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Last thread was cooler.
It had a zing to it, y'know?
Reposting my OC from the last thread
>Please let me know your choice by voting in this strawpoll
If you have any feedback, questions or opinions to share post them and I'll try to answer everything tomorrow. Sorry burger friends, but I'm going to bed now.
What I need to do to get (You)s in this place?
Fixed some errors, thanks to anons who pointed them out.
Make good OC cyoas. I would post that but people hate WiPs.
>Create content
Choose one
If you're confused about text bubbles, dotted lines and straight lines
>You start reading from the portrait and follow the lines. If the lines branch out, it means the reading order is up to you. Usually it branches out by allowing the reading to continue reading about the mentor or switch to reading about the other apprentice. Dotted line means the text bubbles after that line won't happen unless you "trigger" them. Usually dotted line precedes romantic stuff.
I answered some questions in the previous thread. If you're curious about something else you can try looking for my explanations there.
Bring back culling-posting
I come bearing OC. Hope you enjoy it. Point out any mistakes you find, if any, or anything you'd like to see in a version 1.1 (which may or may not be necessary to make).
Now back to work on Yuri CYOA
Visions of piss bomber
For the Silky Gloves, does "upon creating" only refer to the act of finishing the creation process (when they OC is done), or the whole creation process from start to finish?
Infer that it refers to the entire process due to the fact that I added a line specifically for you near the end referring to a burst of pleasure upon completing your OC.
If this CYOA was real i would create CYOAs
>Invincible guardian of ocular ability
>Fetishy undergarments of reliable atractiveness
>Silky gloves of pleasurable content creation
>Virtual assistant of browsing and searching
>Goo maid of non-sexual cleaniness
>Don't just take these and run off trying to become a rich asshole
Can't I just use the money to live comfortably?
Crystal Gem
Essential Collection
Instant Break Time
Bank Account
Fetishy Undergarments not for me. This is the most broken item, I assume it can be re-used? Just imagine you can help so many people.
>this is the most broken item
That's why it takes 2 whole months to make someone into a barely-androgynous girl.
Honestly better not to let anyone know you have it.
on mobile,
anyone got recent cthulhu mythos cyoaskek?
>Magic Spectacles of the Oolong
So I can live out some of my fantasies without anybody knowing
>Virtual Assistant of Browsing and Searching
This is just super useful. It's like Siri on drugs, and it's a cute girl to boot.
>Goo Maid
Because I'm lazy as shit, and she's pretty hot.
>Bank account of the philanthropic hobbyist
I can have someone pay money for toys and video games. This is great. Best option.
>Crystal Gem of Sleep and Wakefulness
It's gonna help me sleep easy.
You want Cthulhu Mythos CYOA?
Here's Cthulhu Mythos CYOA
>Goo maid is pretty hot
Goo meido is for hug not fug
>You want Cthulhu Mythos CYOA?
Well there's no stopping now
Everything will be devoured by the Great Old Ones once the stars are right
Anyone have that CYOA where you get teleported to another world and have to live with a waifu for a year?
which one
thank you
fug off
Copypaste from last thread.
I ultimately picked Alice, though I liked many of the women presented (The only ones I wasn't a fan of were Catherine, Philip, Elizabeth, and Helen). Alice is bossy, yes, but nothing indicates she is dominate in bed, and if you treat her as a goddess while also being on/near her level intellectually I can see you becoming quite a couple. Plus now that I can treat her like a princess and live out my voracious daddy/daughter fantasy makes it even better.
In particular Jennifer and Carmen seemed like a fun path to go down, both because myself and the other apprentice can treat each other with basic amounts of respect. Not to mention the potential field applications, and it comes in with a built-in adventure (saving our Mistress)
In an unrelated question, is Damien the serial killer? The bubble that describes what is happening to Hugh's family mentions that the only reason the killer is doing it is because Hugh is his only friend, while the text mentions that Hugh is Damien's only friend. Plus there's the fact that the crimes are alchemical in nature, the killer is familiar with Damien's style. Is it a case of your mentor wanting you to 'best' him to prove yourself?
So what you are saying is that we have to blow up the sun?
Where you are their roomate
You're welcome, here's the mystery box for you
which one
Post this
There's an angel and a demon one. You have to decide between sin or virtue. And being a sinner is the better choice, just like in real life.
and at the end the wizard meets you to send you back to his world and he made himself into a woman and shit and he is offering you a parting gift
>made a CYOA as a joke once and never posted it
>fiddle with ideas but never do anything because they wouldn't have graphics
oh well
Ah, that one.
