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Does anybody know who made Rorch? Bottom half of page 2's all fucked up.



>Lose control of Left ARm
>Reduce Penis-Length by Half
>Immortality Button
>Comfy Pocket Dimension.

Woah, Italics updated PP?! WEOW

I like it better now.

Lose Control of Both Legs
Compulsory Benevolence
2^10 Intelligence

Maybe you had a temporary connection timeout while loading the page.
I mean it looks bad. Its design is bad. Is that what you meant?

Sorry for the wait. I've been depressed.

You have no idea how hard it is to right blurbs. So I gave up and finally decided to post what I got done.

Thank you.

user thats working on a fighting tournament CYOA here, could do with some advice on two fronts.

First up, historically speaking I am bad at both choosing backgrounds and choosing fonts; here is a rough version, what should be changed?

Secondly, at the moment the rough layout is:
Choose a backstory (why you fight)
Choose a master and fighting style
Build a Special Attack
Choose a Rival Type
Choose 4 enemy fighters and the order you face them (Prelims, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Final Round)
Go to results page, see how many you beat and what rewards you can claim.

Now, I there are two things I could look at adding; one is perks/drawbacks, the problem being the battle system is a simple rock papers mechanic with a couple of variables, so it'll be tricky to not make the perks skew the balance too hard. If there are perks/drawbacks, there won't be many of them. I'd like to add them I think though, for a little more customisation if nothing else.

The other is more non-enemy characters; things like fellow martial arts students, apprentices, waifus, but I'm finding it hard to fit them in in a way thats relevant and not just tacked on. I could make a "life leading up to the tournament" section, which would also fill out the origin choice at the beginning, but I'm not sure if it'll draw away from the main attraction too much.


>2x2x2 Magic wand-3
>Draw bundle suite-9

I can be rich by making gold or something and make weird shit for fun a nice life improvement if you ask me I also get to be the little girl and that is a nice plus

Forgot to add rough version reeeeeeeee

hey /cyoag/, I'm making a martial arts inspired cyoa, and I need inspiration for companions. hit me with your best animu stereotypes

There is something i don't understand what does choosing a fighting style and master do mechanically? i mean the special attack for what i can tell is what it decides who whins


The easiest way I can think of to fix the skewing issue would be to switch to a dice roll. As it would be easier to add plus and minuses to it and not over stack it.

Husbandofags were confirmed irrelevant. Begone, vermin

I dont wanna go into it too much cause I might still change things, but the fights will be determine by your fighting style as well as your special attack, so it'll be two rock paper scissors mechanics.

Tie will be broken by energy points, which you have a limited stock of, though if I add perks they'll have a couple of ways to turn ties into wins or losses into ties as well.

Maybe; I'd like to keep it self contained though, even though a die roll isn't hard to add. I'll put it in the ideas list for now though, cheers

Ah shit this got finished?

I will hopefully include some satisfactory options in the tournament for you fujochan.

post character builders

preferably with waifus

>Go to OP
>Open Pastebin
>Open Drive
>Find CYOA
>Post them

>Shitpost for no reason

>Tomboy childhood friend who was really into kicking shit.
>Yandere stalker who overhead you talking about how cool martial arts stuff was and went and learned it.
>Fusion of the two prior.
>Old man who once used his skills in actual life-or-death situations but now wishes to pass on his teachings to someone who reminds him of his lost son.
>The prior mentioned son who turned evil an decided you're his rival. He may or may not be incompetent.
>A gas-station employee with massive bags under his eyes who is super fucking tired and wants to go to bed but is secretly a martial arts prodigy. The 7/11 he works at is secretly magical and attracts all kinds of dumb shit which he always had to deal with/clean up. The night shift is utterly horrifying.

Then make the perks or drawbacks determine the strength of those stats and limit the size of your special attack combination pool.





This looks like a lot of fun but theres a lot of stuff to have to recalculate considering all the discounts and freebies on such a huge list. Ill probably be able to do this easier after some more sleep though. Good shit man

>Trainer (Beginner)
I'm boring, sorry

>Free bag
>Free Champ's pass (+5 CP)
>Bike (13)
>Free 5 pokeballs
>HM's (11)
>Top % (10)
>Free 4 Top %
Use on remaining 4 pokemon
>Pokedex (0)
>Poke radar (+15 CP)
>Free PC

>Zinnia (rival)
Cutest one.

