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I want to hug a cultist edition

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>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Squatted harder than Slaanesh

>WIP Math-hammer doc

Crimsons Fists a best.

I like how daemons are now no more scary than a conscript

I would a cultist

you mean her

Hydra dominatus

I have about 40 Chaos terminators, old metal stuff, plus some characters. I haven't played since 4th.

Can I field a Chaos terminator army in 8th and not have it be total shit? Can anyone recommend what else I should pick up to add to the army? I like those forgefiend things


To hear Veeky Forums talk, cultists are the scariest thing in the game right now.

god the tusks really make those look hilarious in a bad way

To get bitz where?

>not an Eldar like a proper imperial citizen

True, but I would rather shell out to buy new stuff than replace old stuff.

>From last thread

So I have a couple questions

First off, lets say I'm new to Imperial guard but I have 700 to start an army.

I know Heavy weapons squads are boss in all flavors right now due to being dirt fucking cheap, and sticking 18 of them into a stormlord is hotness.
But past this where do I go with that army? I'm gonna need some infantry, I assume Standard troopers fit the bill for that but I'm not sure how they should be kitted out.
And how many command points should I be shooting for? It seems to me IG can get more Command points than any other army but I'm not sure how worth it they are.

just buy what you think looks cool m8 holy shit

Has anyone tried a Renegade list in 8th yet?

Looking at the rules it seems like they had the shit nerfed out of them.

Can you imagine the Terminators going into a workshop post-heresy and welding those things on, saying to themselves "Oh yea, this is totally intimidating!"

What? Cultists are like little corn stalks with arms that die to anything and have the leadership of 4 unsupervised rowdy black children in a target

So uh I bought what I liked, mass guardsmen backed by a commissar. It was bad in the previous edition.

But now massing infantry is seen as WAAC and slows the game down too much so people will be reluctant to play.

Planning to go to GW tomorrow, am feeling a bit worried. Will I have problems getting games and fielding the army I like?

>Can I field a Chaos terminator army in 8th
yes, easily
>and not have it be total shit?
depends really, 40 kitted out terminators now will set you back about 2000 points, but they are incredible for an alpha strike when you give them all combi-plasmas/meltas however you have to start at least half your models on the board now
stick them with a term lord/abbadon and they get more deadly
>Can anyone recommend what else I should pick up to add to the army?
like I said, lord or abby for an HQ, could probably pad out with some cultists meaning you can deploy more terminators in deep strike
>I like those forgefiend things
forgefiends seem pretty great, only got 1 but it pulls its weight and more every single game. just try to make sure it isnt your enemys number 1 priority so it doesnt have to move

Really pesky thing with R&H is that there is no way to repair their vehicles, since warp-smiths and hellwrights lack the keywords.

Also they lost tons of their customization and most of their units are just shittier versions of an already existing imperial guard unit.

Yes, feel bad chump.

They'll wait for you to finish setting up and then leave before playing.

Marauders seem cool, not sure how you would get them into combat though? Chimera ?

So I'm looking to start a DW army, should I do one of the pic related Watch-Fortresses or come up with my own?

That's what I mean. It seems like they lost everything of value and are now just a weaker version of Guard. I was hoping that maybe they would still be okay on tabletop but I guess not. :/

> Not doing Furor Shield
If you don't have taste, I guess you could do one of those two.

>Surely I won't regret these metre long inflexible attachments ultra glued to my face. What could possibly go wrong

Does rolling double 1's on a charge fail now?

No why would it?

if you are more than 3 inches away, yes

no you charge up to 2 inches, which since you only have to be within 1 inch of the enemy to melee thars a 3 inch threat range

Just be courteous. If you have an army that size that's already painted, it's obvious that it's a labor of love. My friend's genestealers are now OP as fuck, and I was happy for him.

if they're not painted, fuck you you fucking assclown, the fuck have you been doing all these years? Dipshit. Fuck you.

the least you could do is primer them and touch up some details, im not asking for Golden Demon

>if they're not painted, fuck you you fucking assclown, the fuck have you been doing all these years? Dipshit. Fuck you.

