Veeky Forums posts their favorite characters
Veeky Forums posts their favorite characters
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I prefer the character Alan Moore was cribbing from for most of his career.
I lile rorshach because people completely miss the point, and end up idolizing a parody character.
He's coming for you. You can't fight him effectively, you can't bargain for your life, and you can't escape.
But I can flip a coin.
50/50 is better than nothing
I am the dread pirate roberts. you killed my father. prepare to die
Onos T'oolan
A character for ants
Stand up dude, hot waifu, loyal crew
Raddest character from the original show, Origin helped even more
>not picrelated all day every day
I'm not an edgy person, the conflict is the appeal
Nothing wrong
You know Lobo was a parody, right? He was designed as a goof on the 90s ultra-edgy superhero trend.
I wish more nobles would get bored, we would be better off.
I mean it was a stupid something, but he was at least doing something
This had better be intentional.
Good taste.
I think if the eldar had gotten bored, the whole species would be better off, even if they had found what they were looking for
LG done right
Picard is best captain, prove me wrong
I just can't get into antagonists that can be easily solved with a javelin, gun, sling, or spear.
He has a cybernetic eye
Hard to cite a 'favorite' but Hellboy is certainly up there.
Literal monster that has gone against his nature and become good.
same for but he became good because of Pancakes.
Concrete: an ordinary person unwillingly thrown into extraordinary circumstances, who finds (extra)ordinary ways to cope and capitalize.
he became good because of the pamcakes, but he stayed good for so much more.
they were what brought him over to the good side permanently. but yes, Love also plays a big part in his motivations. Pretty sure spite does as well.
Yes I know this about my -favorite- character, I can't imagine what your point is.
I've been meaning to read that comic for ages. My LCS has every volume but the first, baka
Damn dude, I highly recommend it. I originally had "The Complete Concrete" and the two volumes of short stories, but recently ordered the newer volumes (7 in all) that were REALLY the complete series.
I highly recommend it so even though it may pain your LCS, you could get the first volume pretty cheap online someplace, and then you can buy the rest from your LCS.
Alternatively, I strongly recommend "Fragile Creatures" which is the third volume; it stands up pretty well by itself and is a really fun tale about Concrete serving as a one-man special effects department on the set of a Conan knock-off film.
i know, i'm a normie but i can't help it
Funny, my favourite character's also in that pic
>"meanwhile, in Hell
I love Mike's writing
I can't fucking stand Rorshach.
"One day, all of those people that I hate are gonna need me, and then they're gonna be SO SORRY!"
Fucking edgy 12 year old motivation right there.
Rorschach is literally the most depressingly real thing about the entire comic. The guy figured it all out and pretty much showed the ugly truth yet will never be vindicated and was just put down at the end of the day because of his suffering.
I don't know his name, but I favor him all the same.
He's supposed to be a good guy who was pushed too far. he was broken and became evil. he's a moral absolutist that feels that he is always in the right. and will likely be the cause of the end of the world if the foreshadowing in the last part of The Watchmen is to be believed. Yes Ozymandias was behind everything but had his plot not been brought to light by one of the few able to do so then a tenuous false peace may have lasted until true peace could be established.
The whole Watchman plot is stupid, and the movie actually had the better idea.
If you wanted to prop up anything as a false villain to unite the people, how about the glowing blue GOD standing there who was completely willing to do it in the first place? You wouldn't even need to kill any civilians like they do in the movie, you would just need to decimate any standing armies and nuclear weaponry with your Godlike perception and abilities.
I'll always see Watchmen as an almost good story with a weak twist ending.
I can't call a man who stands by and watches a planet die "good".
That it was unnecessary to insert "I am not an edgy person?"
I want to know what's between Sonja's ears
user you dumb
Using Manhattan as the weapon was dumb - an alien threat made sense to unite the people of the world, Manhattan was the american superman and had a direct hand in vietnam and the world to prove american superiority
By using Manhattan as the weapon, you're turning everyone on america for unleashing an unstoppable beast branded with the american flag - this doesn't happen with an external, extraterrestial threat
This should not have taken this long!
>le ebin fedoraman
>bad father
>crappy ruler
As a character he's kind of dull, user.
Hersey etc
>you're turning everyone on america
Except in the movie, only New York was nuked, which means that instead America gets sympathy from the world.
More to the point, an alien threat requires the world to accept something totally out of left field, whereas Dr. Manhattan allows for an existing threat.
Finally, and most importantly, it doesn't require an abrogation of Dr. Manhattan's role as the only superhuman being in Watchmen. The squid monster, or at least its brain, was supposedly created from the cloned brains of powerful psychics. Y'know, those things that don't exist in the real world.
Don't get me wrong, I hate Snyder...but the changes they amde to Watchmen are all of them for the better.
You know that Rorschach and ozidamus both possess an intellect that surpasses humans, and owl dude has a bunch of gadgets that shouldn't work.
It's not a very realistic thing, but psychics could be a thing. My suspension of disbelieve is already broken by dr manhattan so why bother.
Oh and Rorschach was right, no peace is better than a pretend one. I'd rather a couple that hates each other divorce than live a lie
Seeing how the city reacted and got used to the idea of a werewolf cop over time made me laugh.
I really want to fucking roleplay a expy of this guy one day
>You know that Rorschach and ozidamus both possess an intellect that surpasses humans
Adrian is said to be the smartest person on Earth, but his intelligence is never said to be superhuman.
