What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Old Nagash is hideous.
Killer Clown is fucking awful but has nostalgic charm.
New Nagash is overly busy World of Warcraft looking mushy CAD design and will never have charm.
I totally agree with this man now.
>world of warcraft
i know its cool and hip to hate on that, but that looks nothing wow like
GW's models are unironically much better today than anything in the company's history.
People like this are pretentious "why are things different now" retards.
Sure, but so is the new one. The new one manages to look every bit as corny, while being considerably more overdesigned.
>but that looks nothing wow like
>AoSfangirl in denial
Quality wise, because technology moved forward, not design-wise
No, design wise. Shit like the Ironjawz completely blow the classic Greenskin orcs out of the water. Primaris designs are unironically better than any of the older Marines.
Gotta agree, the technical skills they have and have been improving upon have been impressive but so many models lack a good composition nowdays
Remind yourself that overdesign is a slow and insidious killer!
>Shit like the Iron Horde
fair fix
>Primaris designs are unironically better than any of the older Marines.
Whatever you say CoD
>tfw you're such a cynical contrarian that you'll unironically defend pic related as an example of GW's design
Well, armor itslefhave more different elements than Primaris marines
>Killer Clown is fucking awful but has nostalgic charm.
>literally "It's good because of my nostalgia goggles"
You realize there's no objectivity to that assessment and that this is not a basis for making a "what went wrong" thread, right?
GW fell in love with its stupid spell effects and won't stop slapping them all over their models in a pathetic attempt to make them look more "dynamically posed" while just making them into over-designed messes by artists who just didn't know when to stop drawing.
Go away, slav
GW got a massive hard on for giant models.
>Sure, but so is the new one
Then don't imply the old one isn't.
If you honestly think that piece of shit on the left looks better... I dunno what to tell you.
At least it's minature on the left side
The more snazzy bits and bobs you add, the higher you can raise the price point.
If the right one would be standing normally without all this shit around it would win over the left one.
>without all this shit around it
Except this shit around only makes model look interesting, because the main model is just "bones-bones-bones-dark leath/latex and more bones"
Has anyone ever compiled a gallery of Warhammer models as they have changed through the years? I'm wildly curious about 1st edition orcs versus the mega orruks we have now.
Because I want to be anywhere near the asshole that buys this, paints it, and plays with it on the table? Some asshole that thinks he is an undead God and shows up with 2 and 1/2 boxes of unpainted skeletons and probably another austentatious monster to top it off.
Fantasy has become such bullshit nerd pandering. It used to be layered mythology and alternate history. Magic doesn't even hold the irony of mysticism any more, it is just weak writing for weak people.
How dare I wanting to look at the actual model and not get to get mesmerized by some flashy bits around it.
Most people don't want anything more than this.
Because it takes actual skill to paint the one in OP without it looking like complete garbage.
Sure, those are still tough but not on the scale of the model kits they are putting out today.
But user, actual model is borring monument of wasted potential.
Why can't GW just produce anything that gets the job done anymore? I know 15 year olds always love special characters but this bullshit is all they build anymore.
Pick related: Real fantasy for real people.
the fuck outta here gramps
And so is the left one. But I take an actual skeleton man over a man with skeleton face in evil wizard robe.
So in other words, you're old, cranky and far too nostalgic.
No wonder you play Dwarfs then.
That's a grudge.
That is a great mini.
I think the problem is lack of coherency, not cast quality.
The models as is are absolutely packed to the brim with nifty details and parts that simply overwhelm the eye at first; add in often subpar position of the model, you're simply given a model that you go 'what the fuck is this' at first until you lean forward and take a look, whereas in with the older models you can easily distinguish the human from an orc from the way they are modeled and positioned.
In a sense, models can behave like paintings in some regards, they need to form a sense and show exactly what you need to look at first in order to be really good.*
Quantity =/= quality, I guess.
(*Exceptions and shit.)
It all looks like garbage on the table lately. None of this bullshit makes for a dynamic game.
I played High Elves for 17 years and never once lost to a chaos player (played dozens even at tournaments).
