>What are you playing?
>What are you hating?
>Thread question: what's your favorite deck and it's current position in the meta.
MTG Modern thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Affinity beep boop
if I wanted to pick up Liliana, the Last Hope, should I do it now or when she rotates from standard?
She will probably go down a bit so do it like right after when people sell off their copies.
>mono W death and taxes
>Hating the price of Horizon Canopy
>Skred is my favorite deck and it will live in the T3 dumpster forever
>Death Shadow
>Probably UW control, even though it's a bit off meta
By the way, if i wanted to make another deck, and wanted to switch from combo to control, what's the most effective deck rn?
Playing Grixis death shadow
Hating the Shadow might get banned. I wouldn't mind it so much, but this would be the 4-5 deck that Wizards of mine has banned.
I have storm built, but haven't played it yet. What are some good match ups?
literally any deck that isn't full on counters/discard, and sometimes you can actually get through even through them if you get a decent hand
deck almost always wins turn 3 if they don't spend every resource on slowing you down, expecially if you run apostle's blessing main, since removal against baral/goblin does nothing then
>play fotm shit
>complain about bans
Pretty sure Twin, Pod, and Infect aren't flavours of the month.
As someone who plays it, Infect definitely was when probe got banned
I've never played Modern before. I want to do a bird tribal. This is what I came up with.
I know it's not the best. it might not even be good, but what would you do with it, keeping in line with the theme?
>inb4 squadron hawk is non-bo with mindcensor
Hey guys
*guffaws to self*
Did you know that Dredge *snicker* is like NAZIS *chortle* because MaRo the JEW hates the deck?!
*roars with laughter, crowd whistles and whoops*
Out of curiosity, why bird tribal?
Yeah, you're right, but the point being is that bans hurt people.
Vyrn Wingmare and spell queller are both good
aether vials are strong if you can afford them
hindering light and supreme verdict are both cards I'd cut for sure, hindering light is too narrow and you can't afford to hold up counter mana, nor do you want to wrath your own board
Dusk // Dawn if you really want a board clear but I'd cut more of your 3 power guys if you play it
birdwatching is my other hobby and some guys at my LGS found out and have been giving me flak about it.
especially after I passed a kefnet in draft last week.
have you thought about adding green for Noble and Company?
yeah I considered dusk//dawn but I do have three power creatures that i like. I'll put it in place of verdict regardless.
I've got a few Vryn mare, and spell queller's definitely a better option than hindering light.
What about my curve? Three's pretty high for what amounts to an aggro deck, and I can't shill $200 for a playset of vials.
yes and I've also considered black for baleful stryx. I'd rather keep my mana base at 2 color
Strix is unfortunately not modern legal. Why it hasn't been reprinted, who the fuck knows.
If your patient you can find light played vials for 35 if that's any more doable
Because if you ran them, stacking 3 drops would be fine since you'd just want to tick it up to 3 and leave it there
Maybe we can get it if they do a Return to Alara. Alara has a four on the Rabiah scale last time I checked, so that means it could happen.
ban dregpf
make donald dredge again!!1
Collective Brutality even though I dont see it much
>Favorite deck and meta position
Burn and it will eternally be tier 1, always a deck that gets the Bronze and maybe occasionally the Silver.
should I play MTGO?
Pros: You can play vintage/legacy for cheap, you can play events anytime you want instead of waiting for your LGS
Cons: Money for digital cards, old outdated UI that looks like Windows 98 pooped it out, no social interaction component so it is full to the gills with autistic Spikes.
No, just play Xmage. Don't give the Jews money.
>you can play events anytime you want instead of waiting for your LGS
this is the ringer here, for me. traveling to the game store, finding someone to play with (often there isn't anyone there except Warhammer autists), and having to make small talk with my opponent is exhausting. Maybe I will just move to online.
>Don't give the Jews money
but what if the Jews are providing a service that I enjoy?
>enjoying mtgo
I mean if you are a masochist, feel free to I guess, but honestly XMage is just better than MTGO in just about every way.
>ban Twin
>modern ever since has been a series of broken decks that have needed bannings
Really makes you....think...
>want to play magic with a friend, suggest xmage
>God awful ui, next to no filtering options for deckbuilding
>run into a bug in the second game
This ui and the game play options you get are so much worse than what I see in videos of mtgo, how can you say that
Have you ever considered playing Free Win Red?
>God awful ui,
Thats an opinion, and a wrong one at that
>next to no filtering options for deckbuilding
This is objectively untrue
You can filter by colour, card type, set, format legality and name
If you need anymore than that, you are fucking autistic
>how can you say that
Easy, its Free to use, unlike mtgo which costs money to buy, costs money to play, and costs money to buy a deck.
I'll take a quick free service with a few kinks to a laggy one that costs hundreds any day.
