Hiro says we can have a metathread to talk about board problems. Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums, does this mean that the people trying to get generals and CYOAs kicked off the board will finally shut up?
Veeky Forums metathread
>does this mean that the people trying to get generals and CYOAs kicked off the board will finally shut up?
Hopefully. Odds are they'll just find something else to whine about anyway.
Also if we do get quests back, I hope he'll also punt all those anime quests back to /a/ where they belong.
It would be nice.
People need to learn how to filter or just ignore things they're not interested in instead of trying to get them banned.
Good god I hope generals don't get kicked off the board, the last thing I want is the front page being composed of 5 DnD threads and 5 40k threads FOREVER.
I wouldn't mind CYOA threads as much if they'd stop trying to circumvent filters.
Question: Do you think increased shitposting surveillance by the mods improves the board, or makes it worse?
Veeky Forums was better when we didn't have dedicated moderation and only guro and CP were deleted.
The problem with a board-specific mod is that the things they consider Veeky Forums-related aren't necessarily the same things that other neckbears consider Veeky Forums-related. It's natural to think that your opinions are correct, since they're your opinions.
I'm filtering 15 40k threads right now.
I'm not saying that the moderation can't turn bad, but I have to say I only noticed positive instances of moderation in the last months.
You need some level of moderation with Veeky Forums as it is now. Blatant shitposts should be deleted.
Ignoring them doesn't make them stop taking up space. Besides if the quest board can't stand on its own that says a fucking lot about the quality of the content, and Veeky Forums is already over burdened with shit.
Christ, do not bring back quests. The board being worse without them is a fucking meme - sure there are shit threads you see more often, but only because there aren't constantly bumped part 101 anime slut quests pushing them off the board.
The only way you should bring back quests is if shit like anime universe quest X or comic book quest Y actually sit on the relevant boards, not on Veeky Forums.
I actually don't like generals, though I just think they isolate discussion, but I gotta agree with , just y'know, ignore the shit you don't like instead of sperging about them and trying to get them banned
Worse, defiantly worse
Veeky Forums's a lot less chill than it was, and ironically I think it attracts more shitposting than it stops cause now people think they can shitpost until the whole thread/subject they don't like is gone
Honestly that's not the issue, the issue is that bans are too easy to dodge so deleting shitposts and handing out bans for it solves nothing
>Ignoring them doesn't make them stop taking up space
>Taking up space
Can you please explain this idea?
I've always been of the opinion that unless you're spamming threads, if a thread falls off the board that means it lacked enough interest to keep discussion going
Urr durr generals are bad cos Veeky Forums is bad mmmkay. Fuck off. Generals on Veeky Forums for the most part stay on topic and actually discuss about the game. They are good starting resource for newbs. Stop complaining if your lolrandumb may may threads got 2 replies and bumped off.
Every time this post gets a (You) a questfag dies.
Yeah that's real enlightened of you except the fuckers intentionally don't label them so they can be snide when someone asks them to.
>The only way you should bring back quests is if shit like anime universe quest X or comic book quest Y actually sit on the relevant boards, not on Veeky Forums.
Sounds good to me. /qst/ is dead because the people who play them don't play all quests, they only play one or two specific quests because those are the only ones they're interested in, and the number of people browsing /qst/ is so small that many quests can't attract any users. It would make sense for the comic book quests to go on /co/ and the haremshit to go on /a/.
>Can you please explain this idea?
He probably means that by using the catalog he misses epic Veeky Forums thread derails.
>Yeah that's real enlightened of you except the fuckers intentionally don't label them so they can be snide when someone asks them to.
Besides the one questfag that you have a screencap of bragging about filter dodging, can you point to anyone else that intentionally mislabeled their thread to avoid filters?
>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums
Fuck no, I hope not. Keep the quests off Veeky Forums. I don't care what you do with generals but keep quests to their own board.
>Can you please explain this idea?
