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Are there any good WoD like comic books?
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First for the gay agenda
Second for the chronicles of fagness
>Are there any good WoD like comic books?
The more recent I, Vampire is alright. It's about a vampire trying to stop his ex-lover from taking her vampire cult and leading a charge against humanity.
Quick question about the V20 system. Is there anything stopping players from spending willpower on soak rolls? I can't seem to find anything specific on that topic.
Beasts do not serve the Gay Agenda and thus need to be removed
Hunter Squads with Heroes shall be dispatched.
So uh, Caine could totally beat an Archmage.
No, we are not doing this
So, did people think DtF was going to be shit before it came out? I don't really recall how people received it when it was in progress.
Could anyone point me to resources for running a Dark Ages game?
Blogs they recommend, youtube videos, etc.
Fuck you, shut the fuck up and fuck off.
The caine vs archmage has been argued to death. Its a stupid argument because neither would ever come into a position where they'd both be fighting each other.
The argument is pointless dick measuring and is like trying to argue; what wins a steak dinner or a banana split sundae.
The steak dinner, obviously.
dunno, I and my group liked demon and we never heard anything about that
Yeah no, banana split creams all over your ass steak.
Steak dinner wins. It's more filling and is better nutrition. Also it doesn't melt and won't send me into a diabetic coma.
When I think of steak dinner I think "hmmmm good". But when I think ice cream sundae I think "How much do I want to not be awake?"
So my dudes, I have a bit of a conundrum.
I'm starting a new CofD game, small scale, two to three players tops. For the sake of easing people into the setting, I'm planning on having this be a mundie game, so everyone's your run-of-the-mill human. Splat changes may happen, but for now that's a big maybe.
Point is, I want to set this game somewhere in Wisconsin, preferably the foresty regions. But I'm an eurofag who's never been to burgerland, so I have literally no idea what's a solid supernatural issue to tackle here or harrow my people with, and just throwing little green or grey men at them feels old as shit.
Help me, fa/tg/uys, you're my only hope.
>Its a stupid argument because neither would ever come into a position where they'd both be fighting each other.
But what if they DID
I mean, I think it's kinda shit but on re-read i came up with a character concept anyway. Crazy homeless guy, Devil, is internet famous for haranguing and insulting passers-by on public streets. Since the Demon got in him, though, his insults are now a bit more personal...
Of course, I can also do this with Mage, Vampire, Werewolf, and possibly Changeling.
Archmage wins
>First for the gay agenda
>TFW I can't post the Free Council art because I'm at work
>Its a stupid argument because neither would ever come into a position where they'd both be fighting each other.
Archmage from the Order of Hermes decides to investigate the origin of vampires.
One time I rolled a Corax and took Other People's Secrets - "I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE CAINE IS!" Like most of our groups games, it fell apart before it came up.
I don't think Caine would be stupid enough to warrant an attack on an uber-wizard. They would probably mingle for a while.
Maybe even have lunch.
Throw a vaguely native-american themed spirit monster at them.
where was he?
Driving a cab in Los Angeles.
banging your mom :>
Seems spirit world shenanigans are the prevalent ideas. I've been thinking similar too.
>underwater panther
>jersey devil
>demon cars
>skunk ape
>lizard men
>clowns (seriously, guys skulking around at night dressed as clowns and following people)
>witch covens
Relatively American supernatural shit off the top of my head.
Werewolf fag here.
Can animals be spirit-claimed?
A possessed dog is one of the examples in Book of Spirits.
You really can't go wrong with shamanistic spooks. Witchcraft and satanic stuff is more prevalent in the folklores of the South and New England, whereas ayylmaos are more of a Southwest thing.
But pretty much every place in the U.S. has some sort of native influence in their local legends.
Big thanks, that's something to read to the pillow tonight.
>Are there any good WoD like comic books?
Lost Girls by Alan Moore
So it's been mentioned several times before that a Councilia isn't a 'government' but a legal system.
What does that mean? Surely there is some method for enforcing magical law and each councilium has it's own local laws and customs. That meets all the requirements for a functioning government.
Another alternative is to have no supernatural elements what so ever. Humans are pretty fucked up all by themselves. Your players could run into a cult, maybe a serial killer, a crazy cannibalistic hermit, human traffickers, etc.
A Consilium doesn't really do shit for you though. It's governance begins and ends with law enforcement and protecting the Consilium (which doesn't always mean protecting you). Everything beyond that is pretty much Mages making deals, trading debt, and being dicks to each other.
Didn't we have a dirty confessions thread some time ago where people admitted to using cults in their games?
Sounds like a Government to me.
What's wrong with using cults?
Stat me /wodg/
Jim Jones pls go
But user, I brought refreshments.
Yep, there's even a Legacy where making plasma is a listed part of their attainments. Celestial Masters.
What book are the Wu Keng from?
Book of Crafts and Dragons of the East
Nothing. I think Cults are a good enemy.
