Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Banana Clad Edition

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Squatted harder than Slaanesh

>WIP Math-hammer doc

Other urls found in this thread:


suddenly I like assault marine models and I really don't know why. It terrifies me.

The current assault marine kit was a kirby era kit with kirby era prices. Please help me.

That's a lot of raptors about to crash down on a lot of people looking the wrong way. Why does it look like the night lords did something correctly?


Linking one last time - PDFs with errata commented in.

How is my DE/Harlie army?


Because they're Ultramarines.

how so?

No it's not

Battalion Detachment needs 2HQs.

He has two HQs are you blind

He's got two? Haemonculus and troupe master

>List Builder
>Squatted harder than Slaanesh

Is there any good alternative?
Last Edition I used OnlineCodex and quite liked it but they haven't implemented 8th edition completely, yet.

>Aquilon Terminators will be out soon – keep your eyes peeled for more previews and updates right here on Warhammer Community for the Horus Heresy and beyond! In the meantime, it’s a great time to start a Talons of the Emperor army, whether you’re taking advantage of powerful relics like the Telemon Heavy Dreadnought in the Age of Darkness or readying them for a new era of warfare with our boxed set.
>or readying them for a new era of warfare with our boxed set.

Does that mean we'll get 40k rules for all the Custodes shit?

New player here.
How would you build a Carcharodon-style army, in a no shitty way ?

No. HH is for people who love 7th and space Marines. FW is just going to keep sucking their own dicks over HH.

Serious question: what's with the influx of space shark players?

nothing wrong with battlescribe. its free, takes a little time to set up and outputs at a format that can be easily edited in word for convenient printing

Who are the other bloggers/youtubers who playtested 8th ed?

Use battlescribe and just write out your list to post here once you have it nailed down.


Painting tribal shit on vehicle is actually pretty fun

Would these be the right size for techpriest stand ins? Cheaper in aus to buy 3 of these guys rather than 3 of the plastic GW tech priests.

21st for sexy Tau girls

what are you guys using to make those lists?

the list builder. we just didnt close the tab

Yes, yes I am.

They'd be on the big side, but I guess it could work. That said, they look nothing like techpriests...

>queen of the tau
why does this make it funnier?

I'm convinced it's one or two guys shilling for their favorite chapter.

>blueberryfags will defend this

Fuck off, Reecius.

So I have been looking in the Tactica for 8th, but there hasn't been any info, so I guess I ask here..

How good are Sisters of Silence? They seem to have a pretty solid stat line and baller wargear, even when not fighting Psykers. No special weapons seems a little meh, but a whole squad of Flamer (the good d6 ones, not the gimpes flamer boys ones) and the Execution Greatblades seem really good.

just need some servo arms instead of guns and I'd say they would be pretty similar.

Where can I get it? Since GW is fucking retarded and want to make it harder to play their game.

My cock is harder than steel from that image. (:

Currently swapping my list around after the FAQ and have a question for cadiananons: does a single heavy weapons team box have 3 of every weapon?

They're decent, though only the flamer squad is proper worth it against non-psykers. Other options are marred by small squad size, high cost, and a lack of options. They're very much an archetypal 'sideboard' unit.

Heavy on Scouts and Terminators as they're described in the badab war books, no drop pods or anything that wouldn't be re usable. Assault marines are also a nice thing with tyberos aura + librarian with might of heroes.


As a sharkbro I admit I am very vocal about my favorite chapter. But im sure there are tens of us!

Can Jain Zar disarm an enemy so that it couldn't attack at all?

It's a shame the firepikes are now boring old flamers instead of the firey lance with the eagle head.
Also, there were several conversions of those fists and talons in the /hhg/ that looked way more interesting than those versions.

thank you senpai

I will admit that I was asking about them, but all of the sudden, there was a bunch of posts. I was the one at the end of the last thread who bought the paint, and now I'm wondering if I can't talk about them, either.


Bolter SoS are really good against psykers because they can always pick them out with shooting, which includes their grenade of course. Against everything else, all flamers all the time is a scary thing, and Great blades are good now that you can assault out of rhinos, though I don't know why they took the null away from the rhino, especially since only the SoS can use it.

What legion is in that pit? I don't recognize the name.

>via 9gag.com

HOLY FUCK. It might still exist in your cache.
If it's functioning, then surely you have the data files as well.

Does it only work for Dark Eldar or have you gotten into other army entries?

We might be able to create a mirror from this if you're willing.

Asking about [redacted] as well as any topics pertaining to the [redacted] heresy is grounds for [redacted] Report to your local arbitrator/commissar/company chaplain to receive the Emperor's [redcated].

>costume literally designed to hide his man jaw


Is there ANY drawback to combi-weapons vs special weapons of the same type?

Cost more points is all generally.

points cost.

More expensive by 2 whole points.

Slightly more expensive. That's about it. Being able to fire one combi part at one thing and the other at another is a huge boon, though.

Chaos marines are weaker as a whole, combi-weapons merely compensate.


7/7/17 is almost upon us!

