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>How to Jumpchain
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>JumpChain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>no edition
Shamefur dispray.
He'll be available in only a few hours.
Hope you saved your quartz.
Thank you Gilgamesh for the very nice presents.
You can keep your fruity golden living definition of Egomania.
I'll stick to the poisoned flower of the night.
I'm saving for Okita.
Good Taste confirmed.
>It's already a Fate thread
I wish I had something controversial and argument-starting to post.
Dammit! I didn't
We could dig up PrincessAnon if you really want.
Uh. Could give Slaanesh capstone suggestions?
How does Slaanesh feel about elven puberty butt honey?
What jumps have the best butt honey?
Alternatively, what perks let you poop things besides poop?
Go make a replacement jump. Or crowdsource it with the thread.
I wish, I suck at Gacha type games in general and when I look at everyone else's level when you choose a guest servant, I feel bad since I'm still at like lvl. 10 and others are already at 30 and higher.
I don't know what I'm doing at all.
As it's a "Liberty" which you're already supposed to have paid for with a "Restriction", why not just state that while mechanically you build for each jump as normal, the backgrounds you picked then combine to affect your insertion into the merged setting?
E.g. I decide to Combine the jumps "007" and "Halo", picking the MI5 Support and Pureblood origins respectively. I find myself in a secret world of magic and espionage, where young wizards learn to become as the next generation of Secret Aurors to defend Queen and Wizarding World, in the hopes of passing the NEWTs to receive a license to Avadra Kedavra and fight the evil forces of SPECTRE (Sorcerers Pushing Entire Control of Totally Ruling Everything). My family has covertly assigned me to assist the famous The-Agent-Who-Lived and prevent any attempts on his life from succeeding.
...You guys aren't letting that one die, huh
Bleh. That should be "007" and "Harry Potter".
That can not be real.
There is an event soon? How do you know?
I actually do have like a dozen ultra-barebone-skeletons for replacement Jumps, but I'll probably never finish any of them
Shouldn't have been an SBer.
I'm pretty sure the whole point behind the Alt-Chain supplement was so that you can fudge the basic ideas presented there whatever way you want to.
Because it's hilarious, silly, and disgusting. It's hard to forget.
Kamidori is the only jump with butt honey, unless you count Aphid dew.
Also there are no such perks.
Slaanesh gives a resounding "meh". The jumpmaker begs you to give a different suggestion.
Everyone on Veeky Forums are secretly pirates.
We cannot resist the call of booty!
Surprise! It is real.
Post them later when the thread is in auto-sage, or when we're already shitstorming.
I dunno having your fluids taste like sweets/drugs, maybe with a side of addiction, would fit Slaaneshi daemons perfectly. Nevermind that it'd essentially make you some kinda succubus.
Making you a master in the art of surprise pleasure.
Perks that make your children awesome, fucking and perfection in the same perk without being lewd.
Some sort of biomancy?
I think it's funny that you brazenly try and plan out your next shitpost in front of everyone.
Got some plans for Dresden Files, but I can't remember: has anyone (preferably a mortal practitioner) shown transmutation of non-living matter? I know Lea made their clothes into the weird armor that they wore to Chichen Itza, but that was fucky fae magic and came undone at noon.
Picking an origin from each jump sounds reasonable. I'll see about working it in the next iteration.
Something about making people experience extreme senses through a touch or empowering yourself on them to extreme levels? or having your mere presence lower their inhibitions?
I tried.
Super rock'n roll powers.
Ok, stop with that. It was fun at first, but is getting on my nerves.
...Well then.
>An alternative possibility I was playing with was having each jump contribute 500 CP to the total. If the idea of losing out on CP in exchange for combining settings for writing reasons
Why not just make jump choices separately (with CP working as normal) for the jumps you wish to combine, and that merge the jumps settings together somehow to writefag what happens. And I wouldn't be opposed to the time combining either. If you want a setting enough to merge jumps to do it, presumably it is one you'd like enough to stay longer.
