What would you look for in a Gundam-based wargame? What would be a deal breaker?
What would you look for in a Gundam-based wargame? What would be a deal breaker?
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>everybody paints their models red for the 3x speed buff
Sounds confusing to play.
>Char was a literal Ork sniper.
>What would you look for in a Gundam-based wargame?
It needs to be able to handle hero units well. Every Gundam has some, but you don't want the game to devolve into Koei Warriors schlock. At the same time, you don't want the game to be entirely about low-powered normies, 08th MS Team notwithstanding.
>What would you look for in a Gundam-based wargame?
-Desperate battle between combined effort of grunt machines, trying to score themselves througout the war.
-Not just big robots, but land battleships, tanks, aerospace, and various ships as well.
>What would be a deal breaker?
-Muh 50 shades of gundam
Seriously, it'll be more fun if you just keep the gundam as few numbers of overpriced prototype that was still easily btfo if you fucked up instead of just le 100 kill beamspam noscope XD
Being able to use any machine in game, no matter what series its from.
At what scale? Tactical? Operational? Grand strategic?
Tactical: Personnel management for the RPG verisimilitude.
Operational: The ability to recreate the ebb and flow of the One Year War; that is, how Zeon pushed the Federation to the brink yet still lost. A game where the EF wins too easily in the early war campaigns, or where Zeon is not penalized for excessive attrition, is, ahem, a broken deal.
Strategic: There should be WMDs (colony drops and nerve gas), with the attendant political consequences. Also, Total Victory should be rare. Zeon was defeated, yet kept coming back. Perhaps there should be a Political Will tracker that can expand or constrain the player's options.
Going off of what user here stated I'd love to be in a game where the player has to not only pilot his mech but also take care of the logistics of the war. Players mech lost an arm during a mission? Well the parts won't come in for a week thanks to raids on the supply lines so he has to either A) stay at base and act as a support or B) go out in a tank/apc or act as a foot soldier of some kind
Sort of going off of and supporting what said: A balance between heroes (Gundams) and grunt-hordes (Zekus) that's done in such a way that using one to the exclusion of the other is a fool's errand, while using each in its proper tactical place to support the other.
I immediately think of the balance between R&F blocks and Monsters/Chariots/Cavalry/Skirmishers in 6th edition Warhammer FB. Charging a R&F block with anything other than a R&F block was suicide 9/10 times. It was the job of the elite support units wage their tactical battle on the flanks, trying to get the ever-important flank-charge, while trying to deny it to the other. Some armies were more focused on R&F grunts, and would usually win a straight battle between R&F of other armies (think Zeon,) while other armies had weaker/less-Numerous R&F, but has much more effective flank-support (think EF with their Gundams as flank-support.) To win, the former had to hold off the superior flank support of their opponent long enough for their superior W&F to win the day, while it was the job of the latter to use their flank support to swing the R&F tide in their favor.
Obviously it wouldn't work EXACTLY the same as WHFB6, because fantasy is not the same as scifi anime, but that's the sort of feel I'd want.
Bump for interest
No Gundams.
Grunts only.
>Not just big robots, but land battleships, tanks, aerospace, and various ships as well.
OYW scenarios where you have all sorts of suppoert units, Land battleships, space battleships, tank squadrons, space fighter squadrons.
One of the main reasons the Federation were able to hold Earth before they got MS was because they had the superior airforce and were able to maintain control over the skies.
Also they took Odessa through TANK RUSH KEKEKEKE.
Pretty sure there was one but it never got released outside Japan. Can't remember the name.
This. Although the Feddies did send a few Ground GMs to help out at Odessa, their impact was probably pretty small compared to the Type 61s and Big Trays.
Stuff like Saberfish would be great for a OYW scenario, they could concievably stand up to suits like Zakus.
Zeon only keeps coming back due to cashcow-millking & plot-armor along with misplaced Japanese Nationalism where they self-insert as the literal space nazis.
C) Launch with one arm
D) Jury-rig the limb of a salvaged enemy mech onto there, preferably one that ends in a gun
But then you get wankers rushing to use all the bullshit snowflake bullshit magical robots.
The ones that don't even care about armies of MS nevermind other types of units supporting them as the pull off their solo bullshit.
I'm not even talking about say the Wing Boys who's gundams actually could be overwhelmed through high enough numbers and combat tactics, and had a large variety of 'grunts' that saw action on both the protagonist and antagonist side, enough that you could make a real wargame out of the variety of units.
I'm talking about the Gundams that are/piloted by Space Jesus.
I mean look at Unicorn (the mech) and its terrible main character who basically becomes God at the climax of the series because the writer is a massive hack.
Like, the actual setting? Or just transforming mecha?
>transforming mecha
kek, not until the mid-80s or so, and even then they're never the norm
They were the big gimmick of Zeta Gundam, it had transforming mobile suits out the ass.
Even the original MSG has a taste of it here and there.
Didn't Veeky Forums set about creating an ACTUAL game using gunpla as miniatures? Or maybe it was /m/, but I'm certain I saw something like that on Veeky Forums years ago.
/m/ is a really retarded board so hopefully they didn't.
Say it was an unlicensed game, what would you guys want to be included in the setting (ie. character archetypes, gundam types, etc.)?
A variety of vehicle and unit types, so it isn't entirely Gundam on Gundam battles. It wouldn't be too different from a standard war game in that sense.
>so it isn't entirely Gundam on Gundam battles
Agreed, I'm just having a bit of trouble figuring out how I'd emulate Gundam-level combat on the tabletop, with all the zipping around and anime-tier shit. I want Gundams to be few and far between, able to cut a swathe through lower-tier units like tanks and stuff, but also not have tanks be completely useless.
How would you handle it?
Restrict it to 0079 (the original Gundam). Mobile Suits in 0079 can't fly or anything, they're much more down-to-earth. The sequel is what introduces transforming jet robots and psychic 100-foot tall blobs
>Zeta Gundam
>not mid-80s
Yeah that sounds perfect, thanks man. I'm just getting into Gundam lately and I was pretty surprised there's no wargames based on it. I couldn't even find any homebrews.
UC really is the best if you want to have any sort of combined-arms gaming/strategy.
It only gets worse the later you get in the franchise.
Meant to type
>Early UC
Also ignore all the dumb modern re-imagining of the original MSG, or the old novels.