Still waiting edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
old bread
Still waiting edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
old bread
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First for there's nothing to talk about so hey does anyone want to give criticism on my WIP fimir BT?
Reading through it and I agree with you on the Shearls ability to disappear in the mists. It should be a 9" distance or at least 10".
First among cowards seems ok in its current iteration, leave it be.
Drop healing from Lisart's Blessing entirely and let it be a roll off between -1 rend or +1 to wound.
How do I make a competitive Seraphon army? All I can think of that might stand up to current meta listts is the thunderquake/shadowstrike combo list and maaaaybe a hyper-aggressive double carno bloodclaw list with a shadowstrike. Even then these lists are so weak vs even mid teir armies theyll just gett shit on if the opponent is halfway decent.
The biggest tournament in my area is being held this weekend. I just found out that some asshole is bringing a full Aetherstrike/Hammerstrike SCE army to the event. Keep in mind that since this is a fairly small playerbase for the area (less than 10 people are going to be there) WAACing is mostly kept to a minimum.
How would I go about trying to win against this shit? It does not seem to have any weaknesses at all.
You don't
yeah how dare people attending a competitive event bring good armies. whats wrong with people?
Tournaments are competitive environments, literally the only place taking your strongest lists is actively encouraged. Why have we gone from full on WAAC WHFB to "waaah waaah hes taking a strong list why cant everyone play shit lists"?
>competitive game gets dumped
>new game designed to appeal to kiddies
>surprised when the player base now acts like children
Fucking elves.
>no longer available
what did GW mean by this?
Huh. Hopefully reboxing?
Holy shit are you in Vancouver? I'm going to Wetcoast and an asshole is bringing Aetherwing/Hammerstrike
When they reboxing somehting it's "temporary out of stock"
I thought was the other way around. "Temporarily out of stock" meant yknow...temporary, whereas sold out/no longer available meant getting reboxed.
>sold out/no longer available meant getting reboxed.
That's a bait, same retard with same retard answer every fucking time despite being proven wrong.
>That's a bait
That's reality, when GW sending some models to reboxing they write "temporary out of stock" (like it was with liuzards and skaven).
>That's reality
>Oh look, this one got squatted last month, no longer avaiable.
>Oh look, these 2 got squatted too, "No Longer Avaiable"
Same questions was asked for the supposely "squatted" ,"no longer avaiable" Dwarf. Same fucking answer despite being proven wrong time from time," hurr durr "No longer available" mean squatted lel if they rebox they will say temporary out of stock""
Can't wait to tune in next time for the next "no longer avaiable" box with the same fucking answer again.
>no longer avaiable.
Not "sold out" like NG,
shadowkin soonish I hope.
>he needs another Dark Eldar army
They have run out of stock of the old WHFB boxes online, and are going to rebox with circle bases and a new box
>They have run out of stock of the old WHFB boxes online, and are going to rebox with circle bases and a new box
Yay! I was being stupidly worried and reading too much into it.
>and are going to rebox with circle bases and a new box
>Yay! I was being stupidly worried and reading too much into it.
>that's what fantasycucks believed
Never, fantasycuck
lmao what are you talking about? Everything is good in AoS, just put in whatever models you like.
I'd probably just accept that you're going to meet all the tryhards at tournaments. So don't go to one and expect to have as much fun as normal.
Everything I own plus everything I'm buying soon. What do I need to add?
What's everyone's favourite legacy army?
So what are you guys working on? Posted earlier about my TL ancient and I've been working on it. Staff hand and head are still under work. Lighting is kinda shitty, sry for that. Any advice or clear mistakes I've made?
Btw nice job lizard user who posted in earlier thread, I think you can manage the freehand!
>favourite legacy army
Wrong thread motherfucker
Debating about selling clan pestilence (focusing on moulder and skrye) so i can buy models for my narrative list.. Chaos aelfs
Working on the last model for my Skirmish warband, a Longstrike Raptor. Currently the greenstuff is drying, so I hope to start basecoating the fucker tonight.
Really unhappy with the pose, but I'm not about to buy another Knight-Venator just to fuck around with the pose once more.
Away with this nonsense.
You're the definition of a legacy army.
Your entire range has been squatted.
You didn't get the basic dignity of being in a Grand Alliance book.
You rely on compendium rules that GW is never going to update.
Now shoo mr fairo.
Pure aetherstrike is better
Drybones McMummyfuckers.
oh fuck you we've been waiting ages for either the wanders, the shadowkin or the light elves to get a release
Fyi, what is says when something sells out is not related to upcoming releases. System is buggy and arbitrarily assigns these labels when something sells out and its a pain in the ass to change. They need to overhaul their system so bad.
Source: Ive done tech support contract work for a nottingham based model manufacturing company.
>oh fuck you we've been waiting ages for either the wanders, the shadowkin or the light elves to get a release
You already have Eldars
That is correct, is just a shitposter.
Also, Glade Guard have already been reboxed. They are a bit cheaper apparently, but I don't remember how much they were before hand.
>Starting with Codex: Speees Ma urins
Oh really you are going to start with the Space Marines wow who could have thougt!?
depends what you're trying to do with it. Scribes are always nice though.
Anything with a Sword and Shield. You know fantasy weapons?
It can lose to getting double turned by MW spam, Changehost maybe or getting unlucky to thunderukk. Aetherstrike is a broken list and should be removed.
>Aetherstrike is a broken list and should be removed.
