Anyone else here absolutely loathe steampunk? It sickens me on a primal level for some reason. Maybe it's simply the sickly, rusty colours but I think it's also something else I can't put into words. I really hate it and I will actually completely dismiss games that lend itself toward this aesthetic. Just wondering if I'm alone in feeling this way.
Steampunk Sucks
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No, you're not alone, you're just kind of dumb, mistaking an annoying fanbase (hint, most fanbases are annoying) to the stuff itself being shit.
Steampunk is fine. It's the annoying fan base and the fanfic levels of bad writing that plague the setting. Also I think most people prefer it as a supplement to another setting such as fantasy.
But with the exception of The Difference Engine steampunk as a whole is shit user
A genre's a genre a genre. Anything can be good, all it takes is good writers behind it. Obviously everyone's going to have their preferences, but I think anything can work if it's used the right way. I'm not a huge fan of steampunk normally, but when it's not made too over the top and has some restraint to it, I like it.
As an Engineer, I loathe the fuck out of Steampunk.
It makes me visibly angry.
The execution often leaves a lot to be desired. I'm not keen on so much of the genre being themed by Victorian England.
The 'rust' is actually brass. I don't know why anyone would be butthurt over brass, but then this is Veeky Forums.
What gets me though is that a lot of people who hate steampunk settings for their corniness will readily lap up the most generic, uninspired ''''Medieval''' fantasy shit with great gusto. If that's not you OP then good for you. Otherwise, consider indulging in a spot of afternoon suicide.
It's no worse than generic medieval fantasy, you're just not as used to it.
I don't mind it, honestly provided it's done in a halfway interesting fashion. But the fact they tend to just lift a highly specific, ahistorical aesthetic and some aspects of Victoriana and then do nothing with it turns me off a bit.
Also the fact that so much of it is so goofy looking. Rifles that look like half-baked prototypes being mass-issued, unnecessary gears, goggles where they have no business being, etc.
Magitech is where it's at.
It's like medieval fantasy if everything were the worst of WoW's unnessary floating bits and giant shoulderpads; steampunk that breaks the basic mold is very rare.
Off the top of my head, Into the Odd is about the only exception and that may be because he focused less on the steam aspect of the setting and more on the oddity of it.
No, generic fantasy is just as bad.
It's not just the fanbase, though. The aesthetic is extremely ugly to me. Please read the thread before posting next time.
Is it actually steampunk you hate? Or cogfop? The distinction is important.
But the fan base is ugly in appearance, user.
Not really. You can find all kinds of fantasy settings that break the mold and ask questions of the basic assumptions of the genre. The Elric Saga springs readily to mind.
What makes sick in Steampunk is what makes me sick in anything: style without substance and bad executions.
The genre itself, I have no issues with. Heck, I use steampunk in my otherwise fantasy setting. But the themes and aesthetics are more like pic related and frankstein supersoldiers in trenches.
I'm not talking about the fanbase. I'm talking about steampunk itself. The goggles, the clockwork, the rusty colours, etc.
Let's see, for unique fantasy settings. Dark Souls, Glorantha, Barsoom, Eberron, Warhammer Fantasy (perhaps cheating here since it borrows so much from Moorcock, but the end result is visually distinctive if nothing else), Exalted, Jade Empire, Lord of the Rings (it made the genre that everyone copies so it gets a pass), the already mentioned Elric Saga, I'm sure there are more.
Nope. You loathe steampunk because hating steampunk is basically virtue signaling on Veeky Forums. In short, fuck off cunt.
There's a lot more fantasy than steampunk though. Doesn't change the fact that most of either genre is trash.
What the fuck are you talking about? Where do people even talk about steampunk on Veeky Forums? Why would somebody be virtue signalling anonymously? I think you're just upset nobody likes your steampunk Doctor Who MLP fanfiction, to be honest.
True, but considering steampunk is a subset of fantasy, they don't have an excuse for not trying something interesting.
>Why would somebody be virtue signalling anonymously?