There are a limited amount of threads on the board at any given time? I get what you're saying with the falling off bit, but more recurring threads mean that's going to come quicker, and the amount of people needed to keep a thread on a reasonable page isn't all that high if they have an immediate purpose like those participating in a quest. If only a handful of people are interested in a shitty quest that's enough, exempting them from that quality control mechanism.
It can take some time for a thread to get going, for the right people to notice it and generate discussion and interest. Adding additional repeating filler content means that people with more niche topics itching their brains will either have to resort to shameless bumping in the hopes the right people notice them (which could in and of itself hurt the thread), or pray they don't get pruned before their temporary buddies get off work on the other side of the world.
Oh and the absolutely toxic attitude from both sides of the quest divide on the subject is going to crank up the shitposting something fierce.
Remember when questfags said "If you take quests off Veeky Forums, then Veeky Forums will die!"?
Well get fucked, questshits.
>if a thread falls off the board that means it lacked enough interest to keep discussion going
Maybe merge every Veeky Forums board into one mega board, then? That way only the most popular content gets discussed, while more niche intrests quickly fade into obscurity.
A thread falling to page 10 or 11 doesn't mean it lacks interest. Many threads that are currently up have been very low on the catalog at some point, but they've come back which wouldn't have happened if there were numerous quest threads to take up space. Quests aren't Veeky Forums and there is no point in bringing them back. What's the problem of them being on their own containment board, anyway?
>front page
But why not browse from the catalog?
Fuck quests, stay in your containment board.
Nice try questshit, nobody wants you here, nobody ever wanted you here, stay the fuck out forever.
Alright, everyone shove off. The mods have taken a new approach where they sage meta threads, push them off the front page, then 404 them as soon as they archive.
This is incredibly lazy, and really just shows how much they like dealing with these kinds of threads, as well as Veeky Forums in general.
Long story short, the mods are the problem because they delete some things, but ultimately not enough, which makes the board dependant on them for moderation we won't ever get.
The mods either need to step up their game and take a direct interest in how Veeky Forums is managed instead of mitigating complaints, and interact with the board more, taking input in order to better manage things here
Mods need to cut Veeky Forums loose, let us go to absolute shit, and then let the board users themselves pick up the pieces and rebuild the community, without their interference, and let Veeky Forums self-moderate.
Because seeing only the first post of a thread tells you nothing about the quality of the discussion within?
it's almost like that turns threads into insular little hugboxes rather than organic open forums
Just like we said at the beginning. There aren't enough quests and they never move with enough speed to warrant their own board. Generals, threads, and collaborative games on a board about collaborative games is where things should have stayed. The split was stupid. There was no noticeable difference in thread quality or number and most quests are now dead outside of maybe six.
I get your point, though I suppose I never really considered it an issue because even during the height of shitty quests on Veeky Forums I never saw a thread I liked get pushed off board until after it degenerated into a few anons bumping it in a desperate attempt to keep discussion going
Veeky Forums never really seemed to move fast enough for that to be a concern for me though
Hyperbole aside, I said nothing about quests, I actually don't like them on Veeky Forums, don't like them period for that matter, (very) early on quests had enough effort put into them to be worthwhile but now they're mostly drivel, I'm mostly just asking about that because I've seen that mindset used to justify people complaining about actually Veeky Forums related threads, particularly if they're about something the complainer thinks should be part of a general or doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
I'm gonna need an explanation for this thought process too
>Mods ever giving up power
>Self-moderation leading to anything else than /pol/ or some other outside influence systematically taking over
It's a good plan in theory, but in practice it and Veeky Forums along with it would fall apart and never recover.
How new are you?
Keep quests contained. If they can't survive on their own that's not our fucking problem. I can't think of anything worse than spreading that cancer all over the site.
>responding to it
Don't do that.
Veeky Forums was fairly good at self moderation in the past, mind you we seems to have enough of a population of shitposters here now that I'm not sure it'll work again
>I'm gonna need an explanation for this thought process too
Different user, I'm the guy you responded to up top. I literally own godlike because of several posts I saw from the ore general. Ran 2 one offs in it, planning a 3rd, and looking into the mech rules for wild talents I believe.
I would have never opened that thread for a system I had no reason to be interested in if not for some of its posts catching my eye.
