Strap in boys

strap in boys

rofl this shitcoin isn't even budging from this dinks constant twitter bombardment now. Good, i'm sick of reading about this worthless fucken coin. It's pure hype

You’re just mad you’re missing out on major gains

Mad you sold too early and missed out.

Right how long until this news spreads and this has another massive pump boys? What should a realistic sell price be, in Gwei's of course.

And remember, more news on the 29th coming.

So it's literally nothing then

mad i sold a coin that bounces from 3-6cents pump and dump cycle? ok. The only thing driving the price of trx is people buying his bullshit on twitter. This coin exists to make him and his early adopter buddies rich off morons like you.

This coin is trash and amongst the most shilled on Veeky Forums by past bagholders who bought the last pump. Fucking worthless

buy now, if you want buy, because its take time that majority of people see this news

this is quite good news, and Tron is very very cheap now

Please just go to 10c so that I can sell and get my x2.

Con artist confirmed.
Dump bags Immediately.
Seriously wtf is this kekoldry u morons fall for anything.


Fuck this board is full of shills. Pure garbage this coin. There's like 20 posts about this shit right now. Fuck TRX. I hate this coin so much it makes me physically enraged, rivaled only by bazinga coin

Yes, please buy my bags guys you'll make it I promise

How is this shit partnered with anyone with no product and a 8-10 year leadtime??????

Agreed. Its a complete shit coin. Does nothing, you guys will see the biggest exit scam.

for shilling just twitter is needed, not product

Forbes writing about shitcoin, makes no sense

>missed out
you must be fucking retarded, this shitcoin is stuck at 4 cents. NO ONE wants your bags.

>We are exciting
Wtf, you guys literally buy from this chink? He can’t even speak English lmao

Tron started quietly mooning

fucking 10th trd in 30 mil. literally dumping hard. no thx

给我滚出Veeky Forums。

>down 25% from two days ago

Forbes articles is paid for. The author is tech illiterate. I think you're being paid too. Fuck off