>Wizard, Seattle, Gaypride
What do you think about this, Veeky Forums?
Do we need more explicit and inclusive themes/cards in MtG (games in general)?
>Wizard, Seattle, Gaypride
What do you think about this, Veeky Forums?
Do we need more explicit and inclusive themes/cards in MtG (games in general)?
>They're all white
I wish we still had quest threads on this board.
obvious bait is obvious
thanks for trying though /pol/ack
I disapprove.
More meat for the grindr.
>belonging anywhere
>ywn blast them all with a riot hose
It's just gay pride parades in general, gay people making their sexuality their most defining feature and non-gays virtuesignalling as hard as they can. The sooner these pantomimes end the sooner homosexuality will actually be accepted into society. Were there fucking mixed-couple pride parades after that was legalised?
>virtue signalling
Go home op, we're not buying it
Of course they're white, it's a gay parade in Seattle.
This user gets it.
It's almost like half of the stereotypes about gays come from the gay pride now.
I'm bi but if you're open about it like these fuckheads you should be put to death. Fuck you and stop making your sex life, or more accurately in a lot of cases lack thereof, your entire fucking identity.
All of it needs to stop.
We're inclusive!
We still see you as freakish inhuman monsters.
>Were there fucking mixed-couple pride parades after that was legalised?
That is clearly a fat asian -man- thing holding the banner.
Speak for yourself.
>Faggot company supports gay rights.jpg
Rainbow is the new marketing strategy and god knows this company can't stand on the quality of their products.
If you want to bait people, at least use newer bait.
Obviously you've never been opressed in any way otherwise you'd understand the need to fight back. And making yourself as visible as possible and accentuating that which people want you to hide/hate you for makes perfect sense when viewed from that perspective.
The real problem with gay pride these days is it is a corporate sell out as per
This. My last thread almost hit 500 posts because I took the time to write something original.
>user says "after"
>other user without reading comprehension posts a picture of protest
Try again?
I support gay pride and everything it stands for but like... is this normal? Is it normal for companies to march with a banner that's just an ad for their products? Honestly I'm kinda miffed at WotC.
>We take money from our core audience!
>Let us take yours too!
Not about my fucking sexuality, no, because I don't fucking flaunt it like it makes me the king of the whole goddamn world in which everything needs to change for me. The world can't fucking run on freaks. This is like a very basic thing. You faggots bitch because that's all you know how to do. I'm more than capable of stand on my own two feet if someone wants to start shit about it. You faggots make all of us look bad and you can go fuck off with your bullshit.
>I support gay pride and everything it stands for
Please kill yourself, and your family members just to make sure the broad range of your genetics don't pass on.
>Obviously you've never been opressed in any way otherwise you'd understand the need to fight back.
>user really believes the world is out to get him
I hope you are OP, otherwise you are the worst type of faggot.
you realize it was only just legalized nationally in 2015. Fuck it was only legalized in Germany a literal week ago.
and I can absolutely guarantee that the Interracial Marriage Club of Washington DC didn't disband the day the Supreme Court struck down anti-interracial marriage laws
Your point = worthless
its nice and Im glad.
This parade is bait.
The journalists are bait.
You are bait.
It's all bait for hipster money and autistic far-right screeching for sanctimonious people to jack off to.
Here's your (You).
>all these anti-profit communist faggots
Yes, whine some more about how the big mean businesses do things to increase their wealth
Maybe you could tell us all about your organic co-op and how you only get intestinal poisoning a few times a month
Fight the power!
They get to look like the good guys, and advertise at the same time.
Kind of shitty to be honest. All these companies are coming out as pro lgbt, after lgbt has been established as widely accepted. Where were they 10, or even 5 years ago?
I can imagine working at wotc. A mass email goes out inviting everyone to march with the parade. Even if you're straight, march to show support.
I don't accept the invite because I don't believe in it, but I never openly speak up about it, just continue on with my life and work.