Validation. It doesn't matter if it's from anonymous strangers, because it's still validation regardless. It's not like you can wear the validation you get from others anyway.
I think somebody would have to be pretty down on their luck to seek validation from fa/tg/uys.
Does the actual 19th century inspire the same feeling?
I mean, he's already posting on Veeky Forums, starting a thread no less. So we can safely assume that by default.
I'm the OP, redditfriend.
No. It doesn't have any magic screwdrivers or goggles or quirky clockwork guns.
I just want trains in my otherwise medieval-ish fantasy setting.
How do I do it without going steampunk?
>I'm the OP, redditfriend.
I've almost certainly been here longer than you. While we've "normified" a lot since I first started posting here, it's mostly just an act, because the bulk of the population here is still composed primarily of asocial losers seeking the escape of frivolity. Your life is, by default, in such a state that you felt preaching to the choir about steampunk was a reasonable way to spend a Tuesday afternoon.
Like everything else OP, it can be done right.
>I've almost certainly been here longer than you
I may not have been on Veeky Forums for very long, but I've been on Veeky Forums in general for 9 years. Why are you in this thread if you insist on being a complete autist and preaching your steampunk shit here? Do you normally purposely go into threads you know you won't enjoy?
It's all aesthetics and no punk. There is no social commentaties or anything. Often the main characters are snobby, sleak, rich, victorian industrialists which goes against anything that punk stands for. It reads more like pulp.
Your setting is no medieval.
>9 years
Post-Newfag Summer.
I'm just explaining how someone could "virtue signal" anonymously. I'm not even the one who claimed you were. Seeking validation in any social situation is a normal human behavior, and a thread like this could easily be construed as such.
Especially since you've been here nine years.
>Post-Newfag Summer.
Your redditspacing implies enough for me. I'm done reading your posts. r/Veeky Forums doesn't count as lurking, bud. Good day.
>reddit spacing
>still trying to force this meme
As if we needed more proof of your newfaggotry.
Alright then. I guess you never went to elementary school and learned how to space a paragraph.
You are not alone bro. I don't loathe it like you. But I fail to understand on any level the appeal.
It is one of the few settings or thematics that really put me off. And the worse part is, just like you, I can't pin point what bothers me so much about it.
Thanks, gonna have to watch that movie again.
Thanks for contributing to this thread. $0.02 has been deposited to your account.
Damn, I guess OP got told hard.
>I'm so butthurt that I got called out for seeking validation from anonymous geeks.
It's not a paragraph, more often than not you're barely typing a fucking sentence.. Nobody in their right mind puts two full line break just to separate a paragraph anyway. Unless you're changing the scene or character's perspective, you just use one
See this? This is the proper way to start a new paragraph or present a new idea/what-have-you.
This on the other hand, is completely extraneous.
There's no reason to post like this, it just makes you look like a twat.
Don't make me take those 2 cents back.
You are the most butthurt person on the thread, faggot. You came to this thread SOLELY to shit on it. Why would anyone do that?
He's just looking for attention. Don't bother. Typical contrarian faggot.
Not butthurt enough to claim that someone has to be shilling for money to disagree with someone.
So you admit you do it for free?
>says OP, in a thread he started to complain about something moderately popular
It was a joke, you faggot.
>One sentence
>Needs an "in short" summary
This is a pretty good point. The thing that's really missing when going for style over substance is the themes that the period let you deal with. People turning into elements of a conveyor belt in the name of progress is a feel that pretty much anyone can "get".
A Victorian style should be perfect for handling that.
Yeah, I disagree with you for the fun of it.
What the fuck is up with this "4chins is fer losers XD" meme. I come here because it's one of the only sites where someone's opinion isn't influenced by post history or a point system, not because I need validation from some random online.
Shit being retroactively dumped under the heading of "steampunk" makes me sad.
Alternate History, Victorian Science Fiction and all sorts of other weird stuff has just been put under it since "-punk" became a trend not too long back.
Never mind the fact that it seems to be almost entirely driven by the cosplayer brigade rather than say writers or artists creating fully fleshed out worlds.
