What stat modifiers should bald characters get?
What stat modifiers should bald characters get?
Charisma, but it depends on several factors.
Are they fit?
Are they skinny, fat?
Is it Musclefat, like a World's Strongest Man competitor?
How old are they?
These are all crucial.
Vinny boy has hit the jackpot, so probably a +3 CHA
+15 Anal circumference
-4 STR
I remember reading an article about how bald men are perceived to have more authority. Could be just some hairlet bullshit though.
+1 to shine
Charisma and leadership bonus
Bonus to grappling since your hair can't be pulled. If Max Brooks is to be believed, this will literally save your life against zombies.
Zombies get attack penalties against bald characters.
Minor weakness against environemental effect (Cold - Rain - Snowfall - Sunburn... Ect...)
Disguise bonus as a buddhist monk.
+10 to aquadynamics
Whatever aerodynamics is called underwater
-2, hes still better than a woman
[0] point feature.
Probably some kinda bonus ability where they can attempt to blind an enemy by reflecting the light off their chrome domes at em.
-10 Hair
Voluntary baldness is a character flaw you can take at creation. It's basically a form of slight delusion that makes a fat nerd character believe he looks tough and cool. Actually gives negative modifiers to associating with normal people.
I cant see why +2 to charisma isnt enough.
One punch
>never had a woman run her hand across your smooth buttery scalp
>never gone to the barbers for a nice wax and oil
>never saved a kitten from a burning building and come out with an in tact head
t. Hair Cuck
I've been on that delusion train, bro. I was hariless for like six years. And sure, I remember thinking how I looked much better and all that.
Funnily enough, I started growing it back, shaving my beard and generally not looking like a disgraced pariah around the same time my depression started getting better and I got a job and turned my life around.
-100% hair
This is really helipng me with my Lex Luthor build I'm working on.
-10 to sunburn rolls
The unique ability to blind enemies by reflecting the sun off your head
Bald Characters receive the following stat modifies:
Rugged Charisma
You look totally fucking baller with your shaved head bro. +1 cha
You're still fucking bald.
You're still fucking bald. -1 cha