People ask if I'm marching in the parade. I say no. They ask why not. I just say it's not my thing, and I don't think I should have to lie about it, like saying I already have something going on that day.
From that word spreads that I'm anti gay, and I get passed over for promotions because of my controversial past.
Gay pride is the new Green Movement, literally switch the Green tags of 2006 with a rainbow and you get the same thing.
You're the problem. I'm hoping you, who calls it bait but still rushes in to express your viewpoint, will one day realize the irony when you're being strapped into a chair and having your testicles electrocuted in hopes of getting them to start actually producing testosterone you dumb limp-wristed faggot.
i lost hope when they made alesha trans and narset an autist
>the owner of a business shouldn't be allowed to decide who gets promoted
>I should have special protections because of my beliefs and actions, even when they go against the wishes of the person employing me
Wow, commie much?
First off, I never said I was anti-gay. I just don't believe in pride parades. I think they are dumb and unnecessary, and as others have said here, making your sexual orientation your defining feature is pretty stupid. But not participating in one could easily label me as some right-wing nutjob who hates fags, and it becomes a witch hunt. Because word spreads unjustly, someone could wrongfully lose out on future opportunities because of it.
Sure thing, kid.
>I fantasize about being a white collar rebel at a game company
thanks user, you made my day
I'm Irish and this is one of the most hotly debated cultural topics in the country. Whether we continue fighting back against and rejecting existing notions of national sovereignty and harass Britain, rejecting them as an allied nation, and demand the north back whether they want it or not, or whether we let bygones be bygones and continue working on better diplomatic and cultural relations with countries that so recently oppressed us.
In the case of homosexuals, I do understand the whole rejection of those who would put you down, and in many places in the world it is very much needed, like the places gay people are being oppressed right now, but in countries that have given gays full legal rights I don't see the point of it, it only otherises gays even more in the public eye. You're not just somebody who happens to like these genitals, you're GAY AND PROUD LOOK AT ME.
I don't think, in a fully equal society, anyone should be "proud" of anything they were born into. And I know that gays are not equal in most of the world, but in the places that they are, they're never going to be fully accepted until *after* it stops being a big deal.
And I hope you have a wonderful day free from minor annoyances, friend.
>First off, I never said I was anti-gay
Never said you were. Just that it's funny how your imaginary complaint can be summed up as:
>someone agrees to employ me
>I do things that rub my employer the wrong way
>my employer shouldn't be allowed to fire me because reasons
Fake philanthropy is great marketing.
But more than that. Companies are actively being criticised if they don't do this kind of hollow support thing regardless of any real philanthropy they do.
Gay Pride and Breast Cancer are the 2 big ones in the US for sure. Gotta get those rainbow flags and pink ribbons.
Thanks for proving my point. The funny thing is, I really don't think you see how you are.
Wew lad. This is one of the greater feats of autism I've seen on Veeky Forums today. Good job sir, have a (You) and go back to day dreaming about putting testicles in a vice and electrocuting them you bonafide faggot
This whole argument is stupid. The whole getting fired for not going to a pride parade concept is just fucking fiction. No one would bat an eye at it unless he was ranting about "degeneracy" or some shit
>Companies are actively being criticised if they don't do this kind of hollow support thing regardless of any real philanthropy they do.
And that pretty much is the reason why if you don't march in some stupid parade, you are labeled as a gay pride hater
>you should be able to be fired just your employer don't like you
So gays should be able to be fired just because they are gay or dying if nobody want to employ fags?
>my work standing should be affected by my political views instead of my job performance
Let me make something clear to you. When you're on the job, you're a machine. Your opinions, values, beliefs, religion, your joys and sorrows, all of that shit is completely unimportant. You are there to do a fucking job. You are promoted or demoted based solely on how well you do your fucking job.
If your job is public relations, then it's logical for you to be judged and penalized if expressing your personal views causes damage to your employer's public standing. Ditto for customer service, sales, and other positions where you need to keep the other party happy. In literally any other position, your views should be a non-factor. I don't give a fuck if my CAD developer is a hardcore neonazi as long as he does the job better than the alternative. If he isn't slapping swastikas on our models or giving people shit over it at work, there's no problem. If people want to MAKE it a problem, that's on them, and they're idiots for doing so.
