Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/:

For the best Legion, the Tau Legion

>Veeky Forumshammer 40k discord server

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

>Latest news :

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Squatted harder than Slaanesh

>WIP Math-hammer doc

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First for new sisters

Lets see the plastic leaks!

codices return
index books invalid soon
i knew it, only bought one index book, hahahahaha to all who sit on their 9 soon dpechated books.

How do I get into 40 k? Do I have to buy a collection from someone who's retiring for it to be financially feasible as I've read ?

I'll believe it when I see it

"haha enjoy waiting 2 year for your arm-

>10 new codexes before Christmas


Did a 1500pt outrider variant

>Celestine & sisters
>10 storm troopers because why not
>4x10 Dominion Melta, Storm Bolter & Flamer spam
>20 Seraphim
>9 Repentia + 1 Priest
>3x Penitents

Penitents & Repentia go down middle as a distraction carnifex. Shoot up & melt anything else with Domminions.

I could drop the Gem Sup's + Storm Troopers for the Avenger, or a Demolisher if I really tried...


Watch them be rushed and terrible.

I would play demo games first of all to see if its your kind of thing

desu why buy books at all

Traitor legions / wrath of magnus books>2months>8th edition index>1-2months> new codex. i bet few months after these codexs another bunch will be released, waste of money

What are the odds of anyone noticing me using a recast Repressor?

I've never bought from chinaman before, but since it's OOP then it's pretty much the only way I can get a decent looking one.

Zero. I play a recast army at Warhammer World.
And know people who also do so.

Better be some Iron Warriors rules in the CSM

Any news on Forgeworld bringing out 8e Rules for their mechanicus units?

I need my Krios Venators back goddamit.

For all their original claims that they are a model company first, GW sure likes to charge an arm and leg for books with such a short shelf life.

You'd think that a company that makes "the best miniatures in the world" would be cool making all rules free, rather than making rules that alternatively push "big models" or "hordes" as the seasonal p2w, but no....

If only they could make obliterators good again

not really, i recommed picking one faction, start slow and add over time.
otherwise you will sit on a horde of unpainted minis.
if you want to have a cheap start, its a good idea to look for the armies from the starter kit as a base on ebay or in your local store.

dont buy the GW tools, you get what you need (sharp knife clipper) cheaper at a DIY, the measurement tape can be tricky as you will need one that has inches. (andthe GW one is not that expensive)
watch videos on how to prepare assemble and paint on youtube.

buying 2nd hand can be cheaper, however much of what you buy requires serious rework to not look shit. Beware of expensive shit on ebay, recently i have seen loads of stuff that is cheaper from GW, especially their webstore-only things.

I want more than 3 psychic powers

If I can get some repressor models I'm planning on running 3, each with 2 dominion squads with 2 meltas, 2 stormbolters, and a combi-melta.

You can either shoot 6 melta guns from it, or 4 storms and 2 regular bolters.

guess most of their income is from books becasue morons keep buying them as soon as they are release, wouldn't be surprised if they started to release less miniatures and more books

what is it atm 6-7 books and just dark imperium for miniatures? jesus

>make tau list
>realize how little anti tank I actually have

6 Tau Commander Quad Fusion = 960 points

You can work with 1040points for antihordes

Depends on your force. Also if you're implying FW is going to replace their index books any time soon I'll have a good laugh. Those guys are glacially slow.

well the free to download core rules say you get rules free with the box.

they probably dont know what they want.

AoS did it right, core rules free, very cheap book with points for all, for those that care there are additional things.

>I just bought Index: Imperium 1 – what should I do with it?
>You’ll want to keep hold of your index. Codex: Space Marines doesn’t include rules for playing with Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Deathwatch or Grey Knights armies, so you’ll still need Index: Imperium 1 to play with those. You’ll also need it for using some of the more unusual models such as the 30th Anniversary Space Marine, the Legion of the Damned and the Terminus Ultra Land Raider.

Well the unit rules themselves probably won't be all that different from the index datasheets. So it's mainly just about the additional faction special rules.

