What alignment do you most enjoy playing? Why?

What alignment do you most enjoy playing? Why?

(Reminder: any alignment can be played badly, and any alignment can be played well)

NC because it's least constraining, you can do virtually anything and it will be "in character". Or LE because rules without ethics is my favorite take on dystopia.

My most common is Neutral Good "wants the best for others, and it would be cool if the rules allowed it but there's still wiggle room if not" for usual hero stuff, but I've probably had the most fun with Chaotic Good "fuck the rules, this is the right thing to do and anyone who stops me can get punted or have a nice day depending on how they ask" characters.

"to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak."

Big Damn Lawful Good Heroes are the only thing worth playing.

I love LG, but the most fun I've had recently was a Lawful Evil dark knight of the "villain is redeemed by the power of friendship, joins the party, still suggests conquest and subjugation as the solution to everything" variety.

It was great. The party started out with two Neutral characters; one joined me on the dark side, the other turned good to counterbalance me. Loads of fun.

CN, because the DM has spent between hours and weeks planning out this adventure for us to experience... not for us to stand around debating for fourty five minutes whether or not to open a bloody door!

>stand around debating for fourty five minutes whether or not to open a bloody door!
Holy shit I thought that was just our group. And then it turned out to be trapped anyway.
Myself, LG is just the best. Full-on, gotta purge all the evil paladin. I'm currently playing a CN pirate and it's fun, but just not the same.

Chaotic Good. I do what's right, because it's right, and don't let things like laws or social mores stop me.

Neutral Good, because sometimes you need to play loose with the rules. But only sometimes.

I tend to gravitate toward Neutral Good, as it is the most heroic and helpful, or Chaotic Neutral, as it gives me a free pass to come up with whatever reason I need to push the plot forward, since my party members will search for any reason to hide from progress.

I'm interested in trying out Evil, especially Neutral Evil, maybe as some kind of dastardly criminal who has a soft spot for his party members.

CN, because nobody cares about DMs overarching political intrigue bullshit. If the guy is being obnoxious asshole he's getting shanked like one. And I don't care if he's random hobo, local baron, the chosen one, or your blatant self-insert.

LN since I can flip from being a decent person to a brutalizing cunt. I would play paladins more but I love fear effects and I just can't see a paladin strong arming his way into where ever he wants.
Or mostly in my case: Give me the money or I'm going to burn your house down, this is the third god damn time.

I like to pay Lawful Evil, because I like to play evil mastermind characters who still have a heart of gold, even though they're a horrible asshole.

LN because I'm naturally a pragmatist and the rest of the party is playing Chaotic somethingorother

Chaotic Neutral, It's fun to be a dick, and stay in character, especially because I also play rouge alot, giving CN a real chance for the "Chaotic" half.

Lawful Evil because that's how I feel IRL.

I really wish I played LG more often. That said I have been told i do a great job at playing evil characters- not that it matters when you are locked in the GM seat forever, though.

Lawful Neutral.

I just like the whole "stickler for loyalty"-shtick.

Lawful evil because I'm on a budget and sometimes it's much more cost effective to burn a whole district than search it for rebel scum.

CE. Get shit done fast.

That just sounds like lazy-murder-hobo-pseudo-logic bullshit

Depends on my mood.

Chaotic good is my first favorite
Playing characters that help others but don't care how they get there. Someone starving? If they don't have the cash they just robin hood food away from some noble's home. Its right on the line for "This guy is undeniably a prick, but undeniably doing good in the world"

Neutral evil
Sometimes I just love playing the unapologetic villain that just wants to make the world a worse place because they think its funny as all hell. Just go around pulling cartoonishly evil stunts on the DL and never towards their own party.

If you do evil right, you can totally be in a party with good characters.

Neutral evil
Full stop. I will burn a charity office just to light up my cigars harvested by the finest child labor.

Even in a setting where robot labor is free

I love LE and NG.
Believing in good no matter what is fun, and being reasonable while still self-serving is really fun.

Lawful Neutral. Because I feel like it's the most relatable alignment and you can be a good character while still being able to make practical decisions without getting shit for it.

LN and CG. All my characters are either collectivist rule utilitarians or individualistic rule utilitarians.

LN or LE. They're weirdly interchangeable.
Even when Evil I don't wanna fuck people over because they might be good to us in the future, but the end sometimes justifies the means, especially for PCs that do it anyway.


Usually something with at least one neutral side.


Lawful Neutral might allow a guilty man to walk for a lack of evidence. Lawful Evil would use whatever means they wished to procure a confession.

NG. I get to do what is right without having to deal with faggots insisting I'm not acting Lawful enough to be Lawful Good or Chaotic enough to be Chaotic Good.

You just do your best to be a good person.

LG because I'm not a faggot.

Don't usually play games with alignment systems, but how I do play would probably be best labeled as CG.
The kind of character who'll deface a statue in order to distract the guards, but who'll also put himself between the dragon and the orphanage.

The one that best suits the character because alignments are descriptive, not proscriptive.

Chaotic neutral, because I enjoy double crossing everyone I meet when it becomes advantageous for me to do so.

TN cause I'm tired of people asking for my alignment, let's play and we'll see dickhead

CN when I want to bemuse people by playing someone who is actually not chaotic stupid or chaotic lolrandom.

CG when I want to say fuck the authorities, people should be treated like people.

NG when I want to play a relaxed and nice person.

LE when I want to terrify the living piss out of my fellow players.

Chaotic Good.

NE and CE. Namely NE, because i can pass myself off as good or socially acceptable if I want and still fuck people over if it's worth it.

Someone post the Rance all alignments chart.

My nigga. My default character is a paladin who isn't very good at the whole "good" part of his job, but he does his best. He just wants to smite evil and go on adventures.

Alignments really are pretty stupid.

That too. I use alignments as a guideline only, not as an actual game mechanic. They only make sense in D&D where the alignments are actual forces in the world.

Either this or whatever gets me paid.

Although, I did play a lawful neutral monster hunter, basically dwarven Van Helsing, that was a ton of fun.

Lawful Evil. I love the contrast between motivations and means. Plus it's actually rather playable even in a non-evil group.
But I like playing a bit of everything.

Aren't these pictures from a Hentai??
What was it's name again.. asking for a friend..

...it's the Rance series.

well, I'm guilty of not using google in the first place after seeing the file name and I'm sorry!

Thanks anyway and goodbye

CG for a whimsical scatterbrain who tries to do the right thing but often gets by on luck or coincidence

NG if I want to be more serious

CE if I don't want to bother with roleplaying and just go around killing stuff

don't have Rance, but here's something else

Unaligned. Alignments are banned in our group because they restrict roleplaying. Honestly boiling anything like morality down to a 3x3 square is fucking a straitjacket.

Chaotic Evil, cause fuck this nerdo

There's a lot of fun characters you can make from any alignment, but LG is probably my favourite alignment.

I love to play a character with a heart of gold. A character who shocks others with his selfless actions and isn't so much interested in policing his party members' actions as he is interested in inspiring them with the hopes of bringing out the best in them.


>lawful good

Yeah, this is why I banned classes from my D&D games.

Boiling down an individual's skillset and life experiences to 12 classes is having sex with a straitjacket.

Neutral evil. Being a self serving douche can be fun if you approach it the right way. Why betray what you can use?

Except nothing bad happens if you remove alignment from d&d.

The game doesn't function without the classes, unless you do extensive homebrewing.

But gimpsuit sex is a thing

user if youre still here, wpuld you give me some examples of evil with a good party?
I got some autismos in my group that get triggered over the mention of "evil? In MY party?"