Perks are inatly lewd.
Some being more powerful than you is making you pay them to shove powers deep into you.
>is getting on my nerves.
Telling him this makes him post more. He gets off on you being upset because he's a shriveled raisin of a human being.
Is that really worth a capstone? I mean, maybe something like Overlords Slimes ability to produce drugs and potions... On the other hand, don't really like suggesting things from other jumps.
So where are the "You don't get bored" perk? Or something similar? I found a really good combo, but it might need something like that for maximum effect.
A 200CP perk is fleshcrafting.
One of their freebies lets your body naturally produce drugs, and a 100CP perk makes it so things around you become way more of a euphoric rush. So you're covered.
See above.
See above. I also have an Aura of Lust perk which lowers inhibitions.
It's a 100CP perk, and a 50CP perk lets you heighten a hobby which can include rock and roll.
...I can see it. Consider it a capstone.
Being good enough to make their pupils turn into hearts?
Something that will let you make people beautiful and powerful. I.E, transform them into crazy twisted brainwashed abominations.
Ultimate seduction perk.
Ultimate cult leader perk.
Combination of the above?
One of the warhammer fantasy jumps have one.
I think it was either the ogre or orc one.
Elite Dangerous has a couple too I think.
As a rule, if they aren't born with it or get it through CP, then it doesn't count as 'natural' for growth purposes.
I am going to have to leave in about 20 minutes, if you have any more questions please don't hesitate to send them my way.
Joy, maybe. The ability to take pleasure in anything you do and just keep really chipper? Maybe strong enough to pass onto people around you?
Based around her as being a Chaos God of pleasure, not just extreme or sexual pleasure but all pleasure even innocent forms of it.
Doesn't feel good enough for a capstone though, sorry.
The Symbiote jump. It think there's another somewhere but I can't recall.
Odds of that demon having a dick
>Uh. Could give Slaanesh capstone suggestions?
Uhhh... Do we have already have something to plunge others into the kind of obsessiveness Slaanesh cultists get up to? Also, maybe something based on the Masque?
Anyway, speaking of Slaanesh, when you eventually get to Daemon Prince stuff, could we get the option to merge with our a bike (and other gear) like Doomrider?
Burning hair would be cool too.
At least 200%.
30% or so, Slaanesh likes variety and to keep you guessing.
It's one of Slaanesh's user, of course it does.
Is that really a thing? I mean, I can't think of much mention of children relating to Slaanesh, and certainly don't really think of "broodmothers" and whatnot when I hear of them. Also, we have plenty of perks which are lewd, such as in Fallout and Demons of Astlan.
What are the odds that the powerful progeny perk will cause your kids to have magic in the womb?
Weren't the Daemonculaba made by a Slaaneshi Spehss Marine?
Invader Zim has one too, I think.
100% chance of it having both.
Iron Warriors, unfortunately.
Are you just going through the story?
If you get good supports, you can power through the Ember Gathering dailies of a higher level than you should be at, which tends to give you a Master level up (and AP refill) in 1~2 runs, which lets you get a really high Master level (and thus more AP to use) and a fuckton of high-level EXP cards really fast. Keep in mind that feeding your Servants EXP cards of the same class as them gives bonus EXP.
Makes doing the plot again annoying though, since the only way to get more AP until the story XP catches up with you is to wait.
It's Red. She's a sheltered little bitch, and the chances she puts lewd anything in her jump are almost nil.
Welp, last thread's few bait responses mean Timmy's on the prowl.
Keep your lanterns up boys, he hates light.
>Last thread
He's already hard at work in this one. He's still butthurt from how alone he was yesterday.
A perk that causes you to improve at unbelievable speed at everything you do with no upper limits at the cost of becoming unable to perform below your absolute peak using the effects of this perk. In a thousand years you'll be cooking meals so good that a god would go insane the instant it touched their tongue... but you can't apply the level of ability gained from this perk to cook anything below that level of intensity and perfection.