Don't have it, sorry.
>In an unrelated question, is Damien the serial killer?
It's intentionally unexplained. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
>Choosing to leave
Are you retarded?
Never said I chose to leave
post it, nerd, or pretend and play anyway.
Post it
I guess I'm making my first CYOA now, picture related. Would anybody be interested in such a thing?
So far I've got nation-conquering, nation-building (to a lesser extent), a CPU design system with a bunch of options both already designed
and planned out, and a few scattered ideas for a "main quest" beyond conquering your own branch of Gamindustri (unless you've become a CPU
Candidate). I'm taking some liberties with the source materials, modifying it for better choices and expanding on the world a bit, so it's
not perfectly accurate to the games or anime, but I hope it's good enough.
What would you lot like to see in it?
>Would anybody be interested in such a thing?
I sure wouldn't.
I'm working on one using the girls from my work. I'll have to change their images and last names before I ever post it though.
>What would you lot like to see in it?
gimme a nice priet waifu please
Some of these seem strange if they are strictly to encourage people to make CYOAs.
Magic Spectacle - Unless you take Salvation, this doesn't help you make CYOAs.
Salvation - Most forms of multimedia aren't able to be used in CYOAs, but if you combine it with the Magical Glasses you essentially have an infinite amount of art.
Determined Servant - Keeps your shit running, an indirect positive.
Invincible Guardian - Keeps your eyes working, letting you avoid the trouble of staring at a screen for extended periods. Possibly a direct positive.
Crystal Gem - Sleep is important, and sometimes your mind is so full of ideas you can't sleep. This lets you. It's still a indirect positive.
Crystal Ball - Let's you gauge the reaction to your shit without spoiling the surprise or ruining the thread. Direct positive.
Lazy Comforts - It's nice, I guess? Not really my thing. Indirect positive?
Fetishy Undergarments -
Silky Gloves - Assuming this doesn't result in numbing you to regular pleasure due to over-absorption of endocrines, this is great. Direct positive.
Truthful Statistics - Only a benefit in real life, no benefit in CYOA creation.
Virtual Assistant - Very helpful, direct positive.
Instant Break Time - Can't use it to rest, just think. Borderline useful.
Goo Maid - Don't be so fucking lazy, use the time you are cleaning to think of ideas and avoid this and Break Time.
Bank Account - Helps you in real life slightly, but $400 doesn't go far.
Control Center - Depends on how much you need it, indirect benefit like the comfy clothes.
Eternal Impunity - Only useful if you're a shitposter.
An option to side with Arfoire's mob
All CPUs are corrupt symptoms of THE ESTABLISHMENT who deserve to be torn down from power.
Except Nepgear, who deserves headpats and embracing the dark side.
Good. What are this quest ideas you have? will they give you some sort of reward for doing them?
>Fetishy Undergarments -
You know you want to be pretty wear the underwear user
>would I be interested
>what do I want to see
1. design-a-maker system, requiring the use of a real-world dev-publisher
2. sexy stuff; let me make Nepgear a busty goddess pls.
3. reference(s) to the fact that CFW Brave did literally nothing wrong.
pro tip: they weren't all meant to strictly help you make cyoas.
Hey mum,, I have a vagina now.
>You mean you're transgender? Don't worry, we've always kno--
No I mean I have a vagina now.
I see nothing wrong with it
Indie Communist Revolution in which you overthrow the tyrannical system and make a Gamindustri free from control and a golden land for the working indie developer class
I have no regrets on getting the first mystery box, soon enough I will get a proper eldritch waifu.
>Wanting to destroy Gamindustry
They're probably the least fleshed-out concept at the moment. One of the things I'd like to know is what people would like to pursue. The only kind of drive I have is for power, and there's already plenty of ways to get that.
That would actually fit in perfectly. I'll work that in.
1. possible
2. there's options right now but it only applies to you -- I suppose I'll have to put in an obligatory waifu section.
3. possible -- maybe push it into the evil path thing
Already planned.
>One of the things I'd like to know is what people would like to pursue
An ero 18+ mystery box where we can play as the corrupting 18+ anti censorship people.
Well, I know what I'm choosing.
Waifus are a tool used by the capitalistic CPUs to maintain control of the populace and only through destroying them may the workers be free to create games for the purpose of quality rather than profiteering and greed
May god help us all
You can have my other 4 points, user.
-Silent, Determined Servant of Servos.
-Essential Collection of Lazy Comforts.
-Truthful Statistics of Myriad Information.
-Control Center of Environmental Status.
