/anrg/ - Android Netrunner General

>Campaign modes
Have you tried any? what do you look for in a campaign mode?

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Worlds of Android Scan now in the OP

Old bread >>

Old bread In a campaign (admittedly I've not tried any) I'd want a couple of things - one, some consideration for the way victory is achieved, and two, some consideration of non-victory things - ways to get something out of games you lose, from the things that happen during the game

There was a system posted recently on reddit with XP for upgrading decks and other campaigny stuff, it was a bit rough around the edges but it looks pretty promising. Only thing it lacks is midgame triggers I think.

>Still no indication of the next cycle...

This is most worrisome indeed.

I'm personally hoping that they will release information on the next cycle soon, but delay its release for a short while. Hopefully the meta will settle and people will start experimenting with more weird and janky decks, rather than just move onto the next big deck immediately.

I hope so too, but it does seem like FFG are pushing a lot out the door right now, both new and existing stuff.

Also kind of amused at OP not changing their filename from a relic of my retarded image filing system... also was slightly concerned that I'd made the thread and not remembered doing so, but poster count proved that I didn't

Well, at least we know that ANR shouldn't be going anywhere for a while. With a new lead designer, there are probably just a lot of things up in the air with netrunner team.

Folder's upon folder's is my personal image filing system. While not pretty, it gets the job done.

To be honest, I made the thread from my phone instead of my pc, that's why I didn't change filenames, I just drop them in the Netrunner folder.


Interestingly, I was playing some very similar Skorpios build tonight against a Sunny deck, managed to get off all copies of its decoders. Runner still did pretty well thanks thanks to Security Nexus and I lost to a lucky Deep Data Mining.

My point wasn't just breakers, but having others ways also to deal with getting points/inside servers. Robust decks.

>Campaign modes

No, but I have found someone eagr to do the testing with me. Need to schedule this. Will have to deck a full day.

Now that you mention DDM, isn't Cortex Lock a good meta call now that everyone is hype on DDM?

Man, I forgot how good that rez/cost ratio is, especially early game.

I love to slot that in rush. Troubler is everyone expects it against me.

There's always "mind game before Mind Game was a thing"

I loved how cheap my ice was while playing Palana Glacier, especially with Mind Games. Then I went back to Weyland with it's 4+ rez ice.

I hope they keep the trend of giving the good money cards to the money factions (Aeneas is the only faction specific econ card released so far in Mars I think) and give Weyland more straight up money options, and the rest get alternative solutions instead (cheaper rez, click efficiency, etc.).

Did you mean Bullfrog?

(and now I realize how much of a miracle it is we never for a Pepe version of it).

They've been doing some really interesting things in experimenting with values (rez/trace/effect) these past two cycles. With past experience helping a lot.

Executive Functioning is a pretty good example I think. Gearcheck code gate with a pretty punishing sub with decent trace that you can still get through if prepared.

Yeah people don't seem to like it, but having played with it a bit, I find it pretty decent.
Very fairly costed, real potential for hurt.

How do people feel about the current meta, which some say is an RPS meta? Where most decks will be strong against a certain deck, but weak to another?

Personally I think it's fine. I've been playing another game with an RPS meta, and I love how stupid stuff can still win over the legit difficult to beat stuff due to weird interactions. Finding stuff that can beat your meta feels really satisfying. At the same vein though, it's understandable if people don't like such a meta due to wanting to play rock and the meta is always paper or other types of rock. The game I play has a randomized method for getting toolsz a bit like booster packs, but it's also fast to play and takes considerably less time to test stuff unlike Netrunner.

What are the odds of an updated MWL and/or rotation happening before Worlds?

There is a sadfrog version of bullfrog though.


I would like to see that

Nah, Bullfrog is perhaps the closest card to Mind Game literally, but Lockdown created an actual mind game if it fired.
Also it cost 0 and had a good strength

Really? Been following /anrg/ since basically the start, and I don't think I've never seen it.
Which I guess is a miracle of another kind.

>but Lockdown created an actual mind game if it fired.

Are you implying Bullfrog didn't? Moving the runner in front of an naked agenda to help convince it's not one, or taking the kind of runners that will always follow through to the end with a run to a now better armed Edge of World... some of the most stupid and fun mind games if you ask me.

I really licked playing Lockdown during the Faust craze. Had interesting consequences on runner turn structure.

Personally I like it, but I come at it from a non-competitive perspective: if I lose a game, there's always the next one. Competitive players seem divided between those that like it, as evaluating the state of the meta is something they very much enjoy, others seem to find things getting too random or their taste. I haven't seen the change making much difference for more casual players.

Also personally, some of the best games come from match up that are supposed to be pretty uneven. As in that Skorpios vs Sunny up there.