>I'd rather a couple that hates each other divorce than live a lie
Perhaps not a good comparison, given that in this particular case peace breaking down means a nuclear world war that kills everyone.
The true irony of Watchmen is that BOTH Ozymandius and Rorschach are wrong. The real "correct" solution to the Cold War is what happened in real life: the US just keeps trucking along, doing its thing, and waits for the Soviet system to destroy itself.
But then, Moore was writing Watchmen in '86. It wasn't generally realized in the West yet just how terminal the Soviet system had become by that point, and the idea of the Soviet boogeyman that was still actually a global superpower was still going strong, at least in the public consciousness.
>an alien threat requires the world to accept something totally out of left field
That was the whole point. It's a threat so mind-boggling, so paradigm-shifting that it would (supposedly) change human consciousness across the planet. Dr Manhattan nuking New York doesn't change much; everyone already knew he was fuckhuge powerful and that he was going bonkers and turning into a loose cannon. It changes nothing.
>America gets sympathy from the world
Pfft, yeah, for all of 2 months then it's back to status quo.
Tales from the Black Freighter was the best part anyway.
Rorschach's proof that the attack was a fake in no ways launchs the war, it's an attack on US soil by a US citizen, why should Russia even care.
>It changes nothing.
The squid monster's brain was made from the cloned brains of the world's most powerful psychics. Sooner or later people are going to analyze its DNA and realize that it's a clone. The fact that its DNA and proteins match that of other Terran animals will also give away the fact that the whole thing was engineered.
Neither solution is perfect, but Dr. Manhattan being behind New York at least does not leave behind a nearly literal mountain of evidence that the whole thing was engineered.
Give the Noldor their rocks back!
Ozymandias certainly has a plan to kill this in the crib.
>Except in the movie, only New York was nuked
Ignoring the shitty caption to this image,
No. No it was not.
How? The squid is going to be the most analyzed, dissected, and examined creature in the world, and it's not like it doesn't have parts to spare, AND Ozymandius is ultimately just some guy, he doesn't have any actual military or political power - and what pull he MAY have in the United States is totally nonexistent inside of the Soviet Union. So he has no way of controlling what the legions of government and independent scientists WILL discover.
Not to mention that the pressure is now on Ozymandius to KEEP manufacturing the alien threat, since as time goes by and no threat manifests, the peace will begin to break down. The Soviet and Western systems are still fundamentally incompatible.
Atomic Robo is best scientist adventurer
Very possibly the best three characters in the series right there
Most underrated character in all of avatar.
Doctor Dinosaur is best reptilian scientist.
Plus, people would need to unanimously believe a single news outlet claiming to publish a journal by a famously unhinged dude
I don't think Ozymandias was trying to generate a peaceful utopia forever. He was trying to pull the human race from the brink of the nuclear abyss that it was about to fall into with the Soviet invasion of Pakistan.
And even a short-term peace may have generated the cultural, economic links and social forces that would have made armageddon far less likely, even if his alien threat charade had been discovered several years later.
Also, minor point, but I think Ozymandias was the leading expert on genetic engineering and psychics at this point given his research. Nobody else was doing much with it and he had most of the principles killed, so it wouldn't have been easy for the rest of the world to discover the charade.
Only character you'll ever need.
>Adrian is said to be the smartest person on Earth
He's also inhumanly fast, strong, agile, beautiful and physically perfect in every way. Whether that's superhuman is a judgement call.
In Watchmen, it its explicit that the only superhuman on Earth is Doctor Manhattan and a few psychics, and we never even meet an of the latter.
So Alan Moore apparently felt that Ozymandius was still human - just as the extreme edge of the bell curve.
he caught a bullet with his bare hands, that shit is superhuman.
Not according to Alan Moore.
>"Do it"? I'm not some Republic serial villain. Do you really think I'd be explaining my master stroke to you if there was the slightest chance of you stopping me? I "did it" 35 minutes ago.
>>That's what you think.
>...What are you talking about?
>>I found your transporter and added a few zeroes to its Z-axis. Your monster didn't appear in New York. It appears a couple thousand miles above New York.
> plans...
>>You're finished, Adrian.
First guy i thought of, i'm glad you posted him.
Also pic related. I wish i could think of the others i cant remember. Absurdly powerful but with extremely (IME) Unique motivations. A kid stole a badge from him, he punched the kid 30 feet and refused to take the badge back until the kid could punch him the same way.
Gonna have to go with best cat.
Fuck I'd say almost any character in HxH could be my favorite character.
Mah nigga
Remembered this guy right after posting. Man is he edgy, but i've never encountered another character so aesthetically motivated.
"I have risen from the filth and muck, i am the lotus blossom, i am beauty."
"I will make you beautiful, i will make you perfect!"
This motherfucker counts his bullets out loud when he fires.
Go to bed, Chris, you retarded self-insserts are borinhg.
He is an autist with double standarts, who constantly contradict himself. Well, still better than Janyway (or what`s her name?) and any nu-track homos.
Batman was a mistake, but batfliek is beyond disgusting.
Movie (if you can call it that) was a pure garbitch.
Harry Dresden is how I wizard, because he's my favorite wizard.
>Picard is best captain, prove me wrong
That's... a... prettygoodchoice, but... there is... a... betterone.
Wrong cat
Honor, Justice, REINHARDT!
Lobo said it, it must be true.