Subfaction rules for all armies? Or am I misreading this?
Subfaction rules for all armies? Or am I misreading this?
Tatakae!! tatakaundayo!! kate nakya....shinu......kate ba ikiru...tatakawanakereba katenai...
Any rumor anons have any word on what the other 6 before Christmas will be?
>SM in July
>after that is CSM
>based on some quick math, assuming regular spacing between the 10 codexes by Christmas, my CSM book could easily come out on my birthday
Thanks for being so thoughtful geedubs.
What are the chances they put all Astartes in one book to speed up the process even more? Im glad I wont have to wait much for my Black Templar rules and the new big boy boxnought.
>Chaos Legions
Cawl's rolling out Traitor succesors or are CSM being included?
maybe some, but not all as shown by the Grey Knights reveal
>I just bought Index: Imperium 1 – what should I do with it?
>You’ll want to keep hold of your index. Codex: Space Marines doesn’t include rules for playing with Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Deathwatch or Grey Knights armies, so you’ll still need Index: Imperium 1 to play with those. You’ll also need it for using some of the more unusual models such as the 30th Anniversary Space Marine, the Legion of the Damned and the Terminus Ultra Land Raider.
>If I have a Blood Angels, Dark Angels or Space Wolves army, will I need to buy Codex: Space Marines to use my army?
>You don’t have to. Other Space Marines factions not covered in the new codex will continue to use all the datasheets, rules and points values in the index until their own codex is released. Rules for new models not covered in the index (like the upcoming Redemptor Dreadnought) will be available in the box with the model and matched play points for these units will be made available online.
Advance happy birthday, ya fuckin' Heretic
>Every major faction will be getting a codex.
No Sisters then.
>Is every army getting new models too?
>[...] we’ll get to all of you eventually
No plastic Sisters then.
>Imperial Agents will probably be last
>New SoB/Inquisition units never
Please no user. I want to believe.
>sell indexes
>then announce and start releasing actual codices less than a month after the start of the new edition, after everyone had already bought the indexes
>make double the money
Classic GW.
Wait, I thought the whole thing was that we were NOT getting a codex for each faction and the whole point was all you needed was the indexes for the new edition??
What, you bought all that nuGW crap?
Nah, it was just so every faction/models had rules out of the gate.
Also obviously to sell more books.
Remember though it's mini sales where they make the money, need individual codex launches to pimp faction minis.
Well it seems like an enormous double backing flip flop.
The WHOLE bullshit was that all you needed was two or three £15 books to play most of the setting.
When was it announced we are getting Codices?
the indices have ALWAYS been a stopgap from when they were announced. They're just a way to allow you to play your army in the new edition without having to wait up to (or more than) a year for your codex to release.
>indexes were released so everyone would have rules for their units and get right into playing
>announce from day 1 that codices WILL be coming later in large batches
>people buy the indexes anyway, because they want to play
>somehow, this is some master plan
Dark Mech fucking when?
Nigga read the fucking articles
i thought the incodices existed to do one thing, put every single army into 8th without anyone going "but my rules are all 7th!"
So all the shit that is listed in that picture is not available in the index?
You all paid for your $125 in Indexes like good goys? NuGW thanks all (You)
t. Based Roundtree
>When was it announced we are getting Codices?
In the Pre-8E FAQ. The indices are a stop-gap so every army had rules as soon as 8E was released. This was always very explicit.
Nigger they have always said that codices were going to be coming out later they just never said when. Indexes were there so everybody could play sttaight away and continue to play until your army copped its codex.
I thought the indices were IT.
Every GW employee I talked to said that this was the entire edition in those books. One of the only positive things about this edition was the idea that all of the slop and baggage for looking at starting a new faction was gone.
What the fuck.
>space marines
>grey knights
>chaos space marines
>death guard
>blood angels
>space wolves
>thousand sons
>dark angels
>chaos daemons
>talons of the emperor
>.......100 new imperium releases
>craftworld eldar
Being a xenos or mortal human player is suffering
I don't why people think this, codices were always coming, indices were just "start playing now with your minis"
They were never going to be it, and I'm fucking glad, they're currently the real problem with this edition. Shallow, poorly written rules with no flavor or thought put into them. I mean, would I be happier if we got all the faction rules in full depth for 100 euro? Yes, but I'd also be happy if forgeworld started charging reasonable amounts of money for anything and GW unveiled new SOB models, but that's never happening. If they fuck it up as bad as seventh, where you need five army books to run an admech army, then yes, they did fuck it up, but I'm hoping these codices will be straightforward "this is the entire faction in one book with all the flavor and depth you need".
