Warmahordes, infinity, etc. allowed
Post the worst miniature design you can find
>Warmahordes, infinity, etc. allowed
Very optimistic, OP.
>implying bird moustaches aren't patrician taste
titty marines?
Looks more like his mouth is the birds' butt
wjy is robotnik blue?
Basically every warmahordes infantry sculpt is awful so I want waste time posting them.
I was tentatively onboard with the Primaris meme until these travesties showed up.
They really botched the legs on all these guys.
Hey look, the commander has a warboner.
In order to know his enemy, he must BE his enemy
What do you think about this design?
When this model was first released, Giger got raging erection that lasted for three days. Despite being dead since 2014.
Not so much "Bad" as it is Edgy. The design is good for the aesthetic, so they achieve what they're going for, but as for what they're going for being good is another thing entirely.
Looks like something out of a hentai.
Woah, is that really safe for a blue board? Unspoilered and all?
I've gotten a couple of these guys for really cheap.
It's really fucking weird and like something out of a DM comic.
I'll get that speedy spine-coated daemon yet!
The jump-pack guys (fuck if I remember what they're called) look better in a different paint job; the Black Templar version I've seen looks alright. I'm calling their fuckhueg jump packs the problem - not sure if it's just a matter of them not being blue, or if there are specific colors - like, say, black, possibly metallic as well - that de-emphasize it or something.
I agree, it's not that is a bad design or concept, just unpleasant to look at, as a demon should. To me, the model is kind of ugly.
I hope so
Fat virgin fetish: the tt game.
Jerk off to the HIGHEST quality resin you will never paint, or just completely fuck up, wasting even more hundreds of dollars.
absolutely top tier, remember when these were coming out
This is obviously the best way to paint them
This is Interceptor Capitan Tom to Ground Control,
I'm absconding through the airlock...
Privateer Press minis are so hit and miss. This model in particular is like someone forgot they were sculpting a troll and decided to replace the head with a potato.
I really dislike the Skaven Warp Lightning Cannon /Plagueclaw Catapult kit design. I think in their attempt of making two different models out of the same pieces both of them ended up looking pretty bad, especially the catapult.
I don't think anybody gives a shit.
Yeah I think the cannon looks good but the catapult looks garbage
The request was for a sexy trollkin which no one knew what to do with. Honestly Janissa does not bother me.
>Worst Aesthetics
PP's Grymkin and Retribution myrmidons.
Grymkins really do not have any faction identity at all. Retribution myrmidons don't know whether to be anime or not and the flat planes on the basic jacks along with nubby feet makes them really bland and boring.
>Worst Design
Majority of Infinity barring the knight, Japanese, Morat Sectorials. "generic power armor" complaint gets thrown around for a reason. The forms themselves do not convey enough information and faction identity only gets shown through paintjob.
>Worst execution
Malifaux. The 3D sculpt does not translate well, and the art style is difficult to replicate on to miniature since so much of it is defined by shading.
>Adequate, but nothing to jizz about
GW. It just works very fine as a miniature. It's very adequate. AOS is mostly awful though
>Majority of Infinity barring the knight, Japanese, Morat Sectorials. "generic power armor" complaint gets thrown around for a reason. The forms themselves do not convey enough information and faction identity only gets shown through paintjob.
perhaps it's because my store is mostly haq but i don't have this problem. i only really see the pano having a bit of a problem with this but i can see the difference between them fine enough.
Hell the only place i see this hold a bit true is the old sculpts
Intruders v sergants and brigada v heavier pano
>furry abaddon
Honestly I have never seen a good paintjob on that model and I think it would improve a lot by being in a well designed diorama with a proper paintjob. Same problem with most KD models really.
>you will never paint, or just completely fuck up
Both wrong. Learn to paint.
isn't this just a normal chaos spacewuff
I haven't seen a single paintjob of any of the human kits that nails the eyes
animu stuff is oddly very hard to paint in miniature form.
my sides just collided with the ISS
i figure it's this
>1.eyes are annoying to paint and it has more eye in the head
>2. stupid weird colours
PP does some good stuff
But then there's THIS
jazz hands!
These guys are questionable as well
Animu also like clean flat colors while minis want grit and deep shades
Troll sculpt can be judged without looking.
Was it sculpted by Brian Dugas? It's good. If not, it's trash.
What is even happening here?
No, he's completely right. I guarantee a majority of the buyers will either never get around to painting it or give it an Ebay-pro-painted level paint job
The fact that your immediate thought is to jerk off to it says far more about you than any fat virgin my dude.