I can tell just by looking at the table the direction all GW games are going. High point concentrations of elite troops. None it ever beats decent tactic and balanced army composition. But we are at the point now that they they have finally broken the system to accommodate their asshole base of Demon Princes.
That is a lovely miniature. So effective and direct. Proper dwarf.
>And so is the left one.
Exceptleft one have more interesting design than right one
I couldn't find a pic of my favorite of the Dwarf leaning on his axe. Most old timers glue a round shield on his back and he looks like the kind of Dwarf you would take into any dungeon.
How so?
This, so much.
Look at fucking Nagash. On his body there's a fucking avalanche of detail, but half of it is just some retarded shit like segmented armor. Why the fuck do you embellish the armor of a caster supreme with segmentation? Keep that part simple, and instead put some runes on him. Why is his hat so gigantic and malformed?
Why are his contours such that they lead focus AWAY from his face, which classically should be a center-point on any model, and instead lead to his midriff which is not only badly textured but would look boring even if it wasn't?
Nothing. Next question
Why do dynamic poses seem to mean "caught midway in a super awkward transitional pose" for 60% of geedubs stuff
New Nagash was designed by someone who doesn't draw.
Because new GW designers can't draw and as such don't know what gravity and weight mean. They design the models "standing" and "distort" them into action poses. Which is why modern animation usually looks like shit as well.
Considering it's the evolutionary root of all the green, tusked, hunched over orcs of today? Yeah.
GW greenskins are arguably more influential than space marines, though most of that is thanks to warcraft aping the look and going big.
He has the same fucking lines framing his face in both models you faggot.
Are you literally blind?
It's not even that NewGash is too busy, it's that the detail is in all the wrong places.
You can definitely be both.
Nigga, both of them have bone tendrils at 45 degrees with their bases terminating at his head area
Creating a visual of action in progress in a still medium is incredibly difficult. Its easy to criticize, much harder to pull off.
That's one reason why Frank Frazetta's set is well loved. He was great at capturing the action at its most dynamic, yet always frozen just before the climax. Creating a sense of excitement of what is clearly to come.
Take this painting of Conan about to axe some poor fucks. Just think about the motion shown and the implication of what's to come. We see Conan's hair flying up, his arm behind him holding the axe, eyes forward, has clenched, muscles taut. Conan alone is directing the action of the scene and the mooks in front of him are all in motion in reaction to Conan's motion.
The Nagash fig is doing something with all the swirls at his feet, but there's no anticipation of what's to come. He's still "standing" upright while the action happens around him rather than directing the action himself the way Frazetta's Conan does.
The new Calludus Assassin model is the only one I can think of that pulled off the wacky action pose well.
You could at least post a better model from that line. The line infantry looks passable.
That and Frazetta drew some fine naked ladies.
Old doesn't even have Bone Tendrils wtf
>45 degree lines pointing to the head
Where does old have that?
>we want the WoW audience
>goes on and on about the simplicity of lines and detailing the "important things"
>conveniently ignores the giant fucking straight line that is NuNagash's staff and the detail it holds
By the same token, according to the pic, the ghost trails would lead your attention up towards the model itself, which would be a good thing
Wow you're a dipshit
That's his hat you dip. They point directly at his face.
The new model has points going to his torso and shoulders; his face is so small you can hardly even see it under all the random shit.
I tried to form some sensible argument, but nothing you say can counter nostalgia goggles, so fuck this shit. I wish GW models looked that good when I started. Of course, when I started, the big boxed starter sets still had paper cutouts of monsters and warmachines in them.
The swirls are fine. The only issue I have with the model is all the spines going every fucking direction. If you cut them off he'd probably look fine.
amusingly, that specific model actually has the hands and weapons of a current-edition ork.
If it's big and overdesigned you can justify the retarded price a bit more.
This shit is 10x dumber than any anime I saw. Congrats WG.
His moustache shoots bullets.
I wish he'd shoot me and put me out of my misery.
>The only sane man in this thread.
