How does your party split the treasure?
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How does your party split the treasure?
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So did we forever ditch the "g" in /osrg/ then? Why?
First for LotFP
> How does your party split the treasure?
Shares are decided in advance, like on 19th century whale boats.
>How does your party split the treasure
Any party member can call dibs, within reason, if there's something in the pile they'd especially like. Anything not made claims on will be sold for coin and added to the initial coinage value, and the total is then split evenly.
>How does your party split the treasure?
We have our own personal gold that we keep and then we also have a communal gold pile that we pay into. That way if we need some emergency gold, we just pull it from there.
A party member can express interest in an item and can claim it if nobody else is interested. If someone else is interested, they say why they would like to have it. Any gear and items not spoken for will be sold and added to the communal gold pile.
>How does your party split the treasure?
My players just go simple. They sell everything and split it evenly.
What do your PCs spend all their ridiculous wealth on?
A single night with a gold dragon goes for ten thousand gold.
Is metamorphosis alpha osr sci fi? Anyone have any to share?
Literally nothing except base necessities.
Didn't see it in the Trove, does anybody have the pdf for Veins of the Earth?
My players don't really spend it at all, aside from basic necessities. Always buying the shittiest rations and rooms, even though they might have some couple thousand coins saved up. It's actually kind of frustrating to watch as the GM.
Make spending lavishly give some kind of benefit. One reroll a day from spending 100 gold a week on a private room will get treasure out of the PCs' clutches in a hurry.
Thanks user, you're a saint.
What setting/system should i use if i want high fantasy?
Also what are your favorite gold rules?
>What setting/system should i use if i want high fantasy?
Wilderlands of High Fantasy. It's in the fucking name.
It's actually Swords & Sorcery, but go for it anyway, it's great.
List of LotFP Classes from Official and Semi-Official Sources (Print and PDF Only)
There are a ton of awesome custom-made classes on various blogs and other websites for Lamentations of the Flame Princess and other OSR games, but I found myself wondering how many different classes have actually appeared in official LotFP releases, and how many have likewise appeared in "third-party" print or PDF publications that are considered to be intentionally compatible with or based on LotFP.
So, I decided to make a list of classes from such publications. This is mostly just meant to be a quick reference for anyone curious as to what's out there so far. If I missed anything, please let me know!
Also, I may do a round-up of links to interesting online character classes at some point.
Official Sources:
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Rules & Magic
A Red & Pleasant Land
Alice (or Alistair or Fool)
Green Devil Face #4
Knight of Science
Third-Party Sources (in Print or PDF):
The Chaos Gods Come to Meatlandia
Raconteur (Bard)
Chaos DJ (Bard)
Nexus Bard
Carnomancer (or Meat Mage)
Pusher Gnomes (Pay What You Want add-on for The Chaos Gods Come to Meatlandia)
Pusher Gnome
Saltmouth Issue Zero (playtest document for The Driftwood Verses)
Saltmouth Issue Negative One (playtest document for The Driftwood Verses)
Blattarian (updated from Issue Zero)
Navigator (updated from Issue Zero)
Vassal (updated from Issue Zero)
The Undercroft #9
Skinned Moon Daughter
Partners in Crime*
*These classes are from an article called "Dead Inside," and are intended to completely replace the character classes from the Rules & Magic book, rather than simply supplementing the list.
>Also what are your favorite gold rules?
Coins aren't made of gold. Statues are made of gold, thrones are made of gold, scepters are made of gold. Coins are made of porcelain.
Every time you get hit with a blunt weapon multiply the damage by ten and the blow smashes that many coins you are carrying.
Vacant Ritual Assembly #4
Vacant Ritual Assembly #5
Wolf-packs and Winter Snow (Technically a separate game, but partially based on LotFP and compatible with it)
**These "Alternate Classes" are not intended to be available to players without the explicit permission of the GM.
What is the reaction of your players?
Appendix 1: Classless Systems and Alternate Character Advancement Systems
"New Character Creation and Advancement Techniques" from Green Devil Face #5.
"Classless Lamentations of the Flame Princess" from The Undercroft #4.
