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Afterlife/Great Beyond Campaign Edition:
Why haven't you done one? There's enough there for one fully in there.
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Afterlife/Great Beyond Campaign Edition:
Why haven't you done one? There's enough there for one fully in there.
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We've talked a little about what people want to play in a linnorm kings game, but I want to know what you want to see and do in a linnorm kings game. What kind of adventure do you want to see or what places and monsters?
Mostly humans
No animefaggotry
No lewdfaggotry
Also I wanna see savage wildlife and wierd unexplainable ice shit and raiders and village life and stuff.
In other words, give us a decent viking experience. The more immersive, the better.
No actual linnorms though?
PF is a horrible system for this
PF is a horrible system in general. That doesn't stop us from being retarded.
I want to see vikings get captured by an evil alien ruler, and go on a quest through time itself to defeat the tyrant and return home.
After that, the alien captures them again, but they escape once more after beating the shit out of a robot and stealing its parts, and make friends with a werewolf and a dragon on their newest quest.
>mostly humans
There's elves in the forest, half-orcs on the islands, dwarves in the mountains, and witches from the east.
>no animefaggotry
The entirety of the Jade Quarter in the capital city of Kalsgard says otherwise.
>no lewdfaggotry
An entire nation of buff dudes, curvy chicks, warm furs, violence, and booze, and you're somehow expecting it to be sexless?
What if I build up a bunch of foreshadowing that the dungeon boss is a wereraptor, but when they actually show up it turns out he's a were lobster
have it be a hermit crab, wearing a human as its home.
>No lewdfaggotry
There is a real Icelandic saga where the main conflict hinges on a man being cursed to have a cock too big for his wife.
Lewdfaggotry is not bad as long as it's controlled and in small doses.
giant hermit crab is too strong. I can make him a skull crab though. They use a skull as their shell
Okay, sell me on this: How do you build up to the bait and switch? What clues do you leave that he might actually be one thing or the other?
Then it is just lewd, and not lewdfaggotry.
Bawdy jokes, sex existing, and silly shit like that is great. But that's not what lewdfaggotry is.
Lewdfaggotry is inserting sex in everything and anything to the point that the game bogs down in it and shit gets retarded.
The best lewd shit happens when it's organic and not forced.
have only encountered that like... maybe twice, and even then it got rectified quick
his name is rex raptor, they fight him in a dungeon full of dinosaurs, his own former ally warns you he's a lycanthrope and to beware his claws.
The lack of subtlety is what makes it even funnier
Bro I don't know where you've been but Reign of Winter is like 80% of the way there, just with the additional inclusion of fey to spice things up, and that campaign is awesome.
Make his former ally available immediately thereafter.
When confronted with how he misled them, he shrugs and tells the PCs (embarrassedly) "well, you never asked what kind."
Are you high? Reign of Winter is insane high magic fuckery.
>Just a viking experience
>Where you go to ww1 russia and kill rasputin
Yeah, but that's -good- magic fuckery. Wierd Fantasy is a lot better than High Fantasy.
user... In book one the PC's get Geas'd...
Ra-ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen?
Yes. Rasputin. Grigori Rasputin. He's a level 18 oracle.
For fucks sake book 5 is named 'RASPUTIN MUST DIE'
Is Everyman Unchained's Fighter any good?
Gentlemen, BEHOLD
Since /pfg/ loves to include "Lewd Bullshit" in their games, here's some homebrew lovingly stitched together from a wide variety of hentai tropes. Also with - hopefully - solid enough mechanics that if desired one could divorce some of them from the lewd for regular use. I had no idea what I was doing with the Aspirant stuff, so please forgive if that's kinda clunky and out of whack.
Don't we have a book of lewd things already?
I dunno. I mostly did this for shits and giggles.
Pathfinder vices isn't that great i dont think. I mean it presumes that a chunni ratfolk has double Ds instead of being a washboard instead.
vices = garbage
Are there any good charts for PC measurements?
No, just make them up
So long as we're posting homebrew. Here's something i dug up. I forget who makes it.
>Afterlife/Great Beyond Campaign
I always wanted to do one in Carceri, go nth-dimensional prison plane hopping until you can work your way to a portal to the outside or a relic to get you out.
"I feel like running pirates today. You're on a fuckin boat."
"I feel like CAVE EXPLORER today."
"I feel like making you navigate fragile spider silk bridges over endless lakes of spiders today."
"I feel like dropping you in what looks like a completely regular town and waiting for your paranoia to make you start murdering people."
Well as long as we're dropping homebrew i'll pop this again
tomorrow i'm gonna hammer out domination artes if it kills me.
Game running around this when?
Phantasms is absurdly powerful. It's basically a 50/50 chance of each attack against them until it stops something. Each round. And gets better and better really quickly.