I can't explicitly exclude colors
Can't search rule text
Can't filter on cmc
But apparently I'm autistic
The buttons are vague
It's unclear who has priority
Mana pool blends in with unrelated numbers
Couldn't find out a way to ignore specific triggers
The default sounds are PowerPoint tier
Just some complaints from the top of my head after a couple of games
Oh yes and I'm not fond of registering a password and then being mailed a new one in plain text
>god awful UI
Not really. Shit sucks
Yep, you're autistic. Just keep drinking the MTGO kool-aid Wizdrone
at least Magic Online cards have value, and from what I have read it is pretty easy to get an 80-90% return when (if) you decide to sell them back to the bots.
Plus, the competition on XMage is nonexistent, and people will often concede as soon as the game becomes unfavorable, because there is nothing on the line so who cares?
>fruity pebbles
>i like mine and no idea. it was honestly a casual deck but the bois were like damn ur modern is pretty ok and i was like alright swag
>that meme where anyone who pays for anything is stupid
Absolutely epic. How is your chinaman fake collection going
>I can't explicitly exclude colors
Yes you fucking can, deselect one of the coloured circles and every card of that colour vanishes.
>Can't search rule text
>Can't filter on cmc
This is fucking grasping at straws, if you don't know what cards fucking do and want to find cards with specific effects you should be looking them up on Gatherer or Magiccards.info
>The buttons are vague
In what fucking way? They either say what they do right on the button or will have a popup that appears after hovering over it for 2 seconds
>It's unclear who has priority
It says "Waiting for [player]" and their timer will be clicking down. The person who's name is displayed has priority. Its the exact same way MTGO does it.
>Mana pool blends in with unrelated numbers
What unrelated numbers? The only numbers shown are relevant resources; Graveyard, cards in hand, energy, Life, and your mana.
>The default sounds are PowerPoint tier
MTGO's are just as bad retard, this isn't an argument
Who fucking cares if they have Value? I would much rather not pay money for it the first place than invest at a loss.
>Plus, the competition on XMage is nonexistent, and people will often concede as soon as the game becomes unfavorable
Play Competitive Ranked matches then. The BRs and shitbrewers avoid them like the plague.
>Plus, the competition on XMage is nonexistent, and people will often concede as soon as the game becomes unfavorable, because there is nothing on the line so who cares?
This especially. Basically everyone plays meme brews and gives up when you do anything. Absolutely terrible for practice.
>b-but it costs money c-cuck
I'd rather pay for the better service
Should I try to make a Possibility Storm deck?
>Fruity Pebbles
Stony Silence, RIP, Kami of Ancient Law, Kataki, Disenchant, and Fragmentize are a thing. Do they not work.
Then again I haven't ran into Fruity Pebbles.
>Play Competitive Ranked matches then.
>Implying anyone actually cares about their xmage rank
Thoughts on Emeria Titan? I've been brewing it for a while now and it's a genuinely fun deck to play. I've had great success with Restoration Angel and Reflector Mage which most lists online don't seem to run but in my creature heavy meta they provide incredible tempo and the Resto Angel is a solid clock in addition to Flickerwisp. I feel like if you can gauge your meta appropriately it's a solid deck.
>often there isn't anyone there except Warhammer autists
Reeeee we need a place to hang out too!
You would actually be surprised. In fact just the other day there was an argument here on Veeky Forums where people were complaining about people with ranks Below 1400
I'm currently ranked at 1590 so that makes me hot shit
I've also been experimenting with Jace Beleren and I've had good success there as well. Feels great to pull him back into play with a Sun Titan or to Flickerwisp him and reset his loyalty counters to draw loads of cards.
BG infect
Fatal push
My favorite deck is my standard deck BU ingest process. It's not in any form meta but it will be fun converting it into modern format.
>Esper control
>Color imbalance in modern atm
>Miracles in legacy was my favorite deck of all time. probably the last ever true pure control deck in magic. I will probably never play a deck that is that good ever again. I know this isn't related to modern so I will throw on this bit at the end.
>Daze should be legal in modern.
To the guy playing u-tron on xmage (or anything playing chalice). Put your fucking chalice on 2 against merfolk. That means I can't hurkyl's your fucking artifacts, play my lords, or fuck your mana. Jesus christ two games in a row this guy put his chalice on 1
>gds and chalice
>fave deck is burn since it'll always be T1 and never see any bans.
As far as the meta goes, it's seen better days.
>playing U Tron
>hating Burn, DS, myself
>my favorite deck is Spirits (either UW or Bant variant), but it's mediocre
What is the spiciest meme deck I can throw together for
Seismic swans
might have gone up a bit though
Blue white control has been putting up results lately however counter magic is still trash
Annon don't throw away your money like this
I can drop my esper list to you if you want, the main power comes from fatal push, path, snapcaster and cryptic. Has good matchups against most of the meta decks atm imo
What? I have most of the lands and the creatures aren't too expensive.
i hope this was you
Wasn't me, I'm not that much of a shitter.
Why are bluefags constantly complaining about their color being bad when the undisputed best deck right now is a UB deck with 4 Snaps, 4 Serums, 4 Scours and several Stubborn Denials?