Right after they remove kunnin rukk, thundertusks and skyfires
Kunnin Rukk as well yeah, a battalion shouldn't be doubling your armies power for
That is some kind of nightmare.
It is 10 codexes in 6 months. What will AoS get? More or less nothing
>What will AoS get?
GHB and new SCE release
Shadow aelves are this year, there's probably a nurgle demons dual release as well.
>Shadow aelves are this year,
[proof needed]
Hopefully it won't be an all-dude elf army,
I'm starting to think Nurgle Daemons are going to get folded into Nurgle Rotbringers the same way Tzeentch Arcanites, Hosts of Slaanesh, and Blades of Khorne have gone.
Plaguebearers completely de-listed in the US and the Start Collecting! seems to have gone missing.
Pic related is the worst model I ever bought. Gaps are huge as fuck and details are horribly crooked. The first warhammer purchase I regret
>bought outdated WHFBshit
what do you mean crooked?Also i bought the left one from a friend and it seems fine to me.
Literally just bring 80 skinks to the table and win 38-1 on objectives against any army
>[proof needed]
Mini shadow dragon to the rescue
I had an idea for a unit for the new shadow elves. Basically its an elite unit that is mounted on a larger version of pic related.
They have move 24, fly, 3" range melee attacks, 6 attacks, hit on 2+ wound on 2+, rend -3, damage 4. 6 wounds per model with a 2+ save and a 5+ ignore, and a shooting attack that does 2D3 automatic hits with 18" range wounding on 2+ doing D6 mortal wounds each. Also should be able to run, retreat, charge, and shoot in the same turn every turn and always pile in and attack first even in opponents turn.
what do you think?
>Mini shadow dragon to the rescue
It literally could be anything.
>what do you think?
Another elves in generic black leather/latex.
Look at these strings mate. They should look like ending in fur but they are just cut off
>40k has Deldar so AOS shouldn't have Shadow elves.
you do realize they are completely different game systems with incompatible rules right?
>you do realize they are completely different game systems with incompatible rules right?
So what? We already have sucn models why do we need their clones?
>why do we need their clones?
fine. But I want rules for these (pic) in AOS then.
I regret sticking with rats every day but I just can't drop them - they are the best cheap fun I can have
Stats seem okay to me except damage is a little weak. Should be 5 imo
I think you're right. They should probably be immune to battle-shock too and regenerate a wound each time they kill a model.
get more stormfeinds fegget
Listen up your little shit you are probably right but I just bought a lightning cannon and a start collecting box for another one and a bell so right now I'm having fun with shooting the ducks
I have never painted as complex kit as this before. Is it wise to cut off the crew models and prime the ret on the sprue and then cut them off to assemble?
Holy shit, wasn't that game the one about bring whatever you want to the table, make silly noices for extra shit and no points? What happened there.
>wasn't that game the one about bring whatever you want to the table
It still is - you just have three different ways to play the game
>make silly noices for extra shit
The joke rules were a joke mate - people were using them only for keks
>and no points
No points in narrative play and open play is still a thing
>What happened there
The 40k 8th edition desu
white primer spray paint everything on the spru. Hell you might want to think about base coating most things on the spru too.
I see a lot of complains about points and competitive armies.
damn that's bad, mine doesn't have it, maybe it's just a similar model from a different origin.
beastmen, but they don't feel as good as they used to, they weren't treated very well from the setting evolution
You will see them in every community living around a point-based game - it's just a nature of competitive gaming
They also need some way to reroll saves, I feel they are too squishy but need a slightly better save somehow.
100% this. Kharadron come close to being almost as cool. But ironbreakers are still best model to me
Warriors of Chaos. They'll always be Chaos Moorecock Vikings to me.
Khorne Bloodbound, Tzeentch Arcanites, Daemons of Khorne and Tzeentch are still listed as four faction in both the AoS App and the Warscroll builder, so if I had to guess I would say they will be kept separate but share the same keyword.
Children of Nurgle anyone?
I think that's where I'd draw the line. They do need a weakness and only having a 2+ armor with a 5+ ignore is a pretty glaring disadvantage.
pic related would still probably come out on top though in a straight up fight
I wish they'd announce Nurgle Battletome tomorrow - you know, on 7/7/17.
I'm gonna be so pissed if we wait for all this 40K shit to be over and they go GUESS WHAT MORE STORMCASTS!
Give me my Nurgle Battletome goddammit
Sounds like a good way to ruin a model with mould lines.
>They do need a weakness
To be out of meta?
>Give me my Nurgle Battletome goddammit
They will probably release it with Death Guard final wave
>To be out of meta?
if they didn't have any weakness then you couldn't accuse your opponent of being the reason for failing to kill them.
>if they didn't have any weakness then you couldn't accuse your opponent of being the reason for failing to kill them.
So what?
So during AoS' dry spell, what do you guys follow to fill the void in your heart?
Personally I love FLG and look forward to their 9th Realm show every thursday. Also Vince Vinturella often has something related to AoS and fantasy gaming in general to talk about.
How about you guys?
Trying to understand the lore about my three favorite races from the Old World. I know the Slann survived and summon the lizardmen as Seraphon, essentially lizard angels. Orks are known as Orruks, although I'm not sure that any major Ork figures survived. But I don't know about Tomb Kings: I know Nagash is alive and well because he's Nagash, but is there an equivalent to Tomb Kings in AoS?