You can change the pose yourself pretty easily, I actually really like the stone golem look.
>the entire GW catalog from ~2012 to now.jpg
Hear hear, with a few selected exceptions.
>Was it sculpted by Brian Dugas? It's good. If not, it's trash.
This user knows what's up.
Trollbloods are easily the most visually inconsistent faction in the game. Sons of Bragg perhaps being the worst example. PP used to go for a semi-realistic look with them like Gunnbjorn. Then some were ultra-cartoony like Runeshapers.
They seem to be settling on the more cartoony aspects which work out pretty well sometimes with models like the new Kriel Warriors.
I just wish they could get the beasts right. The old metal Mauler was fantastic. The new plastic one is an abomination, along with all the battle box beasts.
Troll models are such shit I don't know why people like them so much, especially the colossal.
Skorne and gators and just the new human solos are way better sculpts
Oh my god that is the best miniature design. I love it.
pic related
fucking super scouts with CoD masks REEEEEEEE
I wish I owned this fucking piece of shit game fuck the fat neckbeard who designed it for not mass-producing it properly/10
Would make a neat greater demon of slaanesh.
Is that seriously a top hat and monocle for the helmet?
Gotta say i still prefer the kinda unique dwarves of warhammer fantasy, but that kind of silliness is something the world had been lacking.
The problem is that GW charges as much for one silly miniature as other games charge for factions starters.
Pretty expensive joke that thing.
yes, with guns fitted into his mustaches because he only had four guns so he needed another two
>pew pew
>sticks and stones will break your bones
lmao. Well, space marines do eat their own reprocessed shit so...not that weird for them.
The guy at the top looks like an astronaut without the glass cover on his helmet.
Can't unsee
Wait, those are guns?
Just cut 3/4 of her chin off and you have a top tier model.
That actually looks pretty good.
It's the NuGW
It's a bunch of nerds that grew up on WoW. What do you expect?
Trolls are liked the same reason why anime waifus and space marines get liked. The form is very clear. Trolls are designed like character design 101 class assignments and for something fiddly as a miniature, that's a good thing.
The problem is that like all modern GW models, it's covered in excess detail that just makes your eyes glaze over and be unable to focus on anything while also being awkwardly posed like the sculptor has never seen anything in motion or even standing still. This results in miniatures that are uninspired and completely unmemorable except for how ugly they are.
fuck i literally laughed out loud.
thanks for that.
Reminds me of that South Park cheesing episode where they get high off cat piss and Kenny and Kyle's dad go to Boobopolis
Not really so "miniature."
They may as well sell an empty box that just says "build your own, kid, you couldn't possibly do worse."
You mean a great Greater Daemon of Slaanesh?
That's what makes it so perfect.
>captain looks fine
>reivers have terrible heads which you should promptly replace if you have the ability
>cannot fix the rest
So Call of Duty first had a cool guy called Ghost, then they dropped the ball when they made a unit consisting entirely of Ghost clones, then GW picked the ball up and ran with it with the guys in the corner.
user. That was a Heavy Metal reference.
The captain is easily the worst one there.
>fat beer gut
>either falling over or doing some sort of stumbling penguin waddle
>cloak doesn't make sense at all
Easily the worst model GW has produced in the past five or ten years.
probably would've liked it more if it had more guns shoved on it.
In the past 5 years, for my faction... This is the worst one I can find for Haqqislam. So in my opinion that's saying something
Yeah. Most of the new stuff looks like it had been good looking at one point, but the sculptor just missed the end and kept adding shit till the miniatures is a giant clusterfuck.
Poses are also a problem. Most look alright in person, but photograph terribly.
Don't forget his stubby little t-rex arms and wide, childbearing hips
hey look the KDIDF arrived just in time to prove their "sunk hundreds of dollars into fetish porn" bias again
i'll agree with you on the stance i guess. What's with the tiptoe stances that they are putting all the primarus guys in? the reivers are the worst example of this.
Most are probably going for the 'marble statue' look which takes only a basic amount of skill an effort, and thinking that it's a master level paint job.
Yep. It's a shame the mini is shit because the concept is perfect.
Naw ur gey nd rong. Primaris are cool as long as they don't have their skull helmets, which I've never seen before this just now.
Also Reeves of Orboros from Warmahordes are cool.
Honestly these have grown on me.
>captain looks fine
>mr. chubbycheeks retardhelmet thickthighs mcbeergut is fine
>hating on wings on helmets
Do you even High Elves in space? Also this something that was done by Greeks.
I've never been able to unsee it, personally.