-Crystal Gem of Sleep and Wakefulness.
Get my computer repaired, get a comfy chair to write cyoas and game in, get real life game stats(!), modify my room for privacy and comfort, and occasionally don't even need to sleep!
Great for day to day life AND CYOA creation.
Oh shit free points!
I don't. What did you choose?
Girl, duh
5 Top %
Bike (23TP)
Running Shoes (21TP)
Bag (19TP)
SS Ticket (17TP)
1 Top% (16TP)
N'gage (11TP)
4 Pokeballs (7TP)
Devon Scope Upgrade (4TP)
Mega Stone (0TP)
Vs. Seeker (+10FP)
Team Rocket
May (27FP)
Prof. Oak (12FP)
Bridgette (6FP)
Hau (0FP)
Travel the world with my team and grow and bond along the way. Let's do it.
A banana?
Why is Misty friends with Red if Brock isn't? I thought most of their friendship was from the anime/mangas.
Updating build because SDA is a generous god
>Invincible guardian of ocular ability
>Fetishy undergarments of reliable atractiveness
>Silky gloves of pleasurable content creation
>Virtual assistant of browsing and searching
>Goo maid of non-sexual cleaniness
>Silent determined servant of servos
>Essential collection of lazy comforts
>Crystal gem of sleep and wakefulness
>Control center of environmental status
I'm sorry, but that cleared nothing up.
It's SDA, of course he's going to pick the smug option.
The banana suggestion was in reference to the anime the picture is from.
The Crystal Gem of Sleep and Wakefulness. What else?
qt dancer waifu pls
I do not want to play this anymore, how do I quit?
>Every two weeks SDA shitposts for two entire days
Makes sense to me
As long as I can be a kick-happy superhero wannabe adventuring alongside an adorable Nep and kicking things for Justice then there can be no wrong. Or, you know, the chance to become a tyrant who enforces my own brand of the law with roaming Kamen Rider death-squads.
Excellent work sir! Here are my impressions.
Cynthia is very "moe". It's also very questionable. Still, its a very happy story... And everyone picking her should reflect on their choice. Deviants.
MILFs are well and good, but there's something a bit too theatric about Catherine. A bit tropey, but good.
Elvira is one of my preferred ones. It's a twist on the weird girl finds happiness story. I thought she'd be the most popular.
I lean subby, but Alice is a bit too full of herself for me to really want to bend over.
Philip and Petra's story is a good one, but Petra isn't really my type. It's nice though.
Jennifer and Carmen's story is a clusterfuck at the furry farm. I ain't touching this. I presume this was pretty fun to write? A good read, but I'm staying away.
Natalie. Natalie is pretty nice, and I'd pick her if not for one of the others. The real sticking point is that she's a bit too withdrawn. I'm sure I could brighten her day, but my inability to read people well enough means I'd likely trip up and push her away.
Damien and Bianca. That shit is thrilling. I want none of it as a career. I've worked for a "Damien" before and only lasted 4 months before I bounced.
Helen and Miriam. Yandere MILF, you deserve a peabody for coming up with this one. Again, kinda tropey, but one of the more clever CYOA options I've seen.
Elizabeth is my favorite, it's nice to have someone you're comfortable around, tomboys are nice like that. Either of her routes is fine with me, I hear that stuff feels amazing.
Overall, top notch CYOW, some of the plots get a bit fetishy/tropey, but you've got some gold nuggets in there. Cheers!
You don't you now are the qt dancer waifu forever
fine, assholes
I miss Fatposter
>Waifu Option (Bad Dudes Only)
My waifu is an arbitrarily powerful girl who does absolutely anything I request of her, interpreting my requests as I would, and is omnipotent. Since an action movie hero's powers include plot armor, I rescue her and have her immediately retroactively make me omnipotent.
Don't worry user,
I. The element poster, Will fill that void in your heart!
...Man that sounded hella gay
So gay you're on fire
Fuckin' flamers
Flaming gay user
On the plus side, you can probably kill her while she is performing calculations.
Waifu option is 2gud
If I remember right, the spells cast by one are instant, so he doesn't stand a chance if we're going by FFT's mechanics.
In the end I decided to go with Cynthia. She doesn't have any massive drawbacks (a couple of the other choices I would call nightmare scenarios) and her area of study (with the prospect of possible immortality) is interesting to me.
Also, as for the question of whether it's moral to seduce her my answer is simple: I'd wrek it.
Good end.
originally it had a caveat that the ninja clan chairman had to be strong enough to successfully kidnap and restrain your waifu, but i removed that for some reason