I wanted to work at Wizards, once. But companies putting politics like this at their front is nothing but virtue signaling, and that means if you ever say you aren't 100% pro fag then you're ostracized and probably will lose your job with Wizards. I want game companies to keep out of politics.
>seing Duel Masters logo on the banner
is it still a thing?
Theres isn't anything explicit either way in wizards settings regarding sexuality as far as i know.
Just taking part in gay pride is like, free good publicity for companies though.
The neutral capital market you refer to here is mythological. Work spaces are always social spaces where merit is not just a measure of how well you push a button. Its cute you're butthurt it might effect you now though. Very equitable.
Like every other commercial enterprise: it sounds nice they care about it, but its best they should stay out of politics to sell their shit.
Fuck off good goy, if the product is shit it has no right to sell no matter how much money you throw away in marketing. Informing the retards that they can chose not to buy crap and that by doing so they can force companies to improve their products is the backbone of sustainable capitalism.
>I should have special protections because of my beliefs and actions, even when they go against the wishes of the person employing me
Uhh, yes. That's why you can't fire people based on political beliefs or race or things like that.
>This whole argument is stupid. The whole getting fired for not going to a pride parade concept is just fucking fiction. No one would bat an eye at it unless he was ranting about "degeneracy" or some shit
I know, that's why it's fun to point out the logical fallacies in his imaginary crusade against the skeletons.
If you want to fire someone and can afford to spend a bit of effort on it, you can always find the way. Late arrivals, improper clothes, alcohol testing, personal calls in office hours, etc. There's myriad little things people do that are normally overlooked but can be the excuse if you actually go and push them. You can get rid of anyone. Except Romanians, fuck those cunts with a rusty rake.
>I do things that rub my employer the wrong way
No you idiot. It's "I don't do an optional thing where there should be no expectation of me attending, and it's about a political issue"
i think the other poster summed it up very well
rainbow is the new green
>has no idea what the modern 'witch hunts' have evolved into
Why do you want to be able to be fired just because your employer don't like you or the way you are living?
1 generation and then your gone like hippies.
I mean, i can see why people find all the gay pride stuff irritating, as it's appeasing about 1% of the population, plus they are dickbags to bisexuals.
If you don't like it just ignoring it is better than kicking up a fuss however.
just because one understand marketing ploys doesn't mean one is anti-capitalist
Well companies don't care if they're exposing vulnerable people to mentally unstable people. They just want one more sheckel at any cost.
You're probably right about getting fired. But remember it's not about getting fired.
>People ask if I'm marching in the parade. I say no. They ask why not. I just say it's not my thing, and I don't think I should have to lie about it, like saying I already have something going on that day.
>From that word spreads that I'm anti gay, and I get passed over for promotions because of my controversial past.
Nothing about getting fired.
It depends entirely on the job. My position could be done by a robot. Fuck, in most hubs it IS done by a robot, the manager is just too cheap to upgrade while the old equipment still works. I've seen plenty of personable, PC people get fired because they couldn't move boxes fast enough, while the most ridiculously racist motherfucker I have ever seen or heard has been around for two decades because he can sort like some kind of fifty-armed hindu deity. Even the union rep can't stand him.
Can't we go one day without this shit? It's obvious that this is just virtue-signaling. It's WotC making sure they don't get wrecked by the general population of Seattle for being "anti-gay". It's also pretty obvious that none of the people in that pic ever got their teeth kicked in or their legs broken just for being gay. Not a single one of them have ever been oppressed and they fucking know it.
Satan speaks the uncomfortable truth: You must become useful. If you are needed - if they can't do without you - then you can do or say anything you want. If you are replaceable, you do not have that security.
>Faggots getting this easily offended
Every time someone makes one of these bait threads, you three faggots have to show up and chime in and pretend everyone doesn't hate you.
