.
That's an impressive trap, but I still like the twins from Overlord better.
I'm not of the mindset that realism=automatically good, so probably not very unless I can make it an interesting challenge that doesn't curb my fun.
Realistic? Not at all
Internally consistent? I try.
Here's My build for Dragon Ball Multi-verse.
Uhm, that picture was not a trap, I just wanted to post a cute anime girl
>Jumper, Jumper, and Jumper
Looks good to me, bamafam. Not my Jumper's cup of tea, but good.
Changed your name I see.
I wish more of the thread was as dedicated.
Is it intentional that Drop-in Humans get two items free, while Local humans gain none?
Mirror Prison - It's location in the list (between two items discounted to the same origin) makes it appear that it should be discounted for Panthalassa, but it doesn't mention it.
That's not a trap though?
No, it's not intentional - I meant for the Motorcycle to be for Local Human. Thanks for pointing it out!
I made a similar mistake with Mirror Prison; it's supposed to be discounted for Panthalassa.
I don't put anything past anime anymore.
>girl (male)
This literal faggot shit has to stop.
...Sounds too reasonable for a jumper.
How is that "dedicated"?
Have you seen Symphogear lately.
The alchemists literally have larger boobs than half the heroines. And two of them started as male.
He puts up a different variation every couple threads though.
> not wanting to gently suck her feminine penis
What are you, gay?
The new season's out already?
Dedicated to realism, to the idea that not everything should go your way, that there is no "main character" in life, and that it's boring to treat Jumpchain as a simplistic wish-fulfillment power fantasy where nothing goes wrong and everybody loves jumper.
Dedicated as in thought was put into it instead of just going with the flow?
Something something Common Sense something something Super Power.
One of my two very, very minor super powers from before I started Jumping.
Sorry, my mistake - I meant that I was looking for thoughts on my new capstone for the Local Human; what's now the capstone for Drop-Ins was what used to be the capstone for Humans in general.
If you post something like a combo either it gets nerfed or the thread devolves into an arguing shitfest to acream about why it would or would not work. Usually both.
Those are dudes in literal lady bodies though, that's transgender. Traps are dudes in dude bodies who just look so feminine you mistake them for girls.
"Two bombs were not enough."
That's not realism, though. Nor is it "realistic".
I don't think I'd term Crona as a trap even if Crona is a guy. He (She?) is just inherently androgynous to the point that no one can figure out their gender.
>not knowing about the ukiyo-e
>not knowing about The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife
But it is a wish fulfillment power fantasy.
Polandball jump when?
It's more realistic than everything going swimmingly. At least there's some thought put into English's chain beyond "who from this setting do I want to fuck?"
Those weren't anime though, that's called folklore.
They did not have cat-girls squealing "kawaii uguu" before America irradiated the hell out of them.
The thread shits on many things that have effort put into it, but that doesn't change that it's dedicated.
Fuck no. That's gay.
I'd rather a SATW jump. That would at least be somewhat entertaining
B-but I'm trying to win the prize of "Best Shitposter 2017"
I can't let it go so easily...
While the post-war reconstruction efforts were a contributing factor due to exposure, it was dear old Walt Disney that started everything.
I rather be a ball for 10 years
No, it's fucking not. "Grimdarkness" is not realism, this shitty meme needs to die. It's not "realistic" to literally be handed the keys to success and fail utterly. It's not "realistic" to be offered opportunity for improvement beyond comprehension and remain an unremarkable everyman/woman. It's not "realistic" to suddenly become sane in 500 years when you couldn't in a few decades. Everything going disastrously is just as unrealistic as everything going swimmingly.
I knew that Mickey Mouse Bullshit was to blame.
Talking about it, would you guys like a "How to raise a boring girlfriend" jump?
Just curious
>Not gay
Sure? A jump is better than no jump I guess.
I- wait, what?
Fuck it, I'm down.
Why not, I have no idea what that is but kuuderes and danderes are best type of girls so go ahead and don't forget imports
Yes, but it's less gay than Hetalia. And more entertaining.
Also, fuck you Tera
>to the idea that not everything should go your way, that there is no "main character" in life
We literally have plot armor perks, though. It's also kind of hard to argue that there's no "main character" when the entire premise consists of "and then an omipotent being picks you up and empowers you however the fuck it wants because it's bored and wants to watch you".
The nukes didn't introduce the tentacles and princesses summoning giant spooky skeletons and huge eyes and uncomfortable lesbian subtext.
Then you got the shin-hanga and sosaku-hanga, you got the shunga, kibyoushi, and THEN you got the shojo magazine pictures from the 20's, and wouldn't you know it there's all the classic 'hot springs episode' gags and more.
It's all been going on for so much longer.
I mean Italy sure, but Scandinavia and the world is clearly more gay more obviously than any of that crap
This can only end well, go for it!
Never seen/read it, but just based on the title and a bit of google, I desire to know more.
That is a surprisingly cute pic.
