Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Weebs are killing Tau edition

>Veeky Forumshammer 40k discord server

>FAQ (New FAQ), questionable rules lore wise:


>Designer's Commentary (FAQ 0.1)

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>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf(and epub), SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Old crap

>List Builder
Canceled like the Dark Angels Heterosexual Speed Dating Night.

>WIP Math-hammer doc

Need opinions: Tallarn vs. Valhallan for my armored/mech gaurd army? Not using either original infantry models.

>questionable rules lore wise
Keep crying bitch nigger

Who says T'au players don't paint their models?

How do Space wolves play? I'm facing them for the first time tomorrow.

>Can't paint this well, better call him names!

Tallarn don't use that many tanks overall, so valhallan might be better

>Weebs are killing Tau
No that would be Culexus.

Join me!
On a serious note tallarns are based off of British SAS in Africa while valhallans are space Russians, both had their share of mechanized and well equipped infantry squads so it boils down to what you like the look of better

Can depend on the player and what they have. Expect Wulfen and potentially their flyers since they are strong. Longfangs could quite likely be in the list as well. TWC may or may not be used.

I can put decals on plastic too, that's not special

wewlad good one

The other thread is only on page 6Don't blow your load too early. Don't start stupid threadwars.

Tallarn are known for armored divisions. Largest tank battle in history was fought on their home planet.

Alright, I'm expanding my Tyranids army and I can go three ways:
>1 - Gunline - Pick up more Hive Guard and some Exocrines
- Pro - most like my guard
- Con - most like my guard, which defeats the purpose of a side army
>2 - Medium Bugs Only - Warriors as troops, Tyrant Guard as shocktrooper, Raveners as surprise assault etc.
- Pro - Relatively elite and easy to paint
- Con - Fugging expensive, and I'm not good enough at blustuff to cast.
>3 - Mass Gribblies
- Pros - Relatively strong this edition
- Cons - WAACfaggy, bunch to paint, and not very enjoyable.

Like all of the good parts of csm and SM wrapped together. They can take imperium anything for shooting and have great choppy potential.

Medium or Big Bugs

You play guard, you already do Gun Line and Masses of cheap bodies

I have five of the old trukks still, they are much smaller than the new ones but much cheaper and easy to transport. Has anyone had any problems with using older models, especially ones that are sized differently? Could I take them to a tourney?

What do your tanks look like?

Death Company Dreadnought with twin Furioso fists, two Heavy Flames, and smoke launchers. Yes or no?

If not, what's the loadout you think would work best?

Yes. Rerolling hits. Put it in a Stormraven so it always be in combat.

said fuck these gay intercessors squads and turned my primaris into taticals. considering the sergeant could not take power fist or thunder hammers they were basically the most un my dude things ever.

What's the deal with the Renegades army list? It says we get medusa's and medusa batteries, yet neither exist. Do the Armageddon and Carriage variants count?

Don't have a lot of pictures but generally a spiky pattern like in the picture.
I didn't give a camo to the sentinels as I'd imagine them to be so cheap camo isn't worth wasting time on

wew sounds pretty awesome to me, though expensive points-wise. Heavy flamers do work too, if you roll well you can just massacre some guys, I've seen even MEQ units completely eat shit to heavy flamers, a squad of 5 MEQ guys like devs or havocs will almost definitely wipe to 2x heavy flamers, even a squad of 10 like CSM or noise marines will get really fucked up by them

Aren't those guys all snap-fit or something?

things like this never stopped fabious.

One last very old pic of how it works on the tabletop

Is it wrong that I want to see that Dreddie just fuckin' shrek those tanks?

Does anyone have the primaris marine booklet that came with DI that can upload a picture of the alternate chapters they can be painted or tell me if there's any new primaris only dark angel successor chapter

Is this somewhat decent on a semi-casual level. 1250 points.
Spearhead Formation.
Grand Master -162
Storm bolter // Nemesis force halberd

Purgation Squad -177
4x Gatling Psicannon
Purgation Squad -177
4x Gatling Psicannon
Purgation Squad -177
4x Gatling Psicannon

Strike Squad 10 man unit 210
Stormbolters // Nem force halberds
Strike Squad 10 man unit 210
Stormbolters // Nem force halberd

Castellan Crowe // Assassin of choice.
It seems pretty damn alpha strikey, but hey why not I guess. 48 shots per purgation squad a turn at 24" re-rolling 1's with the Grandmaster around, its decent I hope as a thought.


hey, I'm trying to work out a 3 player scenario that's a bit different from the one in the book - thinking of having Player A start in the middle of the board and players B and C start at opposite ends. Player A gets more points, but I'm trying to work out how much more... any thoughts? I'm trying to have the most powerful army sandwhiched between two smaller ones who will come into conflict after they've downsized the larger force

For victory conditions, thinking either Kill Points, or 1-2 centrally-located objectives.

lolololololol RUSSED

The middle fucks are primaris only.

fuck man why no rotate

i'm lazy, and i took the picture with my phone.

