What would be his and all for ones Power Level in Mutants & Masterminds?
What would be his and all for ones Power Level in Mutants & Masterminds?
Plot armor
So high?
I would say PL 14, PL 15 at absolute most, which is Superman territory. Then again I've only seen some of this show, but still
PL16-PL18 is literally Darkseid/Spectre territory among other cosmic level stuff.
He, at his prime, is literally able to change local weather patterns with a single punch.
Yes, around the 15 PL.
What would be an example for PL 19-20?
All Might was REALLY STRONG, and could do a ridiculous amount of things using that strength even as a cripple.
Would need alot of points for all those stats and effects/powers
It seems wrong to open up a Veeky Forums MHA thread asking about power levels.
Could have been something more like
>If you were to create a Quirk-Superhero for a M&M Hero Academia Campaign what would your hero be like
The Inscrutable Owlman, half owl/half man pacifist with big talons and a fear aura.
The biggest cosmic threats
Shuma Gorath if you didn't want to go PLX
Dormammu outside of the Dark Dimension
Can transform to gain powers based on the last movie he watched. Huge horror movie and Shaw Bros fan.
Echo sonar and super hearing powers.
Has a costume that allows him to fly. Bat motiff
Why does default Impervious rules suck so much?
A lot of things he did were stunts, one-time weird uses of existing powers.
I think he just has some supersenses and super physical stats. He's less powerful than Superman, and he's got a discount because his powers aren't active all the time. I'd put him at a PL 13 in a world where most supers are PL 8 or so.
PL Beyond 21 is Mr. Mxyzptlk
playing in a Hero Academia M&M campaign, its pretty neat my dudes
They used to be active all the time, the only reason he can't stay 'active' all the time by when the series takes place is the crippling near-fatal injury he received.
It's good shounen. It really makes you feel the emotional highs of the characters, and it doesn't get hung up on much on the way to that.
Whats your hero?
That is one of the coolest superpower ideas I've seen here.
The In-Betweener, Watchers, Beyonders, there's a bunch of stuff in PL ∞ that can regularly go LOL NO an remake reality as they see fit.
They are all stupid, especially the beyonders, Marvel copied DC but even worse with that relatively recent event, in some ways it was even dumber than Civil War II.
I've literally never played a superhero RPG and I've wanted to for (holy shit) 4 years. Sad times.
Ability to change my personal gravity. I imagined it that wherever I place my feet, that's "down" for me.
Not super OP, but with lots of imaginative utility!
It should be noted that his Quirk increases in power every time it's given to someone else. So he's stronger than his predecessor and Deku, his successor, can tap into more power than All Might.
So maybe every time he passes it on, the previous PL is added to or multiplied.
You can essentially fly too by constantly changing your "down", thought your top speed will always be terminal velocity
>So maybe every time he passes it on, the previous PL is added to or multiplied.
This is exactly how it works. Every time you pass on the power the previous owner's power is added to the aggregate.
That's why Midoriya sees several shades during his fight with the hypno guy in the tournament arc, including All Might. He's seeing the echoes of the previous wielders of One For All.
Splits self into a swarm of hamster-sized clones of himself, each with the strength of the original.
I've always wanted to play a comic book geek who has a lot of gag items from the back of 50's era comic books that actually work as advertised.
X-ray vision glasses, inflatable arms that give super strength, electro shock hand buzzers, a hypno watch, etc.
I wouldn't want to play it, but I do like the monstrous physiology supers, so something like a mini-godzilla could be a fun npc.
Except he never uses his atomic flame breath on anything living and prefers helping out clearing disasters and cleaning up fallout with his natural immunity rather than merely punching people. I mean, people could get hurt!
As for something to actually play... a giant spider who can mimic the human form. And with a little time and some make-up, can impersonate most faces. But take off his jacket or get into a fight and SURPRISE SPIDER, FUCCBOIS!
The spider can shoot webs or something I guess, it's mostly about a dude turning into a giant spider.
That sounds fun as hell.
Kinetic energy absobtion and from that be able to boost my stats.
We played a superhero game and one of us had that powers, after what happened we banned it for eternity
Yes the centipede guy is a hero, that's his quirk
Ah, I was imagining I put my feet on a wall and then my personal gravity is "down" towards the wall, instead of turning it on and off at will. There always seen be some sort of mechanism to activate it (like Uraraka and her fingers), so I imagined that'd be my feet.