I'm for either option. I'm all for a Mod willing to spend time on the board and learn exactly the sort of bullshit unique to the board that needs to get deleted.
Besides that, us going full /pol/ without having mods to tattle on would hopefully toughen up the community and make us the equivalent to /b/ veterans. Half the problem is the board being too sensitive and autistic, looking to authority to solve problems instead of dealing with it themselves.
I've been on the board since the beginning, and I'm still saying all of this. How new are you?
>Hyperbole aside, I said nothing about quests, I actually don't like them on Veeky Forums, don't like them period for that matter, (very) early on quests had enough effort put into them to be worthwhile but now they're mostly drivel, I'm mostly just asking about that because I've seen that mindset used to justify people complaining about actually Veeky Forums related threads, particularly if they're about something the complainer thinks should be part of a general or doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
Fair enough, I agree with you about the mindset of complaining about actual Veeky Forums content. Quests are a completely different matter from threads outside generals where they might belong, but many treat these issues like they're somehow intimately related.
Hey bro, you that guy from the other thread? Sweet!
Keep this up and maybe we can turn this into another "why does Veeky Forums keep shilling Strike?" Like it is with strikefag.
Quests should stay off Veeky Forums forever!
Attempts to meme them back in will fail.
>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums
Source or fuck off
I'm pretty sure 'Generals=Quests' as a concept was perpetuated by questfags trying to justify getting their cancer back onto this board.
>Besides that, us going full /pol/ without having mods to tattle on would hopefully toughen up the community and make us the equivalent to /b/ veterans. Half the problem is the board being too sensitive and autistic, looking to authority to solve problems instead of dealing with it themselves.
That would be true if /pol/ was the only player in the Veeky Forums invasion game. The problem is, that wherever /pol/ goes, anti-/pol/ follows. Veeky Forums would just descend into a battlefield of /pol/ vs anti-/pol/ just like every other community they invade.
The only cancer was from /a/ getting their panties in a twist such that the mod team decided that stuffing all the quests onto one board was a good idea. Put quests back on the boards their content aligns with. Veeky Forums stuff to Veeky Forums, /a/ stuff to /a/, etc.
That makes a fuckload of sense, actually. Why are questfags so hellbent on bringing their shit back to Veeky Forums?
Keep them contained. They don't deserve to parasite off better boards, let them live or die on their own merits.
If questfags spent half as much effort trying to build their community instead of acting like a bunch of petulant fucknuts, I bet /qst/ would be doing fine.
>when did you realize D&D was garbage?
>[generic anime character] gets dropped into the 40K universe, what happens?
>what are Yuan-Ti like in your setting?
>what is [generic anime character]'s alignment?
>childhood is [thing you like], adulthood is [thing I like]
I weep for Veeky Forums's state. I mean, I hide these threads and move on with my life, but these people are not confined to their shitty threads. They are everywhere.
1) they're hoping to drown /pol/ in Quests
2) Quests are like Filename threads. They're not always good, and are more often lacking in quality, but they depend on having a board to help support them. /qst/ is like someone trying to create a /fnm/ board for all filename threads.
No. Keep all of that shit off the board.
How the fuck are you supposed to build a community when you can't link it anywhere else on site, there's no banner linking to the board, and idiots like you think that autistically shilling will magically bring in new blood to quests that are already established?
Not our problem if you've made such a toxic impression on the rest of the board nobody will tolerate yours hit. Maybe not being so obnoxious for a while might make it easier to convince people you're not all whiny little shitstains crying about being given their own fucking board.
God, you questfags are so fucking entitled.
>Quests are like Filename threads. They're not always good, and are more often lacking in quality, but they depend on having a board to help support them. /qst/ is like someone trying to create a /fnm/ board for all filename threads.
So what you're saying is that quests cannot survive on their own, need a host and are more often than not detrimental in nature? Lmao, they really are parasites.
>Oh and the absolutely toxic attitude from both sides of the quest divide on the subject is going to crank up the shitposting something fierce.
