Okay. I may just be salty, but my opponent had a Vampire Hexmage sitting on the field. I had a doubling season. I put out a Garruk, Primal Hunter and he sacs the Hexmage. Do I get to do Garruk before the Hexmage removes the counters? I would have had 60 6/6 wurms.
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Nope, you can only activate planeswalker abilities whenever you can use a sorcery, and Hexmage can be sac'd at any time you could use an instant.
>garruk enters with double counters
>sac's vampire hexmage
>no more garruk
I'm not a judge, but you should have been able to put his ability on the stack before priority passes to him, assuming it was your turn.
What is priority dipshit. Diaf.
Op ignore this retard. He comes into play, you get priority as its your turn and can choose to activate garruk immediately. Instants can only be cast when you have priority, it always defaults to active player after the stack clears.
How does priority work? I'm so confused by it and I've been playing Magic a while.
This man is correct
different user. So you cannot sac mage in response to garruk ETB and target garruk?
priority only passes when you trigger an ability or cast a spell. When the spell resolves, your opponent doesn't gain priority until you've activated an ability or cast another spell.
There is no etb ability. Therefore no passing of priority.
Stack Dipshit. By casting garruk, he can respond to the ETB trigger of doubling season by sacing the hexmage.
>Garruk enters with double counters
>put the ability on the stack
>sac hexmage
>garruk now has no counters and ability fizzles
Suck my glorious smooth shaft.
i see. I thought planewalker placing counter would be a ETB
Doubling season has no trigger you mong, it happens as the permanent enters the battlefield.
Loyalty abilities are based on the cost paid, the cost is paid before you even get priority to sac. Even if Garruk is dead, the ability still resolves.
Actually, you're right, shit.
>306.5d Each planeswalker has a number of loyalty abilities, which are activated abilities with loyalty symbols in their costs. Loyalty abilities follow special rules: A player may activate a loyalty ability of a permanent he or she controls any time he or she has priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of his or her turn, but only if none of that permanent's loyalty abilities have been activated that turn. See rule 606, "Loyalty Abilities."
basically Garruk enters the battlefield with counters on him, in response to you using his ability you he sacs the mage, removing the counters before you pay the cost of removing counters, fizziling the ability.
So you cast garruk. You then opt to pass priority, your opponent can respond. It passes in turn order. Once it resolves the top card in the stack resolves, in this case just the garruk. You then get priority back and can opt to activate any of his abilities that you can afford. You hold priority until you explicitly pass it to the next player, they can't just randomly cast spells on your turn. Its just easier to ignore it in most kitchen table games so casual players generally aren't familiar with how it works.
You could also choose to activate any number of legal abilities and or instant spells before giving anyone a chance to respond. Eg you could choose to play lightning bolt then fork to copy it before anyone can interject, and would indeed need to if you want to actually use it, since if you passed priority and your opponent did also the spell would resolve without according you a chance to cast fork later. Make sense?
Me understand.
He who read book is important mans.
He who read book big think think.
It doesn't enter the battlefield and then gain double he counter. It resolves with the counters doubled.
Thats not a trigger dumbfuck its a replacement effect. Go back to standard until you learn all the rules.
Fukken duh. Been dealing with planeswalking fucks in standard for years, I wish I had a way to deal with them before they go off. Only real ways are counterspells or stifle effects.
Priority. Greentexting the important line.
116.3. Which player has priority is determined by the following rules:
116.3a The active player receives priority at the beginning of most steps and phases, after any turn-based actions (such as drawing a card during the draw step; see rule 703) have been dealt with and abilities that trigger at the beginning of that phase or step have been put on the stack. No player receives priority during the untap step. Players usually don’t get priority during the cleanup step (see rule 514.3).
>116.3b The active player receives priority after a spell or ability (other than a mana ability) resolves.
116.3c If a player has priority when he or she casts a spell, activates an ability, or takes a special action, that player receives priority afterward.
116.3d If a player has priority and chooses not to take any actions, that player passes. If any mana is in that player’s mana pool, he or she announces what mana is there. Then the next player in turn order receives priority.
116.4. If all players pass in succession (that is, if all players pass without taking any actions in between passing), the spell or ability on top of the stack resolves or, if the stack is empty, the phase or step ends.
Therefore, you have priority once Garruk hits the field. You can only activate loyalty abilities as a sorcery, but you have priority to put that loyalty ability on the stack before hexmage can be activated. Remember Hexmage needs Garruk to be on the field (therefore needs him to resolve, and you to have priority) before it can target him.
You pay the cost of removing loyalty counters and put the ability on the stack. It will now resolve even if Garruk explodes. You're getting your tokens.
wouldn't you remove the counters as the cost of casting their ability?
Zoologist: Yes homer, but its not the book thats important, its their understand of it
Homer: Phbbt. no it not. Watch, me read book.
Homer: (officious) And lord sayeth to Jaseph, no kill son. And so harlot jezebelle say, I are whore of babylong!"
(Crowd nods their head and murmers in agreement) The ape speaks the truth!
The ability won't fizzle, the cost was paid. Garruk being in play has nothing to do with it's resolution- otherwise hitting his -2 while he's at 2 counters would fizzle as well.
thanks user
This is the tricky part, it's technically a spell on the stack when it's cast, and it's a permanent when it resolves, but you can't do shit about it so it always gets to go off at least once. As soon as the cost is paid, you get all the wurms, and hexmage can THEN blow up garruk, but there's no way of getting it before it resolves.
Fuck, that's some bullshit.
Homer: And so I say, according to thee.. Mongolian trigger, this racks back off the stacks stack and uh... this guy wins!
Complete bullshit. I live for the moments where my opponent goes to cast a spell before they active their loyalty abilities.
This is precisely why doubling season is bullshit, and why future versions of the effect specify counters on creatures. Shit breaks planeswalkers.
>ETB trigger of doubling season
go play fucking barbie world until you learn to shut your retarded mouth when you don't know what you're talking about
I actually own a doubling season.
Guess I'm going to build superfriends now and shit out emblems everywhere.
>what do you mean? Because I didn't immediately counter your spell you instantly get an emblem and there's nothing I can do about it or ever remove it?
No. If that were the case, it would die as a state based action because it has no counters on it.
>the killing a Planeswalker with Deepglow Skate on the stack
>As soon as the cost is paid, you get all the wurms
no. You get an ability on the stack. When that ability resolves you get the wurms but otherwise you can e.g. stifle it.
Sooner or later Wizards will print a Commandeer for activated abilities, until then any Doubling Season is kill-on-sight
Thank you all for the replies!
disregard that, I suck cocks
Priority passes when you pass priority.