How does one kill demons?
The Emprah
What demon is it?
Holy relics. You know, like a sword with the nail from the cross built it on nun-chucks made out of Mother Teresa's bones.
You can't. Demons are immortal in every setting they've been in. You kill them they get reborn. Imprisonment seems to be the only way they can be dealt with
That's daemons. Learn your trademarks, it could save you Cease&Desist.
Generally, people settle for banishing them. Either through destroying demon's physical manifestation or though some religious rites. Little is know about actual killing. Sometimes a weapon of legend might to the job, other times entering demon's place of origin is required.
Depends on the demon. Salt and low-carbon, untempered steel (so basically iron) are good methods, as are True Names, silver or even peach stones in some asian countries.
With a gun, OP.
With a shotgun.
Reduce their HP to zero.
By becoming one.
No, OP, you are the demons
Ya don't. You either banish them or bind them.
Soul nullification
And then OP was a faggot
With the demon slaying macguffin.
The only way is to reset the uni/multiverse
And even then they're bound to pop up again in some way, shape or form
Something that has once existed can always recur
And if it can recur, then it will always exist. You just don't know when or where.
With an ice rink full of C4 and the Canadian national anthem playing.
Razorwire won't cut it, guys, we're going to need at least a trench...
I think OP is referencing a dude a while back who got MASSIVELY butthurt about the fact that razor wire coils could supposedly hold back every kind of 40k daemon because they didn't have guns and it's springy so isn't cut easily, neglecting the fact that the daemons were, you know, fucking daemons.
Make sure that you're fighting them with only ten minutes before the store closes and the owner is looking over your DM's shoulder.
Works every time
>You know, like a sword with the nail from the cross built it
Say what you want about Jim Butcher and the Dresden Files, but the Knights of the Cross and the Order of the Blackened Denarius are excellent concepts.