I've got a super beauty perk. Not a capstone, but it's there. Seduction perk may not be worth capstone, unless I swap out the seduction and beauty and beef up beauty to be capstone worthy.
...actually shit, I might do that. Just need one more capstone.
I've got an impulse cranker and a hell of a temptation perk, that almost feels like it'd cover the obsession. Also, yes and yes.
I feel like I should apologize for not going after low-hanging fruit. Oh well.
That's essentially what I've been doing. Just about to finish France at level 40
Given how things happened for Piper and Wyatt, if you want for the child to demonstrate some magic from the womb, then that should be fine.
Just remember that everything Wyatt while in the womb was either defensive or relatively benign. But you do whatever is good for you, user.
'Fraid this is going to have to be my last post today. Good night everyone. I'll have a look-see when I get up and answer any questions about Charmed I see. See you.
It's not shitposting just because you say it is. If the jump is open to replacement then there's nothing wrong with replacing it.
>he said, about jumps that aren't open to replacement
I like Brother_user's suggestion here :
>Joy, maybe. The ability to take pleasure in anything you do and just keep really chipper? Maybe strong enough to pass onto people around you?
>Based around her as being a Chaos God of pleasure, not just extreme or sexual pleasure but all pleasure even innocent forms of it.
>Doesn't feel good enough for a capstone though, sorry.
All of the skeletons I mentioned are for Jumps that aren't open for replacement. Although a some of them have Jumpmakers that have been absent for months, years in one case
A perk about being happy and making those around you happy.
Well, that's something I don't need at all. Ignore my little tear.
is there any perks or items that let me copy lots of books? I want to copy the library from doctor who without the tiny spores.
For an almost god-tier jumper hwow difficult is the hardest drawback on steven universe jump? (in the rough)
Meh. The whole point of being a parent is to make your children awesome. Having a perk for it seems like cheating but I guess that's what perks are.
Charmed has a power for that I think.
There are dozens of jumps that ARE open to replacement. Go replace those instead and make a name for yourself for doing good replacements.
Hrm. You think I could make it different from this?
-Euphoric Rush (100CP): What’s the point of pursuing perfection and pleasure if you’re the only one who feels it? What’s the point of being the only one who enjoys things at a party? There is no point, it’s akin to a candle in an open room. Better to turn it into a blaze and let the fires of passion consume everyone. You can do this by making it so those around you get a much greater rush or high when they’re around you, making a drug that gives a slight boost in pleasure become a high so great they could swear they were seeing the faces of the gods. You could turn just about any pleasurable act into a higher form of itself, and even imbue someone with that heightened sense of pleasure for a period of time. Just be prepared for when it fades and they come crawling back to you, seeking that pleasure again. Unless of course, that is what you want…
Or should I just merge it with the beauty capstone?
It's still unclear, we haven't seen the Homeworld's full strength. We do know they can travel faster than light, some of their stronger soldiers are basically like the Hulk if the Hulk didn't have to stay angry to be super strong and their weapons are hyperspecialised for dealing with other gems.
Fairy Tail has Archive Magic. I'm not familiar with the source material, but if Archive Magic can't archive shit, then what the fuck is it for?
I wouldn't know. Even if either of the jumpmakers were still around to weigh in, we still know nothing about White Diamond.
Until which came after you, how would you even have known what the jumps were?
Maybe something based on the whole thing with She Who Thirsts devouring the souls of the Eldar and Dark Eldar? Draining life force and drinking souls?
Is there even a White Diamond?
>get perk that you never get bored
>get perk that you never get tired
>get perk that you don't need sustenance
>miss your next jump because you started playing tetris and never stopped
Based on the white portion of each Homeworld symbol, everyone assumes there is, but nobody really knows.
Isn't it 'magic internet you can also use as shield?'
>Are you just going through the story?