>Codex overrides index
This is why I don't buy your books, GW.

>get $200
>pick army you want
>decide color scheme
>buy painting and modeling supplies and equipment
>buy start collecting box
>build and paint start collecting box
>add over time

Are Army Painter paints as good as GW paints? GW paints are so much more expensive it's mad

I really hope that TSons get some goodies in CSM codex.


Nice budget for a kill team

I play with my recast chaos knight all the time nobody says anything but "fuck that thing is cool" or "wtf i'm not playing against someone using knights"

>Codex overrides index
Although I understand the complaints of people on a tight budget I'm incredibly thankful we don't have to deal with people mix and matching long term. Is also means they can fix broken stuff via codexes without an index version hanging around forever.

This confirmation of codexes lines up with the warehouse leak showing sister's in September

Gw paint are actually on the shittiest side.

I dont know a single commission painter or golden demon model painted with something else that Vallejo Air (yes you can use them with a normal brush)

It's just another cash grab.

>implying you haven't wasted $20 on GW models before as well
GTFO its an expensive hobby deal with it

I do like it for some things, but I hope they don't ruin some of my favorite things.

It'll buy you a start collecting box, paint and glue and tools.

Everybody has his own opinion which paints are better. Since as long as all are acrylic paints, you can freely use various brands, buy one color and see if you like it.
I have heard people say they prefer metallics from this and shades/washes from that manfacturer.
If they are not acrylic, stay away.

It would be... but literraly no one buys indexes ? I mean I dont know a single person that buy them given they are leaked here pretty much instantly every single time.

Base colors are basically the same. They are closer to base paints than layer paints in opacity though. The washes are more like old inks than Citadel washes though. So they work a little differently.

As long as you're using gaming grade acrylic paints you're fine. You just need to avoid craft paints.

>Citadel paint

Lmao'ing at your life dude. Although Citadel doesn't have the greatest range, it's fantastic for its consistency every time. Pigments are always the same color with each pot, and I don't have to worry about yellows or whites being slightly different each time I paint with them

It actually isn't compared to other normie hobbies.

Non-codex armies get fucked edition

The best painters tend to use paints from lots of different manufacturers.

Cool, I've seen photos of one of Z's repressors and it looked alright, no worse than some forgeworld casts I've seen before.

post the best thing you ever painted.
Im actually assuming you are a shit painter right now, or someone that didnt actually ever used real paints.

I've play with recasted metal models. Idiots at WW grab it and thought it was failcast

It was a SoB model. GW has no idea what their own products are made off

Where did you get data with the flyers? I see them in Elysians but not under normal AM?

Given how the system works, wouldn't be too hard for them to give you back your Basilisks too.

If they do, I might just because I want to use the sexy as fuck Legion Basilisk models FW has.

>Is my index invalid now?
Not at all. Even with the pace we’re planning on releases these new codexes, it’s going to take well over a year to get to all of them. No single codex will cover all the contents of an index book, so you’ll get plenty of use out of all your indexes, don’t worry.

60Pl 1150ish Astra Militarum
Company Commander - Plasma
Pistol /Power Fist
Tempestor Prime - Command Rod / Power Sword

Infantry Squad X2 - Autocannon/Grenade Launcher
Infantry Squad X2 - Missile Launcher /Grenade Launcher
Tempestus Scions - Melta X2/Vox
Tempestus Scions - Volley gun X2/ Vox

Ogryn X3
Tempestus Command - Plasma x3/Med Kit
Master of Ordinance

Scout Sentinel X3 - Heavy Flamer, Chainsaw, Hunter Killer

Basilisk - Hunter Killer/ Heavy Flamer/ Storm Bolter
Manticore - Hunter Killer/ Heavy Flamer/ Storm Bolter
Wyvern- Hunter Killer/ Heavy Flamer/ Storm Bolter

Besides the PL memes how's this look vs Nids and Death Guard in a 1v1v1 tonight after work? I plan to sit back in the corner and be a piece of shit with my 14CP till I can cap with the Scions.
Sorry for the format Im phone posting on the shitter atm.