We will see.
You're a moron. Every single article and FAQ regarding indexes said that they were just there to bring every single army into 8th and that codexes would be start releasing very shortly after.
This makes me wonder if most of the hate directed towards GW is just retarded children who don't understand basic concepts.
user, they released an article explaining Codexes a month ago. Previous to that, nearly every article that referenced FAQ or other about the Indexes mentioned that they will be replaced by Codexes, and that Codexes were coming out, their rules superseding the Indexes.
We've known this almost since the inception and leaks of the Indexes themselves. How have you not?
>When was it announced we are getting Codices?
Since day 1.
So you never bothered to read the rulebook!
I wish that hideous Inceptor wasn't in the background to ruin the whole cover with the crime of its existence.
Angelus, ie 2019
That's the FW Soon! Promise you can count on
is this how 8th ed dies?
>new rules representing specific sub-groups in many of the major factions; these range from old classics like the Space Marine Chapters or Chaos Space Marine Legions to returning rules for individual craftworlds, as well as previously unexplored groupings like Necron dynasties and Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds.
Is this going to be that same AoS argument about having to paint your minis specific ways in order to take advantage of the rules you want?
But you do only need 2-3. But you can have more.
It does seem a bit bizarre. For space marines or chaos legions it makes sense, but for, say, ork clans, they are actually quite seperate to WAAGH!s, there are only a certain set number of ork clans who collaborate in WAAAGH!s, so any one army would be part of a WAAAGH!, but contain orks from many different clans working together. Hence we already have some weird-ass rules, like if you wanted an orks army from one clan you wouldn't be able to take Ghazghkull and Grotsnik together, despite Grotsnik never leaving Ghazghkull's side, and the only reason Grotsnik is still around is becasue anyone who tries to get rid of him falls under Ghazzy's ire. But nope, Grotsnik is Deffskulls and Ghazzy is Goff, so they can't be taken in the same army if you want to use clan rules.
Then you have the fact that most tau septs have 0 flavor, with only t'au, vior'la, and the enclaves really ever being mentioned outside of "look at all the septs" pages in the codices, so any rules made up for those will feel a bit arbitrary.
20 man intercessor brick soon
>codex space marine
>chad on the cover
Oh boi, it has begun
Take that back you cunt, it's easily one of the best space marine models gameplay wise and with a simple dome becomes a NASA marine that looks
eh it's always been a thing for space marines, only homebrew schemes got to pick and choose
they could give my valhallans the worst trait ever if they even give us one and i'dd probably still use it unless we get a "create your own" table like the steampunk dwarves in aos
this edition has made matterw worse when it comes to choosing a faction thanks to restraining named characters to their respective homeworlds/chapters etc
No, it dies by being unbelievably shit.
>conspiracy theories
Can't wait for the Eldar book where De are going to be in back with exactly 0 kabals outside of the current "pick a kabal or coven" shit while we get specific rules for fucking iyanden and ulthwe'.
source ?
why the fuck did you take a screenshot of a picture on your phone
I can't tell who the tau are fighting because of how small the damn photo is.
All I can really do is respect the amount of drones that guy has, they're deceptively difficult to buy in bulk.
GW got paid. You seriously think they give a shit once the money's left your hand?
Wake me up when DEldar get the codex
Codices, you inbred fuck.
sauce faggot. I want a decent download
>First 4 are different flavours of Space Marines
>They'll be a codex for every first founding chapter
>They'll probably be a codex for most of the legions, if not all of them
>Plus Deathwatch
>Plus Golden Boys
>Maybe Guardsmen squeezed in if they're lucky
I mean, Orks will probably get a look in early on, but the starting lineup and that upcoming event confirm this will be Space Marine verses Space Marine Edition.
Yep, if they starting adding detachments again then it's fucked. GW does not have the time or talent to in anyway balance them, if they revert back to this I think it'll be another write off like 7th.
No. It's an ugly model made even worse by the horrific leg posing.
Any detatchments in this ed would be like the FOCs that are in the book, different command points for different required setups. Like maybe a white scars one that gives the same points as the 6 required troops but has 6 required FA.
I think Warpsmiths have the Dark Mechanicus faction so here's hoping!
wouldn't any tau player worth is salt have a decent amount of them ?
both fire warriors and crisis come with two per boxes
I wonder if the bonuses for an all- army will be enough to justify the Atlas Repair Tank over a pair of Techpriests.
I imagine him flying around and making juvenile airplane noises with his mouth.
