For you, Veeky Forums
For you, Veeky Forums
>Lina Inverse
>traveling with Gandalf the Gray
Been too long since I've seen any slayers stuff. Thanks op!
The fuck is this!
I like it but who the hell is the girl and why is she rolling with gandalf?
Thanks OP, doujins are truly magical.
Thank you OP this is cool.
Oh it IS the end.
thanks op
Lina Inverse, MC of the Slayers series - hugely popular fantasy comedy in the 90s
Run you fools!...
Holy shit!
>who the hell is the girl
It's your new waifu! Say something nice about her!
It's appreciated!
I've always suspected the spell was named "Dragon Slay" or similar. The author wrote English words phonetically, which were then incorrectly translated back.
>McKellan the Gray
Love it. This is fuckin magical.
What molecule is that?
It looks like some kind of octahydroxide triperoxide nightmare.
It must creep up on you like a jellyfish and sting your ears with a sharp echo.
I can't come up with better references, sorry.
I agree. Majestic.
no, it's lactose.
>The Nazghul are fangirls
Headcannon forever now.
>fireball magic
I don't think I've ever seen such a butchering of a source material in my entire life. It would have been like if the matrix had an "it was all a dream" ending with Neo waking up in real life or a remake of Scooby Doo where Scooby is a villain and kidnaps children. LotR's magic was never "I strong mage, I shoot fireball", magic was subtle and intelligent, it wasn't about wizards flinging lightning at each other. That's why the Ring's power was to control other things, to whisper things to people to make them fall, not that if you wore it you could shoot lasers from your eyes or something.
Fuck, this pisses me off so much.
>Christopher the White
That is the final straw. My sides have been cast into the fires whence they came.
You forget, this ain't a LoTR doujin. It's a Slayers one. Fireballs and other op spells with goofy names (Vigarth Gaia?) are all status quo.
Sidenote: Slayer is a metal band. Who else is metal as fuck? Christopher the White, I mean Christopher Lee, who absolutely loved heavy metal and even made metal albums (incl. a Christmas metal album)
what about that time in the hobbit when gandalf set wolves on fire?
That was magical, OP. Kanzaka wrote it? Where is this from?
As other posters have pointed out, everything Lina does is Slayers magic, and works exactly the way it did in the source material. Go watch the series, it is a classic.
>autist missing the point this hard
jesus christ kids these days
technically he set pine cones on fire but then they fucking exploaded on impact
He didn't even do it himself.
He used the ring of fire.
>Christopher the White
Oh jaysus it's too good
That's not what the ring did.
None of the Rings of Power shot lazors or whatever; Gandalf's ring gave him the power to inspire courage and hope in the hearts of Men and Elves.
It also provided protection from scrying, fire magic, and anti-ageing cream.
They explain pretty clearly in the show that is was originally "Dragon Slayer" and just got corrupted over time like most languages do.
Lina got significantly hotter that what I remember.
She's a flat-chested gremlin.
>magic needing material components
i guess lina had a feat that let her skip those.