"Everyone is an Adventurer" from The Undercroft #9.
Appendix 2: Honorable Mentions
The Lotus Monk from Qelong is intended to be a template of abilities for specific NPCs, but if you want to stick it to the man you can probably turn it into a character class pretty easily.
There are some special rules for religion that can be used with many classes, but especially Clerics, in England Upturn'd.
If you wanted to make a Psionic class, the psionic rules in Carcosa might not be a bad place to start.
The Meat Men from The Chaos Gods Come to Meatlandia constitute more of a suite of abilities/mutations for PCs to acquire than a separate class per se, but the text does briefly touch on the possibility of using the Meat Man as a class.
The Thundercloud Druid from Vacant Ritual Assembly #3 is not a separate class, but rather a background that can be chosen along with a class. Rules-wise, a Thundercloud Druid essentially gets a specific package of starting equipment instead of randomly-rolled starting money. This issue of Vacant Ritual Assembly also introduces two new skills: Falconry and Play Wind. Conceivably, a separate Thundercloud Druid class could be created if one so desired.
An article in Vacant Ritual Assembly #4 called "The Oolai Cloth-Skins and Dragon Blackhide Bastards" presents a system of magic item creation/character enhancement (depending on how you look at it) which could perhaps be used as the basis for some kind of Magical Weaver class.
A new skill that is exclusive to Magic-Users, Pipe Arts, is presented in Vacant Ritual Assembly #5. In the same issue, Lycanthropy Rules are introduced, which could possibly be used to make a Werewolf class.
Appendix 3: Some Classes That Technically Count Because They're in PDFs, but Which Are Not "Published" in the Sense of Either Being in Print, Being on a Storefront Like DriveThruRPG, or Being Released as a Playtest Document for a Future Publication
(This is definitely an incomplete list, and this stuff should really go in a separate post about free online character classes, but because I didn't define what I meant by "published" well enough until now, I guess these technically belong in this post somewhere. Besides, they're cool.)
Heliothra: A LotFP Class for G+ (Available here)
Lycan's Bane: A LotFP Class for G+ (Available here)
New Halfling Custom Classes for ACKS
Courtesy of the Kickstarter
Cool, just wanted to make sure that playstyle was intended. Would be a good incentive for people to avoid harsher terrain (besides wilderness encounter rules and wilderness exploration rules).
>Would you mind if I posted that gif on my blog?
Feel free! But preferably use this version instead. (Also, if you need it to have a background colour, let me know. The current version has a transparent background.)
>Reading Vaginas are magic supplement
>Into the Crypts of Rays
This is the edgiest shit I have ever fucking read.
In the last session:
Taxes (~60%)
Wood and Stone
Soap to wash an urchin
Equipment to rob a bank
Thank you! The gif you just posted is perfect.
That is seriously impressive to me. Thanks so much!
If I link to it on my blog or add it to the module, is there any way I can credit you? Do you have an art page or something?
I can also pay you for future work, if that would interest you, either in money or in specific blog posts on topics you suggest.
Reading this now. Looks very, very usable. I
What'd you make this with?
Does that go for the hirelings as well?
Ask him to write a chapter of a harlequin romance novel in medias res.
>Does that go for the hirelings as well?
Yes, although the hirelings generally die before they get out.
>Ask him to write a chapter of a harlequin romance novel in medias res.
Bitch please.
Also, if you want to read the original thread not this terrible screencap I found:
A common trend.
How often does the party skip town?
A few generalist classes that cover a broad range of things?
A bunch of super specific and setting specific classes?
Introduce most of the latter through exotic hirelings or dungeon prisoners (i.e. backup PCs).
If any work well or especially fit the region, let people start as them for a while.
Generalists, generously modified on a case by case basis if the player wants some particular setup (e.g. a barbarian is just a Fighter with some armor vs. sneaking/climbing tradeoffs; a berserker is just a Fighter who can lose his shit and become a danger to everyone around him, whether friend or foe).
What is the best BECMI retroclone?
Is mystara a good setting?
> What is the best BECMI retroclone?
Dark Dungeons is in the trove.
