Good job buying indexes! It's sure been a fun two weeks, hasn't it?
Good job buying indexes! It's sure been a fun two weeks, hasn't it?
>>rules for playing with Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Deathwatch or Grey Knights armies, so you’ll still need Index: Imperium 1 to play with those
MANLETS BTFO think your not gonna need the indexes to use the codexes...reason they called them INDEXES!!
blood angel tac squad
refer to page 123 of the index imperium 1
are they seriously reusing the CSM codex artwork?
It could be a placeholder
it better fucking be
the ork codex cover is HIDEOUS
I dont want to see that shitty GROT made artwork on my codex again
Good good goys. Buy Codices now, good goys. You all bought $125 in Indexes right goy?
>buying indices when LGS' let you use their copies for free
Also they explained from the beginning that codexes would release very shortly
>new rules representing specific sub-groups in many of the major factions; these range from old classics like the Space Marine Chapters or Chaos Space Marine Legions to returning rules for individual craftworlds, as well as previously unexplored groupings like Necron dynasties and Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds.
Is this going to be that same AoS argument about having to paint your minis specific ways in order to take advantage of the rules you want??
>Muh geedub master plan
All this butt hurt is retarded. We knew they were coming, Indexes were just there so you could play the games with your probably unpainted space men. You'd be mad if you didnt get an index, you'd be mad if you got an index.
>As well as Stratagems, there’ll also be Relics, Warlord Traits, Tactical Objectives and psychic powers for your army.
welp it's been a fun few weeks of a semblance of balance
now i can't wait for litlle timmy to use his orbital bombardment ™ strategem to do 3d6 mortal wounds after which he deep strikes using the steel rain© command trait allowing him to deepstrike his free drop pods within an inch and doing d6 mortal wounds to any unit within d6 inches. after which his force commander with relic blade deals d3 mortal wounds on each hit before striking again in the next psychic phase using his emperor's fury® psychic power.
>people who play vanilla marines actually bought an index
wow you idiots, you KNEW that SMs were going to get the first codex, why the fuck did you buy it?
>paints his guys are raven guard
>ay yo nigguh i'm playing imperial fists
but seriously, successor chapters will probably benefit much like the last edition
I'm talking more like
>paint custom necron army because you have like 6 dynasties to change choose from all with pretty boring fluff AND paint schemes
>sorry your hands are tied these characters and strategems are SPAYSHUL
CSM was the first 6e codex, right?
>Getting buttfrustrated because you didn't read the pre-8e FAQ, the 8e main rulebook, or any one of several Warhammer Community pages.
You have only yourself to blame.
I don't know why anyone bought any of the indices when everyone should've known they'd be pirateable in a day, and obsolete inside of a year.
So I could have all the rules for all flavors of power armor day 1 in an easy to read and work with format. I got my 25 bucks worth out of it.
You really thought Indexes were going to replace Codexes when GW said repeatedly that they were only a temporary measure?
>buying GW books
>especially ones with limited lifetimes
Maybe if you guys bought less codexes you could buy more models
Books don't run out of batteries, are easy enough to transport around with my models, and are easier to read. I'm not some poorfag that 20 bucks ruins my monthly budget.
and I just bought the Index:Chaos today...
whatever, I just hope they bring back the option of outfitting Chaos Space Marines with a Bolter, Boltpistol, and a CC-weapon.
Successors get fucked they aren't allowed to use founding HQs abilities and most don't have named HQs
Nova marines and Marines Errant can't use any Ultramarine rules or heroes. Crimson Fists don't get Imperial Fists or Lysander
Because they never stated right from the start that the indices were get you by until the codices released.
OP is being more of a faggot than usual.
Oh no! Some user on the internet implied I'm poor because I don't want to spend money on something that'll be worthless practically overnight! Whatever shall I do?
>cancel the order
>return it
>part exchange it for the codex
you know, like anybody with half a brain would do
I don't mind, I only bought the necron index and they aren't grtting a book anytime soon. Plus I'll likely get to use my 30k IW in 40k by the end of the month
good idea, but I guess I keep it, just for the daemons
what the hell happened to the "rules for models and game are free" "no more codexes".
Was that just a rumor, did they never actually say it?
You are either massively misinformed, or have been devastatingly memed.
Your thinking of AoS for free rules, and it was said from the start codexes were coming.
I have an army. Why do I need any of this?
Sounds like you play with retards, user.