Oh hey it already started. Show of hands, who wants this in every thread?
>Okay, here's why we can't
Anti-questfag logic at its finest
>If questfags spent half as much effort trying to build their community instead of acting like a bunch of petulant fucknuts, I bet /qst/ would be doing fine.
/qst/'s board rules actively prevent community building. All threads have to be a quest. It's the board equivalent of a gaming store's playing area, a big room full of tables and chairs where 99% of the people that show up are there to interact with their gaming group and ignore everyone else in the room.
Instead of having a dozen threads about Dungeons and Dragons or Warhammer, they all need to be kept in their respective General Threads. Veeky Forums would benefit from a Veeky Forums style of organization due to the sheer number of games that are Veeky Forums related. All things pertaining to Warhammer go into a generic Warhammer thread, whether its army building, lore discussions, or waifu posting. All things Dungeons and Dragons go into a general D&D thread regardless of edition, lore, character building, etc. Have an Armor and Weapons General Thread for autists. So on and so forth. Veeky Forums as a board is too niche an interest to have all the posters spread out so thinly across fifty different threads; threads which could easily be culled down to ten or fifteen.
Yes, you're fucking entitled, because you're acting like that's our fucking problem. Go beg Moo2 for a /qst/ metathread and figure this shit out for yourselves. You are no longer welcome here.
>regardless of edition
oh sweet user you know nothing
Nobody is stopping you from linking your threads.
>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums,
He banned Virt days after he took over this Mongolian Charcoal Cave Painting Forum, I don't want him to fuck up this bad after such a great start.
Oh yes
well that sounds like something they should sort out now doesn't it?
People will either learn to stop being autistic yeah right or they will at least have their autism contained to a single thread.
I was around for the stickies when /qst/ rolled out, frankly I'm surprised the mods got talked out of only allowing the thread OP to post images. IIRC there was something like 4 mod posts total throughout the week or so that the feedback sticky was up.
And that gives you the right to improve your community at the expense of the other boards?
Better than /pol/ Shit. It's really the leaser of two evils.
I don't see how this is any board other than /qst/'s problem though.
>Now that Hiro has said he'll "think about" allowing quests back on Veeky Forums
Pls no nipmoot
Turns out most of us didn't give a fuck about quests and would rather talk about actual gaming. Go figure.
No. The least of three evils is not choosing between /pol/shit and quest shit to begin with. In fact, it's not an evil at all. And whether /pol/shit is really worse than quests is up for debate (but it shouldn't be debated, meta thread or not).
It's objectively not though. Quests almost exclusively stay to their own threads. /pol/ and /leftypol/ goes to every thread it can reach.
I hope these count
I want to talk about fantasy guns not niggers. /pol/ shit can go fuck itself.
>Besides that, us going full /pol/ without having mods to tattle on would hopefully toughen up the community and make us the equivalent to /b/ veterans. Half the problem is the board being too sensitive and autistic, looking to authority to solve problems instead of dealing with it themselves.
Haha, fuck off, Nazi.
/pol/ is a containment board, if it was treated as such Veeky Forums would be much better and free of both cancer.
It's just that mods won't act with zero tolerance to /pol/ shit like they do with say, horsefuckers, shameless advertising or idiots showing they're underage.
Quests on Veeky Forums had multiple threads up 24/7. The existence of those threads was at the expense of actual Veeky Forums related threads, as explained by .
/pol/shit these days turns up in a minority of threads, and most of the time it doesn't even lead to derailment. Quests were and are objectively worse.
Pretty much. You figure stupid shit like "HURR WHY IS THERE A DINDU IN THE NEW MAGIC THE GATHERING SET" and "THIS POST ON TUMBLR THAT ONLY 7 PEOPLE SAW SAID FEMALE SPACE MARINES ARE A GOOD IDEA" should be purged on sight but instead it festers and reactionaries flail about in them forever.
Nobody here is advocating /pol/shit on Veeky Forums.
Fuck off newfag
And something should be fucking done about it.
The only threads killed by quest threads are dead threads. keeping a thread alive on Veeky Forums is piss easy. post in it.