> Is mystara a good setting?
Tell me what a good setting is.
Labyrinth Lord, rolled over to Exemplars & Eidolons at or near the level cap.
Probably not. But Bargle a best and Glantri is at least worth reading about.
If they stay in shitty rooms in a shitty Inn have people steal their shit. I mean they can't just walk around the city with their weapons and armor and a bag of holding can hold so much. Also gold coins weigh a good bit.
I just want to explore a dungeon.
thanks user! I thought Macris hated halflings...
Agreed. Adventurers need to eat well or die trying.
100 gold equal 100 xp but you need someone to train you, you can only use 100 gold per day for training
Glad you like it.
No blog or name here, so if you go ahead with it, feel free to keep it as anonymous contributor or something equally bland.
It's cool, I'd feel bad over money for simple stuff like maps, but if you got something you need done, just let me know
Just SAI due to having it on hand currently. Could be easily replicated in anything else though.
>harlequin romance
Devious, truly devious, I like your style, user.
No, Macris truly loves the Halfling. Tell everyone.
Being one of those Halflings is pretty shit.
>It's cool, I'd feel bad over money for simple stuff like maps, but if you got something you need done, just let me know
Well if you ever change your mind, you can leave a comment on my blog or find me here, because I'd be happy to pay for a few beers or something.
Got friends? Non-game-playing acquaintances with liberal backgrounds?
I dont like the fighter ability of multiple hits to monsters whit 1HD i feel it reveals info to the player like "Does this monsters have 1HD dm?"
What is a good ability to replace it?
Every time you kill something, you get to attack again. In a single round you can chain this up to a number of times equal to your level.
Every time your attack roll is over 20 (d20+attack bonus+strength+equipment, etc) you get another attack against an enemy, chaining a max number of times equal to your level.
Any of these appeal?
Once per day you can reduce incoming damage by 1d12 points. If you also choose to sunder your shield, you can reduce the damage by 12 points instead of 1d12.
Each time you attain a total of 10, 20, 30, and 50 kills with a weapon type (such as 10 kills with a dagger), you unlock a new ability for that weapon, chosen from the list below. Keep track of your kills and special abilities on the back of your character sheet.
1. +1 Damage
2. Expanded Critical Range (+1)
3. Special ability (negotiated with GM, one per weapon)
For example, a Fighter with 50 flail kills (4 notches) could have +1 damage, a critical range of (1-3), and the ability to stun an opponent for one round on a critical hit. The GM decides what counts as a kill.
You get +2 to Combat Maneuver rolls. Additionally, whenever you attack and get exactly the number you needed, you may make an opposed Dex vs Strength or Dex (whichever is higher). If you win, you successfully execute a free Combat Maneuver.
Whenever you win a fight against challenging foes, people who don't like you make a new reaction roll with a +4 bonus. This even works on people you just defeated in combat, unless you caused them undeserved or disproportionate harm. Hirelings get a +2 to Morale, or a new Save vs Fear.
I can't make my fucking PCs leave this fucking castle alone. They've spent 130k gold on it so far and they keep trying to turn DCC into ACKS and won't even play ACKS. I actually reduced the entire thing to ruins with a massive giant attack and they were like "Oh man this must have something really valuable in the catacombs if a giant army wanted it." And rebuilt it. Dragons blow up towers and they have them rebuilt. They've been doing this so long they're on their third set of PCs, with around 19 level 10 pcs that just sort of wander the fuck around being walking demigods. I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this castle and "investigate the mysteries." I made the fucking mistake of having one of them, after 10 sessions of digging into the god damn ground, actually find a hidden chamber with a shitty +1 sword and now they've got armies of craftsmen in there, tunneling, holing out and making a small subterranean city. Had them bump into a dwarven thaig or whatever and get invaded, ruining all of their progress. Fuck it, we got lots of gold let's build it all again but this time with more shit. I can't fucking handle this anymore. My players. Will not. Leave. This castle.
Dont you or your players think OSR character are bland because the lack of options?
Would it pain you that much to tune your prep to your player's expectations?