The mere existence of plot armor perks doesn't excuse the sin of writing a mary sue, especially when the jumper doesn't have any such perks.
>Temperature of Love (400 PPP, Discount Human)
>You can resist and snap out of mind control effects, whether magical, psionic, technological, or mundane
>Furthermore, by launching just a single physical attack on the source of the magic, you can dispel all effects of the spell on its victims.
Is it intentional that punching the source only works when the mind control is magical?
It's a damn cute comic the artist has a great command of iconographic character design, but it is hell'a gay.
A sin you can't hope to escape. Not in this place.
Just don't write a Mary Sue? It's not that hard user.
I'm pretty sure you guys only want the girls, but five (You)s are enough for me.
I'm claiming 'How to raise a boring girlfriend' jump.
Dunno when I will get it done.
who dat with the red shirt
I've got all the girls I need. But I'm totally down with spending ten years making visual novels in a normal world.
Oh no, you've been singled out by an omnipotent dick and given special powers! How can any author hope to avoid writing a mary sue under such conditions? It's not like they're lazy, or lack imagination, and so resort to base power fantasies - the framing device literally allows them no other option!
the personification of Denmark
Define "Mary Sue", user.
>who dat with the red shirt
When you're a half-dragon Nobody with psychic powers and a Sharingan, no matter how much you struggle, the only person who knows you're not a Sue will be you.
And if nobody but you knows something, isn't it you who's 'wrong?'
I mean, isn't it? I still have yet to see write-fagging here that didn't feature what seemed to me, to be a Mary Sue.
I'm going to level here: By the time I'd gotten round to actively writing things out for my chain, "do a backlip off a missile while your Stand takes out the robot dog with a squeaky hammer" was a sensible, well thought out and justified strategy.
I try for realism, but from a very unrealistic starting point. The problem is the issues I'm trying to communicate are pretty incomprehensible to begin with. For example, the reason why my Jumper loathes his Exaltation in particular is because long before having actual Charms, he was afraid of his own charisma perks doing much worse than Desus to people who mattered.
I don't know if it's a futile cause.
Here's the bleak truth: When the chips were down and Chakravartin was about to grab Mithra, Elodie pushed him out of the way instead. He was pissed he grabbed the wrong vessel. I was. Just. Pissed.
And yet-even after I bypassed his trial, when the chips were down and we beat several shades of shit out of the golden bastard.
I was the one who started flagging in stamina first. There wasn't any eureka moment of defeat, I just...got left behind.
Maybe because melancholy is hard to sustain through a prolonged bout.
Maybe because Chakravartin knew me better than I thought. I don't know, when you're beaten and bleading in an event horizon things seem simpler than they are.
At some point from lying prone on the "ground", I landed a solid golden ratio shot in the back. And Elodie fought her own way free.
In the end, the most I could do was another sneak attack in the crotch when he tripped over my prone body. And the Creator almost strangled me with his bare hands before a fist halved his head and sword-birds impaled his heart.
It was the first I'd lost a fistfight in countless centuries. So. Yeah, that one stood out.
Er...there are other things to do here than raising a boring girlfriend right?
I'm with Yoro on this, I've got plenty of interesting girlfriends already.
The more powerful a character is, the more chance their actions have to affect the narrative's events. The more they affect the events, the more the story becomes about them. The more the story becomes about them, the more Sue-like they seem, even if they're missing most of the other traits.
And because this character is new, they don't have the weight of myth or history in the eyes of the reader.
>omnipotent dick
great wank.
Somebody who wins at everything forever with no chance of lasting failure?
Good thing I'm not a half dragon anything and I don't have your googly eyes.
How much writefagging do you actually see that isn't from the same namefags? I think the Orc or Kobold native that ended up dying wasn't much of a Sue at all.
Indeed I am!
Even then I think it's avoidable. Mary Sues aren't when the story is all about them, it's when the story is all about them for no good reason. When characters are focused on this one guy to the detriment of all other interactions or concerns. If the character's inserted into the events in an organic fashion, where they have a reason for their power to involve them in the key parts of the story, that's fine. But if they're just there, hogging the screentime from characters who have a greater emotional investment in what's going on, then it's definitely a Mary Sue.
If you care about this so much why don't you just do your own chain where you can lose as much as you want
Be realistic, what exactly are you achieving right now? Berating other people is more likely to make them keep doing the thing you don't like out of resentment against you
>Er...there are other things to do here than raising a boring girlfriend right?
>I'm with Yoro on this, I've got plenty of interesting girlfriends already.
Well, the plot starts when asshole otaku meets pic related and decides to make a Visual Novel out of her.
But he doesn't know jack shit about doing things, so he recruits other girls that are into him and know what to do.
Shenanigans, problems, drama, and some character development around it.
I can already see the recruitment , talent and inspiration perks
As well as the emotional suffering drawback
Well, that was because, seeing as the series is a magical girl-themed setting, all of the examples in the canon involve magic. I guess I was just thinking of one notable example (see the pictures) when I was writing out that part of the perk. It should still work if the source isn't magical.