Overriding is a cash grab? Or releasing them was a cash grab?

What I'm saying is letting Indexes remain legal would be incredibly shitty. And I bought all five.

I should just heed common wisdom and just use flame crisis suits.

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (T'au Empire) [58 PL, 1090pts] ++

+ HQ [12 PL, 288pts] +

Cadre Fireblade [3 PL, 62pts]: Markerlight [3pts], 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Ethereal [3 PL, 66pts]: Equalizers [1pts], 2x MV7 Marker Drone [20pts]

+ Troops [12 PL, 168pts] +

Strike Team [4 PL, 56pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]

Strike Team [4 PL, 56pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]

Strike Team [4 PL, 56pts]: 5x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle [40pts], 2x MV1 Gun Drone [16pts]

+ Elites [34 PL, 634pts] +

DX-4 Technical Drones [2 PL, 32pts]: 2x

XV104 Riptide Battlesuit [17 PL, 299pts]: 2x Plasma rifle [22pts], Drone controller [5pts], Early warning override [8pts], Heavy burst cannon [55pts]

XV9 Hazard Support Team [15 PL, 303pts]
. XV9 Hazard Battlesuit [5 PL, 101pts]: Advanced targeting system [8pts], 2x Double-barelled burst cannon [32pts]
. XV9 Hazard Battlesuit [5 PL, 101pts]: Advanced targeting system [8pts], 2x Double-barelled burst cannon [32pts]
. XV9 Hazard Battlesuit [5 PL, 101pts]: Advanced targeting system [8pts], 2x Double-barelled burst cannon [32pts]

++ Supreme Command Detachment +1CP (T'au Empire) [36 PL, 910pts] ++

+ HQ [30 PL, 800pts] +

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

Commander [6 PL, 160pts]: 4x Fusion blaster [84pts]

+ Elites [6 PL, 110pts] +

XV25 Stealth Battlesuits [6 PL, 110pts]: Homing beacon [20pts]
. 3x Stealth Shas'ui w/o support system

++ Total: [94 PL, 2000pts] ++

They let people do this in AoS and probably figured out it was dumb as shit.

>mfw iron hands don't get any special rules in the codex

Z Repressor is actually better than the FW one.
He has the fucked up cast version from FW so you need a lot of cleaning

Army painter is MUCH better than GW.
GW 's paint only redeeming feature os that you get the same exact color as Lord Duncan.
The biggest FLGS in Paris sell 20 non-GW paints for each GW paint they sell, and its not for the couple of bucks you save..

Seems like there will be.

Those legion Basilisks are beautiful, it pains me that IG Basilisks don't have missle racks on the back so it just seems retarded

I second this, our local waac fags would have brought units from 4 different editions if the new codex didn't override the old. Should be the same with 8th.

IW already got them back. R+H Basilisk have the CHAOS keyword.

Xenos Grand Alliance coming, thanks GW.

Army Painter Matt Black is probably the best in the business, and I've tried almost all of them.

So what we'll see here is also likely new units for every book they put out. We already know Primaris are going to be the big new stuff for SM, but I wonder what Grey Knights may get to justify giving them their own book?

I'm also noticing, at least initially, a pattern. SM then really specialized SM chapter, then CSM, then specialized legion. Wonder if this will be how they do things going forward.

>Not just correcting the index books with a pen or post it notes based upon the codexes that will inevitably wind up in the OP post
I'll just copy my faction specific rules and wargear onto a single page and keep it with the index. Bam. Problem solved and it'll have more content if I want to mix parts of my armies (CSM and Daemons in the same index for example)

Tsons should get their own codex user.

Get a priest and a valk for those ogryins

The only Citadel paints I've disliked are their metallics. That said, their newer white topped metallics are much, much better than their old ones.

>Codices override Indices
>More psychic powers added for armies
>Models are also able to be changed entirely
I really hope that they fucking make the Maleceptor and Mawloc viable and the Tyrannofex not a worse Exocrine. I'd even settle for just getting the Devourers fixed.