If they want to dig tunnels under their house, stop putting interesting shit anywhere else.
The notches one sound amazing, everyone will want to play a fighter
No because my players are more into roleplaying than builds, and I hand out feats and unique abilities as I see fit to customize their characters according to their decisions.
>I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this castle and "investigate the mysteries" [now that I've given them every reason to suspect it has mysteries and keep making it seem more and more important]
Well, there's your problem.
Ok, how about:
This ability only works on creatures that can understand you and are capable of being offended. If you challenge a creature outside of combat, they must make Save to resist accepting. In civilized areas, this is basically a duel, and this means that you and the other party must agree upon the time, the place, the weapons, the victory condition, and the stakes. Leaders will usually send out a champion to fight in their stead (if applicable). In combat, you can challenge one creature each turn by yelling at it as a free action. The creature must Save . If they fail, they will attack you. This ability cannot force an opponent to make major tactical errors or leap off cliffs.
If an adjacent ally would take damage from a physical attack, you can choose to take the damage for them. This ability has a 4-in-6 chance of succeeding.
Dragon Slayer
Once per day, you can cause one of your physical attacks to deal +X damage, where X is equal to the HD of the highest level monster your party has ever killed. You must keep track of this. If you miss, this ability is not expended.
You might think so. Fighters do have decent HP, great defense, and abilities like that... at 2nd level.
But even 10 kills can be pretty substantial in some games. The ability also encourages fighting, and in OSR games, fighting means dying. Fighting is a failure state. You get no XP. It depletes your resources. And you might just straight-up die, notches or not. Fighters are trap.
Unless your game is all about fighting. Then yeah, in that case, the ability is waaaaay OP.
You're lifting these from GLOG.
Is a nasty case of the chandelier swinger.
Really doesn't need a chance of failure. If you abuse it, you (or your ward) can always get tackled or grappled away.
Maybe it's dramatic to risk saving someone near death, but not being able to predictably manage health until then is dis-empowering.
>Dragon Slayer
Is very, very good.
quick question anons. does anyone know if there are any sort of martial arts techniques written up specifically for weapon users and not just unarmed martial arts in AD&D 2e?
Correct. My rewriting of them at least. Copy/pasted them right off the ol' blog.
>Is a nasty case of the chandelier swinger.
It's arguable because it's a Save effect - most of the time, creatures would need to test Morale or Wisdom or something, so making them Save gives it a much better chance. It's also a big reminder to the player that you can tank.
>Really doesn't need a chance of failure
Mechanically, yes. But it makes it much more exciting. Fling yourself in front of the axe... but fail, and watch your friend die in front of you. Whhhhhhhyyyyy? etc.
>Is very, very good.
Splendid. You can tell it's not one of my ideas.
You misunderstand.
>But it makes it much more exciting.
>You misunderstand.
No I didn't. Taunting/baiting attention is a standard thing anyone can do. Usually, it requires a morale or Int test. This "feat" or whatever just makes you better at it because you're shiny and noisy and bellicose, and makes enemies roll against their Save, even if they wouldn't normally.
Anyone can swing from a chandelier. This feat just lets Knights (yeah I posted it for Fighter ideas but whatever) attract attention and duel more easily... and it reminds them that that's their job. It's living giving Thieves a +1 bonus to Stealth. It doesn't mechanically mean a thing, but it does write "USE STEALTH YOU DUMB FUCK" in large letters on their character sheet.
>I implore you to reconsider.
I would take your concerns under serious advisement if you were a) in my game and b) had either seen or used the feat in question. But since you ain't...
At least you have good taste in movies.
I wounder if the person that made this PDF will update it with the flaggelant
Oh you have no idea...
And see, we can agree to disagree on this like civilized people. The rest of Veeky Forums could take note.
This .
Also, it certainly sounds to me like they're having fun.
>I have this entire world built and all they want to do is hang out in this castle
So have the world come visit them. You've already started, just play it sort of like you're running a game of Dwarf Fortress for your players, they're staying put in their castle, you bring interesting people around from various parts of the world to interact with them, and maybe if you're creative enough, you'll find a reason for them to leave, even if it's only for the purpose of making sure that they won't have to leave permanently.