So if Death Guard is getting a Codex then maybe Thousand Sons will get one. Though if they do they'd have to get more units. So far the Death Guard have:
Contagion Lord
Bloat Drone
Pox Walkers
and will certainly be getting Mortarian and Grave Warden Terminators. That's 7 new units to the Thousand Sons' 4.
Don't forget Typhus.
Also Nurgle Daemons might be in the book too.
I didn't add him since he's not a new unit. same with Ahriman and the cult troops
You don't.
The new codexes will be optional.
You can just play with the indexes.
After the codexies come out they supercede the index rules. You wouldnt play your 3e necron codex in 7th
I think they'll also get some thanks, since for some reason you can't have regular old Vindicators, and maybe some havoc equivalent with a more limited choice (phosphex? rad?) but with nurgle goodies to make up for it.
I mean tanks, not gratitude.
>dont play space Marines
>get beaten by 1CP strategem
>get beaten by op relics
>get beaten by chapter tactics
>4 years later 9th is announced
>still waiting on Codex
That's literally what the official rules say. Just because you house rule or play the game wrong or ignore rules doesn't change facts. They even have an entire box talking about how Azrael only leads the Dark Angels.
at least, you have the Index
Holy shit you guys are in serious need of some buckshot to the face.
Are people honestly surprised by this? It was completely obvious that GW would release books in the same format they did with the AoS launch. Grand alliance 'indexes' initially and then faction-specific codex/battletomes. The only difference is no pdf rules for squatted armies.
Anyone who was fooled by this is an idiot.
Good thing I only play IG and Xenos armies!
>We're working really hard on those Codices, but for now we've made these Indexes for you
>We worked our asses off on those Codices, so we're happy you let you know we'll have ten done by Christmas, and they will have all the things we promised.
You were not unhappy because GW sucked. You are unhappy and GW sucked.
Okay how about no one gives a fuck about your butthurt. No one is telling you to buy shit
Why isn't there an app for that ?
a nice pirate should do gods work
I'm guessing the remaining six codexes will be,
>Astra Militarum
>Adeptus Mechanicus
Wow I totally forgot that other adults play this too
This post concisely sums up my opinion on this """issue""".
>Marinelets has already lost their position on the cover of their own codex
tip top kek
You aren't.
It's not a placeholder. The images they are showing us are the actual images of the Codexes.
Not if you want to play in matched play with the proper points costs.
yeah but rules and statblocks have already had erratas, why the fuck would you buy a book when GW have already established how willing they are to change stuff less than a month after releasing it
>Good job buying indexes!
>Not downloading the pdfs in /40kg/
Aeldari won't be a Codex.
Also GW will almost certainly strategically omit certain major armies from Codex releases for awhile to ensure they still sell the Indexes those armies are included in.
For example, we might not see Astra Militarum and AdMech both released this year because those are the two major armies in Imperium 2. They're not going to rely entirely on Sistersfags to buy the Index. If anything, that's more reason for them to release an actual SoB codex and update, so they make mad bucks on new players finally starting Sisters while still selling the now-outdated Index for those players to the IG guys in droves.
CSMfags blow out! Including me
you didn't play aos before and after factions with traits and shit got introduced did you ?
if you did you would know why we are posting this kind of stuff
good luck winning a low point game against tzeench with it's 7 fate dice, sylvaneth with their free trees that give them instant map control etc
Any chance these codices will be balanced, or is everyone without a codex fucked?
>new codexes will not include rules for any model that isn't on shelves the day its released, even if said model (like the Primaris Dreadnought) has already been revealed
What does GW gain from a financial standpoint with all this weird trademark bullshit no other company I can think of does? What does something like this, or renaming giants to Aleguzzler Gargants and shit, do to advance the bottom line?
>Any chance these codices will be balanced
No. There will always be power lists and optimal combinations.
My initial thought for Aeldari was for the sake of Ynnari rules, but since the FAQ mentions still using the Indexes in some cases, that's most likely going to be the case. So, most likely Mechanicus or Guard could be swapped out for Dark Eldar/Drukhari, and Ynnari for Craftworlds.
>clearly stated that codex's would be forthcoming
>oh, it's so expensive
shut the fuck up, these books are all way cheaper than last edition, it was clearly their plan from the beginning
they selected the cover based on thorough playtesting and marketing research
yes, Billy liked his new primarine marine primaris codex with the BIG GUY picture the most
and, you see, Billy is the target audience that gw is going for
I suppose i have been
Weird, im almost sure they said something about rules being free.