OldNagash is an atrocious model- his face looks like shit, his staff and popehat are actually noisier than NuNagash's equivalents, his sleeves are rumpled in ways they shouldn't be, for that pose, and he's just as lacking in dynamicism as his newer counterpart. This shouldn't even be an argument, both models have the same degree of detail per surface area, OldNagash happens to be a rougher sculpt- that happens when new technology and techniques are being used.
NuNagash only looks like shit too because there's so much action around him and he's just sort of existing in the middle. If there was any action at all- staff being raised to ape that he might be spellcasting instead of just at his side, for instance, the sculpt would be kickass. Also he probably could have had a bigger head, that's... Yeah. Tiny head doesn't help, but the main issue is that he's not, like, doing anything.
Fair enough. I'm pretty sure you could use those clipped-off spines for some nice conversions in any case.
No. They're ridiculously busy and overdesigned.
Simple and straight to the point. What's not to like?
> If there was any action at all- staff being raised to ape that he might be spellcasting instead of just at his side, for instance, the sculpt would be kickass
For what it's worth, you can actually build him so that he holds his fuckhuge sword instead of the staff, which looks a bit more dynamic
They are overdesigned shit.
No, yeah, it definately helps, but not a whole lot. I think Gee Dubs got it backwards with the arm combos, though, him conjuring the spirit with his off hand distracts from the sword, whereas it would offset the passivity of the staff.
Old Ones vs C'tan Flayed One.
>garbage pewter model with zero sense of identity (some skeleton in a robe with a sword) and half inch thick mold lines (because those old molds never fit together exactly right) is somehow better than a baller new plastic model with sick nasty detail
nice bait
>bardic broadcasts
my man!
old orks are fine just so long as you remember that warhammer was more tongue in cheek back in those days.
Even if the sculpting wasn't up to modern standards, they had character and that's what counts.
did they not even recognize that warhammer had a certain aesthetic?
Ill give 40k two years before death, its unfortunate all the reddit kids are getting into 40k LITERALLY RIGHT NOW which is making gw think people love the new fluff. The death of it will be when they introduce a non space marine superhuman faction thats all about tactical rails and being edgy.
>certain aesthetic
Not anymore
This is a big part of it. I also hate that the new ranges lack contrast between normal dudes and elite dudes (see aos for this). All the models look like they are super soliders and it just ends up making an army looking really bland. I need some cool standard dudes to make the stronger ones stand out.
This is prehaps the biggest reason I cannot into AOS even though I prefer fantasy settings.
>standard dudes
No such thing when your army have only 2-3 units
GW are trying to become Bandai.
>Ill give 40k two years before death, its unfortunate all the reddit kids are getting into 40k LITERALLY RIGHT NOW
Friendly reminder that:
>CAD sculpting
are just meme words with all their meaning stripped out of them
Bitch, I'd kill for a GW quality sculpt of Kel'Thuzzad, Nagash ain't it.
No, in all actuality, AoS took cues from Adventure Quest, not WoW.
Ignoring the main model, I really hate that trend of trying to make the mini more dynamic by adding magic effects made out of green stuff to it.
>Ugly-ass goof
>Towering god-like miniature befitting of the greatest mage of the world
Looks like everything went right?
Oldhammer nostalgiafags are the worst. It's like /v/ insisting that video games were better in the 90's, and it totally have nothing to do with the majority being kids back then.
I mostly hate how fucking huge the bloody thing is.
I do not have a locker at the store or just play at my house. I need to move this shit around. So either I need a special way to transport this crap or figure out a way to make it disassemble and assemble easily.
>No, in all actuality, AoS took cues from Adventure Quest, not WoW.
>fantasy has become such bullshit nerd pandering
When was fantasy ever not a genre for and by nerds, you contrarian autist faggot?
>literally "It's good because of my nostalgia goggles"
>fucking awful means it is good
Did you read that post or is English not your first language?
>Retard steampunk Mr Monopoly
>People actually defend it
Both minis are pretty hideous in their own ways. Generally, GW hasn't put out a good fantasy kit in 5 years so it's not saying much.