Not quite the same, given that is shooting at BS4 instead of BS3.

But yeah, you can technically do it.

Missile racks?

>For you gamers out there, one very exciting addition are new rules representing specific sub-groups in many of the major factions; these range from old classics like the Space Marine Chapters or Chaos Space Marine Legions to returning rules for individual craftworlds, as well as previously unexplored groupings like Necron dynasties and Adeptus Mechanicus forge worlds. These will be included in each codex


WILL WE SEE PRMARIS Centurion big marines in bigger armour

Not him. looks like a good list but I dont understand what are the 15 Warriors for. at this point just take more suits instead, of pathfinder for the sweet markerlight.

user, army painter is much better. Especially the Black and Whites.

Devourers fixed how?

And I think you could do that with Tyrannofex by points adjustment, honestly. Like, it's got potential, a few tweaks could make it a legitimate contender.

Same with the rest, really.

Just the actual missles themselves. The IG basilisks has nothing to show getting loaded into it so it looks dumb, where the Legion Basilisks have missles along the sides of the back loading area as well as marines holding missles to load into it

Yeah, but I doubt they will. Two chaos books coming out, I'm betting they'll not get their own this time. After all, you can basically fit most of the 'new' TSons stuff into a subfaction section.

Is this a new guy on the CSM cover or have we seen it before?

Army painter is life.
Just try it..



Theoretically you could just use Legion Basilisks for your IG army and say they're old relics. I'm tempted to do that. Hell, I'm using modified Rhino/Razorbacks as 'Taurox' on that premise.

Primaris Agressors would be the closest thing.

That shit looks like corrupted Gravis Armour. Has the belly and everything.

Seems like a generic CSM honestly.

I just want to know if the models from 1997 will get an update this edition.

That cover has been there since 6e...

>I just bought Index: Imperium 1 – what should I do with it?
>You’ll want to keep hold of your index. Codex: Space Marines doesn’t include rules for playing with Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves, Deathwatch or Grey Knights armies, so you’ll still need Index: Imperium 1 to play with those. You’ll also need it for using some of the more unusual models such as the 30th Anniversary Space Marine, the Legion of the Damned and the Terminus Ultra Land Raider.

Huh. Guess that means those will be getting their own books, given GK are.

The Devourers were twin-linked and got nothing to show for it in the transition to 8th. It was a hard kick in the balls for anyone that bought the FW arms. And yeah, if they just lowered the points across the board for things more it'd be a possibility

He's a Blood Gorgon. Old art.

>Using GW paint after 12

>If I have a Blood Angels, Dark Angels or Space Wolves army, will I need to buy Codex: Space Marines to use my army?
>You don’t have to. Other Space Marines factions not covered in the new codex will continue to use all the datasheets, rules and points values in the index until their own codex is released. Rules for new models not covered in the index (like the upcoming Redemptor Dreadnought) will be available in the box with the model and matched play points for these units will be made available online.

Huh, wonder if this means only new units going forward will be online or eventually all units will, ala AoS?

I have a hundred man Minotaurs force I haven't finished yet but is in various stages of painted/built, should I just sell that shit because biglies?

Is there anywhere that the chapter specific boxnaughts can be found apart from just trolling ebay on the very off chance one comes up?

>Manlets are squatted

Are you daft, I literally said Citadel is good because of its consistency despite its limited range. There isn't anything false about that whatsoever

Well, they outright say the older stuff is getting codices so no.

>Guess that means those will be getting their own books
The thought of the Terminus Ultra Land Raider getting its own book is funny. It'd be like a hardback pamphlet.

Quakeguy pls go.

They are there for 3 things.
Be a meatshield, provide 6 drone wounds, and help get me the 3 troops I need for a battalion. It's just that for antihorde the list uses 3 xv9s so antipersonel weaponry isn't lacking.
I might just be better off getting rid of the xv9s to add more fire warriors and make it into a proper bunker (everything hangs out around the riptide for protection against deepstrike and to boost the marker drones) and some more suits.

Only the points will be online. The rules themselves are in the box.