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What classic concepts have you played? How did you make them your own?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What classic concepts have you played? How did you make them your own?
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There's people that do?
I prefer text-only because I have issues on voice where I accidentally interrupt people all the time and then no one can hear. I try not to but it always seems to happen.
Mutes, for one.
Mate its /pfg/
We're all text only aspies here.
Text only is superior for online gameplay unless you type at like 80 wpm.
Anyone have the Interface Zero 2.0 pdf? Haven't seen it in any of the troves.
What kind of backstory for characters is your favorite?
>implying I ever want to hear your cracking, raspy, annoying voices in the sanctity of my own home
At least when it's text only I only have to deal with stupid typing quirks.
>people in pfg unironically have typing quirks
Please god not like this
Is anyone else having trouble downloading anything off of the Trove. I have tried both downloading as a .zip and via Mega Downloader but gets stuck at 99% and Downloader keeps changing to 0.00 KB. If anyone has a fix some help would be seriously useful.
Have you tried downloading them individually instead of as a ZIP? 99% generally means it's 'finalizing' or some shit.
Good idea i'll give it a shot.
This is why you shouldn't play with Espanol, /pfg/. He started a new paid Iron God game in place of Shattered Star.
>paid games
This concept will never not make me sick.
What if the payment is in nut milk?
What part of "never" is unclear?
Not even then!
>WotR gametime expected to be Wednesdays
How does this change things?
Since the PoW errata in June, is it correct to say that disciplines relaxed on their discipline weapon requirements? They removed specific lines from Broken Blade, Iron Tortoise, Scarlet Throne, Solar Wind, and Steel Serpent in regard to certain restrictions.
From the favorites it completely cuts out:
Partially cuts off:
The remaining favorites are all central, mountain, or pacific time zones so the early start and end could fuck with them, too.
>3 hour time slot every other week
They're never going to get out of book 1.
He's also el Espanol so
I don't think you appreciate how desperate people are for a taste of high-powered character building.
Level 4, 30 PB, Mythic and Gestalt is a combination you're only going to see once a year, and after glutting ourselves on Level 3, 25 PB with/without Gestalt we're kind of getting desperate for the higher level stuff.
Shit, look at Journey to the West with their level 10 gestalt, it took place in Tian Xia and it still got some hefty interest for a culture 90% of us only have a pop understanding of. I can guarantee you, I can guarantee to everyone, that a campaign ran using WotR CharGen or even JttW CharGen set in Avistan will produce memes the likes of which we haven't seen yet.
>That super early session end
I guess Tuv's parents gave him an early curfew.
>Shit, look at Journey to the West with their level 10 gestalt, it took place in Tian Xia and it still got some hefty interest for a culture 90% of us only have a pop understanding of. I can guarantee you, I can guarantee to everyone, that a campaign ran using WotR CharGen or even JttW CharGen set in Avistan will produce memes the likes of which we haven't seen yet.
Hell, I'd just like to see a game set in the Ensoulment setting without the high-brow philosophical focus.
How cheesy would it be to combine the Id Rager archetype with the Pride phantom, use this ability
>Flagrant Disregard (Ex): As a swift action, the phantom can gain a +2 bonus on all attack rolls while taking a –1 penalty to AC for 1 round. For every 4 points of base attack bonus the phantom has, this bonus on attack rolls increases by 1 and the penalty to AC increases by 1.
alongside Power Attack and Furious Focus with a two-handed weapon to get -1 to hit/+5 to damage for every four points of BaB I have? At level 20 that's like -5/+25 to damage isn't it?
If we go with gestalt memes should I tack on Two-handed Fighter as well?
>WotR gametime expected to be Wednesdays
How so?
>I can guarantee you, I can guarantee to everyone, that a campaign ran using WotR CharGen or even JttW CharGen set in Avistan will produce memes the likes of which we haven't seen yet.
Can confirm, Journey to the West was a campaign I had absolutely zero interest in joining yet I built about five separate characters for it simply because the CharGen was something I rarely, if ever, get to see.
>Expected gametime is Wednesdays 6:30 PM-9:30 PM GMT -5, though not fixed yet.
Why not dedication? Foes foolish enough to damage you have to deal with your +2 attack bonus against them and a size category damage increase.