Punk in general, and Cyberpunk which Steampunk branched off from, started off with something of more substance but then ended up with a sizable group (or entirely being taken over by) the fashion brigade.
Steampunk just skipped that core bit. Jumped straight to the fashion stuff. And it is those people who have dictated the boring brown, rust, cogs and goggles shit when they should be as creative as they want.
Because people who aren't losers in some way can function just fine in normal sites that have downvote and block mechanisms without being downvoted/blocked into oblivion.
I don't hate steampunk, but seeing a person glue gears and sprockets onto their clothes like they're some kind of cargo cultist of clockwork drives me bugfuck.
OP here. I love alternate history and steampowered stuff. Steampunk is different, though, with all the goggles and quirky clockwork guns and magic screwdrivers and space-travelling telephone booths and gay shit like that. Like I said, I can't really put it into words. Something about it bugs me deep down, and the fanbase doesn't help.
A sentence-long paragraph is still a paragraph.
This is something you should have learned in elementary school, assuming you have indeed made it through elementary school.
Because you are a fucking normie.
Normie people can talk on their facebook wall.
If I dare to say anything I think on my facebook wall, I would get blacklisted into oblivion, the government will hunt me down, and I would probably end up in prision for thoughtcrime.
So fuck you, nigger. You don't belong here.
This. It's just plain obnoxious.
Even assuming that it's a paragraph, there's still no reason to dump two fucking linebreaks every time. If you were trying to make a point, sure I could see it, or if you were making a writeup or something like pic related. When you do it for every single "paragraph" in every single post, all it does is take up more space.
>all it does is take up more space
Yeah, I know, that's at a real premium on Veeky Forums. Look, I'm sorry you never learned basic formating. But there are programs out there, for free even that can help you brush up on basic shit like this.
I don't care.
I prefer it this way.
Good, because it's the proper way to do it. When you don't use a first line indent (which would be impractical with the format of Veeky Forums) you put a space of 50-100% of the text size.
That isn't steampunk you low-information retard, steampunk isn't an aesthetic. Steampunk is a literary genre that a fandom has built up around, generating an aesthetic you don't like because they are autistic. How many cogs and gears stuck to hats did you see in The Difference Engine?
>Not normalfag
I don't use facebook precisely because of the aforementioned post history and point system. On top of Zuckerberg's datamining and the general awkwardness of grandma misinterpreting a meme and shit like that.
Try posting something against the whatever the mainstream politcal/social norms are on facebook or other social media and see what happens. I've had people look through two years of post history to find a post where I called somebody a faggot just to discount an argument I made by calling me a bigot.
The conversation was about RWBY no less and the guy I called a faggot was my irl boyfriend
This "nothing to hide" mentality is cancerous.
I can respect that. It's when you start going on an elitist tirade about how your way is superior like and so on and how everyone else is objectively wrong that it starts to bother people.
>was my irl boyfriend
oh my god you are a fucking shitlord, please die
I know right? God forbid I don't want to take an Arabian Elevator for sucking cock, that would be so Islamophobic of me.
So the redditspacer is a faggot, too. It's like pottery.
>that go on some elitist tirade
You do realize this was started by you accusing someone of being from reddit on account of how they format their posts, right?
The fact it's just a conventional style of formatting that you learn in elementary school is just icing on top of that particular cake.
He's not the redditspacer, as you may have seen by him not redditspacing.
>You do realize this was started by you accusing someone of being from reddit on account of how they format their posts, right?
You're getting your posters mixed up again, redditfriend.
I'm not that guy friendo. Not once have I accused anyone of being from reddit, because I'm not a fucking retard and I recognize that that accusation brings more problems than it solves.
We really need ID's on every board.
>We really need ID's on every board.
No, we don't, because anyone with half a brain can tell who's who 90% of the time, especially when the post format of the users is completely different.
And yet, here we are. It only takes one guy getting fried trying to steal copper wire before they put up a padlocked fence.
Steampunk is fine but you need subtly to make it work aesthetically. Muted tones, with a heavy emphasis on brown, metallic patches and pipework, and NO FUCKING GEARS
Pssh, like this whole discussion really matters anyway.
