>wolves of fenris
>actually mutated humans
what the fuck
>wolves of fenris
>actually mutated humans
what the fuck
There are no wolves on Fenris.
They went full furry.
>>Chapter deploys actual mutants
>>Somehow they arent quietly destroyed by the Inquisition
Remember when the Ultramarines were the Mary Sue chapter?
Yiffs have always been the most mary sue in this respect
>muh witches aren't psykers
>muh planet aint tainted
>muh mutants are gud boys
>muh primarch dindu nuffin
>Magnus is suppose space egyptian
>Is basically Odin
what the fuck
Ultra were only Mary-Sues in obnoxious narrator segments or BL shit. Now that BL expanded to cover most legions they all get the same treatment and the Codex shit calmed down after the backlash.
Yiffs on the other hand have Phil Kelly writting their fluff as a massive fanboi. Thats how you get SW having PURE WOLF POWERS and other retarded lore.
One of the better insults in the HH series IMO.
Yet they never get anything done and nobody likes them.
They're more like a comic relief.
I always thought that was intentional - psykers, particularly navigators and astromancers, and mutants but the Imperium literally couldn't exist without them. Ogryns and Ratlings are but they have entire units devoted to arming and equipping them. All Space Marines are essentially mutants but are praised beyond measure - the psykers among them are even trusted with controlling the knowledge and true history of the chapter, rather than locked up in some anti-psyker barracks. I think it underscores that for all that the Imperium knows about how easily Chaos can infiltrate society, they really are willing to compromise any principal, even the really messed up ones, as long as it has some material benefit. It shows that the Imperium is too massive not to take advantage of every possible asset and at the same time too massive to need to care about its hypocrisy.
Exactly. The Emperor, beloved by all, was/is a HUGE hypocrite.
It's actually a nice literary touch that some of his "Sons" who are but reflections of Him end up turning "evil" mostly because they believe they are doing what is right for humanity. It really highlights the fact that He was ultimately the cause of the Heresy, not chaos, not Horus Lupercal, but Him as a direct result of his notion of "Do as I say, not as I do."
Ogryns and Ratlings are abhumans, they're not mutated by chaos they just have different naturally evolved traits, they're still totally natural.
Being a Psyker or Navigator is also something that you are naturally born as, the genetic ability to manipulate the Warp isn't the same as being a chaos mutant with tentacles for arms. The emperor himself was a psyker and he founded the grey knights.
There's pretty much no way you can spin "We go feral and permanently mutate into enormous, toothy, furred predators with a taste for human flesh" without it involving SOME sort of warp fuckery
Ogryn's, ratlings, navigators and psykers are just regular people with naturally evolved traits, they are "mutants" with a lowercase m, the scifi equivalent of being born with 6 fingers or being an albino
Turning into a fucking WOLF is Mutant with a capital M. As in, "Burn the Heretic, Kill the Mutant, Purge the Unclean"
First War of Armageddon, and the 13th black crusade say hello faggot
Except you've got this ass backwards. Yiffs and ogryns are mutants. Psykers are what humanity is supposed to become, a higher race, much like gaining intelligence made humans higher than apes. They are only "mutants" because their genes differ slightly from basic human stock, but by that standard you could call say Aborigines or Sentinelese mutants...
They're not even mutated user. They're Yiffers in fur-suits. THAT'S how fucking degenerate the Space Awoos are.
I think in Fenris' case the original DAoT colonists had a funky self modifying genome enhancements. When they landed on Fenris, the conditions were so extreme it developed am extreme solution; namely, mutating into a wolf like apex predator.
I could be talking out my arse though.
Your're not, that's pretty much exactly what happened.
>Land on Death World
>Everybody dies
>"Well shit, we need a solution"
>Modify your DNA with the Canis Helix to survive the cold and more adept and hunting Fenris' natural predators
It just had the side-effect of slowly mutating them all into wolfman hybrids, with some going full wolf.
More of this one.
If only there was imagine of what something like this would look like. This is a great concept.
Is there more?
>Daot support here Have you tried not living on Fenris.jpg
Dangerously furry, could use less ball-licking and doggy antics but the idea of a special force of pseudo-werewolf soldiers for terror missions is fucking rad. Very "MGS-like". An increase in the human aspect would be better though, in my opinion.
What board was this posted on?
Have you eight-chan continuation?
Someone else might.