>Green (friend) (14 FP) (+20 CP)
>Brigette (friend) (9 FP)
>Skyla (friend) (3 FP)

I'm assuming we can eventually evolve over pokemon.
1 discount on FLying type pokemon

Dangit, forgot Cyndaquil was from Johto. Changing to Johto, making Brigette cost one more FP but I had leftovers.
>Cyndaquil (1 %) (free)
15+20 = 35 CP
Ah carp I missed the "gotta buy Rare candy to evolve pokemon". Oh well.
>Nidoran (male) (1 %) (34 CP)
>Shellder (32 CP)
I don't think I've ever had a Cloyster
>Natu (1 %) (30 CP)
>Mareep (1 %) (29 CP)
>Skorupi (1 %) (27 CP)

Fire, poison/ground, Water/ice,
Psychic/Flying, Electric, Poison/Dark
So, I should be covered pretty ok. Would have liked a Fighting pokemon too and doragons, but they're tough to level up and I start out with six pokemons. I could have changed Skorupi for Pangoro but I love Skorupi too much.
I ended up with way too many CP thanks to wanting to adventure like in the games (and liking the cute pokemon), and for missing the "must buy rare candy"
I feel back for the Shellder. He's the only guy that isn't a 1 %'er.

Now I gotta find a DS emulator and download Soul Silver and Alpha Sapphire.

Aspects: Redeemed Monster, Homunculus
Infusions: Darkness, Volcanic, Glacial, Aerial
Monster Knowledge: N/A
Base: N/A
Vehicle: N/A
Vehicle Upgrades: N/A
Witch Items: N/A
Weapons: N/A
Armor: N/A
Genetic Restructuring: Infusion Nanobots, Overload Upgrade (X4) (Darkness, Volcanic, Glacial, Aerial)
Cyber Implants: N/A
Spirit Possession: N/A
Hidden Society: N/A
Companions: The Slayer, The Vampire, The Troll
Enemy: The Vampire Lord
Location: The Coast

Once a terrible terror now and agent for peace. Get in good with The Vampire to learn everything she knows. Sometime after kill her to show loyalty to The Slayer. Hopefully we can reach a common ground in our work. The Troll will be a constant or she won't. Who knows.

Alright, I know the thread is slow but I can't wait with posting this any longer.

Posting waifu/husbando OC

Please let me know who did you pick (remember that you don't have to romance anyone or romance both characters in two-character-settings)


Page 1 had a lot of cute stuff but things get a bit more manly here.

This... certainly is an interesting way to present a CYOA.

Feedback, opinions, etc. welcome. Can't wait to read your (You)s, user.

Please vote in the strawpoll

What's the purpose of those branching paths and dotted lines?

I'm going to namefag to answer the questions but I don't intend to keep this name. Don't get mad plz.

Branching paths suggest reading order. When they branch out it means you can continue to read about the mentor or read about the apprentice first.

Dotted lines mean that stuff after them doesn't have to happen and the player has to do something to "trigger" them. Most of the time the text bubbles after dotted lines will describe what you need to do to romance the waifu/husbando.

Sort of, the version I found on 1d4chan's bottom half was all blurred for some reason? I got nothing against the design, but the text was literally unreadable.

The one I found on 4plebs looked perfectly fine though.

Warning: It's only three pages long, but it's a lot of text so reading the whole cyoa in one go might be a bit exhausting.

>I'm going to namefag to answer the questions but I don't intend to keep this name. Don't get mad plz.
Namefagging in moderation with a purpose is fine, reading now!


At any rate, I liked your waifu/husbando CYOA. It's a pretty unique format; feels dating sim-ish.

I don't see any blurring on the 1d4chan page. It's the exact same image except for that last empty bit.
Have you tried refreshing it?

No blurring.

>servicing customers
I'm 90% certain you mean serving customers

Who are you talking to?

Magic toolbox all day erryday. Since the description itself says that it can be used to perform tasks outside of human limits, I'm going to build some crazy shit. Also Fate's Yarn could be used to help the lives of my friends and family, so let's take that too.

