Motivate me to play your favorite class

Motivate me to play your favorite class

I really like Paladin. Fight and magic and lots of internal conflict to ruminate on (cause goodness knows your concept of "goodness" isn't the same as the GM's, or whatever. But I've known some cool dudes and the games were real nice where I played one.)

Shit wait... my /favorite/ class. That's hard. 5e's fighter was probably my favorite. Specifically, Battlemaster. "Help all the other weapon attackers" the game, the movie, the book. It was a blast (we had a barbarian, paladin, and rogue in the party.) You can fight pretty good on your own, but your utility to help other kick ass in combat just felt nice.

I cant get motivated to play a class. Every class i play is banned next game.

Play Cleric - there is no greater motivation than holy purpose and eternal reward. Paladins are conflicted on what is truly good, but you have a power in the sky and earth that helps you discover meaning. You are literally an agent of the divine, a vessel for the will of powers beyond comprehension. And the best part is they CHOSE you to do it for them, your purpose is righteous and your path is clear. You only require the strength to follow it.

That's really 2010.

>He doesn't play Bard

Action support really is the only way to go

They are the engineers of the magical classes. Who cares if you studied for three months on how to cast a powerful spell, an artificer learned about magic & then decided it wasn't good enough for him & started making items that always worked the way he wanted. You aren't a skinny old man chasing tattered scraps of knowledge trying to recreate forgotten lore, you are a kickass inventor building new & powerful devices in a way that allows you to be more versatile than a wizard, more powerful than a Sorcerer & freer than a cleric.

Become the world that your cute friends can enter and ravage with their backstory-less murderhobos.

Bard is wothout a doubt one of the most OP spellcasting classes in 5e.

Bypass entire encounters by suggesting a captain take all his men out for a drink instead of harassing your party. Cast sleep on those vicious wolves. Make deception and persuasion checks a formality using the College of Lore to get expertise in both or anything you are already proficient in.

>"But Bards cant fight lul"

College of Valor and Warcaster feat, blow it out the flute I just shoved up your ass.

And as you get to higher levels team up with a Wizard to trap a demon or other creature of immense power and Planar Bind him to serve you, don't work well with others? Dont worry. Jack Of All Trades lets you be the biggest Skill Monkey in the group and a human swiss army knife. Jealous of the Wizard,Warlock,Druid,Sorcerer etc and any of their spells. College of Lore lets you take 2 spells from any class as long as it's at a level you can cast it.

You may be thinking, "this is great for me..but what if I LIKE my party?" Inspiration.
Motivate your paladin to smite the forces of Satan himself by releasing a shredding lute solo.
Plus as a catrip you get Vicious Mockery, a chance to tell the Big Bad, who the DM spent months building up and making a force of enigmatic evil, that you had placed your perfectly shaven nutsack into his little sister's mouth and force him to take disadvantage on attacks against you. Even if he hits you with that disadvantage use Cutting Words to yell his Mother took care of the shaft and take damage off the attack.

Bottom line, Bard is the ultimate spell caster and face of the party. Work your skills roght and use College of Lore and you have a match for fighters to face uneasily. If all of this didn't convince you to play a Bard for at least a one-shot or short campaign then you can find the nearest dick and suck it like your dear old grandfather. Now roll to attack with disadvantage.

I think I love you. I've never thought of a Bard, but you just convinced me. Also getting screencapped.

>current year

Monks, I like punching things really good, especially in 5e because I can minimise the magic element to it.

By far my favourite one to play is a wise, blind old monk with a staff as his walking stick, generally enter the game as a friend to one of the party who trades stories advice to the younger ones. DM is usually willing to give blindsight at 30ft in return, mostly because I tend to be more narrative focused than combatty anyway.

good times, that might not seem cool to you, I just like monks

I appreciate the screencap, hopefully it gets used whenever spmeome needs a reminder than you can play harp and fuck someone up at the same time.

Used to love playing bards in 3.5, sure, everyone laughs at the bard until you need a persuade roll or a utility spell since the wizard was a scrub and didn't stock up on them

Barb because being a drunken asshole is expected.

You've convinced me of the awesome power of the Artificer.

Be a psion because "Fuck you,mind bullets!"

You don't need academics, dieties, allies, or even weapons. Just motivation and training.

Warlock, like a Sorcerer except you get to wear a leather trench coat.

Play a bard because they have to rely on their wits to be useful to the party and it makes for interesting roleplay.

I legitimately love this post, but calling the bard overpowered is just nonsense. for everything it does there is a class that does it better, and even as a "jack of all trades" class it gets outshone very easily.

5e just didn't do the bard justice in my opinion, but good on you for still showing enthusiasm for one of best core classes that never gets the class mechanics it deserves

Aw yeeah! Bards are the fucking Bomb!

Rangers are no longer so shit, you'd be better off making a ranged fighter!

I went down the path of the Hunter and used bows. I only really picked up some melee weapons just in case. They may as well have been Tau Bonding Knives for all the use they got. No, my main weapon was a longbow and the ability to pretty much deal 3d8+10 damage after the first round (2d8 from a longbow shot and 1d8 from Colossus Slayer)

Out of everyone from the group, I was the only one who never had to replace their character due to character death. I only stopped playing this Monster Hunter due to the club closing its doors because of RL stuff. He was level 14.


Play a Truenamer. Nobody will expect anything of you.


You will never get to walk the path of explosions with qT wizard waifu