Looks so pretty, what decks did you win her with?

Not mine, I just bumped the thread with it. There is no meta in my city, at the moment...

>Really? Been following /anrg/ since basically the start, and I don't think I've never seen it.
>Which I guess is a miracle of another kind.

You have to remember, it was bullfrog card. The name Bullfrog was crossed out and replaced with sadfrog. And then the art was a sadfrog blending with the bullfrog.
I lost my copy of it back when I lost my HDD, along with all my templates to make fan art cards like this.

Btw, while I was looking around in the Internet to see if I could find the sadbullfrog I found threads of people in bgg and stimhack discussing a version of the MaxX mock up back when spoilers were a thing and OnC was being spoiled by snow-jax. I'm proud some people believed the mockup to be real, although upon closer look one could tell it certainly wasn't (I mean, it was subtitled "angry runner", the name snow-jax called her, come on).

I need to find the full picture, but 4plebs only saves thumbnails.


>along with all my templates to make fan art cards like this.
At least there's GRNDL for that


Cool card thematically, I'd love to see what sort of deck would want to use it


Nice. I must have missed it the first time.

Played it in Reina (what else). Getting into a headlock situation and preventing the corp from purging your Lamprey (or if you're feeling frisky your Lamprey/Ixodidae combo) can be extremely mean.

Also pretty fun against NA decks: the corp installs feeling it has a window only to miss one click for score.

Damn it second half of the post was addressing

This card is interesting, but I find the downside a bit tough for 4 stealth credits, specially with clone chip in the MWL.

The downside is why most people sadly use those 4 credits to trash naked assets.

Or to install something off SMC during a safe run.

Now I'm thinking, is too much effort to include caches around to trash them during the run? Taking out the credits so the card can trigger off it.
Looking around, Sahasrara is also an option.

I guess the best option is still clone chip.

Not a bad idea, so long as you have the MU I guess

Looks like the next GNK has AA Omar and Team Sponsership and Anarch click trackers as the prizes.

>AA Omar and Team Sponsership
That would be interesting. I like Omar theme and the synergy of playing Frantic Coding with 2 copies of each conspiracy breaker. It basically sets you up with a single click with all breakers "ready" in the heap and a program (medium/MO) installed.

Cache can be purged, but I guess making the corp lose a turn for a single cache token is pretty worth.

Is there a possibility to make Nero... something with Daredevil as his console? I made a deck, but I don't even know if it would be competent.

Why specifically Daredevil?

Still struggling to make Nero a thing myself.

And now I can't even post text unless I allow google to do do some stuff it's not supposed to do...

Might not be able to post for a while.

A deck around card effects independent of successful/unsuccessful runs could be interesting, though we only have Turning Wheel and Net Mercur so far. Daredevil in Crim is interesting in general, especially because double icing HQ against Crims is a given. Maybe with Snitch while it's still around.

I'm sad that I can't think of any shenanigans with Nero either. Just thought of Paintbrush + derez, but turns out that's rotating too. I guess there's Egret? Does that uninstall on derez, or does it not matter once installed? Probably better in Steve thanks to recursion though.

If it's the cannot connect to google thing, restarting your stuff usually works.

So the current idea is to use Jak Sinclair, Nero, and Daredevil to make relatively safe runs to draw cards at the start of the turn for no actual clicks, as well as get money off of Au Revoir and put counters on Turning Wheel. I personally think it would work best as a Faust deck, I'm having trouble with influence regulation though.

The Daredevil concept was initially because it allowed for Nero to set up much faster, due to the Jak Sinclair combo, while still running normal breakers, but I'm generally worried about the amount of money the deck has overall.

On a side note, Smoke is one of, if not my favorite runner, just because any game you play as her becomes interesting from a set up standpoint.

Nero overall though has such a niche ability that building around him is far too difficult for the gimmick. I think with more cards though, someone could make something that is at least competent.

At least AA Omar is usable compared to Nero.

How do you make safe runs into two ice servers? And wouldn't Temujin generally solve any run based econ problems, unless you're not aiming for successful runs? SecTesting might be a good backup econ though.

Nero's ability is definitely subtle, since unlike Kit or Quetzal you can't force your way into a server. Econ denial and derez seems to be his best use assuming they put down any sentries, though if they only put barriers and code gates you'd have to rely on other methods.

When I mean relatively safe, you make a run into a server that has two or more ice, if it has a sentry in the outermost position to grab your cards and credits, or you play Forged Activation Orders to get the outermost piece of ice rezed to make jacking out a piece of cake.

