What skills should an amazon have?
What skills should an amazon have?
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Spear Chucking and Hercules Hating
Killing dudes and submitting to rape when she finally meets a stronger male, secretly desiring to breed superior children with a warrior worthy of besting her.
Red Sonja wasn't an amazon
No, she was a Hyrkanian.
What about it?
The magical ability to draw enemy fire away from their exposed skin.
Fightin', Jumpin', maybe Sailin'.
Stop trying to muddle up OP's thread. He was focused only on amazons, not sword devils. Give OP the respect he deserves.
There is only one right answer, you know
>Give OP the respect he deserves.
So...tell him that OP is a faggot?
Putting points in everything?
Does a woman really need any other skill than "vagina"? It's downright broken, pls nerf.
>It's downright broken, pls nerf.
said the virgin
>The offspring of Ares and a nymph
Barbarian rage, swimming
>Had their right breasts burnt off at childbirth for ranged combat
Archery, Throwing spears
>Only met with neighboring men to trade food and procreate, then promptly started a vicious war with those men
Diplomacy -8
>Repeatedly start fights with gods then promptly get their asses kicked
>Sometimes depicted wearing pants
So, they're just autistic barbarian/ranger multiclasses
Basketweaving and cooking.
>It's downright broken
Not by you.
>tfw my hardcore bowazon is still alive.
Next day shipping
Wakfuta Academy
I'm going to get off to this anyway, aren't I?
It's not gay if it's an elf, right?
This. ...this.
Technically all races of The Twelve are humans, they just develop features characteristic to patron they follow.
Oh god that was fucking disgusting why did you direct me there user I really didn't need to see that, why can't people just make normal porn why the fuck is half the porn on the internet futa, they barely even got their tits out or anything it was just all cock all the time
I mean, it was kind of funny, but single-page half-decent oglaf strip funny, not twelve page porn comic material
You grossly underestimate capabilities of properly optimized anus.
My brother from another mother!
I remember reading once somewhere that rather than spears and swords, which were phallic symbols, they used things like Axes (moon shaped)
So I think Amazons should used curved weapons. Like the Axe, Khopesh and Throwing Anus
First line
>Shit, I thought Oglaf made that shit up
Second line
>My nigga
Sewing and mopping.
An Amazon has the same average height as a Male found in any ethnicity or culture around the world, but suffers no issues to Strength from Sexual dimorphism, and whilst the average height of a man is actually the smallest on the threshold for a Amazon to be on, being around 7-8- 9ft in rarer cases.
Next to being able to hold their own against men, their chemical balance is better allowing them to perform better task often unfit for women in regards to mental stress, and extreme emotional stress.
Effectively speaking, an Amazon is a biologically superior female capable of keeping up with the average man.
Culturally, the split between Amazons and the rest of the world was due to Roman expansion intruding upon them when they were present natives, often subject to slavery, raids etc... at the time, and this has something to do with the fact, that as the better females, Amazons secrete strong Phermones with a higher concentration rate than other females.
To note, amazons also bloom early, whereas puberty/a girls first period might hit when they're jailbait, Amazons mature at no less than ages of 10 or in rarer cases 9, again, due to stronger chemical composition.
The Amazons brain is noted for the fact that it does not have a limiter on the known limit of human body strength, which is 30%, an amazon uses at leas 45-55%, and thus can use more of their muscles capacity. This comes with the drawback of an Amazon suffering from muscle related ailments, more often than most.
Amazon Culture is often reared to a Matriarchy, and entertainment is done through contests and what one would expect from a seclusive sect of all female tribeswoman, intellectual pursuits exist also, but without motivation, it is one of the more rarer less populated niches available to the culture.
Despite the hardened exterior of a the Warrior Women, many still glorify femininity through their gods and behaviors, albeit sometimes more privately than most women found elsewhere.
Throw that ass in a circle?
