how much damage does a boxcutter do?
How much damage does a boxcutter do?
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1d4 slashing x3 crit
Improvised Weapon: This weapon was not designed or balanced for combat. -1 to all attack rolls not made with surprise or against flat footed enemies
Disposable Blade: Box Cutter blades are thin stamped sheets of metal and were not designed for prolonged or vigorous use. On any roll of 1, the blade breaks
i was thinking breakable blades would be the way to go
your most gracious of spoonfeedings is appreciated, user
Depends on the size
but doesn't that vibrate, too? or am i thinking of something else
also what are solid enemy ideas for a gloomy, surreal science fantasy campaign set in an infinitely large building? i don't feel like starting a new thread
Using it like a knife ?
Cutting - 4
Malf 12
-2 to skill
Another -3 if you haven't held one before
Insane tribal office workers
Did god design the world with GURPS ?
A janitor that wanders the hallways like Pyramid Head in the Silent Hill games.
an elevator AI that takes you captive and only takes you to the floor you want if you beat other passengers(captives) in gameshow style contests, varying from quiz shows to bloodsports.
I cut a lads face open with one once. 7/10 would use again
Piercing, Finesse, Thrown.
>Any 1d4 slashing?
Sickle: 1gp, 2lb, Light.
Even triples can't hide your shame.
Enough to kill chaps.
Damage from a boxcutter is rarely lethal, unless you manage to hit a major artery. It's main advantages are ease of concealment and being a tool it's legal to carry in almost all jurisdictions. Despite being short it offers a slight edge over someone unarmed (reach, bleeding cuts...). I would say that it also offers some form of intimidation bonus over someone who is unarmed.
"An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it" -- Orlando A. Battista
+3 Damage for struggle rolls (sharp)
>on a crit
Damn you; I was about to post that!
>a half inch razor made of incredibly thin, brittle metal that is designed to cut through toughened paper and moderately heavy cloth has the same damage as a dagger
Improvised weapon
1 slashing damage, 1d4 when used as part of an attack made with surprise
Disposable blade: Boxcutters are not weapons and are not intended to be used as such. If the target of an attack made with a box cutter is wearing any kind of armor, the attack does no damage and the box cutter breaks, and can no longer be used as a weapon. Otherwise, after any attack made with a boxcutter hits, roll a d6: on a roll of 4 or more, the boxcutter breaks and can no longer be used as a weapon.
Box cutters are pretty nasty against the fully exposed skin of unaware or untrained victims, and that's about it. A decent leather jacket can stop one completely.
depends who's holding it
I'd have it deal width minus 1 in killing damage (no stun) in combat. If you have points in melee weapon(knife) I'd let them apply to the roll.
On your average space marine?
Instant death
It should be low damage with high crit.
Sean Punch is god.
I'm sorry what?
Also source?
that's a +1 magical knife, so 1d4+1
Fuck; beat me too it.
Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta
Real life: Good for boxes, and you're more likely to hurt yourself than anybody else with it.
Tabletop RPGs: You can use it at the start of the campaign, better than being unarmed.
Any Japanese-made Media: Glorious nippon steel folded two million times, blessed by kami-sama, forged in the bowels of hell itself. There is nothing this masterpiece of blade forging cannot kill, daemons, dragons, zombies, ogres, and God himself will die if you stab them with this once. Humanity did not survive the cold war because of fear of nukes, but because the fear of a japanese salaryman holding a box cutter and using it was too terrifying. Each one is infused with the souls of a hundred dead samurais who thirst for blood. You will live the rest of your days in pants-shitting fear every time you see the ancient weapon on the shelves of home depot.
about tree fiddy.
1d5+4 Rending Pen 4, roll twice take the best and the die is minimum 3 regardless.
And then multiply by ten for human-sized targets
1d3 non-lethal slashing damage x2 crit
breaks on 1
no damage to armor/natural armor +2 or higher
I mean, probably a lot
it's all about context
Rather than having the blade break, I'd say you fumble the weapon and it flies 10' away. I speak from experience cutting drywall, those fuckers do not break, but they fly out of your hand like the school slut.
Came here to post this.
It was either gonna be her or the twin towers, and someone already got there first.
I don't understand your simile at all.
Came for Nevada-chan... was not disappointed.
Good to know some people still remember the classics.
So, what you're after is a setting in which various cultures are established within a building of indeterminate size, and they are potentially at war with one another?
Might I suggest this 1d4chan article?
>Inb4 1d4pleb
welcome to the world manual.
Box cutters are underpowered in d20
triple crit bonus when wielded by a character with the yandere type
3+ Melee Damage
Dude did a big fancy flippy illusion where he make himself appear to have the main girl's magic spear (seen at the end of that clip) and made to stab the MC with it. MC says "You idiot, I already know it's a fake!" and doesn't bother to dodge, at which point the guy drops the illusion to show the boxcutter he just stabbed him with. MC drops, all his friends lose their shit.
yes, you absolutely may
thanks, user
Came here to post this. Leaving satisfied, knowing there are still a few oldfags left.
Like all bladed weapons, it depends on if the attack was personal or not.
If the attack was personal, then I'd go with the stats provided by .
If it's nothing personal, then I'm afraid it's an instant coup de grace, kid.
>Plane of any kind being able to fly anywhere near its maximum speed that close to the ground
Yeah they can't do that senpai.
>Commercial air liner made of glorified cardboard managing to penetrate a steel and concrete building
Still makes me laugh to this day.
>A third WTC tower that was hit by absolutely nothing collapsing into its footprint shortly after for no reason
no, it's 1d4.
Angels just have massive AC and no hp