Temujin solves run based economy problems, but the main problem is that there isn't enough influence in the deck to run the three copies of Temujin that most criminals now run. However, since the deck relies on Faust, it isn't too particularly economic based in the traditional sense, it only is for when you're up against Moons and Asset spam. Security Testing is definitely something I'm considering, the current iteration runs Aeneas informant.

I'll just throw the decklist here so that you can see what my current idea for the deck is overall. I'll most likely cut some of the icebreakers to make room for more cards, I'm still in the testing / creation process since Nero is such a fucking pain.

Nero Severn: Information Broker

Event (15)
2x Account Siphon
3x Forged Activation Orders
2x Inside Job
2x Legwork
1x Levy AR Lab Access ●●●
2x Special Order
3x Sure Gamble

Hardware (4)
3x Daredevil ●●●
1x Recon Drone

Resource (16)
2x Aaron Marrón
3x Aeneas Informant
3x Earthrise Hotel
3x Gang Sign
1x Hernando Cortez
1x Jak Sinclair ●●
1x Political Operative
2x The Turning Wheel ●●

Icebreaker (5)
1x Abagnale
1x Breach
1x Faust ●●
1x Femme Fatale
1x Mongoose

Program (6)
3x Au Revoir
3x Tapwrm

15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
46 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Terminal Directive

Just a quick look, but I think SecTesting will definitely help cover your bases. Aeneas for assets, Au Revoir for jack outs, SecTest for open servers. I think you should fit in Rosetta and Cache somehow, helps find you breakers and Au Revoir early. I honestly don't know about Faust, but that's mostly because I've never dared to try it. I'd experiment with Cloak + Net Mercur in that slot. FAO is definitely a good slot for the game plan I think.

I'll find a way to slot in Rosetta 2.0, Cache and SecTest, it should help with economy a lot. I think I might remove the copies of Sure Gamble to help find room to slot them.

Initially I wasn't running Faust and was simply running more of the other breakers as well as Dhedgers to help lower the cost of Femme. I'm stilling going to experiment with that deck, but currently I want to see how a Faust style deck would work.

Postan proof.
Kind of disappointed in Omar AA, after seeing him working in frantic coding this is pretty tame.
TS is cool though

Is there a way to play campaigns online against an AI? or offline against AI?

Basically nope. Probably takes too much effort to code for a basic AI for that, unless its FFG doing that with serious amounts of creds.

>he has that frilly thing on his chair
And is that Dinosaurus behind him?

Offline with physical cards there's a few AI builds on bgg.com. They're fine for learning the rules I guess, though they lack most of the subtleties of actual play.

HB sponsors baseball too.

I've seen old people with those things (doilies? Apparently the proper name is Antimacassar), I guess it does remind people that Omar is an old man.

Also yeah, that looks like Dinosaurus's breakfast cereal behind him there

>So the current idea is to use Jak Sinclair, Nero, and Daredevil to make relatively safe runs to draw cards

The influence sure hurt, but Patron would seem more indicated for that, wouldn't it? Keep your console slot, put one Patrn, three Hostage?

Ol" Man Keung is my guy. Will need to pester someone for that one.

I love Omar, but I really wanted a Null AA, hacking while wearing his suit and Sifr.

Understandable. Null certainly has class.

The deck looks geared for post-rotation, so there's that.

But then unless you manage to make the corp so poor it can't rez anything over a two ICE server, I have a hard times seeing Daredevil/Jak Sinclair work reliably enough for that set up.

I could see Daredevil do something for the ID. but being dependent on a two ICE-server with an outer sentry? That's starting to pile up a bit too many conditions.
Not to mention the fact that it doesn't really help for set up.

I don't know, I think there's a seed here. Just need to find a way to nurture it.

I think Aeneas and SecTest make for good side Jak targets while a two ice server isn't up yet. Plus not just sentries, but any non-punishing ETR ice would fit too. Escher might even be a good splash here. Besides, I seriously doubt there's any corp that doesn't double ice HQ against Crim except Skorpios, not to mention the usual troubles of having single ice servers.

You're probably right that I'm being too much of a downer here.
Worth a try anyway.

Want to do some RPC shenanigans... should I go full gov takeover, or just leave it with Vanity and no 3 pointers?

Also, BoN?

So quiet.

Also, could have sworn I had Vanity Project as a full art

is this love? or is this __murder?


That's betrayal is what that is

I actually trawled the archives and found it (same resolution), but cheers anyway

If going BoN/RPF, I'd probably just go The Cleaners for now. That way you can rush an early Cleaner which is gold, and close the game with another, at which point lost counters don't matter.

GT/VP seem bettr in other decks to me... might be wrong on that though.