Not all Amazons were daughters of Ares, although several were and he was friendly to them. Breast burning differs depending on source too.
>Greek myth Amazon
Every skill your hoplite would have to a high degree. Spears, shields, armor, swords. High athletic skills: running, swimming, acrobatics, wrestling, hunting, sneaking.
>Herodotus' Scythian Amazon
Horseriding, hunting, archery, spears, swords, ropes, whips and lassos, herbalism, leatherworking, goldsmithing.
>I just want to stat them
Pick the combat stats of a monster that it would be a moderate feat for a hero to slay, like one of the smaller giants or an ogre, and make it medium-size. That's the amazon and her stats. That's about the role of an Amazon in most of the stories they appear in: Greek myth very commonly treats them with the same reputation and obstacle-like nature as a monster. Flavor with mental abilities and skills to taste.
crushing melons with their legs
Snu Snu
>mental limits on muscle usage
Isn't this also to keep our own muscles (if well developed enough, like an amazon's would be) from breaking our own bones?
Iron Age Weaponry.
Although making modern Amazons who use modern weapons might be interesting.
Especially if you go with the myth of them being supernaturally strong even by the standards of an military fit male.
>Their greater strength and size allows them to run around in armor and with weapons normally too heavy for a human
>use semi-auto versions of Anti-Material Rifles as their main weapons.
I like musclegirls, but I don't understand the appeal of this shit. What's so great abour crushing melons with your thighs? Sure, it requires a lot of strength, but every video/gif I've ever seen of a woman doing this is vulgar and disgusting. I'd much rather see her in an MMA match or squatting lol2plate than crushing watermelons.
For some reason, I like the idea of a woman crushing an apple in one hand a lot more.
Qualities:Super Soldier
Drive:To best whatever champions may assail her!
Primary Pool (8): Combat, Feats of Strength (+1 Close-Quarters Combat, +1 Archery)
Secondary Pool (5):Equestrianism, Survival
Desperation Pool:3
Suffer not the here/d/ic to live.
Well amazons are fake so it doesn't really matter.
What system and setting are you talking about?
>posts all skills
But which should OP pick?
Dodge and Block. Dump-off, Sure Hands or Dauntless are nice picks when you start racking up those SPP though.
On the one hand, my penis loves her body. On the other, my brain says "she wouldn't have tits that big"
brb penis and brain fighting
Amazons as a PC should be female only, be a sub-species of human, and should look human too. An Amazon would differ from a normal human woman in that they are AT LEAST as tall as the average man (But I would make my Amazons 9-10 ft, imo) would have musculature to compete or out-perform an average man, and should have senses much more keen than normal humans (Better eyesight, better hearing, etc), and last but not least, they should view men as inferior, but not in a feminazi way, but the same way humans feel about children. This superiority complex could go from simply treating normal humans like mouth teenagers, all the way to my magical realm. Dare you enter?
Ssshhh, bby don't question it.
The point of these questions is to be open-ended. The system is up to you. You're either baiting or have some serious autism going on.
>fake so it doesn't really matter.
Did you forget what board you're on? This is Veeky Forums, not Veeky Forums. We come here because we like to play games of pretend.
Standard tropical barbarian package
Amazons are really more interesting in a setting where men are physically -- or at least socially -- favored as warriors. In a more egalitarian setting, where women can do anything men can do without it causing a stir, amazons don't have much to rebel against or contrast themselves to, so their whole female supremacy thing because inwardly-facing. I can work with that too, but you've got more to work out.
Anyway, I had amazons in one of my games that were essentially a superior stock of human being. There were rumors of semi-divine heritage and being descended from the shieldmaidens of the gods, mixing myths of amazons and valkyries. They weren't necessarily superhuman, but they were exceptional like player characters are. You meet an average bloke somewhere, and chances are he doesn't come close to stacking up to a player character. An average amazon, on the other hand, is going to give a PC a run for his money.