Mortals meddling in supernatural affairs is a grade A recipe for disaster.
My Vamps will encounter a club of old (1890) gentleman that all happen to be ghouls (and they are all way older than my Vamps that have been embraced 1945) . But they don't have a master and seem to know little about Vamp society.
In fact they have a few staked vamps in the basement and a magical grail that prevents the Blood Bond. They are in fact convinced to be in possesion of the Holy grail...
They don't necessarily kill all Vamps they meet but they are actually powerplayers that won quite a few powerstruggles with different Vamps.
What would a Demon and a Mage want from each other? I loved Lucifer from Gaiman's comic book and I want an NPC that's an homage to him in my current awakening game.
>What would a Demon and a Mage want from each other?
Is the left one JD?
A Demon? Services, pacts, perhaps aid against enemy demons.
Mages? Knowledge, perhaps aid in deciphering some Mystery, all that
The tagline is so fucking stupid and incoherent. Did Rose write this?
>Putting together a CtL game for a few friends of mine
>Have only been ST once before, players still unfamiliar with system
>Setting up a fictional small town for the chronicle to take place
>Players throw me for a loop, ask for game to be a road trip
>Whatever, I roll with it because I think it will be fun
>Have a few ideas for plot, but need to plan sessions
>Want to keep characters progressing and mobile, but still keep them engaged and doing things within each session
Any advice? The easy answer is combat and I think that's part of what my players expect, but I can see that quickly becoming boring and i want to show off the other elements of the system/setting without forceful railroading. I'm also pretty new at prepping sessions and making plots so I have no idea if it'll be any good.
Give them a long term target to be pursuing, maybe have them following the shit the target leaves behind/causes. Could always focus on them seeing how different each freehold is from the other and how they're similar as well?
Stat him, /wodg
The Demon/Mage Wombo Combo.
The Mage magicks his way into a position of great influence or power that a demon wants, and trades it to the Demon in exchange for the true name of his worst enemy, location of artifacts and lore he wants, etc.
So I am a novice St, and my friends want to play a crossover splat set in our home town, Hamilton, Ontario. Theyes are playing werewolves, changeling, promethean, beast and vampire. Plan to have a council running the city made of various races, with werewolves, mages and vampires near the top, and Prometheans and beast near the bottom. There is room for other races, and the shit they encounter. Any tips or ideas for planning out these sessions?
explain how and why they came together and are not on each other's throats or hiding from everyone. Is there an external threat that is so great that they were forced to make common ground?
Why not go to a real city, like Toronto, the best city in our province
t. a Torontonian :^)
Transplant some of your own. America is a land of immigrants - most from Eurofagland. Many communities have heavy old world ancestry, with a rich tradition of the folklore hidden just between the surface. Small towns settled by Scandinavian, German, and other cultures colored our landscape, and though through time there has been a lot of modernization, perhaps some things brought over from the old country still linger.
Make players travellers, so they have to discover the folklore of the town, rather than being in the know, educate them and fuck with them, have fun.
The premise is they are all apart of a role playing group, when some cosmic fuckery, due in turn to the god machine, their fates were inexplicable turned, and now, not knowing of this, have to figure out what the hell is going on, all while trying to survive the world of darkness, and the the threats appearing to tear them apart, ie, wolf pack loyalty, political of vampires, disquiet, all that jazz
t. A Hamiltonian
How aboot I come down there and kick your ass, eh?
In the CoFD and NWoD 2.0 stuff, I have noticed that everyone starts out as 5/4/3 in their Attributes. Does that make sense, or even work out in play? It seems to put base humanity on even footing to a degree with the supernatural, which really doesn't fit any fiction.
In oWoD, demons can turn Mages into thralls and through that give them INSANE amounts of freebie points to spend on anything they wish.
what mage would be guillible enough to fall for that? A Hollow One?
Do it fucker, I'll pour poutine down your pants and take a shit in Dundurn Castle
But really, first thing would be probably getting them to form an 'offical' Pack and get a totem, or at least dangle that infront of them. Could have them go up aginst a Mummy, it isn't represented in the group and is powerful enough that it'd still cause a problem for the group of supernaturals considering power levels. Though if it's the GMC you could have the plot involve them having to ask/make a deal with a demon to get help to shut down the Occult Matrix/infastructure that caused them all to get turned (maybe turn back if they want to) so shit doesn't happen again.
>which really doesn't fit any fiction
Setting aside that some splats get a free dot in something to set them apart, it works because all splats have a connection to humanity at their core, whether or not they were human, still are human but with some extra ability, or strive to become/imitate it in some way.
Besides, once the powers come into play equivalent Attribute ratings won't matter as much.
So dangle the idea that they could eventually split from all thover fuckers, and set up a pack just for them? That's an interesting idea. Got anymore? The demon stuff I do have a plan for, it's justill, right of the bat, they don't really know about the God Machine, really doesn't get brought up besides demons, who are really hard to find in a crowd, mages, who know a bit of this through researching, and vampires, due to just how long some of them have lived, and the shit they have seen
And here we go, it looks like we're probably about six months out from CtL2e hitting shelves.
