This is the size of the hobby games industry. RPGs are the smallest segment

This is the size of the hobby games industry. RPGs are the smallest segment.


>the (debatably) second most reusable
>extremely niche
>most popular systems provide free SRDs
>the least sales


What I want to know is what "Collectible Games" entails and how much of it MtG, YGO, Pokémon and Clix is respectively.

Well, I mean, you buy 1 or 2 40 euro book per party and several sets of dice. Compared to the moneywhores that are MTG and the warhams of course the're going to be the smallest.

That does not surprise me.

Not really surprising at all. Card games, miniature games, and board games all revolve around buying pieces, expansions, etc. The tournaments for these hobbies require using approved merchandise.

Big tabletop games like Pathfinder and D&D are structured in a similar way, but you can still ignore all the bloat and have a good time with the core rulebook you bought years ago. Or even an outdated rule set. You can write a 2 page roleplaying game and put it on the internet for free, and there are tons of little indie games out there that are free or cheap.

Freedom is free; but, if you wanna do what everyone else is doing, it's gonna cost ya.

>we are worth 1 billion ameridollars
>our entire hobby is worth 2 videogames.

it gets better. the fitness industry in america is worth $27.6B. there are over 20 times as many chads in america as there are people playing tabletop games.

Yep, seems pretty much as expected.

This is why Hasbro fucked up so hard with their marketing and business plan for 4e. They were trying to force D&D to be as much of an earner as MTG, despite it being basically impossible.

but most of the fitness industry makes money off of people paying for gym membership and not using it

>market segment built around buying a couple books and some dice has small sales numbers
>market segment built around requiring players to buy and collect every bit and bob ever has high sales numbers

What I want to know is if cards, dice and miniatures are their own segments, what's actually in the Collectible games section?

Count your blessings. Small and sustainable is the best size for retaining quality.

I think collectables means mtg and the such, and the card/dice games are shit like Dominion or whatever that are more like actual playing-card mages

man imagine if warhammer 40k switched to a booster pack model.

Collectable minis games have been tried, and they basically all fail

Makes enough sense I guess.


It might be easy to do with a skirmish game like shadow war.

>it gets better. the fitness industry in america is worth $27.6B. there are over 20 times as many chads in america as there are people playing tabletop games.

This is probably the dumbest statement I've read on Veeky Forums, other than yesterday when some guy ignored the fact that AnyDice was literally calculating probabilities wrong.

Just what is a collectible game?
Not mtg since it has a card section, not warhammer40k since it falls to miniatures, the fuck is collectibles then?

And gaming makes money off of people buying books and minatures and then never playing because they lack friends.

What's your point?

Most collectible minis games are skirmish games.

They still fail.

MTG, YGO, Heroclix and the like
For the purposes of this (and literally every other chart like this ever) "Card game" pertains to self contained card games where you buy the game and you get all the cards you need.

Thanks user, wrinkled my brain trying to figure it out.

Landwhale with a underused gym membership is hardly a chad.

Good point.
I wonder if you make a pie chart about how big the playerbase is and than compare both charts, you might see that playerbase might be the same size but with different purchase behaviour.