Would things have turned out better if the Emperor had listened to Malcador more often?
Would things have turned out better if the Emperor had listened to Malcador more often?
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I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
Damn it Walter!
If he didn't sit on the Throne and kill himself.
What things you mean OP?
His greatest strength was being able to factor in normal human reactions into his plans. He had God-tier bureaucratic skills. The fucker kept the Imperium running smoothly until shit hit the fan.
Eldar need not reply.
Eldar are physically unable to give short, succinct answers.
Daily reminder that Malacdor the the Sigilite was a far lesser gestalt version of the Emperor, he was the humanity that he cast out of himself in order to conduct the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade with an iron determination.
So yes, it would of been. But for every time he listened to his humanity, it would of reduced the ability of their ever being an Imperium of Man.
Nah, I'm pretty sure BL has been going out of their way to shit on him too, so it would make no difference.
If the Emperor had listened to Malcador, the following would have resulted:
Female Primarchs to mellow out their male siblings.
The Emperor would not have retreated into isolation as abruptly and deeply.
The Emperor would have approached the issue of people worshiping him with more sensitivity.
Each of these suggestions would have either helped things tremendously or not made things any worse than they turned out.
> But for every time he listened to his humanity, it would of reduced the ability of their ever being an Imperium of Man.
Which would have been a good thing. The Great Crusade didn't have to happen as fast as it did, and it didn't need to be as uncompromising. If Emps had been willing to take the slower path he could have circumvented the AdMech from the start, leaving human technology no longer stagnating in the hands of cargo cultist retards. If he had been willing to expand more slowly, he wouldn't have needed Primarchs or Space Marines, or at very least could have kept a better eye on their activities. If he had been less uncompromising, humanity could have had alien allies again rather than treating every xeno as an enemy by default, sparing countless human lives he wasted fighting wars that never needed to be won and in noteworthy cases like the Interex allowing his growing empire to benefit from advanced technology he never got ahold of without them.
Instead we got a quick, dirty, shortsighted version of an empire that depended entirely on his oversight because it was gutted of any ability to govern itself, with the predictable results when he was eventually undone by his own hubris.
Emps fucked up. And humanity is still paying the price for his failings.
>> is a whole AU where among other things the Emperor to be has different origins and had Malcador as a father figure. Things go very different.
Taking his time would have let the orks build up more.Given how Orks can mushroom up and grow in power quickly, if he had been slower it may not have been possible to beat them at Ullanor.
they'd had the whole age of strife to do that already, what's a few more decades. Building the Imperium to last would require and Emperor that wasn't so megalomaniacal, see
>Female Primarchs to mellow out their male siblings.
Incest is badwrong tho.
Well the Primarchs would have had imoutos, think of that what you will.
Not to mention this could lead to a reproducing race of super-soldiers replacing humanity, which was if anything EVEN MORE the opposite of what the Emperor wanted then the Imperium of M40.
The orks had been around for longer than humans have. If that's the most pressing issue that the Emperor had to worry about, then he really did have no excuse to rush.
They almost lost at Ullanor. A few more decades is a big deal.Yeah, but Eldar stopped purging them, letting them build up to a critical mass.
how would little sisters cool the primarchs tempers?
If the emp can make Primarchs and Space Marines, he can sterilize them too.
Brothers would be less likely to clash and openly fight their sisters. Call it the Imouto Failsafe.
If Ferrus was a cute girl, do you really think things would have escalated to the point where Fulgrim was manipulated into fratricide?
Yes. We're talking about 40k here Fulgrim probably would have fucked every hole in Ferrus's body if he was a she and then made new ones.
Or at the very least come up with an elaborate population control scheme where they wouldn't be able to reproduce without the Imperium's permission.
Arn't they already sterile? I mean that's why SMs don't go down to their little recruiting worlds and make a bunch of baby SMs with women.
>Brothers would be less likely to clash and openly fight their sisters
You obviously have never had a sister.
My sister is my favorite sibling.
Those first few posters were actually all Tzeentch
They aren't sterile, but their children would not be Space Marines. Much of the biology of Space Marines is artificially added and implanted.
It would have just gone wrong in some other way: the horus heresy was inevitable, and like an erection around an elf it as only a matter of time before the whole thing blew up in their face.
Listen to
Orks are the galaxys little green blood cells.
Orks are there where people to fight them are, then they giht, which makes them stronger.. If there is nobody to fight around, they will fight each other and reduce their own population. Then they lack somebody to fight, which makes them weaker and gives other races a chance to claim their space.
You see, the ork is simply perfect and perfectly simple.
Why a member of the eldar loving Ultamarines has a "no xenos allowed" sign?
My sister is also my favourite (only) sibling. She also fights with both our parents and me due to being extremely headstrong and confrontational.
Like said, the bits and pieces that make marines marines are all added stuff. If they did have kids they'd be normal humans (though probably possessing the right genes to become a marine...) in the same way that someone with a prosthetic limb or gene treatments for a disease would also produce normal kids.
Unless you affect the gametes in some one you'll make normal babies.
The primarchs on the other hand...
And on the sterility of marines it's one of those implied but never explicitly stated things. I personally interpreted it as the massive surgeries, biochemical treatments and indoctrination used to make marines leaves them functional but lacking a sex drive of any kind. But that's just me.
No, they are sterile.
My dear fellow human, brevity is the soul of wit, and therefore I can clearly and unequivocally say I am not an Eldar in disguise and your supposition - predicated upon baseless conjecture and superstition - is entirely false and in the light of brotherhood we should all go into the deep dark forest unarmed after sunset
Echoing this, this is Fulgrim
He would have raped Ferrus-chan to death and made clones of her to rape at his leisure
instead of just killing Ferrus-sama and making clones of him to rape at his leisure
*Jurassic Park theme*
>"Ask not the Eldar a question, for they will give you three answers, all of which are true and terrifying to know."
Your mothers a whore, your father is a cuckold and I am your sire
Well, it just says "incapable of procreation." This can mean a lot of things, such as not being compatible with humans to not producing sperm.
Where the hell is that from?
Don't be obtuse you know damn well it means they're sterile.
However we have canon reports of Alpha Legion commiting acts of rape, so they're physically capable just shooting blanks
You're not the boss of me, now.
Things would have turned out better if Malcador hadn't created the Emperor in the first place.
If Malcador had just been Emperor & made the Emps his attack hound/problem solver everything would have been fine.
No, if there is no one around to fight them orks go and look for a fight. That is why they build ships. If not all the orks would have done would sit in a single world and fight an eternal war between the clans.
Once a warboss beats the shit out of the other clans he decides to go elsewhere to fight umies or other pansy boyz.
Souce or you are full of shit.
Malcador was even colder and underhanded than the Emperor faggot, stop being dumb
Don't know about his, but Ragnar Blackmane notices a navigator house sex slave and makes a mental note to check her out later. It's in Wolfguard, or the book where he is sent to guard a navigator heiress.
Navigators are one of the most debased inbreeds in the 40k universe, even more so than planetary governors. If emperor completed his webway project in all probabilities he would have declared them mutants and exterminated them.
Inb4 I need
>Index: Chaos
>Codex: Chaos Space Marines
>Codex: Thousand Sons
>Codex: Chaos Daemons
>Codex: Tzeentch Daemons
Cant wait.
And what does that have to do with a Space Marine lusting after a regular human whore?
canonically they have no dicks.
but you don't need a dick to rape someone. that's right, alpha legion is forcing people to fuck them in the ass whether they want to or not