Brb. Making a full Iron Man suit, the Monado, and the Spartan Laser.

Elvira. Electromagnetism exists but works differently, you say? Never mind lewd, that stuff is INTERESTING. Can't be too weird otherwise atoms wouldn't be stable and the whole of optics would probably behave differently, so...

* writes out Maxwell's equations *

* gazes thoughtfully at blackboard *

* ∇ dot B equals zero but what if it didn't?... *


(I once abused a lewd CYOA to create a time telegraph for signalling the past. Of course I'm going to go for the exciting new physics option if one is available!)


you read everything already?

Well, sort of. After the first page I was a bit distracted by thinking of how you might reformulate electromagnetism. It would have taken something seriously exciting to change my mind at that point.

... ooh, what if the unification energy is lower than it is here? Like, say, electricity would behave as normal at low energies but electroweak theory would come into play at, say, Van der Graaf energies rather than at Large Hadron Collider energies? You'd get weird behaviour then all right but I couldn't begin to say what! I ABSOLUTELY CAN'T WAIT TO GET STARTED THIS WILL BE SO MUCH FUN

Pretty good work user, I dig it a lot.

Going with Phillip as my master and hooking up with Petra; I like em loud.

I wish I had more to say, but its pretty solid all in all. I like the branching path gimmick, I gathered the way the dotted lines and all that worked, but it might be worth explaining it in the intro for some of the anons who struggle a bit.

Also full Petra art plz

Y'know, you're coming off as absurdly pretentious.

Is the implication here that Helen poisoned Miriam?

I don't have the time to read this now, but I want to tell you that I really enjoy your willingness to play around with the form, and my initial thought is that it's kind of cool.

t-thanks, was worried not many people will like her

"Uneasy" means "causing or feeling anxiety" --
difficult would be a better substitute.


Does anyone have that pocket god one?

Really? She seems pretty neat to me.

Phillip seems like a good bro as well.

I think most of the choices have something appealing qualities even when they don't match my particular likes, so you did good covering a broad spectrum I think.

Looking it over I immediately thought of picking her based on art.
Now that I know she cosplays as a maid and has huge titties I know I'll pick her!


Yeah I was afraid some will think Philip is going to rape them the moment they bend over to pick something up. About Petra, was worried picky people won't like her because of her bedroom habits.

Finished up. Personally would go for Bianca. Physically dominating her just falls hard into my list of kinks. I'd also enjoy a closer relationship with Damien, though not romantically. He's the kind of older guy figure I'd respect and want to be around, at the very least.

Carmen, man. Definitely feels like a very amoral character. I mean. Not that I mind morally dark waifus, though she's not really to my tastes. Jennifer, on the other hand... I do feel bad about her getting degraded. Are the solid black lines events that have to happen? Since I don't get that impression. But you specifically said here
That the dotted lines are the stuff that don't necessarily have to happen, which makes me feel like the last bubble in Carmen's path should be of dotted lines rather than a solid line as the bubble that precedes that says you can convince Jennifer to listen to you.

Oh, also, Jennifer's first bubble says she only uses canine-based elixirs on herself. You probably meant feline here.

>Yeah I was afraid some will think Philip is going to rape them the moment they bend over to pick something up.
Those people are silly, it seemed pretty clear that Phillip would pick up the signs if the player didn't bat for that team.
>About Petra, was worried picky people won't like her because of her bedroom habits.
Thats the nice thing about multiple waifus, one girl doesn't have to appeal to everyone. I'm pretty vanilla anyway, but long sessions with a loud girl are one of my favourite things and hey so long as I'm manly enough I can still try out kinkier stuff on her anyway.

Bianca was pretty tempting too. I'm not that into older women, but I understand that the nature of the concept meant they'd be heavily represented; I'm glad you included some variety.

>Become an alium: Q
>Double Int
>Double Int
>Double Int


>mfw Miriam is unobtainable.

The chance of unique scientific discoveries I'd have with Elvira is tempting, and getting rich in farming while doing "cute boyish things" doesn't sound bad either. But in the end I went with Damien because both he and Bianca seem like people I'd get along with very well and the work would be to my liking. I'm not interrested in bets or derring-do though, so I will die a Virgin just like IRL.