Basically this.

One of my friends from high school I play with regularly plays tau and part of me changing to DW was I was kind of sick of getting shot off the board after setting up tons and tons of models, so now I can get shot off the board after setting up very few models. I wanted a Watch Fortress that specifically murders tau.

Of course it's all painted. Who wouldn't paint their armies?

.... Who... wouldn't... all those other people at my store... I painted well over 100 guardsmen when I had a full time job and they say they have no time!

To confirm yes they're all painted and I am actually very reluctant to ever field models that haven't been painted.

Got a chance to play my Ynnari in their first tournament today - overall very pleased with their performance. Need to make a few tweaks but I think they're still in a good spot. How'd your hobby go today?

Nice, i never field unpainted shit myself

I'm sure your store will be fine if you've put effort in i would fight a massed IG force just to see how it went

play on, then. You have nothing to fear from any pleb.

What kind of list did you run?

Realized that Fire Prisms are garbage. Sad times, they look sick but they're so bad.

Daily reminder that RAW as per "9. Keywords", a unit with the keyword is considered a "Carnifex unit" and thus Old One Eye buffs himself.

Have a good one!

You could also consider a Land Raider for those board-stuck Terminators - they're lethal, as always, and will keep those Termis alive.

>Farseer - Singing Spear
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Warriors - Agoniser, Blaster
>5x Wraithguard - D-Scythe
>10x Shadow Spectres
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Venom - 2x Splinter Cannon
>Wave Serpent - Twin Shruiken Cannon, Shruiken Cannon, Vectored Engines
>Hemlock Wraithfighter
>Hemlock Wraithfighter
>Wraithlord - Glaive, 2x Flamers
>Wraithlord - Glaive, 2x Flamers

Yeah I know that feel - they're just awful.

You aren't abusing RAW for this, all characters buff themselves unless otherwise stated. This is the intent of the rules.

Ebay. Otherwise you need to tell us where you live bro, as there are different bitz sellers around the world.

I just crawled out from under a rock and got the chance to look at the Chaos Index. What exactly are "power levels" and what happened to points?

How good are thousand sons at the moment? Tempted to play them because they seem to be pretty fun when combining magic and tanky marines. Honestly more scared of painting them because I'm just getting into the hobby and i know ill be shit at painting and rubric marines and sorcerers have lots of little intricate details

If you didn't see it I posted right at the end of the last thread. TL;DR, build at least one brigade in a list, and then add whatever else you want. After one brigade getting another doesn't add much more value.
If you want leman russes pick up start collecting boxes. Scion start collecting box isn't bad either. Don't buy more then 2 SC boxes because you will need other leman russ variants, and you can only use so many commissars. Also try to pick up the Leman Russ command box to get that techpriest.

Power levels are a quick and dirty way to do pick up games, points are in the back of the book.

Points still exist and are listed in the back of the book. Power Points are for faster/simpler lists for more casual games.

Man, I've played foot Orks for two editions. People get that scowl, until they realise that there are 100 fully painted Boyz and their associated toys, and they know I'm not a WAAC faggot.

If they're grey, I'd still play you, but I'd probably consider you a meme-lister.

They better be old metal, Steel Legion or Kreig. Otherwise you're not fooling anyone.

I tried my Fire Prism too, and am off to mind.
I actually liked how tough it was, but it just doesn't do a lot of damage.

Also tried out my army (mostly craftworld) as Ynnari for the first time, figuring out the right soulburst is triky.

Will say that banshees are better than people think. And so are carbine scourges, though I am modeling up some blasters now.

Half your units have to start on the board, not models.

For chaos that means taking 10-man units of cultists to deploy on the board so you can deep strike your terminators. You could also use three 1-man units of chaos spawn, but that doesn't get you as much cp.