Well said, old chap! I tip my cog-monocle to you!
>tfw to intelligent to not be a steampunk that a parody? I feel like managing to misspell Shepards of Knowledge it too perfect a fuckup to be genuine.
Steampunk is goth for fat people. Which is weird cuz goth was already goth for fat people. But whereas like 25% of goths are disgunting fat-fucks, like 90% of steampunks is neckbeards who can't dance, and go to goth clubs anyhow.
fat people like any setting where the men can wear voluminous shirts and the women can stuff their rolls into the top of a corset to do an impression of tits. goth, steampunk, renaissance, the list goes on. This is why hellenistipunk is the patrician no-fatties allowed aesthetic for chads like myself
I would like an excuse to wear sandals more often. I like it.
I don't like the majority of it because of the tendency to over-design the fuck out of everything the community has. It's gotten to the point where a lot of people just glue gears, springs, pipes, and gauges to something, spray paint it bronze, and call it steampunk. The whole point of the genre was supposed to be fun exploration into how you can do scifi where everything is still powered by steam engines or primitive electric dynamos, while simultaneously critiquing Victorian ideals(hint, that latter thing is the punk part). But now it's just an empty aesthetic that people rarely nail anymore, because they just make shit look as complicated as fuck instead of trying to make it look functional yet elegant like Victorian tech is supposed to.
I refer to this fucked up misunderstanding of steampunk as "cancerpunk".
>be into steampunk
>gradually lose interest
>start gaining interest in goth music, fashion, and fiction
>this all occurs after I decided to go on a diet
Checks out
There's nothing wrong with fantasy/sci-fi settings where the world has a victorian fashion sense. There's a problem with settings where gears are put on hats not because it is fashionable, but because of some implied (but never explained, much less inferrable) function that they must serve.
I hate that steampunk is a "thing" in the same way that "fantasy" is where a bunch of people can get together and just sort of agree that all these random things are "steampunk"-ish without any established setting that gives these things context or place in a larger world. The man wearing five pairs of goggles with gauges inside them is "steampunk" in the same way that a man with pointed ears and a sword is "fantasy", but there's no story or fiction being emulated. It's just... there.
It gives me that same sense of disgust as when you see someone jacking off in public, probably because that's more or less what it is.
Aww yes. Martian Dreams was so sweet. Good taste, user.
Magitech is obviously superior to your clumsy and primitive steampunk.
>I-I've been here longer
Why do redditors do this? As if it makes their opinion more valid
It's more commonly referred to as "cogfop", but "cancerpunk" works.
How would you run a steampunk campaign, Veeky Forums? How would you make it not shit?
Run with GURPS, no magic but some of the more advanced tech is kind of magicalish. Story is mystery-focused and pulpy, kind of Sherlock Holmes meets Film Noir. Antagonists aren't mustache-twirlingly evil, but range from well-intentioned bigots, to scientists who went too far, to callous industry moguls. People who represent everything wrong with Colonialism and the Industrial Revolution. Of course the most numerous foes encountered are simple street thugs, hired muscle, and the occasional abomination of nature.
And of course guns. Lots and lots of guns. Not rayguns, for the most part, just hot lead.
No, you hate normalfags who've appropriated it to the point where the first thing you get upon looking it up it loads and loads of "LOL TRENDY NERD" garbage
You. I like you.
Personally, I've already got my own setting that I refuse to call "Steampunk" out of distaste for the overly appropriated term.
Atom Bomb was invented way earlier, Europe analogue blew itself up, and the game is set in their colonies who are just recovering after a 100 year dark age due to total economic collapse and the granddaddy of all Dust Bowls
Call it "Edwardian Post-Apoc" and we're all good.
I like it.
Jeez, fucking shame I never went anywhere with the setting. It's just *there* in my drive.
Tried to run it in GURPs but that ended quickly after a first encounter bar brawl lasted a week because I kept having to check and recheck rules.
Tell me there's airships in it and I'm completely sold.