New OC, choose a dream then I'll reveal the second page once there are enough replies.

About Carmen, I was trying to make her look morally ambigous, like it's possible but not certain that she's going to "enslave" Jennifer instead of helping her later. I wanted to keep the player unsure about her intentions.

And you're right, the last line should be dotted.

No I meant canine because she's supposed to be more like a dog than a cat. Catgirl Jenny would have to be lazier while I wanted someone really "wild". I'm aware the ears look more like cat ears, I hope that won't bother people too much.

>Bianca was pretty tempting too

Don't you mean Catherine?

>Miriam is unobtainable.

It's not explicitly stated but nothing stops the player from fighting for Miriam. If the player wants to be with that princess, he'll have to defeat a very dangerous beast first.

>No I meant canine because she's supposed to be more like a dog than a cat. Catgirl Jenny would have to be lazier while I wanted someone really "wild". I'm aware the ears look more like cat ears, I hope that won't bother people too much.
I was willing to overlook that, but the bubble at the end of her romance path was a picture of cats, so...

Beating Heart.
The dreams I remember are always either about love or a black wasteland under a red sun.

It'll be a while for more to show up. It's Americaday plus they're still sleeping, and (most) Europeans will still be working.

Would be fun to be a dog. Can I get a cute owner?
>Beating heart
I've always wanted to know what love feels like.

Soothing pipe

naw, we're coming home now

Ah, I forgot about the time, It felt like I was working on this for a while.
Yup your owner would be the best anything you can imagine in a dream.

The cats are looking at the place where the strange noises come from.

>It's not explicitly stated
It is explicity stated that Helen would be in complete control, the lines aren't dotted either.
Call me a stickler fo rules but I'm German and I like it that way.

Flying Freely please.

Neat. Well, still picking Beating Heart but this would be nice too.
Right, saw wrong on the clock.

>Don't you mean Catherine?
Nope, Bianca; wrestling a hot girl my age to determine who gets to lead is my kind of thing, older women in general are not.

But to each their own.

Flying Freely.

nvm, I'm retarded

If you mean the bubble about the development of the player's relationship with Helen, it's only about the early stage of that relationship and not about everything in player's life. If it makes it look like the player loses his freedom the moment he becomes Helen's apprentice, then it's a mistake on my part.

My head says Flying Freely but my heart says Sweet Treats...

So much text

If I never hit on Miriam does Helen still fuck with her?

Well I'll just post it now. Shame I forgot about the time but I don't suppose it really makes much of a difference.
Now I know how much you guys were asking for a suicide cyoa a while back, so hopefully this is something to satiate your appetite.

Let your waking moments before the dream be revealed.
Enjoy :')

Don't want to pick anything because
>1 I'll probably end up as an incorporeal ghost with no way of interacting with rest of the world. If I wanted to see pretty views I could just google them.
>2 sweets are cool but getting to eat a lot of them while risking your life in a mystery box setting is not worth it
>3 is like being a retarded child execpt people aren't staring at you
>4 probably a post apocalyptic setting, no thanks
>5 I'm still young, don't want to trade 50 years of my life for a pipe
>6 I'm probably dying having a heart attack and she's my daughter OR I was reborn and she's my mother. Either way no because I don't want to die and I like my current life enough to not want to trade it for a dice roll.



Yeah, that's almost what I expected. Nice though.

Endless drive seems pretty comfy.

You don't have to hit on her, Helen will activate her terminator mode the moment she'll start thinking you're spending too much time together. I guess she won't do anything if you somehow make your relations with Miriam hostile.

wheres my prize

Yeah, it's probably the comfyiest choice.

I really like Elvira and Miriam, and Natalie is pretty good too.

>Heart attack
Best way to die.
Pills are horrible, you don't know if you took too many and if you're taking kodeine (?) it'll take a while before your liver gives up. I can't buy a gun and I don't have a heart.
Heart attack means I don't choose to kill myself, and it happens in so little time I can barely react.

If it makes you feel good I did feel a small pressing on my chest when I read this. It was mildly uncomfortable.