Aptain/Librarian Rules


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no point cost...

It's online

Point cost is listed separately from the model's stat blocks now. Haven't you been paying attention to all the Indices?

Why is the auto bolt rifle AP0 while the normal bolt rifle is AP-1?

God, I hope primaris end up getting at least some options. Not even having options for other power/force weapons besides the sword is frustrating. GW has really decided to go the full on Jew route and not put out any rules or options for anything that's not specifically on the model itself.

Rules aside I am loving that primaries librarian model. It's probably my second favorite behind the Dark Vengeance librarian.

Specialized no options is the shtick of the primaris marines. Play regular space marines if you want more options.

>Specialized no options is the shtick of the primaris marines.

So far. Because we only got snapfits and a few characters.

Or you seriously think Gravis captain will only ever get a sword and fist, librarian will only ever get to use a sword, hellblasters will only ever have plasma guns, etc? GW might as well sell pre-painted miniatures at that point.

>Why is the auto bolt rifle AP0 while the normal bolt rifle is AP-1?
So the auto bolt rifle isn't a straight upgrade.
It replaces the old storm bolter as the fire on the move boltgun.
>the rest of the post
You haven't yet realized that primaris marines are set up like the old legions, in which you didn't have super flexible boot infantry?

>might as well sell pre-painted miniatures
Those easy to assemble snap-fit reiver marines in coloured plastic say they pretty much already are

The Worst offender I the Techpriest, that fucked should have 400 different warhead option not just 4

>old legions

So where's where are all the options for sergeants and officers? Where are the special weapons for the hellblasers? Where's the 20 man bolter squads with standard bearers and vox-operators?

Primaris Librarian has a better statline but costs the same 93 points that a regular Librarian does. You're giving up a bit of flexibility but outside of specialized libies like Terminator or Jumpack he seems like a good alternative to a vanilla librarian.

so you dont play warhammer?


Aside from the fact he can't go in any land transports.

Also I just want to these could not be the final rules because the rules from the starter box are different from the ones in the book.

Coming within 2 months if you ask me. Get the boxes out there, get the new codices out there, then release the new units alongside that codex. Have you not noticed that you can't straight up buy Primaris Marines yet? It's because they don't fit the game as it currently exists.

Must be dropping soon then

Just because I've convinced myself

>Why is the auto bolt rifle AP0 while the normal bolt rifle is AP-1?


Good find

Personally, I would take AP-1 over D2 for most weapons. Or at least have the option for a 12" Rapid Fire AP-1 mode of fire as part of the profile.

I thought so. It makes sense to me, but I'm no businessman. It just seems like the best way to ensure sales. Sell a product that is somewhat functional, but not complete until further purchases are made.

Businesses will be businesses

We irl 40K DLC now.


Seems like it.

>pay around $30 for a generic Primaris HQ unit
>or pay $12-20 for a special HQ unit that is objectively better

Man GW you sure make these purchase decisions difficult for me.

Supplements were basically that. Warmahordes does it too, they release special sergeant models that you can add to units that had shit rules to buff them and make them competitive.

>paying for GW books

>pay any amount of money for a HQ
>or make one from all your extra spare bits


I'm just going to use the dude from DI in Gravis Armour until I get the generic captain cheap as fuck on ebay. Fuck, I'll just buy a lieutenant and mod his pose a bit.

The new generic captain is different from the DI one. Diff wargear and armor.

Yep. But I don't know a single person that plays WYSIWYG. So if I plop down some bloke that looks different from everyone else and I call him a captain, he's a captain.

Literally this.



Well shit. Now I need to make one of these.
Or better yet. Reivers that are actually just Boyz in disguise.

I'm a bit hard.

I wish i had enough spare bits to make something like that.

>$35 for a monopose model with a choice between a boltgun, or a boltgun with a scope
No one is actually buying Primaris Marines right now right?

>Dark Imperium sold out so hard they had to introduce another variant of it with the exact same models minus the blight drone and HQs to keep up with demand

that makes sense for indices and codices, faggot, but not on standalone statblocks.

It makes plenty of sense, because the points for the weapons aren't on the datasheets either.

Look on top of the box-turned-central building, bruh.

They cut out characters and two Plague Marines, and the Hellblasters.

Actually, scratch the Hellblasters comment, I misremembered and THEN looked at the image. Ultras only lose the Lts.

>that makes sense for indices and codices, faggot, but not on standalone statblocks.

They're trying to push power levels as the new way to play. Those are included.

D2 comes from the master-crafted part. It should still be AP-1.

what army do you play, just out of curiosity?

so? list both, right underneath the datasheet here. what's the point of listing the cost on the fucking itnernet instead?

How the hell do you stat that affront to the Omnissiah!? It looks cool anyway.