A fedora mage who believes to be above of silly abrahamic notions of good and evil, of course.
so, a Technocrat? :^)
I was more suggesting it could be good to have the crew be a pack with a totem backing the, possibly being an 'advisory' position that could help them be in the know without owing huge debts to mages/older vampires/demons and the like. Totems are helpful and ask for (relatively) little compared to other things.
Though of course splitting off is always a thing, always some fun to building your own power base.
No real ideas for group like that, I mean you could do something with the spirit/Spirit court of the falls, that'd be a powerful place given it's "natural wonder" status.
After reading the book i would say no.
It says you can spend 1 willpower to give yourself 1 auto success on a "Action" i dont think soak rolls count as an "action".
By this i mean you dont loose your next action if you have to roll soak, so it doesnt count as a action so no spending willpower to get a auto success on it.
Waiting for the first words out of a magefags mouth to be "Fate X could just undo all those titles."
Fate 7 or 8, probably.
Oh, we will have someone to fit the advisory position. The DM in the group is secretly a cover for a demon who is trying to push his friends in the right direction in his fight against the god machine, all while working behind the scenes in some of the various covers posing as npcs
What is the coolest Ascension tradition Veeky Forums?
They are all reality deviants, the technocracy did nothing wrong
Fate 7 would be enough to undo any given True Fae.
Or worse, allow the Archmaster to duplicate their abilities.
Template fuckery is kind of a specialty among Seekers.
What stats (CofD) should I give to a koala?
True Fae seem to have far more limitations than before.
Can't wait to troll them as an Acanthus and save my Fairest waifu from their horrid playgrounds.
Careful, Hill could be lurking.
The Technocracy is boring though.
I wouldn't.
Those motherfuckers are lazy as hell.
Koalas are also retarded.
Its going to be my narcoleptic hedge beast companion! But I need the base animal stats qq
Str 1 Char 2 Percep 2
Dex 2 Man 1 Int 1
Sta 3 App 5 (pure sex) Wits 2
Seduction 5
Strength 1, Dexterity 0, Stamina 1.
Presence 1, Manipulation 0, Composure 3
Intelligence 1, Wits 0, Resolve 2
True Fae seem to be actual Templates, so an Acanthus Master could just Unmake all its Titles and even its Name.
Sounds annoying, but they deal with Fate as an actual concept, so it makes sense.
I told you this would happen
Magefags won't let anyone have fun with Changeling 2.0
as if Hill would use le ebil alt-right board
Template fuckery is arch mastery. Although what the quintessence would be I'm not sure. It'd have to be fairly epic though. I once had to get the Iron heart of Theia before she smashed into earth and gave birth to Luna for an Imperial level Spirit spell.
Would you allow this character in your game?
Real name: John Young Shadowname: Mordred Adaminite Arrow Obrimos
Mordred the black knight, few would think to take this name but it bares a special meaning to John. John was dating Anna Smith. A wonderful young woman, and after a lengthy 3 month courtship he was about to marry her and he was leaning toward joining her faith as well. It would have been a good day. That was until the unthinkable happened. A strange woman burst into their apartment, there was a brief fight a terrifying one that defied logic, until the intruder pulled out a sword and slew Anna. The amazing golden and shining polished metal of the blade stunned him. He felt like he was looking upon Excaliber the legendary sword of kings. Where Anna's body once lay only a piece of drift wood with a deer skull on it remained.
Broken inside, John sought out insight into what happened. He could find none, nothing sane anyway. He hated that woman who killed Ana for so long until he learned the truth. The Ana he loved, was a soulless simulacrum of the real Anna, who had killed her. Created by a soulless abomination called a Fairy Nobel. The fairy noble had kidnapped the real Anna and replaced her with the cheap copy called a fetch. The real Anna had been a slave, and came to kill the thing that replaced her. But that thing had all the signs of a soul. Had it developed one? Did it have a the deers simple soul that refined over time into a more human like one. Why had this happened.
John through himself into studying souls, their nature, their importance from this he awoke as an Obrimos, his conflict driven nature drew him to the Arrow. John works as a contract specialist, a cleaner and troubleshooter in the underworld. The arrow looks at him with a mixed feeling as he seems to be heading down a left handed path. Likely a result of the shadow name he chose. He is aggressive, prone to seeking conflict, and prone to finding resolution quickly
I wasn't referring to Template fuckery, more so that Unmaking is all that would be needed to deal with a True Fae.
This is running with the assumption that the Mage has five dots of Fate, which most won't.
>more so that Unmaking is all that would be needed to deal with a True Fae.
*cough* *cough* cold iron *cough* Matter Arcanum *cough* *hack* *cough*
>Lions of Zion
>Fuck SatyrDouche
>They are all reality deviants, the technocracy did nothing wrong