You could ask them on tumblr or reddit. Or just make it yourself. Wouldn't be heard.
Unarmored Cleric with Bless prepared and a Whip. Just pick starting gear.
Distance and consequences notwithstanding, I should like to remove your face with my teeth.
>Distance and consequences notwithstanding, I should like to remove your face with my teeth.
Fucking celts...
I have this problem with my DM/s, they have gotten so into their worldbuilding that they have forgotten that the rest of us have to play in it. My distinct variant on the problem is that there are now issues with us "breaking" them in any way.
Fuck that.
Sounds like a D&D game to me.
It's fine to be into world building but you have to be good at presenting it too. If your world is great but you've accidentally telegraphed to your players that an ordinary insignificant throwaway piece of description should occupy their attention for the next 20 hours...
What system do you use? do you create those feats and unique abilities?
Any example?
I'll probably steal Notches but make em work for specific weapons, not 'weapon classes'
B/X and I just make up whatever sounds appropriate.
Dwarf learned how to smell gold and how to fashion stone tools, cleric learned how to cast augury spells to talk to the dungeon.
I think that's probably a typo on my part. It's designed for specific weapons as well (flails, longswords, daggers, etc.) even if, in my system, they don't have much mechanical difference. For example, you could have a dagger that deals +4 damage and a club with a crit range of 16-20 or something. Got to club a loooot of goblins to death though.
so in a backwards turn of events I got a patron before I had a blog, but now I feel obliged to have a blog to maybe get more patrons
should I just blog on patreon? I don't really want to post a link to a blog that's directly on a patreon page but maybe that's just autism.
But maybe blogspot has a better layout?
>A few generalist classes that cover a broad range of things?
>A bunch of super specific and setting specific classes?
I'd say both, a set of more general core classes, and more specialized classes
just go with ACKS's variant on Cleave where enemy HD doesn't matter, also that Fighters get it from Level 1 and it improves every level through 9th level
if you absolutely want to be rid of it, just have a god nuke it and everything surrounding it in a 20 mile radius into a several mile deep hole
this isn't really a serious suggestion
You aren't quite picking up what he's laying down.
He's not saying "daggers do +4 damage and clubs crit from 16-20"
He says "this dagger does +4 damage and this other dagger crits from 16-20"
This might be what you meant, but I mean specific weapons as in THAT dagger.
So you could have a dagger that deals +4 damage and a dagger with a crit range of 17-20 simply because you hung on to your rusty starting dagger even after you found a new, non rusty dagger
I don't want to be dismissive, but step 1 should have been "get good." The rest will follow.
Also, this is Veeky Forums. We are notoriously hostile towards paying for things, unless it's miniature plastic army men, pieces of cardboard, or board games or books to take up more shelf space, and distressingly specific pornography.
Oooh, that makes more sense. Ok, sure, that'd also work. I'm not into the whole "legacy weapon" thing personally (they're just tools).
One other person shares my hostility towards paying for things, good enough for me, blogspot it is
If we weren't cheap bastards, we wouldn't be here.
I am also in favour of punctuation, complete sentences, and editing passes if that helps.
Is castles & crusaders better than 5e?
While I don't know much about Castles & Crusaders, I generally think retroclones are better than 5e.
Better for what? What is your goal?
Not him, but I would guess since user's asking here, to run something in an old-school vein.
I want to run a high fantasy game with gritty rules, i come from playing 5e and there where something about combat and characters i didn't like
What and why do you mean and want by gritty? This is important.
You know what they say about assuming; it makes an ass of you and ming.
Anyway, look, it's either bait, or it's a genuine question, and if it's a genuine question, I need more data to answer it. Does user want to run a game of high-stakes adventure, with a cast of Loveable Protagonists (tm) like the famous Jacetice League? Then 5E is a better bet. Do they want to run a game about sexy shortstacks? Then... I have no idea how to compare the games against that criteria. Do they want to run a game about dying in a ditch for gold? 5E is not a good fit.
But as it stands, the question is meaningless. Which is better, the sea or the number six?