Given their natural excellence, amazons could easily overrun much of the world were it not for their societal structure. Bearing children is a chore that interferes with their lives as warriors, and fully half of their children are put to the sword. Given their losses in battle, this means each amazon would have to bear four offspring just to keep their numbers stable (fortunately for them, they are strong and healthy, so few die in childhood from things like disease). They fall short of this, but by adopting women of superior ability into their tribe, they manage to pad things out just enough.
Depends on the build but all of them make use of dodge, evade, and critical strike. Inner focus is optional but useful and Valkyrie is literally to die for.
>Does a woman really need any other skill than "vagina"? It's downright broken, pls nerf.
I disagree
Vaginas are not OP if you optimize your penis correctly.
Put points into girth and stamina
Amazons should have points into archery and all manner of javelin style weaponry.
Give them heavy armor proficiency so they can wear all that bronze
STR buff due to having the literal bloodline of a war god
CHA debuff due to having the literal bloodline of a war god
They are a subspecies of human that should be slightly larger and stronger, but susceptible to hubris. Very hot blooded.
Negatives to INT stats possibly or at least skills based in chemical or mechanical workings. They are not daughters of Hephaestus
and not just horses
pleasuring old men
Definately NOT Bow and Crossbow skills. I don't care how powerful it is, Bowazon is dull boredom forever. You want a babe who can spear three dozen demons on a lightning javelin not some elf-fag wannabe bitch.
Also no more than 5 points in critical strike, holy shit diminishing returns are a pain. You'd think the skills would get progressively more powerful the harder you focus in them but no, most things in Passives needs just one point to work.
>Cha debuff
Chadmeister Prime was boning the Goddess of Beauty and Fuck
If the blood of Ares gives any stat affectations, it should be +2 Str +2 cha, -2 int -2 wis
Because that nigga was DUMB and all his kids were dumb.
anyway, I still say Spears Javelins and Bows because those were the weapons of the era, Axes and curved swords because they were exotic, maybe Moon Hammers
And of course the venerable throwing anus
-4 Strength
No such ability Magical realms penetrate everything.
>Ares was dumb
Ares was explicitly the dumb god of war. like that was his thing. Athena was the goddess of smart war. Myth and legend is Athena taking shit after shit on Ares' head and him running away crying. Granted thats because it was the ATHENIANS writing all this down cause the Spartans were too busy fucking them (and each other)
But bloodlust, savagery, and might was Ares thing. He was Khorne before Khorne was a thing. He even sired monsters, and then got asshurt when heroes killed them. Savage warlord/monster in myth? If Typhon didn't sire it, Ares did.
>I actually expected a vagina being brutalized, or at the very least punched/kicked
>I was disappointed to see what it actually was
>He even sired monsters
That's Poseidon. Ares has the interesting characteristic of an extremely strong drive to protect and/or avenge his children and descendants. For example, in mythology the very first murder trial was when Ares killed Poseidon's kid for raping his daughter. He was acquitted. Or during the Iliad, he was going to disobey Zeus and rush off to Troy because one of his children was about to die even though he KNEW it'd get him thunderbolted, and all the other gods had to restrain him.
>tfw Ares was best dad ;_;
Well besides Hades I mean who was best boy in all ways
You were putting Descarte before the whores.
Descarte before the Whorse.
It was a good effort though, and I still hate you.
Apologies; it's like 5am and I'm on mobile. Autocorrect is a bitch.
Your hate makes it worthwhile.
That's a shop isn't it?
Ares is THE God of War. When he goes into battle he's attended by Chaos, the daemons of Murder and Manslaughter, soldier's borne from a dragon's teeth and the deific personification of the Greek battlecry.
Athena is a goddess of war, but much more than besides. Ares is the full experience, and isn't all that dumb.
Ares is a bully.
