> Tyranids are known to devour all biomass on a planet, even down to simple celled life
> On an overrun Imperial (Civilized or Pleasure) world, hordes of rippers burst in to a tea room to gorge themselves on scones, tea and French Fancies
Plausible funny situations that could occur within the 40k universe
Other urls found in this thread:
In his quest for the ever increasing extremes of sensation, a Champion of Slaanesh, at some point in his like, has probably tried to shove a dildo up his nose.
> Ork's build this piece of shite
> Unlike for Nigerians, the Ork's believing it is a flying, amphibious wartrukk actually works, due to their psychic ability.
a space marine and an ork form a begrudging
mutual respect due to their mutual respect for the capability of smashing enemies
This could make a great story
Got me to giggle.
Make it a Salamander and the Ork respects how green he is.
>tfw CNN is this desperate to pretend that Africans are good inventors
When they consume planets, tyranids eat billions of dicks, and swallow veritable oceans of cum, just think about it. No wonder females like playing Nids so much. Any "man" caught playing Nids automatically a faggot for being a dick eating faction
>An Ork Nob, a Salamander Terminator, a Howling Banshee, and an Iron Warrior Terminator are stranded in the middle of a tyranid infested hellscape, with no sign of evac from any of their factions.
>However, troop movements in the north have forced the bulk of the swarm to focus its offense away from them.
>In the ruins of a rural factory world, replete with destroyed vehicles and ruined infrastructure, their only hope out is to slaughter their way to a still-standing city, away from the swarm's primary focus, where they can get a ship and get the fuck off world.
tl;dr Left 4 Dead, but with Iron Warriors making Mad Max trucks and playing the role of Francis.
Similar concept
Guardsman plays the role of Ellis
>Hey ya'll, I ever tell you about the time my Corporal tried to rope five grenades together and throw them at a Nob? Well, he pulled all the pins at once and...
>All these ruins remind me of when we were on Tinpa VIII and my Corporal tried to kick one of them buildings down but it fell down the wrong way...
>I ever tell you about the time my Corporal tried to make his own Promethium jelly? Well he figured he'd boil it down like fruit juice when we make our own sacra and...
>My Corporal one time snuck a lasgun into a...
>This one time me and my Corporal were fighting a buncha plague zombies and y'know, this reminds me of that, 'cept more buggy.
Tyranids have done every drug known to man, and several known to Eldar
What do you think craftworld Eldar plays are like?
Especially plays portraying humanity?
Intentionally bad version:
>Alas I am totally convinced that my "EEempoooerer" will save me from my own hubris?
slightly more nuanced version:
>Yes my life span is short which is why I fight for this planet and this facility. If I am successful it will outlast me even if I die.
>The Harlequins think that Oedipus Rex is Comedy not a tragedy and preform it for a craft world.
That is pretty funny to think about, but more realistically all that stuff, along with the carpeting, wooden furniture, and so on, just sprouted tyrannic mold from windblown spores long before the rippers arrive, and they just gorge themselves on moldy slime.
>*A* champion of Slaanesh.
Love, if nostril-reaming isn't a whole genre of porn I.R.L., never mind in the realm of Slaanesh, I'll eat my hat.
yeah, but think about all that pussy they eat too.
Thing is, if a dirt-poor white person living on a scrapheap in Appalachia did this they would rightfully get laughed at.
Perhaps the lowering of expectations for Africans is liberals unconsciously acknowledging a taboo truth?
OP here. I am a straight man playing 'Nids with an army painted to look like ladybirds, and the fliers have butterfly wings
I'm making a few assumptions here but:
> Imperial guardsmen draw inspiration from the horrific battlefields of WW1 & WW2, especially the Somme and communist Russia, where there was little regard for the lives of the soldiers from higher command.
> To help with the horrors of war, many factions used drugs to help them through the conflict
> Following the defeat of a Tyranid Hive Fleet, the Imperial guard clean up pockets of gaunts and other creatures cut off from the Hive Fleet and reduced to their basic, animalistic instincts.
> Bored, sitting smoking and drinking on an undermanned guard post, soldiers of the Imperial Guard proceed to have a little fun by putting drugs inside pieces of meat and watching what effect they will have on the gaunts when thrown to them below.
> Inspired by a true story
> My mate Dave used to live in Blackpool
> Went through a stage of putting drugs in bread and watching what effects it would have up on seagulls for fun (Not wasting much as you'd only need a small amount to get a seagull fucked)
> I can proudly say that I have a friend who has gave heroin to a seagull
> Tried fucking loads of shit on them; LSD, cocaine, hash
> He said the funniest was Temazepam, a strong sleeping pill
> Said it was soaring gracefully through the air and then the drug must have kicked in and it nose dived in to the beach