>"My character is a Chaotic Neutral rogue, hehe :p"
Do you let them in?
>"My character is a Chaotic Neutral rogue, hehe :p"
Do you let them in?
Why are you using roll20 as a group finder?
Is this their character? If so, yes.
I tell them that we're not using alignments and give them a shot. Also, we'll be making characters as a group, so you have to come up with someone whp has an actual reason to stick around and help the party.
Yeah sure why the fuck not. Booting RANDUMB degenerates is easy but finding good players is hard.
Are you enticed by cute anime girls?
No, I don't let her in.
I played a CN rogue. No randumb. No ignoring the good of the party. No "nothing personal". Minimal edge. Just dreams. Dreams of being a strong, independent thief and neither that stats nor the rolls to make it in life.
I'd ask for a more detailed description of the character. One that does not mention alignment.
Han Solo was basically a CN rogue at the start of New Hope. Who the fuck doesn't want Han Fuckin' Solo on their party?
Do you really think that CN has only one possible interpretation ?
If she's a half decent rogue she'll get in whether I let her or not.
I doubt a player who would type "hehe :p" is going to make a Han Solo, user.
I don't think so, but Han Solo is one of the best examples of CN done right
Problem is that it's not the only way of playing a CN character. Do you let the character in and hope your guess is correct ?
Or do you ask the player for more information ?
Stop that.
Also, yes, why wouldn't I? What, you expect a rogue to be Lawful Good?
If they were wearing a corset like that and thigh highs like those and were blatantly lusting for my cock, sure why not.
That's not a corset.
My very first ever DnD character was a CN rogue. He wasn't lolrandumb, he was just very dismissive towards authority (since you know, professional thief), and was greedy, but not particularly malevolent, could even be generous towards people he liked, but hardly altruistic enough to be "good", so CN it was.
I now wonder what sort of impression I gave off, and if things were really different back in 2002ish.
Isn't the answer to this always " It depends on the player."
Where are her pads?
Sure, it sounds like someone playing their first game, they could turn out to be great.
>t. Eris
The last one I had in one of my games picked a fight with a Bretonnian knight, who beat him into unconsciousness and left him in the filth-choked gutters of Nuln.
Depends on what they define as CN. Played a CN bard once that was very fun. Essentially was morally uncaring, but loved heroes as they made for great stories.
The entire idea of sticking with the party was to make them become heroes so she had something to write songs about.
I play this character all the time! It's all in the execution. You have to be witty, intelligent and have a perfect sense of comic timing.