Don't worry about being a downer, I needed ( and still do need) some other eyes on this to see if there is even a shred of a possibility of making a competent deck out of this idea. There is a GNK next week about half an hour away from me, and if I can get a relatively final version of the deck by then, I'll bring it along. I'll post a newer version of the deck either later tonight or this weekend after I've done a bit more tweaking.

Full Gov. Takeover or no balls. I'm a bit iffy on using BoN as the Weyland of choice for RPC. I've got a Gagarin Deck based around Graft to grab Biotic, RPC and Gov. Takeover to get 6 points on the next turn due to Anson Rose and Mumbad Construction ticking away.

Quickly built a no remote one last thread, looked pretty funny. Problem with BoN is the 12 influence, I'd probably go Skorpios just for that, especially since Biotics is pretty mandatory.

Additional bonus for Skorpios: RFGing Clot. Just gotta bait it out.



Anti-resources/money Jinteki: could it work, and where? I'm wondering about Chronos Protocol or Potential Unleashed (as you could add Student Loans more easily for one).

Water Monopoly, Scarcity of Resources, Student Loans and/or Docklands Crackdown. The whole gamut.
Will hurt not having the Gagarin tax though, I wonder how to compensate for that.

Both have merits, buuut IG is truly the antiecon. It's no mistake it was chosen for the prison decks.

There's voter intimidation, ofc, and Psychic field is an easy tag for the faction

Scarcity can be pretty brutal, makes a lot of very common resources really not worth it

I'm trying to stay off IG for now.

But even then, from a taxing standpoint, does IG actually do that much work? All too often people will take the Archives run tax and not pay the increased trash cost.

There is definitely value in putting assets off trash range early game if you can manage though.



Oh, ok, so it wasn't a card... so there comes the follow up: Psychic Field for tagging? I know I'm still trying to wakes, but did I miss something?

System Outage could help a bit while Scarcity isn't around maybe. Also, maybe glacier AgInfusion can provide a proper scoring window of some sort if the anti-econ fails.

>All too often people will take the Archives run tax and not pay the increased trash
If they want to eat 3 Shocks, encounter a DNA Tracker and/or whatever you want to put on that server, then I say let them. The credits and resources they spend to run the archives will always far exceed the increased trash cost they would pay to trash something. Crick shines in archives and it's 1 credit.

More often your employees are going to be on a strike and the ID choice won't matter.

>Psychic Field for tagging?
Probably meant Cerebral Cast

>If they want to eat 3 Shocks

So it's true that SecTesting is dying?

Point well taken on ICE, though I don't know that I'm so positive.
I guess I play too much anti-econ, colors my view - I would run past Crick, doesn't matter that you recur that thing as long as you can't rez it.

Would make for some pretty interesting match up actually. Anti-econ vs anti-econ. Which player will prove better at suffocating the other?

But then I wouldn't call it easy...

... right.

Oh dear, it's one of those days

SecTesting won't turn over Archives cards because it replaces access. The only way to do that would be using Eater to break some ICE protecting Archives, this will reduce the number of cards you access to 0, but still turn over all the cards.

The cards recurred are usually Caprice and Batty, sometimes installed in Archives to keep the runner out.

Have they reneged on that ruling while I wasn't looking? It turns the cards AND replaces access. Both.

>The cards recurred are usually Caprice and Batty

Usually, but here?

It is. You're not alone though.

>Have they reneged on that ruling while I wasn't looking?

>If the Runner uses a replacement effect, then he or she does not turn any facedown cards faceup

Shit, they did and no one here noticed.

And now the doubt is going to linger. Did that guy forget or cheat against me? I find it pretty unlikely the competitive players wouldn't know about that.


I love Maya with Dorm Computer, the influence hurts a little bit though.

Oh for sure. I hope dorm computer starts seeing more niche play. I feel regretful that I didn't play Jesminder while Sync was around so I could do weird Maya / Equivocation combos to mess with the corp without getting tagged.

Always seemed a bit of a shame that Shapers never really had much use for tag-dodging outside of Maya

Crim is very much on the tag-dodging/removal side, where anarch is geared for tag-me, but there's exactly 4 shaper cards that mention tags, and 2 of them or Jes and Maya



Duggars or Wyldside+Scrubber+Salsette+Data Dealer+Bloo Moose+this=profit?

I wonder how you'd ever make this useful. Algo is atleast relatively hard to trash, even with Best Defense. Long Term Investment is almost certainly better, and people think that's a bad card too. Maybe you can Dedication some tokens on it and call them credits, heh.

There's a thought though, storing advancement tokens on it for RPC, though putting them on ice is almost certainly better.

I got good use from it as bait. Putting it in my scoring server and watching the runner sweat while the credits kept piling up.

Was it worth the investment? Besides PolOp what other things do you worry about with it down?