Phantasms doesn't work like Mirror image though? And it never says that it does, in fact you and your phantasms may be in very different squares.
>sign of the lifgegiver
>magic womb tattoos that make women into thicc breeding sows
jesus fucking christ user
I assumed that they were to work as Mirror Image, given that they were specified as being perfectly identical even under abnormal senses.
If they're supposed to be obviously unreal or distinct, that should be made explicit.
Astral Manse best final clause
No, they just don't function like mirror image. In any way. Nothing about their description has something that says 'a chance to hit a phantasm'
They're separate entirely, they do look perfectly identical, but they also have their own disctinct HP pool, movement, AC, Saves, ect.
Then, if A and his phantasm are in the same square, how is it determined which an attack is resolved against?
Does the attacker just say "the real one" and slap them?
What about if A and his phantasm move to different squares, is it evident which one is A and which is the phantasm?
Overlap case needs to be addressed
If they move to different squares, its not obvious which one is A and which one is the phantasm
If it's not obvious which is which when they separate, then it logically wouldn't be obvious before they separate.
Therefore it would function as a constantly refreshing Mirror Image, would it not?
If they're both in the same square then the assailant needs to "choose" which one they're going to hit, while Mirror Image just basically gives you a fancily described miss chance against targeted attacks that declines over time as confirmed hits and near-misses whittle away at your number of images.
No, Mirror image is a miss chance, constantly refreshing mirror image is too strong mechanically
Realistically if they're in the same square the best way to do that is to flip a coin, not ideal, thats basically mirror image
Yes, and?
My dick can only be so hard
Are poppets worth a damn? Will you be crafting an army of tiny constructs to maintain your house while you adventure?
Making a wizard for 5 level game without 3pp. Probably without level increase.
Specialty - mostly buffs. Without familiar. I have Craft Wondrous Items and discovery, that adds int to cmd (and don't want other discoveries).
Problem is - I still have 2 free feats and don't know what to take.
I don't want to bother with metamagic. And while feats like Improved Initiative or Toughness are good ol' boring possibilities, I'm asking you - maybe there is something more interesting? Or flavorful.
You could always have the phantasms spawn in adjacent spaces, and leave it to the opponent to try to track which is which. I think making it a memory game could work nicely.
Constantly refreshing mirror Image is a 3PP mythic magic item.
>If they move to different squares, its not obvious which one is A and which one is the phantasm
In which case you've got a constantly refreshing Mirror Image going on against anybody the user doesn't directly attack.
If you're buffing you should take improved initiative for sure. Buff supporting is basically the most dull playstyle possible so there aren't really any interesting things to do with it.
I need to play an angry hobo skald as soon as possible, what is the best way, mechanically, to use this theme?
Get Possessed Hand and Hand's Autonomy, so you can slap people and blame the ghost. It's also chuuni as fuck, so if that's your thing, great.
Don't buy a house? Basic skald shit, probably go for Oratory and Sing for your hobo songs and telling anybody who'll listen your life story. I mean, there isn't much mechanically besides being broke at chargen and not owning or renting a house that supports the theme of not owning a house.
Imp.Init. is always an option.
This feats are hilarious!
Guys, I had a dream.
A dream where there would be a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. themed game set in the Mana Wastes.
Does anyone else think this would be great, or should I get out of here stalker?
I think that'd be fun.
that could work well, yeah
I'd actually like something vaguely atypical for the setting, that makes perfect sense in the wider context of the world.
Like, say, a daemon incursion or cultist plot, the classic fire and brimstone variety, except set in the Land of the Linnorm Kings.
Or a shard or module of the Destiny starship, buried under the glaciers of northernmost Golarion, unconnected to the Iron Gods Adventure Path.
As odd as it sounds, I think the most boring thing would be if it was just Linnorm Kings and Linnorm stuff doing Linnorm things, dealing exclusively with things relating to the region like a self-contained universe.
When it comes to becoming good at playing full casters like wizard or druid to the point that I can naturally pick out the best spell for the situation and prepare accordingly, its mainly experience isnt it? I always see myself as a bad full caster player and wonder how much should I worry about it
Anyone still have the creation rules for the Linnorm game? At this point, I'm not sure if there's actually a game upcoming or not, but since I'm theorycrafting either way, I was hoping someone saved it.
It's knowing the habits of your particular GM. And\or preparing spells, that will be handy almost every day (like Grease, Haste, etc). If you have problems with that - take ready made spelllist from someone and try to play with it, figuring out why every spell there and how you can use it in the situation at hand. Google something like "pathfinder best wizard spells per level", and you'll get a lot of results, with spells and explanations on why people think that spells are good.