You're also going to want a chaos lord to reroll your 1s to hit to maximize your alpha strike and take a lot of the risk out of overcharging plasma.

The big weakness of so many terminators is being outranged after the alpha strike. You'll need to look into some mix of long-ranged shooting and faster troops to keep the enemy from just running away from your terminators. Raptors and bikers are usable as mobile melta/plasma guns, and havocs, predators, and dreads are good for long-ranged shooting.

Besides terminators, the cult troops are all very strong right now. Their biggest problem is mobility in an edition where rhinos became much more durable at the cost of also becoming much more expensive.

Rubric marines and terminators are good, but TSons as an independent force are lacking in options and hamstrung a bit by the limitation of being able to use each psychic power besides smite only once per turn. Trying to make an army out of them is kinda like making a pure deathwatch force right now.

Why field unpained models? Aren't they a pain in the dick to paint later on?

I hate painting assembled models.

points are definitely the way to go if you are planning a game in advance.
But power is great for if you just brought some models to the shop and run into someone and want a game.

Which is why you should start bringing models with you. Games can be had quick now.

Well that's dumb. Couldn't they have both of them there? It kinda' seems like they're saying "Oh you're one of -those- players, that uses -points-. You have to sit at the back of the book."


I've not been playing for that long I'm only 24 okay I needed a job before I could afford this stuff! Started say... 3-4 years ago I think?

The idea was that they can update points without releasing new datasheets.

Because you want to play with your shit /now/, not in three weeks when you finally get up the money for the new paints you need for the models and also have the time and motivation to sit down and paint.

Because the best part of the hoby for me is assembling and conversions, playing, and painting. In that order

because then they'd need to include points for all the wargear options and that would clutter up the unit profile.

You have the two pages you need for list building. Then in play you just look at the unit profile.

I'm waiting to be able to spray paint, humidity here blows ass for the past few weeks and days to come.

Probably why some unpainted models are armless or half a torso.

A lot of players who rush to play games or don't care about painting their armies also won't want to deal with annoying sub-assemblies.

Oh, have you been posting about planned parenthood and drumpf on facebook in hopes of attracting one? :^)

Is this a breacher gun or the tau shoota?

I still have almost thirty primed guardsmen and forty shitly painted ones from ebay, all from before 8th was announced. Just started about nine months ago. Everything I do to try and avoid an OP list while still being at a full 2000 points ends up steamrolling my opponents. I'm getting ready to go full fluff with the most fluffy and ineffecient list I can, both when listbuilding and in battle.

That's a poorly converted eldar fairyboy.

From what I've seen Terminators only need to be used really intelligently or they get shredded by superior firepower (even though they are tough as shit, nothing survives like hundreds of shots without rolling some 1s).

Twentyish terminators and a couple models you can buy used on the cheap and paint if you like such as heldrakes and hellbrutes will definitely work though.

It's a pulse carbine you dip.

I think primarily its to allow points updates without needing to release entire new data sheets.

I know, part of the gun fell out too.
Would a pinvice help?

Thanks user.

Hey I have been working on this chart for a bit now, Its about 85% complete. Just gotta make item art and points costs. But what do you think?

Problem is, Wave Serpents just do more damage and are tougher, for less points.

I really wish Falcons and Fire Prisms were better. They don't even have to be great, just make them less horribly expensive paperweights.

>ripping directly form Soda Pop's Super Dungeon Explore

Yeah Wave Serpents being simply a better choice relegates most of the other chassis variants to the shelf. I have had some success with the Night Spinner at least.

Primaris bois

Add Ogryns and Rough Riders.

The only times I fielded unpainted models was when a guy challenged me right when I finished aseembling my start collecting box and when 8th edition came out because they were within a day of each other. Now I've locked all my nids in my shop to laboriously paint, and only emerge at GW to buy paint and shoot the shit.
I have another 15 gaunts, a hive tyrant, gargoyles, and warriors to paint.