Because THIS ability
>Overwhelming Confidence (Su): When the spiritualist reaches 12th level, as long as the phantom is immune to fear effects from its resolve ability, any morale bonuses affecting the phantom are doubled. If the phantom loses its immunity to fear, all doubled morale bonuses that are affecting the phantom are instead applied as penalties for the remainder of their duration or until the phantom regains its immunity to fear (whichever comes first).
is super cheesy with Bloodrager. Hello, +12 to STR/CON and +6 to Will saves!
>though not fixed yet
Do Id Ragers get the phantom's Resolve as part of Pride emotional focus? For that matter, would an Id Rager get the phantom's Iron Will from taking Dedication?
Even so, what happens when you inevitably miss an attack or skill check? Suddenly your rage turns into a huge debuff, you have to cancel it, and then you're fatigued, right? And you can't use rage again for at least an hour. Doesn't make it bad, but there is risk/reward.
It's massively high risk but extremely high reward, which I love. Also, yes, I DO believe you get Resolve, you just don't get the slam attacks or armor bonus.
As a gesture of alliance between your people and a monstrous tribe, your character is supposed to pick one, preferably more, of their number as consorts.
Keep in mind, these aren't monstergirls. They're probably not even recognizable as female at first glance. Not choosing any is offensive, and may leave them feeling like this alliance is off to an inauspicious start.
How do you proceed?
I pick the one with the best personality of course.
Monstrous in what way?
>Iron God starts with a hunt for Baine
How much Baneposting will we see?
Hardly any. Baneposting that's not ironic baneposting isn't even worth baneposting about.
are switch hitter rangers still good? what feats do I take to be a good melee ranger?
Meet a few of the available ladies, try to get a feel for what they're about, and make a decision based on who can help strengthen our ties and secure tertiary benefits. If we need this alliance, then one man having to take a monstrous consort or two is hardly a dealbreaker, even if the man in question is me. And who knows, maybe we'll hit it off.
As in "giant frog with opposable thumbs" or "giant iguana roughly molded into a humanoid shape". At best, you're getting something warm-blooded, like a gnoll.
I'd fuck a Gnoll. Hell, I'd fuck a giant iguana if the parts were right and she stood upright.
It's for the people. Pretty sure I don't have to get intimidate with them, and if I do, just think of the crown. We... are talking about characters in Pathfinder, right?
>"giant frog with opposable thumbs" or "giant iguana roughly molded into a humanoid shape". At best, you're getting something warm-blooded, like a gnoll.
>implying people wouldn't fuck these things
Less that, more this.
Still feeling randy, hero?
You underestimate humanity's resolve, user.
Hey that's pretty cute
This is Veeky Forums. It's someone's fetish.
Jokes on you, user. If that's my consort, all she'll be doing is laying eggs I have to jizz on. No penetration needed!
Imagine the children you'd get from such a union!
Polymorph muhfugga
Holy shit, Iron Gods already has 9 apps when it only came up yesterday.
Y'all are some thirsty motherfuckers.
Only the thirstiest, user.
It's not that hard to make a character and most are just [WIP] place holders.
What happens if you make a ring of antimagic?
Does it act like a strobe light and basically always be on but flickering, still enough to work?
Or does it just not do anything?
Are there any wizard or alchemist archetypes that deal with technology? Also, which do you think would fit someone that has an obsession with tech best?
Given that Antimagic Field doesn't suppress itself, a ring should be equally capable of functioning within its own function.
There's only three actual apps.
>Also, which do you think would fit someone that has an obsession with tech best?
Alchemist, easily.
You are like a baby
Yes, that is 20 pages. One that stands out on the first page is this
Wizard has the Spellslinger archetype, if you want to give up spell slots for applying the enhancement bonus of your gun to the DC of rays, lines and cones, or you can sacrifice more spells to enhance your bullets.
Alchemist gets nothing.
Technologist Archetype.
Shit no outside of pure fluff. Nobody really does tech well because tech eats ass. I guess construct rider works.
There's also a Psychic Discipline based around tech.
>Shit, look at Journey to the West with their level 10 gestalt, it took place in Tian Xia and it still got some hefty interest for a culture 90% of us only have a pop understanding of. I can guarantee you, I can guarantee to everyone, that a campaign ran using WotR CharGen or even JttW CharGen set in Avistan will produce memes the likes of which we haven't seen yet.