Yeah, I just want to get through the story, I don't really care for the servants themselves as long as i think they're decent enough to get through it. That and my lack of taste doesn't really get me to do the whole reroll thing. But hey, I got Martha for the free 10 rolls, that sounds good, to me at least.
>If you get good supports, you can power through the Ember Gathering dailies of a higher level than you should be at, which tends to give you a Master level up (and AP refill) in 1~2 runs, which lets you get a really high Master level (and thus more AP to use) and a fuckton of high-level EXP cards really fast. Keep in mind that feeding your Servants EXP cards of the same class as them gives bonus EXP.
I played the JP Ver. before my emulator couldn't run on my PC, then on my Phone till it decided that memory space was taking too much. That one is lost forever, so now I'm doing this.
I knew the same types would give them more, but I never knew anything about these embers, is it those red quest things with the green cubes?
>Makes doing the plot again annoying though, since the only way to get more AP until the story XP catches up with you is to wait.
I'm pretty bad since I can't play a gacha game for more than 10 min. a day since I'm hooked on Warframe on my PS4, I just finished farming a whole set for Mag Prime and am just a systems away from Rhino Prime. Until I realized I only have one slot left and I don't know have to trade shit for Platinum.
I wasted all that starting Platinum on Limbo after I got a discount for anything in the shop because he looked cool, I didn't even know what I was doing.
Shit like this is why I wanna bash my head in for not knowing/ making all these stupid decisions.
But at least Limbo's rework was a nice surprise when everything about him changed, he's real fun.
Now I'm rambling, fuck it, I lack taste what do I know.
Maybe something with species/blood-debts? Applying your curses to whole races or families?
But I don't like any of the settings that have Jumps open for replacement. All of the Jumps I want to replace are because I find the existing ones lacking.
You ever ask anyone else if anyone WANTS those replaced
Because personally, the only one that springs to my mind is Hellblazer
Khorne is sick of this shit.
I did! But only barely. I was about ready to blow my wad trying to get Nero after finishing up Rome. Gilgamesh, Atalante, Lancelot, all of them I'm looking forward to maybe getting, and I have five 10x rolls ready. I'm probably not gonna get them, but I'll try anyways! I checked a video and him using Gate of Babylon for his basic attacks is too cool.
I can tell you masturbate to this idea, just because you think it'll kill us.
cuz nobody else matters :^)
Brother_user, something that came up while I was making a build.
Humans thing is that they can choose to be Good or Evil, right?
I was looking a making a Human-Demon twice-blessed of Evil alignment. The Black sheep thing is a problem because the humans are stuck in neutral, even though they are not a magical race.
Could you make it so half- humans don't need Black Sheep to be good or evil if the other half is the appropriate alignment?
Hum. Would need to make it worthy of capstone stuff, any suggestions?
I have something like it.
-Lord of Aesthetics (Slaanesh Only): To follow in the footsteps of Slaanesh is to chase the definition of perfection. It is a goal that seems to never be reached, but the pursuit of that goal is capable of transforming even the most unkempt and disgusting mortal into a being that is as terrifying as they are hauntingly beautiful. This even extends to the wargear that followers of Slaanesh possess, meticulously altering and shaping their equipment until it is as beautiful as they are. You share in this pursuit, finding that methods to hone your body or your equipment are tremendously increased in effectiveness and also seems to naturally lend itself to what you consider to be beautiful. This has the benefit of making the equipment effectively change to suit your fighting style over time, as well as creating a perfect tool to bring others to your fold. After all, pleasure and beauty is meant to be shared with others so all may experience it.
Thanks for stopping by.
That looks really good as it is.
I think he thinking of something like that, but a bit more innocent. Less euphoria and more joy.
Maybe a standalone perk that allows you to be a nice Slanneshi worshipper? Letting you give without making people addicted, making people feel genuinely fulfilled rather than just stimulated?
Do you have something written up for the Beauty capstone yet? Or is it something that's just come up?
Can I make a drug that gives them pleasure in not doing drugs?