How fucked am I?

I got a job that require a lot of hand shakes and most of my salary depends on how I establish dominance to the customers and how manipulative I will be.

That's unironically the easiest part, the bigger problem is my hyperhidrosis (aka sweaty hands).

When I have interviews I use a lot of antitraspirant deodorant or corn starch on my hands, but doing it on regular basis several times a day would be a problem.

Who else is suffering of hyperhidrosis and how do you handle it?

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Did you come in the wrong door, /adv/ is

wear leather gestapo gloves

Best option right now is iontophoresis machine by Dr koer I think, I have one and it works. Expensive but buy it and use it. Temporary option is Botox hands but expensive. Get on this right now.

take cold showers and only cold showers and stop washing your hands every 10 minutes unless it's with cold water and stop using antiperspirant deodorant; use regular deodorant instead

just say that you are more like a huggy type person

op hugging customers as they walk in

every now and then I get a good laugh here, thanks user

There is a certain surgery where they cut some nerve and your hands stop sweating. Ask your doc and if he gives you some bullshit alternative tell him your job depends on that.
t. dude who did that and is now happy as a clam

Doctor here, just checked the UpToDate page for you.
Therapy for palmar/plantar hyperhidrosis:
Aluminum chloride hexahydrate (just apply it to the skin, it's an antitranspirant
Iontophoresis (involves a machine that applies direct current to tap water, making ionized atoms move into the skin and block your sweating glands. Machine is available for home use)
The botulinum toxin treatment is only available after referral, try the above two treatments first.

You're talking about endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS).
As a rule of thumb, never try surgery if you haven't tried noninvasive treatments.

>people now get surgery because their hands are too moist

Holy shit. We're definitely not going to make

Well, I did try those first and did nothing. Maybe they'll work for OP tho. Try those first, OP. But if they don't work know there are other possibilities.

>I don't have this problem so I don't know how much it can impact other people's life
Fuck off, clown.

do the sweaty hands make fapping feel better?

I think he should try the aluminum chloride hexahydrate and iontophoresis by himself. Then if those don't work, he can go to a doctor and will likely get an immediate referral for the botulinum injections.
If those don't work either, it is indeed good for him to know that there is also endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy as a last measure.

I have OCD and my hands get so dry they crack and bleed from me washing them. Not sure whats worse

wipe your hand once on your pants (thigh area) just before you shake?

Seconding this. Got it about 18 months ago Andy it changed my life.

Cut ur hands off, buy BTC.

Thank me later.

Assert dominance through your moistness.

user, at present there is a cure for under arm hyperhidrosis called miradry. It is non invasive and basically damages the under arm sweat cells. It is a motherfucking cure for underarm hyperhidrosis only. If this is a problem pay a specialist to do it. Unfortunately they don't have it for palms but have been testing it. In the meantime while we wait for our cure use Dr Koers unit and if you are desperate while it arrives book hand Botox asap. Also do not get a fucking ETS surgery. Just fucking don't, a non invasive cure will come. Bro normies have no idea how fucked the sweat is, hang in there bro you are gonna start solving this today by taking action immediately and fucking slam that job. Do it user, life changing shit.

This ets shit is dangerous be careful user. Last fucking resort.

Obviously the effects on your hands are the least of your worries with OCD.
Are you getting CBT and an SSRI? If those don't work well enough for you, you might consider DBS.

You have no fucking idea. This is one of the most mentally stressful skin conditions going.


Hair spray on your hands

Faggot, mixing the iontophoresis which aluminium chloride lowers the efficacy of the iontophoresis. Read instructions and do this properly

I didn't say at the same time you daft cunt

1.put two small kleenexes in pockets
2. put pockets in hands when they get too sweaty and give them a small wipe
3. ?????????
4. suck a dick

i would love to see this shit

SSRIs increase sweating not make it better. There are anticholinergic drugs you can try but they gave me joint pain. They do work and you will have dry hands. But have different efficacy when taken with and without food. Your GP probably has nfi. If you are in a big city I would order Dr Koers unit today then call around Botox clinics until someone will do it for you with no referal from a go who has nfi anyhow. All the GPs I spoke with have nfi and think it's no big deal

Did you even read which post I was replying to?

Just use chalk to dry out your hands and wipe it off?

Wtf are all these surgeries, shoo shoo Jewish people.

right there with you OP, it torments me everyday

I have first hand (lol) experience with this. If you apply aluminium chloride as directed (over night) and use iontophoresis daily, it will lower the efficacy of the iontophoresis. Call the Dr koer office and ask them.

user, I have given you specialist dermatologist level advice here cos that's who I talk with. I want you to do something for me. Email the miradry support team and tell them you want miradry cure for hands and you are desperate and you want them to get it FDA approved asap. We need a cure so we can get on with making money and don't have to think about our fucking hands.

it's like modern germ theory has to go right out the window every time someone thrusts their sweaty palms at me. yes i would love to touch your hands with my hands thankyou sir. fuuuuuuuck

2018 time for the formal fist bump. antiobiotics aren't as effective anymore as they were. we can't afford this handshake nonsense anymore.

Undiagnosed cause refuse to get on an RX

What about ojigi?
OP should just move to Japan.

Get an ontophoresis machine man. Cash out some shitcoins if you have to. Probabaly the single best investment I’ve made in my adult life.

last time I went to the doctor's he gave me a fist bump. Perfectly reasonable

SSRIs have relatively few side effects, and CBT works pretty good for OCD as well.
If you are opposed to medical therapy, just ask for CBT monotherapy.

How much time do you currently spend washing your hands each day? Do you have any other compulsive activities that you lose a lot of time with, and do you have any intrusive thoughts you can't get rid of?

fuck I think I really should. The worst for myself is writing.
>inb4 calling anyone with this problem beta


baby powder in your pockets

There is literally a pill the doctor can give you that will fix your sweaty hands.

Buy this OP

Apply to hands before you go to sleep

Thank me later

only valid answer

aren't there lowkey solutions to that, i thought there were like inserts you could have in your pocket where you could like wipe your hand off or something? It wouldn't look so strange to walk up to someone with your hand in your right pocket, pull it out and shake hands

if not feel free to take the idea and invent it

There are gels meant for pro gamers making your hands dry for a few hours. Think its called gamer grip.

Tried it, not powerful enough

Ok if you want go in that direction with day time application (not overnight) the shit you need is called carpe. Look it up, sold on Amazon. Pro tip, go to the carpe Reddit they are giving away free trials of a new formula, contact them to get it. Every single thing I have mentioned above I have tried except ets. And that includes SSRIs

Can you jerk off with your sweat as lube?

Going to the gym should toughen your hands and fuck up the sweat glands
T.ex handsweatlet

Thirding this.

Any serious iontophoresis machine will do the job, provided you stick to the protocol. They don't know why it works, but it works. I went from daily niagara falls to comfortably dry hands in a few months, and for the past 10 years I've only needed one maintenance session every month (or a full cycle if I get lazy and wait for a few months).

It seems like some weird newage hipster thing because so few people talk about it, but it works. Don't go for invasive surgeries without at least giving this a shot.

You sound like a little bitch, OP.
>waaaah I'm scared people will think my hands are too sweaty!!
Good luck establishing dominance when you think like a woman, faggot.


you got it backward

buy btc THEN cut your hands off

This guy knows everything about aids meds cos he has full blown gay trucker aids

So whats your job?

Use this stuff on your hands. It stops sweat 100%. Prescription only.

Soaking the other man's hand in sweat establishes dominance.

It shows them that they're beneath you.

as i got older that shit went away for the most part. 26 now. when it got bad i would run hands under really cold or warm/hot water.