I'm not gonna listen to a fucking frog poster!
Excuse me sir, but who are we fighting?
I have citizenship in /pol/, /k/ and /d/ as well. Can I abstain if we are going to war with any of them?
For glory
{spoiler} I've got myself in a similar predicament, except with a board on an entirely different website instead of /d/, Guess what it is.[/spoiler]
>/pol/ AND /d/
The degeneracy was inside of you all along!
C-cat board?
Well if we're talking board nationality, for me I'm also a /d/, /co/, /pol/ fag.
Also /pol/ was talking about the second meme war this morning against CNN that they have started, so that may be the war we're going in right now. /pol/ is crafting the memes and they want us to start spamming CNN's twitter with CNN memes where they get absolutely BTFO.
That's probably the war OP is talking about
Get completely and unendingly fucked.
I don't know who or what we're fighting but okay.
Who're we fighting?
With my IRL CON score of 6, you will not fail while I am hacking by your side.
Maybe the true enemy is our own self doubt?
I'll lose but I'll lose in style
Are we fighting shitposters?
If so, I'm not sure this helps.
Sooo... Reporting In thread?
>Druid standing by
Same as usual. Each other.
Not really a /pol/fag myself, but I too am a veteran of the Great Meme Wars. Was only slightly involved in the Great Trumpening, and fought in some unsuccesful campaigns in the Netherlands and France. Used to on an undisclosed location in /d/ after that, but the house turned on itself and things got ugly.
Maybe I should sit this battle out, I have the worst of luck when it comes to this stuff.
WIZARD!, standing by.
/k/ reporting in
I've been conjuring memes for over a year now. Murders need solving. Sides of beef need imprisoning. The hordes of chaos need to be purged from our lands.
/k/ and Veeky Forums reporting in.
I'm not a /pol/shit, but CNN has gone too far this time.
if you think i'm getting up in arms for a retarded redditor getting doxxed, /pol/ or no /pol/ i got news foryou
You are to become medic, tend to the injured indiscriminately and apply healing potions, red pills, cosmoline, and lubricant as necessary.
Because they put a redditer out in public who made the CNN video, forcing him to apologize or they would put his name out in the public light. Come on, if your getting assblasted by that, then you'll be happy that Trump wants everyone's voting information out for the public, which isn't that bad either.
>/pol/tards want us to go to "memewar" to protect their Reddit account details
Delete this thread. Delete /pol/. Delete Reddit.
fa/tg/uys play games steeped in anti-authority themes. D&D parties run on a meritocracy and fuck up the existing powers-that-be. There are more cyberpunk games than you can shake stick at. Warhammer and 40K are part of the anti-authority british comic lineage (Judge Dredd being the most obvious influence).
Fueldal /K/uardsman Here, and ready for melee in the name of the Fa/TG/uy
>Stand up against authority by siding with the President of the United States of America, a New York Congenital Billionaire TV star and member of the party with more Presidents than any other.
If he didn't want attention he wouldn't have been a Redditfag.
Go back.
You don't have to be a Trump supporter or other Republican to call out CNN for this shit. Like, if this actually is blackmail (which I doubt personally but stranger things have happened) then it's breaking federal law and they should be held accountable.
> mainstream media outlet threatens to publicize a private citizen's personal information, potentially endangering his livelihood, over a meme they find offensive
> they force him to apologize for creating the meme to begin with and /pol/posting on a dark humor subreddit
> they publicly state they will publicize his personal information if they do not approve of his behavior in the future
> the mainstream media outlet is entirely justified and its actions are moral by any rational standard
> there is no reason to assume the mainstream media outlet won't repeat this in the future, and this is completely acceptable
This is what you are saying.
What shit? A Redditfag memed too hard and got more upvotes than he wanted. If he wanted anonymity, he should used an anonymous website.
This is shrill activism backed up by SJW level "Nothing happened, but it's muh vague principle" logic.
You have forgotten the face of your father, user.
>They're not just threatening one Redditor, they're threatening ALL Redditors.
This is what you are saying.
And? Private citizens have a right to privacy, CNN has no justification to blackmail a private citizen. The fact that he is a Redditor is irrelevant. If we allow this to pass, it will set a precedent, and it won't be long until Veeky Forums is under fire.
>mainstream media outlet threatens to publicize a private citizen's personal information
You say that like it's somehow illegal.
>it won't be long until Veeky Forums is under fire
What are they gonna do, say Anonymous did it?
You want to post shit and remain anonymous, don't use a website that's tied to your real-world identity. This is something you should have learned as a child.
What does freedom of speech and expression mean then?
>let's let CNN get away with threatening to leak this guy's info to the world because "Fuck him, he goes to Reddit."
>You want to post shit and remain anonymous, don't use a website that's tied to your real-world identity
>implying An Hiro isn't datamining the fuck out of this place
>What does freedom of speech and expression mean then?
The government can't lock you up for making a mean image of somebody. Doesn't mean a person like CNN isn't allowed to tell people who you are.
We choose to browse Veeky Forums, we choose to accept whatever shit Hiro wants to do with our pings or we make the effort to hide our pings with Tor shit.
>Private citizens have a right to privacy
The_Donald doxxed the parents of the reporter. You can't even keep to this bullshit today. I've seen /b/ desperately try to doxx camwhores and boast about sending their pics to their parents Facebook accounts when they do. This wasn't a moral outrage until /pol/ got upset, and now we're supposed to rush to defend their homeland.
/trash/ reporting in.
You boys better not let us down.
Fuck off and die, furfag.
Old fag here.
Veeky Forums used to be love.
Now it's nothing but "that guy" threads, DnD edition wars, & WH40K.
Allow me to fix Veeky Forums...
1.) Bring back quest threads
2.) Bring back smut threads
3.) Bring back OC threads
I have singlehandedly fixed Veeky Forums.
You're welcome.
If you can't see the difference between doxxing camwhores and a news organisation threatening to ruin some guy's life because of a joke he made one time on the internet then what the hell are you arguing for?
News outlets are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard, the moral outrage has been there from the start. Not because of the content of the dude's post but because CNN is throwing its weight around to get its own way when they are supposed to be impartial.
Difficult issue. There's a line between smut and just posting porn and Veeky Forums has trouble seeing it. Better off on /d/ where most of Veeky Forums goes anyway.
Start one right now. I dare you.
>quest threads
I wish. The problem with quest threads is that they require creativity, teamwork and game play.
You can see why they have no place on Veeky Forums.
>Lego Quest
FUCK! It's been ages. That shit was legendary!
>The problem with quest threads is that they require creativity, teamwork and game play.
>You can see why they have no place on Veeky Forums.
That's awfully accurate.
>Lego Quest
>FUCK! It's been ages. That shit was legendary!
>Bring back quest threads
I support this.