>Be ugly and plain, but hardworking and loyal Best Boy
>Probably the only major god that doesn't stick his dick into everything, is actually kind of chill and knows what loyalty means
>Get married to some cheating NTR slut
>You can't even do anything about it because her father is the King of the Gods and will fry your ass for even thinking about raising your voice against her
>She fucks Ares so often, the two of you are basically on a first name basis and he knows where you hide all the good wine
Being Hephaestus is suffering.
Hephaestus isn't always married to Aphrodite, he gets variously paired up with Charis or one of the other Graces depending on what you read. Specifically in the Iliad he's married to Charis, in Hesiod's Theogeny he's married to one of the Graces, in the Odyssey he's married to Aphrodite, and in Pindar it's somebody else yet again.
Hephaestus did try and stick his dick in things though, his rape attempt of Athena being the most obvious one.
Did the blatant use of blur tool give it away?
Aphrodite don't even got a dad. Kinda. She was spawned forth from the seafoam of Uranus' severed ballsack
>in the Iliad he's married to Charis
>in the Odyssey he's married to Aphrodite
These two are part of the same canon, right? What gives?
What separates Amazons from ordinary women is that they're able to change their own diapers, and therefore don't need their husband to change their diapers.
>Women who can actually take care of themselves
Is there a dating site where I can meet these fables Amazons? Can any of them squat more than lol2plate?
you missed /d/
>Greek myth
>singular "canon"
What the do you think this is, a comic book? Probably a bad example actually. Ancient myth and religion is a hodgepodge of different stories, sometimes from wildly different areas and parts of Greece and beyond. There is no one singular canon. There are examples of fairly widespread networks of Panhellenic cult, but even these could still present themselves differently depending on locale.
For example, Hephaestus and Aphrodite are linked via myth and cult on Cyprus, known for its fine metalworking, and their cult together may have derived from the male and female archaic gods there.
Meanwhile, in Pindar (who was Theban), Aphrodite is in fact linked to Ares, understandable since Thebes is very tightly linked to Ares and Aphrodite cult there in its origin and founding mythology.
No it's not. When requesting a build it is common courtesy to state a system for the best build advice or simply say that you are looking for system agnostic guidelines to suit a concept. Nice try though, newfag
Mad Enhancement EX
Divinity B
Charisma B
Golden Rule (Beauty) A
Howl of the War God A+
>Chadmeister Prime was boning the Goddess of Beauty and Fuck
Like that's some sort of accomplishment with Slut Prime. The only people she wasn't boning were her husband and, shockingly, Zeus.
STR: 20
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 14
WIS: 15
CHA: 11
Haephestus got a raw deal. You know who was chill, didn't put his dick in everything and had a loyal, loving, beautiful wife though?
Hades. Dude gets bad PR for the whole 'god of the underworld' thing, but he was rich as fuck, dedicated to his work, kept his promises and was caring to his wife. Dude rocked out loud. Hell when two dumbass chads came down to the underworld talking about how they were gonna bang his woman, he invited them to dinner, then promptly chained them to their chairs with mystical snakes and sicced the furies on them because ain't NO-ONE steals Hades girl!
Whenever she is fighting someone unfamiliar with her culture and ignorant of woman honing martial skills, she gains a bonus to hit for the first round of combat. Works only once per opponent.
the way ad&d did it.
>When you die, according to Greek Myth you go to Pepe Paradise
>Normies hate it so much they depict it as a dark and drab place of isolation and misery
>To NEETs and autists it's just a cozy place where their privacy is respected
>playing javazon
>not wanting to plunge your thick spear repeatedly into the demons to cement your dominance
You're no sister of mine
Jab is for the lightning immunes only, you penis-envying man-lover.
Fucking greeks, that's what.
+25 Carpet Munching.
>the deific personification of the Greek battlecry
>His Daughter
>Whose name he used for his own warcry
>Hephaestus did try and stick his dick in things though, his rape attempt of Athena being the most obvious one.
Even then he had the best taste in goddesses!