Post some post-apocalyptic world maps

Post some post-apocalyptic world maps.
If you want to enlighten us about what caused the apocalypse, it'd be neat.

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God was drunk.



How did wales conquer the United Kingdom? In no world does that make sense.

Isn't this the world map from steven universe?



I mean it's not straight up lifted from the show of course but it's very similar

So what happened? Did someone give the SJWs mass drivers or something?


While not a world map, Stand Still, Stay Silent has a nice little microcosm


Big-ass nukes during the rebellion?
Kindergartens and huge underground structures fucked up the tectonic plates?
Their "Terraforming" process came to a halt and that left the modified Earth on its own?

I don't think we'll ever know. Also, I'm seriously thinking about dropping the show.


Didn't everyone who wasn't in the Ark died in that movie?

Most of the world would probably become a desert though with most winds being so dryed by so much landmass.


My nigga.

Looking at North America on this map, I can't but help thinking that Kevin Siembieda was inspired by this to make Rifts.

>Kanga Rat Murder Society
>Orangutan Surfing Civilization
>MAD-HOLE Country of the Screamers
>Communi-Bear Silo State

I must know more about this Kamandi.

>Strange Fire Area
My god, its perfect

>That Germany

>He doesn't know about Kamandi

Bro you have no idea what you have been missing out on.

The big hole in the middle of Russia is implied to be the results if the Tunguska event (google it) connected IRL


Patrician taste confirmed. Been thinking about converting it to some system or another. Maybe once I've numbed the pain from the latest turns the plot has taken.

Wait, what the fuck happened to South America?

>Orangutan surfing civlization

No matter what you do, your post-apoc setting will never even come close to the greatness that is Kamndi's world.

SSSS was so boring. It's like everything has to be stretched over a hundred pages when it could be done in two. It's like the author needs to Explain every single thing in minute detail where a greater writer could show it through the plot and the art.

Jericho did it better in the 70s. One page of background, one page with no dialog. And it's