Yes, subfaction rules for all armies m8. You are't misreading that. I swear if they don't do them like the new flyind dwarves in AoS where you have the main ones and then a table to create your own unique ones i'm going to shank my local redshirt.
In Forge World we trust. Check the IA: Chaos.
There are no detachment A, they said this already. Only Strategems, Relics, WTs, and rules for keyeords. Lets hope they make-your-own-chapter tables like they did for Squats.
>subfaction rules
>chaos legions???
>but of course we still need special codices for units of wolf wolfs on wolfs and the turbo super elite dark warrior angels
lmao this guy has our 10 releases this year for sure
>What is Death Guard
>What is Thousand Sons
Why the Hell are you getting your ninnies in a twist, they showed us fucking 4, one of which has never had a Codex.
You stupid sack of shit, DG/TS/EC/WE are getting their own codex and there'll be a generic codex for Chaos vanilla. Its in the fucking article you mongrel.
Yeah wouldn't it be silly if the list I quoted had those chaos marines on it? I guess I missed the part where they definitely confirmed we'd be getting shit like necrons, eldar or anyone else who isn't a marine THIS YEAR.
I am happy for you that you get your dark angels codex soon though, there's no need to get so defensive about it.
Right after you point out to me where it says codices don't have legion rules. Like maybe, I don't know, the fucking OP.
they never said that
Just eat like 50 doritos locos tacos from taco bell and you can make some new Shitsters of Basshole right away, no need to wait!
need to dial it back a notch friendo, looses its kick if you do it too much.
Most likely release order for the other 6 books:
Astra Militarum
Blood Angels
If T'au isnt the first i'll eat my fedora.
T'au will be one of the last to be updated.
They want them to continue driving sales of the Xenos Index 2 after Nids and Orks already have their Codexes, and they were updated too recently to be anywhere near in the running for one of the books coming out this year.
Helbrecht is out of stock so lets pray for a new model
I wonder where tau will place
They aren't one of the forgotten and left to languish factions, but also GW isn't going to focus entirely on shit no one cares about.
they aren't really releasing chas marines codex with that art, are they? Hopefully it's just a placeholder.
None of those arts are placeholders, you scrubs. They're showing you the same marketing pictures they took to put on the websites, White Dwarf, and so on. The books are already gone to printers.
fuck yeah good, I'm all for having the same fucking art on the cover I don't give a shit I want the new rules right fucking now
>Use Blood Gorgons art for three editions in a row
>Dont make Blood Gorgons an official warband
>Actively make new warband with their paint scheme instead
>Give them an entire supplement codex just to rub it in
>First we will release marine codex
>But don't worry, marine, marine, and marine codexes won't be far behind!
I'm not even surprised.
Sorry that nobody likes trannies
IG and Deldar player, actually. But nice to see you triggered over a reaction image on Veeky Forums, lel.
lol nobody likes trannies either way
You should really calm your inflamed rectum there, turbo. That's not even in the discussion.
The leakers were all wrong
So what comes next is a mystery
lol no matter how mad it makes you nobody likes trannies
>only Primaris get to be on the cover
Manlets on suicide watch.
It kind of seems like Alpha Legion always gets the shaft. Finally get some interesting rules and GW removes them from the book 3 months later.
FW also gimped Renegades for no reason.
Honestly, what about the Death Guard is so extensive that they need a whole other book to give them rules? Are you telling me there will be absolutely no overlap? Same with Space Marines, Grey Knights I can at least understand, but do the Blood Angels or Space Wolves have entirely unique units for every bloody unit type?
It's as ridiculous as if they had a separate book for every Hive Fleet tendril or each Ork clan. Yeah, they'll be differences, but they're ultimately just Orks and Tyranids
They're making them into a unique army ala Grey Knights because the new book pitches them as totally unique from other space marines.
How about Guard regiments? If anything THEY should be getting special books and units.
However, GW will always pander to Space Marines first, even if it completely fucks over their other players.
Also how about chaos? I can see why the legions get their own books but multiple have literally been cut from the rules. Would love some word on them instead of more fucking deathguard.
Lacks subtlety, over the limit of basic punnery allowed for the length of posting. Toilet humor.
0.5/10, needs work... and effort... and sentience.
I hope they do. The average FLGS has always been cluttered with countless books and boxes for all different coloured speshul mureens of the rainbow.
Honestly I got god damn sick of seeing THIS CHAPTER IS THE BEST CHAPTER snowflake marines a long time ago and if it were up to me; there wouldn't that much difference between the colour of Timmy's marines and what they do on the table.
>tfw a namefag starts posting but you have them all filtered and will never ever read what they've written and there is literally nothing they can do about it