What? Like getting people here to support having /pol/ related threads on Veeky Forums?
>Besides if the quest board can't stand on its own that says a fucking lot about the quality of the content
It says nothing about auality, only quantity. /b/ will forever be able to stand on its own and have mass quantity, but that doesn't speak of its quality either.
/qst/ gets more content and activity than the Veeky Forums board, and that board isn't going to go away anytime soon.
Filename threads are shit too though
>Turns out most of us didn't give a fuck about quests
If you didn't care, then whats the problem about them being on the board.
In fact it seems you care a great deal to not have them on the board.
If there was quality, but lack of quantity then it would still stand on its own, the community would just be smaller. If they're happy the board would be a success regardless of output. The fact that they aren't is telling.
Why let "dead threads" die, when we can keep them and get rid of quests at the same time? Slow Veeky Forums related threads are much more welcome here than quests.
Mostly because when the /qst/ board dies, as it is currently in a downward spiral, they will migrate back to here anyway. The posters of Veeky Forums need to understand that keeping your pet thread alive is as easy as posting in it.
>they will migrate back to here anyway
Why do you think they would be allowed back in? If /qst/ really were to go down, Veeky Forums could just keep quests banned. We have no obligation to host those parasites.
>If there was quality, but lack of quantity then it would still stand on its own
Which it does
>the community would just be smaller
Which it is
>If they're happy the board would be a success regardless of output
As they are
>The fact that they aren't is telling.
Who says they aren't happy? If anything the transition has finally been set and the /qst/ board is seen as a good thing by its inhabitants
Well for a start
> using the word 'shitstain' unironically
Apart from that
> have a board dedicated to discussing and making material for thing X
> create a board dedicated to trying to actually do thing X
> first and second board should in no way be connected whatsoever, even so much as mentioning second board in first board is unacceptable
Wat? That's like having a /gd/ board dedicated to making games, a /v/ dedicated to playing them, but nobody on /gd/ is allowed to mention that /v/ exists...it sounds self-defeating.
At least 70% of my issue with quests is that they were so rarely Veeky Forums, they were far more often /v/ or /co/ or especially /a/. And I think that's what drove a lot of the quest hate from the rest of the board, the frustration that the board is being dominated by what is almost an inter-board raid. It's ridiculous. I don't want that drivel on the board and nobody except questfags does. How about there's a guarantee quests will be Veeky Forums related and we'll talk.
>Who says they aren't happy?
The constant whining about not being here anymore like an ex that just can't let go?
There isn't any reason for the /qst/ board to die. It's more active than some of the oldest boards on Veeky Forums and has its own content clearly not wanted on Veeky Forums.
/mlp/ would integrate back to /co/ before /qst/ does.
>At least 70% of my issue with quests is that they were so rarely Veeky Forums, they were far more often /v/ or /co/ or especially /a/.
Which is why most people suggesting the removal of /qst/ also remove the retarded mod decision of 'all quests go to Veeky Forums' that was made because the /a/utists pitched a fit over their harem quests.
Quests are not traditional games.
>The constant whining about not being here anymore
Hasn't stopped them still doing their thing, and also i don't see that anywhere but these meta threads here. And if anything these meta threads are almost 90% pro split, and there's definitely little talk of rejoining on the actual board itself. Or here for that matter.
Nobody wants to remerge, and the current status quo is appealing to all, its a non-issue
You are more than allowed to find games in threads on Veeky Forums. You just aren't supposed to play them here.
Neither is towergirls but we have those threads too. But hey, everythings relative.
Quests only belonged here before because old moot said so explicitly. New moot says otherwise, so now he's in charge.
Because this is the board they started it. Frankly it's where they should have stayed. Making a quest board was stupid and irrelevant, because it only really functions as a subsidiary to something else. In addition, the name of it should have been changed to forum game board or something because for some stupid reason all of the forum games that have been played here also got moved there where they don't fit at all.
>And if anything these meta threads are almost 90% pro split
One fag samefagging does not equal 90%. The IP count has not increased for quite awhile.