>Mostly humans
I would love this, as long as it includes near-humans like aasimar, tieflings, and fetchlings of the not-wild-and-fucking-crazy (4e->) variety.
I will apply with a vikingized not!-Rasputin.
>What if I build up a bunch of foreshadowing that the dungeon boss is a wereraptor, but when they actually show up it turns out he's a were lobster
>half-orcs on the islands
Tell me more.
but the setting of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or at least its inspiration makes a lot more sense in Numeria
W-what do you guys think about Noriel's new art? Hopefully she's less of a slutty titty monster now.
Literally who?
WotR app.
All I remember is:
>Level 3
>Full HP
>Two traits, one optional drawback.
>Feat Tax Rules (
There was more, but I don't remember.
I'm not sure why anyone is applying to that game. The GM is a mong and the creation rules blow.
I love those creation rules, tho.
And I'm giving the DM the benefit of the doubt.
>Starting level 3
>25 point-buy
>full HP every level
>Feat Tax rules
>2 traits 1 drawback
>Path of War allowed
But what the fuck is "WBL"?
wealth by level
How much interest would there be in a dungeon crawl? 25 PB, level 1~10 ish, single class but 3PP open. I've had a hankering lately for some dungeon delving and have been thinking of running something.
H.. how much wealth would that be?
Literally look it up, faggot.
The creation rules are incredible and the only reason I haven't bailed yet.
Three thousand (3,000) gold.
Was the Orc Butcher's Axe 1h or 2h? It's not up on the PFSRD yet.
So 1000 per level? Neato, thanks!
I wouldn't even know where to start fucking looking, faggot.
>So 1000 per level?
not exactly
Not 1k per level.
Scales in a semiexponential fashion.
Also, simply look up pathfinder WBL.
Or just look at this fine fellow's post.
Literally fucking google "Pathfinder WBL"
It's one of the first results
Fucking sweet, thanks a lot.
So, Path of war.
Player is playing a warlord.
Devastating Rush
Discipline: Primal Fury (Strike); Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature or object
Duration: Instant
The disciple performing this attack executes a powerful attack that rushes in past a foe's defenses to shatter them completely. The initiator inflicts an additional 2d6 points of damage upon a successful attack and his strike ignores the damage reduction of a subject or the hardness of an object he is attacking.
This is a second level Primal Fury maneuver. It ignores all hardness and DR, meaning you can wreck shit on everything.
Then, there is this:
Impaling Strike
Discipline: Primal Fury (Strike); Level: 4
Prerequisite(s): One Primal Fury maneuver
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
The disciple who has reached this level of mastery in the art of Primal Fury has learned that by striking to a foe's heart and center with a singular but powerful blow, it causes the foe's ability to withstand punishment to falter. The initiator makes an attack against his target and if successful, inflicts an additional 4d6 points of damage to this attack which ignores damage reduction. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14 + primary initiation modifier) or suffer an additional 1d4 points of Constitution damage from being hit in a vital area. Targets immune to critical hits are not subject to this Constitution damage.
So…by the horrible wording here, it shows like the only damage that goes through DR is the extra 4d6, and not the entire attack. My question is, whether that is intended, or is it just poorly worded and all damage should go through? Is the 1d4 Con damage thing worth that the maneuver is two levels higher than a maneuver whose entire damage goes through DR?
All the maneuvers that debuff generally suck
But I want to thrust deep into an enemy and cause them to sweat at just how utterly stuffed they've been!
>Path of war generally sucks
Fixed that for you.
Sounds like a shitty maneuver to me while the level 2 one sounds broken like most of PoW shit.
Assume they couldn't afford an editor, the attack ignores DR, it'll get fixed in errata.
If you want to get picky with the semantics:
>inflicts an ADDITIONAL 4d6 points of damage to THIS attack
>which ignores damage reduction
The wording is super-shitty, because it differs from an expected standard format or something, but to be clear, the damage is added to the attack if it is successful, and the attack ignores damage reduction.
>Sun Stride: You can travel between areas of natural sunlight as if by means of a dimension door spell. This ability does not function in areas of less than bright light, though it does work within the area of a daylight spell. At 5th level, you can sun stride up to 40 feet per day; this can be a single stride of 40 feet or four strides of 10 feet each. At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the distance you can sun stride doubles (80 feet at 9th level, 160 feet at 13th level, and 32 feet at 17th level). This amount can be split among many strides, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment. You must be at least 5th level to select this revelation.
Is this non-magical, non-supernatural teleportation?
>extra 2d6 and overcomes DR
Nah man, strong but not broken. Especially considering the number of creatures with noticeable DR around this level.
Hint: An optimized Broken Blade user will still deal more damage.
It isn't (Ex.) if that's what you're asking.
How smug is your character?