Anybody have a link to the new farsight novel?

Nice, thanks user exactly what I was looking for

is there a collection of 40k Audio books anywhere?

Are blight drones worth taking? And if so how many?

Not even Primaris marines are safe from the yourdudes autism crowd.

Anyone else think lightning claws and by extension power fists, look retarded as fuck?

This was really the best they could come up with?

Warp talons look a lot better with theirs.

Try audiobookbay.me

Meh, I've got a bigger problem with muh giant shoulder than I do with muh giant gloves

WAACfags might complain about M4A but if you can add some bits to extend the profile to the newer dimensions even they cant bitch, but for casual games I dont see it being an issue

Not really though the ones in that particular image look incredibly oversized because they're terminator claws on a standard assault marine.

Troof, these are what the normals look like.

funny, but in my experience none of the tanks can actually fight in combat since they mostly hit on 5s or 6s but they are annoying to be locked in combat with for a turn

>YFW you realize that's not 3 black dudes on one white girl, it's one white guy on three black girls


Why yes I want Ultrasmurfs with a chapter symbol that is next to impossible to paint well.

>i can't tell who's BLACKing who anymore

The FW ones are pretty decent at hunting light multi wound models, same as the GW ones, but at a longer range. A GW drone is much more likely to end up getting squished by a fex or dread in combat, because it has to be very close. If you face a lot of those, pay the points for to FW one.

I never understood this maymay

Unfunny forced normie meme. It's like Joe Biden memes only it makes even less sense.

They're about to be imperial fisted.

Good fucking God this image makes me so fucking angry. Who the hell puts a single ripper on a 25mm base? Like what the fuck were they thinking?

The dude sprinkles salt like a super cool dude (tm) and it looks funny because it's overdramatic.

I never notice it till now.
Delete this.

>been painting models for 20+ years

Today I tried out a simple wet palette: plastic plate + wet papertowel + parchment paper.


Total game changer. I've had a glob of paint on this bitch for 4 hours now and it's still wet.

On my tried and true dry palette my paint would typically last about 10 minutes before scabbing over and I would stir water into it with a toothpick.

Why have I never tried this before.

I'm kind of new to 40k and I want to start an army, but the only fluff that caught my eye was Rogue Traders, so I thought it might be cool to start a Rogue Trader army. I'm just not sure how to go about it. I'm guessing it would be a mix of Imperial Guard and Imperial Agents with an Inquisitor to play the Rogue Trader, but what else? Tempestus Scions because they have the money to afford the top quality troops? I'm guessing they'd deploy from a ship, so lots of Aircraft? Can Space Marines be attached to a RT?

What exactly would a fluffy Rogue Trader army look like?

I saw a video about that and definitely want to try it

Smart people? Like the people who put 1-3 scarabs on a scarab base.

You get more units from a single model that way.

1/10 I replied but I'm not mad

Since GW took down the army builder. Anyone try Battle Scribe; or is a convoluted mess still?

Rogue Traders don't have armies they have space ships.

I guess the closest thing would be an inquisitor and a bunch of inquisitor acolytes and other random imperial guys like a psyker and a tech priest.

Rogue traders are just inquisitors with none of the official power

Still ugly and still looks like shit. Doesn't stop people from using it though

Why are they rolling right into the middle of their minis? That's going to knock into something!

GK player here, gatling psilencers are Dreadknight only. In my opinion, you're better off taking Psycannons in most situations as you'll be more likely to wound with them. otherwise I would definitely give this list a try, might have some fun.

So when will GW realize that making the 2 plastic IG regiments be ultrageneric that any other company can easily ripoff with their own sculpts is dumb for business?

Why not a redemptionist/cawdor themed IG army or a mad max dark future IG army that can easily be used as loyalist or renegade?

Obviously they'll keep Death Korps as FW only but they could easily do a new IG regiment that isn't a blatant ripoff of one or more historical armies that everyone else can blatantly ripoff as well.

>convoluted mess

People who suggest otherwise are memers like the people who meme that powerlevels are the superior gaming method or that tau are more anime than eldar.

Because when you polarize the way the model looks, you also polarize the player base.

Some will love it, most will hate it and get their models somewhere else.

Tau are more anime than Eldar but Eldar are more nipponese than Tau. I thought we already settled this.

Every time someone tries to explain how tau are more anime

The only thing they can come up with is gundams. No one doubts they have the gundam angle but that's the only thing remotely jap about them. Gundams aren't even anime, they're jap.