Okay, I'm listening.
What kind of plot would you guys want for a campaign on level 11 gestalt, 30 PB with Mythic later in the campaign?
One with a non-frogposting DM.
You are like little baby, the question still stands!
Privateers or Vigilante superheroes
As much as I like pirates and shit, those seem a little mundane for level 11 30 PB gestalt with Mythic.
People have managed to turn purgatory into a technological paradise, then the death gods got their shit together and reclaimed the plane.
Players are recently dead, have to fight their way through the layers of undeath, fighting half god half machine monsters intent on keeping them contained.
Each app must contain nine character flaws that can be manifested into bosses. When the bosses are defeated, they get to reforge the gods soul into new magical equipment to advance the fight out.
For the most part, people just live in purgatory, getting resurrected by lesser angels to continue their imprisonment. Players are causing too much chaos for their liking
Tell that to my Druid of the Storms/Cleric of Gozreh navigator
Nifty. If that's the style of play you're going for, it sounds cool. Also, there are items/features/ways to reroll or otherwise nullify failed checks/missed attacks, which would be quite helpful for this build. First thing that comes to mind is Fortunate Charm, it's an extremely cheap neck slot item that lets you reroll a failed check 1/day and take the second result. Even if you aren't a skill monkey, it might save you some pains.
Why not Heroes of Golarion? Players submit their applications to you via PM, and initially the only information you get of your partners in-game is through rumors, legends, gossip, all the things that make a hero more than just an exceptionally capable individual.
The campaign is roughly Avengers in style; each character is an exemplar - no, the SYMBOL of their nation, and by uniting with other national heroes they hunt down and destroy those that threaten Avistan or even Golarion.
Totally, that item is gonna be a good pick.
The greatest heist Golarion has ever heard of: we're gonna steal the Starstone!
Okay I'm going to post this silly idea here, stick around for 30 minutes, and then sleep before PLD starts
The Lazylord Otome Game Adventure Oneshot! Applications soft close Sunday night. Maybe sooner.
Friendly Reminder: 2hu officially banned from joining this game!
>My double full caster will prove my point
>only 2 hours of sleep before the game
Wist what are you doing.
Mythic pirates facing off against the most legendary creatures of maritime myth. Blackbeard rules the seven seas with an iron fist, his legend raising him to near divinity. Stories tell of a white whale, but it is hardly the greatest worry of these waters. The Kraken prowls northern waters, while Scylla and Charybdis threaten those who sail further south. Somewhere out here swims Leviathan, the crooked serpent, the dragon that is in the sea.Follow the horizon long enough and you will find the place where waves crash not upon some distant shore, but the jagged scales of Jormungandr himself. All set upon the chaotic and salty sea that is sleeping Tiamat.
>Papi getting a smug hair-wash
I don't remember this in the anime.
This pretty much just fucking ensoulment.
Don't do this.
Id Rager can't gain Pride
The final convocation of dragons has revealed a startling truth; Dahak is coming to Golarion to burn it all to cinder! Are you a bad enough dude to prepare the world - already on the brink of total war and devastation as increasingly apocalyptic disasters reign supreme - for his coming?
Double Full Caster is a really weak gestalt combo.
Why not? Higher level, higher PB, set in Golarion and private apps, it's hardly similar.
>QAnon already in
Wist tell us the truth, are you QAnon's daughter
Double fullcasting is terrible for gestalt, they don't add much to the other. Diminishing returns and all.
>Wist tell us the truth, are you QAnon's daughter
Lover actually.
>you cant make powerful pirates!
>except for that one, it doesnt count
it isnt even a strong gestalt combo
Nah, go antipaladin/sorcerer. Full casting only just behind wizard, solid HD and BAB, good saves on the ones that matter, and cranking your Cha boosts so many fun features it's not even funny.
Important question, I don't have to ERP right?
>"This isn't an ERP game"
Gee, I wonder which user has poor reading comprehension.
No, you can't ERP with Wist.
Ravioli ravioli don't lewd the cute loli
Well, sorcerer or Oracle. Depends on what you want, both are decent though.