Guess it was just someone speculating
>Save up for a month by buying cheaper food to gets some scions for guard army
>Standing at counter with two boxes and some paints representing pretty much my entire disposable income for that month
>Behind Billy and Billy's mum who is buying him £200 of random shit from two different armies
>Kid doesn't even play by the sound of it, they were just passing the shop and manager said mum could leave Billy in the shop for a few hours to paint some minis
Fucking rich kids and their (parent's) purchasing power >:(
The core rules are free.
As in; the equivalent of the two pages of rules AoS has. the general's handbook equivalent content (how to actually play a game) still costs dolla
>Was that just a rumor, did they never actually say it?
just rumour.
all they ever actually said was free core rules, which they've kept to.
old GW
>£10 codex
>£25 rulebook
>White Dwarf and Black Library were well-staffed and filled in the gaps in the fluff in-tone with the rest of the universe
The lauded NuGW
>£25 codex
>£40 rulebook
>£20 "alliance" book
>oh wait, half your units and that new plastic kit you like are in this £20 codex supplement
>£30 campaign book (2 of 3) has that formation you really want to use for 500 free points in it
>shit, I might as well get some £2 Datasheets too for my old characters
>"b-b-but they're hardback and full of stories written by a Design Studio that can't even afford 2000AD castoffs anymore!"
>White Dwarf is still basically a catalogue, not as bad as a few years ago but nothing like the old days where they might even dare recommend non-GW terrain
They've rinsed you guys once in 7th and they're going to do it again.
right. but theres nothing saying you can't just say your DA succesors have the DA keyword for rules purposes.
a DA keyword army doesn't need to be painted as DA.
So huh how can an average mom be pais so much she has a kid, house, car and can still pay £ randomly and you can't ?
Tells more about you desu famalam
maintains their hold on their IP. other companies have started doing similar stuff if they didn't alreasy since the chapterhouse stuff.
I had MUCH MORE disposable income before having kids
>tfw I could soend 800€ /months into tyranid circa 2009 because I didnt know what to do with my first job money
good times
People who don't know how to say no to their kids and have rich husbands?
And, I mean, I'm in user's position here too, I buy a squad of grots and some paints every other month. Minimum wage is fucking nothing.
Because AoS is totally fair index vs battletome
>Indices were stated to be temporary from the start
>Easily available to download free
>PDFs of codices will undoubtedly be easily found
>Neglecting to mention that Codices will contain updated stats, formations, strategies, psychic powers and wargear specific to its titular faction.
I don't see any problem here.
I'm just hoping when Dark Eldar rolls around again we get some of our special characters back. I want the Duke to come back. And a new model for Drazhar.
Tau plz make shield drones worth taking again.
oh man there are going to be SO many people burned by the codex releases, arent there
Of course there will, the internet will always find something to bitch at even if its unwarranted.
I mean just at all the fags crying because they didnt read the news and thought codexes were a thing of the past.
I don't have a good job and spend like 90% of my paycheck on necessities and supporting my elderly immigrant parents and still have enough money in my "monthly 40k budget" to buy two infantry boxes and some paints without resorting to eating ramen.
>rich dad who's always away on business trip
>hot MILF mom who "doesn't know how to say no" to you
You just met a hentai protagonist.
All of this just made me question why i even invest my time and efforts into this. This is the only hobby that deals with this constant roller coaster and constant cash grabs.
Same reason we all do: Sunken Cost Fallacy
No, it really isn't actually. Card games are legitimately worse. Video games are damn expensive as well. Role playing games are cheap i'll give you that, but even those put out new editions and make you redo your library every now and again. This really isn't unique to gw, people just really like to bitch about warhammer's cost and gw' "cash grabbing". It's part of the zeitgeist around here.
youre fucking idiots if you're not doing it because you enjoy painting and collecting the models or dicking around with your friends
If I calculated the amount of money I put into vidya compared to warhammer, I reckon they'd be about the same, considering my Theseus' Ship of a pc has had about 3000 dollars put into it over the years.
Wait a sec, you actually PLAY this game? For fun?!
I enjoy seeing my painting get better over time and receiving praise for it.
>This is the only hobby that deals with this constant roller coaster and constant cash grabs.
Atia confirmed new plague tank.
They were worked on at the same time.
>This is the only hobby that deals with this constant roller coaster and constant cash grabs.
Hey, at least it's good art of a unique Renegade warband that GW hasn't murdered the fluff of Fuck you, Crimson Slaughter should have just been Spooky Daemon Ghost Marines and not the Not!World Eaters they tried to make them