Meanwhile eldar have numerous jap influences.

Honestly I don't see any army as being "anime" unless by anime you mean jap.

Basically use the inquistors and add in some adeptus mechanicus and some ministorium troops and you basically got the basis of a rogue trader "army". Oh and plenty of abhumans like Ogryns and Ratlings and Squats because why not.

That's of course assuming you aren't going full heretical and don't have some eldar or ork pirates as crew members.

I've had the same paint mixes for the past five, six weeks.
Mix a tiny drop of airbrush flow improver in with it (if you're not already thinning your paints with the stuff)
It will NEVER dry out as long you you just put a lid on it when you're done.

They seriously need to consider making generic troops with optional upgrade kits, R&H drew a big enough crowd to warrant throwing them a bone so why not?

Any chance in hell we'll see Deathwing Knights all Primaris upped?

Jap =! anime but anime = jap. Anime is a subset of jap. So Tau lean more heavily to subset anime of jap but overall Eldar have more dominance over the complete set. Both are shit factions so who cares?



I guess if by anime you mean 80s as fuck like Jojo or Gurren Lagan levels of over the top

let's see, last guard minis was Vostroyan Firstborn
in 2006 i think and they were metal. it is weird how GW never got around to making them in plastic (ignoring SoB for the moment). i guess it's the same weird case where they think no one will buy them?

The short answer is Tau are an easy target and widely hated online, not sure about in person offline though.

I played a game against a solid 9/10 girl today

Wrecked her marines with my orks and felt bad after

Not for a while m8

Fuck, so I have to make things by hand until the ab40k guys or GW get something out? that blows.

From how it sounds in the Dark Imperium book every single primaris marine is getting sent to work in random chapters. So no, I wouldn't imagine we'll see existing units get primarised, I'd imagine we'll see various new units that are supposed to compliment the existing units

I thought Rogue Traders explore and conquer new worlds. How do they conquer without armies?
>That's of course assuming you aren't going full heretical and don't have some eldar or ork pirates as crew members.
That sounds pretty cool, but you can't have non-Imperium units in an Imperium army right?

Thanks for the other suggestions.

Good, she'll fear the greenskin menace and bond better with her brothers in future attempts to purge them.

That's completely different though, you get 12 scarabs and 3 40mm bases per kit that comes with them. With rippers you get ONE with a sculpt dependant on the kit but end up with an extra 40mm base in every fucking kit. The only reason you'd have a ripper on a 25mm is because you didn't build one of your Gaunts and even then that's not even fucking legal because every unique ripper sculpt from GW is on a 40mm
I'm just so MAD


If one rogue trader ship showed up in orbit above earth right now they could conquer earth easily just with the ship alone. Same holds true for planets without high tech in their timeline too

They don't conquer they explore, wheel, deal, smuggle, etc.

Han Solo from Star Wars and Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly are essentially rogue traders.


Built one of FW's Artemia hellhounds today lads. Anyone who's waiting for GW's to come back into stock, consider it. Not bad at all to go together and it looks great all covered in stowage.

The only time rogue traders are involved in conquering a planet is when they've been pressed into service for the imperium and transporting guard regiments.

On a side note, i fucking love rippers now, i have something like 21 ripper bases and that's maybe 250 pts for 3 21 wound movement blockers/obj grabbers. I just love it.

Depends on the ship. Shitty, tiny old vessel with a skeleton crew and disgraced Rogue Trader? Not unless they got some weird tricks up their sleeves.

40k tech level is good, but remember that they're essentially picking up the pieces from those that came before them--except touching the pieces is illegal and they also might try to kill you or open a portal to Hell.

Just picking up 40k. Thoughts on this 500 point list and where to go from here?

Captain - Bolt Pistol, Power Sword

Tactical Squad (5x) - Combi-Flamer, Power Axe, Grav-Cannon
Tactical Squad (5x) - Combi-Flamer, Power Axe, Grav-Cannon

Razorback - TL Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter
Razorback - TL Assault Cannon, Storm Bolter

500/ 500 points.

Looks fine to me. What chapter are you going to collect

Unless the ship has literally zero orbit to ground weapons earth would be completely fucked. The grand sum of 2017's anti-orbital weaponry would be like a couple thousand missiles that the ship could easily detect being launched and just withdraw away from.

What's the cheesiest, beardiest, gamiest thing you've ever done?

For me it was 4th edition I think, had 4 scarab bases that I turboboosted turn 1 at my opponents land raider.

Being swarms they got a 3++ cover save. Failing to destroy them, I proceed to assault the raider and obliterate it in a single round of combat.

No Idea atm. Keeping my options open. Sort of leaning Ultramarines; though I know they are the "default" chapter. But I have never seen them the 4 times I've visited the local GW.