>Stalker bolt rifle
but why?

>Problem is, Wave Serpents just do more damage and are tougher, for less points.
err, I do fine that wave serpents have to be a LOT closer and thus more vulnerable.
My impression may be heavily biased by my complete inability to make 3+ or 4+ saves against flamers.

At least wraithlords are a lot better now, I'll probably run them for my though heavy support choice. With Dark reapers still for the long range damage.

Autarch windrider really impressed me every game.

>not just daemons
>shadowsun is just a fire warrior now
>night bringer but no deceiver

Get the fuck out of my face.

As someone only just this second getting into the hobby, waiting on my first purchases arriving, all the duncan videos suggest painting stuff assembled already seemingly. Is this a bad idea?

>wave serpents have to be a LOT closer
just run it with twin lances and a shuriken cannon, and use it as a gunboat

Banshees popping out of it can threat what, a bit under 18" on a snake-eyes charge roll?

Likewise, Fire Dragons can reach out and touch something that's a tiny bit under 24" away after disembarking.

No need to get that close.

For the most part, if you can't paint an area because an arm or gun or whatever is in the way

no one can see that area anyway so it doesn't matter if you don't paint it.

Funny Enough I had Shadowsun named as such, but people wanted to make it more generic when I made the card. So I just went with Fire Warrior.

the deathwatch stalker boltgun is heavy 2. i'm surprised this one isn't also. hoping it gets changed for the published rules, because it's really hard to justify it over a guy with a combiplas instead

Yeah it's a pretty bad idea. You can get away with it if the model doesn't hold a rifle across its chest. The more parts you leave off the better your paintjob will be in the end. When I ended up leaving not only the gun, but arms, shoulders, backpacks, and heads off, at that point the only thing I was gluing was chest and legs so I just painted completely unassembled.

Dealing with multiple parts and masking > not being able to paint blocked parts properly whatsoever.

Depends on where you are. When my local store had a scene going on still most people had bare plastic, primed, or poorly painted models on the board. No one really cared, since we were all too lazy and had giant backlogs. Some people will sperg out, though, and chase you off with hobby knives and measuring tape flails.

More adeptus custodes support for 8th when

srsly, at least an HQ would be nice.

>Play Krieg with IG rules vs salty friend
>He gets salty
>Finally get my Forge World rules in
>Excited to try Krieg rules
>Salty friend promises not to get salty
>Play Krieg vs salty friend
>He gets salty
I don't know what I expected

Hard to not get salty vs an army that doesnt move and blasts you off the table user, its boring

We used to do Preferred Enemy: Unpainted.

Oh, I'm retarded. You meant before you assemble them.

For some models with a lot of bullshit going on and parts that cover areas of detail, yeah, paint it in pieces. Generally you want to assemble them as much as you can without it getting in the way. Some people (autists) paint on the sprue, though.

>play tau
>people hate me
>tau got nerfed in 8th
>people still hate me
Then again it's not like they were actually nerfed.

>twin lances
should try that.

been very impressed with them from out of a wave serpent.
If you get 1 of the 3 deployments with 18" away you will get off a turn one charge.
If you get the other 3 move the WS turn one, then charge turn 2.
Weak things die, tough things get tied up, melee elites get really pissed when you combine with drain to mean that their S8 D2 weapons are really not doing much.

>Fire Dragons
was kinda disappointed by them.
partly it's that they used to kill any vehicle in one turn, and now that's not a thing.

partly it's, there is no reason to not run scourges now.
Swooping Hawks, now carbine scourges.
Fire Dragons, now blaster scourges.

I mean I'm glad I like the scourge model and used them for hawks and had extras already. but still.

People hate Tau because they're Tau, they just used balance as an excuse.

it's because you're a cunt.
Try not being a cunt.

>wasn't even nerfed
>lie about it anyway

And you wonder why people hate you. Why don't you go beat up some minorities while you're at it.