>inb4 thats not blue ree!!! Only the way I want to play blue is actually blue, which is draw go control!
I like how burn fags screetch about grixis death shadow. Is it because the deck actually forces them to think about their plays? Hmm I wonder
Yes but they won't win you a single game so I doubt you would at least have "fun"
Im a burn player and dont complain about it, its hard sure but not unbeatable. I complain about Collective Brutality since its near impossible to play around.
skullcrack / a-command in response makes it like a really bad duress
>tfw you fall from 1530 to 1320
Why did DSJ have to fall so hard? It was the top deck for quite awhile, hell Grixis Shadow was Tier 2 for some time while it was the top deck.
It's still painful on the draw for burn. them killing a goblin guide gaining 2 life and duressing on turn 2 is lights out
It's because death shadow jund fails to see the really broken card that pairs with death shadow is stubborn denial
I dunno, GDS just doesn't do it for me like DSJ. I absolutely love playing with 52 cards in my deck. Maybe that new wonky card coming out will help bring it back up again. I could see cutting 1 bauble and 1 iok for that extra utility.
How likely will the price of walking ballista drop once it rotates out of standard?
Unlikely. It's already making waves in modern so it's only Likly to increase once it stops seeing print
how much would liliana, the last hope drop in price once SOI/EMN rotate?
if I buy into modern dredge, how much of it translate to legacy dredge?
I cut white out of my DSJ list and threw in 3 Stubborn Denials. Works pretty nice.
>What are you playing?
Esper Goodstuff
>What are you hating?
Combo decks, Death's Shadow
>Thread question: what's your favorite deck and it's current position in the meta.
I don't really have a least favourite.
Also guys check out my playmat that arrived this morning in honour of my fallen Legacy deck :^(
What's a fun modern deck? Living End need not apply. Been looking to get back into modern for a while now. I used to play esper Tezz but I doubt it would do well in this meta (although I haven't tested and should).
I like me some good value. Primeval Titan, Snapcaster, V.Clique, Bolt/Path/Push, Siege Rhino , P.Obliterator, Chord. What deck has the most v a l u e right now?
Grixis Death's Shadow is fun if you like facefucking people with raw value. Otherwise just play Ponza and pretend every card you draw is a Bonfire.
Esper Control has tons of value and is pretty well positioned against Shadow decks and Eldrazi Tron.
>Opponent at five cards in hand
>EoT, charm discard, charm discard
>Untap, land, go
>Draw step, Snapcaster, charm discard hitting his last two cards
>goes to mainphase and looks at his lands
>My turn?
I feel dirty every time I get to do it. Especially if it's a blue mirror and on their next upkeep you cast a huge Rev while they're still hellbent.
Whats a good deck i could throw together to practise against my burn deck and play on the side?
>esper charm meme
I laugh so hard everytime
2nd best hilarious meme behind rev for 15 HAHAHAHAA
Not that guy but it's one of the best cards in those colours when you're running Snapcaster. I play it as a 1-of in a goodstuff Esper deck and sometimes it's just dumb.
Bruh, esper charm isn't as bad as you make it out to be.
Strix is way to powerful for a standard environment. There would be 4 in every deck
It's shit in modern currently
Too slow
Grixis death's shadow didnt really strike me as "raw value"
I thought about Jeskai Black as I get all the best removal and value in each color. Mana would get facefucked pretty easily though.
How much greedier is 4c than 3c anyway? :^))))
Aren't seismic assaults like 12 bucks now? Deck is probably worth more than 60 now. Even higher depending on how you build your mana base.
You'd need to suck many cocks for 4 leds and then not eat dinner a day for the rest of cantrips.
Seismic assaults are like 2€ - 4€ depending on the edition.
Denote if your dick sucking ordeal goes very well and you suck tons of dick and get about 2k dollars you can get the dredge version, skip breakfast for the rest of cards you'll need.
Esper Control has access to Devour Flesh and Condemn. I like those two cards a lot.
Huh they must have dropped then. I could have sworn exodus assaults were 12 bucks
regardless, mtggoldfish says swans costs about 100 to build now, so I was still correct about the deck no longer being worth pennies
Trying to set up xmage, am I doing something wrong? I"m trying to import images but the console keeps saying that I'm missing like 8000+.
Need some feedback on my Valakut deck.
I run Worldspine over Emrakul for budget reasons and also because it ends the game pretty much the same way when you breach it. Also it costs less so you can hard cast it more easily if the game goes too long.
I'm not sure about the mainboard 3 bolts tho, what would be a good replacement ?
Wow viable is infect these days?
my sides
Try some Devoted Company. Fun and meta
>Esper Control
Draw Go is as boring as Bolt.deck to me. It's just that Burn games end way faster.
Is Hurkyls even good against Tron?
If you bounce a Ballista, they're going to just remove all but one counters and recast. Chalice on 1 doesn't do much vs Fish and Chalice on 2 prevents Hurkyls.
U-tron plays mana rocks, mindslaver and a few other artifacts, never seen them use ballista though.