Why is it that newer models seem to be easier to paint than older ones? Going from an Orruk brute to an Ork boy is torture.
Why is it that newer models seem to be easier to paint than older ones...
I also find them very competitively priced, and generally superior to third party models in every way. A great way to have fun with friends of all ages!
How do you expect kids to buy and paint these without having a degree in Bachelors of Fine Arts?
Because the newer models were specifically designed to be that way. Most all newer models are designed with the ease of painting in mind.
>genuinely liking newer shit means I'm a shill
Larger figures mean larger surfaces and crisper more defined details to paint.
Less scoliosis.
I think it's just down to Ork Boys, Warbuggies are a much older sculpt and are great to paint, boyz are just filled with excessive tiny details in all the wrong places, jaggedy painful shirts, fuckin' weird trousers, weird gorilla backs and rear ends sticking out fifty miles from the body. I pity anyone trying to paint them bad moons, doing goff colours is painful enough on boyz.
In terms of newer shit models to paint, the new Rubric marine kit has so much goddamn filigree it take an hour just to do one layer of gold on each one. Custodes are horrendous to paint as they either look like blobs of gold or you have to spend an infuriating amount of time breaking the gold up, to end up with a model that still looks mostly like a blob of gold. The new farsight has weird gribbly bits that, when combined with horrendous finecast flash, make it impossible to paint parts of him and have it look half decent.
It's just down to certain sculpts. I am by no means saying new sculpts are worse and full of pretentious overcomplication and that we need to go back to heroquest, primaris marines and the plastic shokk attack gun are wonderful to paint, but many sculpts are simply user-unfriendly, regardless of when they were made.
You're probably right.
You know it, baby.
I unironically love the gorilla boyz, best faces 2000something to 2017
fuck the boyz box nob though, wish he was more like the fantasy big un
The boy heads are great, it's just their chests have bullets and teef intermingled on top of what is supposed to be a brightly coloured t-shirt, along with tiny chains and armour plating getting in the way of everything, they're leaning forward at an awkward angle that never looks right, and frequently makes painting limbs awkward, and I will never understand how their boots and trousers work, the borders between everything down there are blurry and confusing.
And the shoulderpads are kind of bad.
They're not the worst model by far, they'd be great if they were a low model cunt elite troop, but when you have to paint hundreds the little things really start getting to you.
And yeah the box nob is the worst, I always just use him as another boy or as spare parts, and then use a real nob as the squad one. I'm glad big choppas are now the best thing to use in boy squads because half of my nobz are modeled with them.
>And the shoulderpads are kind of bad.
I was with you until this part
There are far too few with nice flat surfaces to paint checks onto and the spiky ones are arranged horribly on the sprue.
This is some next-level nitpicking btw
I'm going to assume you haven't undertaken painting the Genestealer Cult neophyte models in loving detail, OP.
Ork Boys is a kind of crappy kit. Having said that, NuHammer is marketted at 13-year-olds, so of course it's easier to paint.
>, NuHammer is marketted at 13-year-olds
>GW detected
the fuck is an Orruk?
did someone have a stroke mid-sentence?
GW was so good at creating warhammer fantasy orcs that every other setting (mostly warcraft) stole pretty much everything from them and over the course of the last thirty to forty years their "our orcs are special" have become the new default orc, and so they must change it up again to regain the "our orcs are special"
Orc can't be trademarked. Orruk can.
That's why they steal Iron Horde design?
shit the next box gamesworkshop is releasing is supposed to have models that fit together without glue and come pre-colored. they are trying to get braindead children to buy their game.
Didn't some of the Primaris models basically work without glue IIRC, If so nothing is stopping them from turning all of the game into fully painted Marines for kids to play with.
Quints confirm
What is 20 year old Space Hulk you brain dead imbecile?
Come on, you can yap whatever hate bullshit you want but at least pretend you're not a newfag who joined last year...
>orks wearing yellow construction helmets
>trukk has a crane
They're just here to fix that pothole Commisar
I always had fun painting Boyz.
>rear ends sticking out fifty miles from the body
thicc boyz
You sure? The whole Eldar and Imperials being best buddies for realsies this time,
the DEldar being forced to be /d/egenerate assclowns that actually don't want to torture innocents, it sounds like the lore is getting a bit friendlier for the younger crowds.
Shit did you hear about all these blisters for pewter models GW is putting out? They're one piece and just slot into a base! They are trying to get braindead children to buy their game