Who cares, I'm here to talk about role-playing games.
I feel threatened when people express views that I disagree with. Like most people I want entertainment, especially frivolous escapist entertainment like traditional games, to validate, not challenge my fundamental values.
Luckily I am a liberal, so I thank the invisible hand of the market for slapping down unprofitable right-wing bullshit that I don't want to see, and validating my views above all else.
As 40K moves toward social justice through the influence of woke Primarch Guilliman and the coming return of gay Primarch Lion El'Jonson, I can only hope that more companies realize that more left is more money. In particular, I hope that hardcore Communism becomes the next money-spinner, as Star Trek clearly shows that people like that message.
Why are you using a completely made up story as proof of how a company you never worked at would treat you?
I'm straight though.
It's huge in Japan. Tanked in America. Twice.
They're already doing shit like edit artwork and soft-ban artists that don't comply with the SJW shit. And they're not a particularily good place to work at for other jobs according to websites that measure this shit.
Mind is a reflection of reality.
>It's WotC making sure they don't get wrecked by the general population of Seattle for being "anti-gay".
see, I don't buy that. That would mean that companies who act neutral, who do nothing, are "anti-gay." That is, they're not doing anything against gay parades, they're just not doing anything for it. If Seattle is a place where behaving neutrally, not getting involved, stay away from the politics... If Seattle is a place where that behavior means you're "anti" the thing you're not explicitly "pro" for, then Seattle has fallen out of this century and into the previous one. Or rather the people involved in that whole "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality are evil.
So one should be passed on promotions because of their relatively silent political/sexual beliefs?
Man, I bet it must hurt to have that shit turned right around on you.
>Why are you imagining things and why they might be a problem?
I wish I could be like you, not having a brain to think with.
Get off the cross you whiny fag. You fundamentally misunderstand how people see not going to a pride parade, and there's nothing controversial about not going unless you start going on some dumbass "god hates fags" or "muh degeneracy" rant exposing yourself as an annoying cunt. I mean if this was the east coast or some other country I could see an argument that you're expected to actually befriend your coworkers, but we don't even give a shit about that here
>Man, I bet it must hurt to have that shit turned right around on you.
Wouldn't know, I'm the boss.
>Can't we go one day without this shit?
Afraid not, there's couple people genuinely pushing the agenda and couple more false flagging it to give the notion bad rap. Until we can sort them all out, the rainbowgargling will go on.
>and there's nothing controversial about not going
>It's WotC making sure they don't get wrecked by the general population of Seattle for being "anti-gay".
Sounds like you two need to have a talk. You can't both be right.
In this case maybe in the funhouse mirror sense
The evidence points otherwise, fag.
>and there's nothing controversial about not going
Oh such naivete
Pretty sure an engineer who landed a fucking spacecraft on a comet got reduced publicly to tears by feminist witch hunting
I wonder if there are homosexual dragons.
The last few written relationships we've been exposed to are the akward lesbian feelings between Chandra and Nissa, Liliana being toxic to Jace because of course a traditionally beautiful woman can't be good, the gay kings from Theros, an asexual aetherborn that identified as lesbian by dating a granny (because no matter how much you caim to be LGBT+ asexualisty isn't marketable so it has to be undermined) and a couple of lesbian hunters back in Innistrad.
You clearly don't if you think day dreaming situations of you getting discriminated against in made up situations means anything of note. Have fun literally acting like the self victimising left.
And you think it would be right or are you just without any empathy?
I think you care about things in general a little too much. Instead of talking about some minor event that is inconsequential in a vacuum, why don't we talk about something that is fun? This will only become a problem if we make it out to be. No use in fretting over a petty act when there are things where concerns are of things that actually exist. Outrage begets outrage, and outrage is often times these days the fuel of unnecessary conflict that wastes time and resources.
The "problematic" shirt? Well, can't expect man dedicated to science to be up to date with the latest social sensibilities (and sensitivities), but god damn his company should have some PR person that will know better. That's what they are for.