Games Workshop are no doubt going to shower us with more Death Guard goodness... the shit they've been teasing for five fucking months.... 7/7/17 couldn't be more fucking appropriate for the Son's of Nurgle.

Right? Right... ? Oh.... right

>implying the world won't end on 7/7/17
It's exactly 5777 days away from 11/9/2001 and North Korea just announced that they're about to make an important announcement. Enjoy getting cucked of your DG in lieu of WWIII faggot.


Oh boy, I can't wait to hear how their latest missile crashed into the sea

I'm pretty sure blanks disgust even other blanks

Tyrands play like daemons should have. Daemons in 8th are shit without allies or OP named shit.

I also have it open in a window. I would be willing to help set up a mirror or whatever; if it's not too complicated (and its free)

If you don't have a soul, why would you care that someone else doesn't have a soul?

The repulsion comes from your soul / warp presence being messed with by the walking void in the room.

Blanks don't have the parts that cause disgust for blanks, that being a modicum of Warp sensitivity. T'a'u' can probably stand them just fine as well.

What web browser are you running on?
Might just get you to save everything in a certain folder depending on which browser to a .zip file and then upload it to a google drive/ drop box or a generic upload site like mega and see what we have to work with.
I'll stand by and provide further instruction. Hopefully we can refine it so it's just the roster webpage data.

Best way for AdMech to deal with Tyranid Hordes?

>T'a'u' can probably stand them just fine as well.
Tell that to Aun'va's bodyguard.

Rightclick page -> save as and gimme HTML, i just need correct angular call.

Tau have a warp presence, it's just tiny.
They aren't blank or they'd cause the same problem to psykers and daemons, but they pose no problem.

A Culexus still fucked them up when he assassinated Aun'Va.


Not really. In Mont'ka some Tau were feeling quite uneasy while being near a Culexus Assassin they didn't know about.

She's had some work done. Look at those lips.

Chrome, though it's telling me it needs to update; been avoiding it to make sure I dont lose the list builder.

Oh yea, that lovely novel where Tau beat Eversor in melee.

It's almost like BL is shit.

In all fairness... that Eversor killed hundreds of Tau and Dozens of battlesuits before it was finally bought down.


The Tau using a flashbang on the Vindicare assassin was fucking unforgivable.. if only the Vindicare was wearing some sort of mask specfically designed for the purpose of blocking such a thing

Rangers to snipe synapse from under them, robots with datasmith to drown them in willy pete and give remarkably few fuck.

Try this first.


Right Click the saved folder and
Send To > Compressed Zipped Folder.
upload in and drop us a link here if you have a cloud storage account.

If this doesn't work, like it doesn't have all the data or whatever we can try the cache and interrogate that if needed.

Many thanks user, you're doing the Omnissiah's work.
This could also allow you to safely close your browser if we manage to get offline roster working.
Keep it open until it's definitely safe. We wouldn't want you to lose what you have because of us.

WW3 is the perfect oppurtunity to sell your soul to papa nurgle in exchange for surviving the nuclear winter

I saved the page, then loaded it up to test. It wouldn't load the actual list builder at first but "good" news! The 7th ed builder works! =\
I don't have cloud storage right now; and am pretty close to falling asleep. Maybe have to wait for tomorrow evening.

The 7th list build didn't get take down, the link is hidden but you can still access it.

So I had a classic zombie scenario the other day, my cultists lining the edge of the roof on a small hut, with a horde of enemy poxwalkers below. With the cultists leaving no gaps along the roof edge, does that mean there is no possible way for the poxwalkers to attack them?

Interesting. Might be something to work with.
I keep on these threads daily at work. Go get some rest.

Get a google drive, one drive of drop box account and chuck the files in there tomorrow if you can.
Post it here tomorrow and one of us will figure it out.

How is this for 1,5k of admech? General idea is to hold back and shoot, presenting robots as a charge target and sniping characters and tanks.

It depends upon how tall the hut is and if there's any easy way to climb it. If the answer to both is no, then I'd say no, but that's purely from a narrative standpoint. Poxwalkers defy common sense to stay playable sometimes, i.e. creating more plague zombies out of Necrons...

...This is why Narrative is God-Tier, and shouldn't be sullied by unpainted minis.

Speaking of, are there any campaign rulesets that work with 8e yet?


He likes the smell of his own farts.
He should work in the movie industry.

>no straps on shoulders
>gun has barrels horizontal, not vertical
>no creature head shaped muzzle on flamer

These will need some work to make proper...

Unfortunately, Custodes terminators aren't really noticably more durable than their regular pals.

Well, you are the seventh legion after all.

no we aren't

What's the deal with strip club food?

Guaranteed first turn really only gets bad at 2500-3000pts. At 2000pts you're a retard if you can't defend against alpha strike.


But for narrative gaming you could use the basic setups from now outdated campaigns for your own custom recreations under the new rules.

Again. God tier.

"We are the 7th Legion." - Mortarion

I love fielding hordes of guys but dread rolling the amount of dice that come with them.

Does anyone have any suggestions to get around the problem of rolling 200 dice for 50 conscripts? Thanks!

>Guaranteed first turn really only gets bad on burgerland empty board
