>This is a reminder to drill a handful of holes through your Magic cards.
>Clearly devalued, your cards are now much less likely to be stolen.
This is a reminder to drill a handful of holes through your Magic cards
But I don't have any Magic cards.
What do you use a low-powered drill like that for?
Also this
>Drills your deck
I only use Alpha cards.
No one wants to steal them because they can't use them in their decks without slip covers.
Tangentially related, but it is a great way to keep scalper scum away from toys. Some stores are wise enough to hole punch parts of the packaging in order to stop the greasy fucks from buying the entire stock of figures and selling them at their own stores for several times the price.
A fellow /toy/soldier, huh
I've often seen people use tools like these to devalue their decks.
Thats the cutest board dwelling name ever, how did I not expect this?
It's been the name for /toy/ browsers since the board was new.
Never been there, don't browse boards that don't interest me.
It's called a "Pin Vise" and it's often used in modelling, drilling tiny holes in small plastic pieces you want to be delicate with.
Oh, that makes sense. I have a bunch of bits at that gauge for woodworking, but a AA-battery drill seems too low-powered for anything I would use it for.
Modeling plastic stuff makes sense, though. My drill spins so fast that the bit heats up and the plastic starts to melt.
They're usually manual.
Wow, I'm learning so much
I assumed from the casing that it fit an AA battery.
Why not just use proxies?
I was wondering why those cards I had were stamped with hearts and birds and shit.
What is it with card players being thieving little shits? Not all of them obviously, but damn if some of them are shadier than the local methheads. Granted Yu-Gi-Oh seems to be the worst about it but I swear I hear the Magic players and other card games dealing with it at a disturbing rate as well.
I've even heard of them stealing models off of warhammer tables. They don't even play the fucking game, and yet they steal random models out of cases or off of tables. What kind of asshole does that? It's not even like you're going to be able to get away with selling it unless it was unpainted either. Most people's paintjobs are immediately recognizable at a glance and the moment someone sees you with it you're fucked.
I mean jesus fuck what the hell is wrong with people
Also I feel like using a pin vice would be a pain in the ass to use on a card, but I don't feel like ripping up one of my random free booster cards in order to test it, even if I don't play the game.
Sudden desire to /toy/ intensifies.
I stole a stock painted 40k model when I was younger... it was just sitting on the table out of place with no one paying it any attention.
I had that problem with my Imperial Knight, as I had to use a full-size electric drill to magnetise that. If it has adjustable speeds, GW plastic has a very low cutting speed, so you can take your time with it and it'll turn out better.
>Paint a big musky negro mandingo dingus
>Magic card price now sextuplet
It was quite epic my fellow cucks!!!
God, that's beautiful.
They are tiny pieces of cardboard that are worth a lot of money.
>1. Drill holes in your favorite cards so they don't get stolen.
>2. Get thrown out of FLGS for playing with marked cards.
>3. ?????
. Get thrown out of FLGS for playing with marked cards.
>not drilling them all in the same spot so you can't get accused of marking cards
Not our fault you're retarded.
>Not using sleeves like a civilized person
What the actual fuck?
what am I looking at
>using sleeves on a damaged card
Literally, what's the point?
Just wipe your ass with them. The overpowering stink of another cave troll's filth will send them screeching into the light and they will burn alive.
To not be accused of using a marked deck due to the fact that the cards will in all likelihood not be damaged in exactly the same places/ways.
The spirit of Rudy is angered by this post, OP!
There's a small tear in the side of each cardboard backing.
Normal people don't care, that gets thrown in the trash anyway.
Collectors go berserk the minute anything no longer appears factory fresh, as it can't be displayed in pristine condition. for eternity.
I love it. Toy collectors are a cancer on society.
So the card still looks nice and undamaged, so it still retains its existing value to you, even if it is now worthless to anyone else.
My hometown's castle was in the captcha just there. That was nice.
I like this, I really really like this.
Get fucked collector/investor scum.
Got a huge binder of Magic rares I thought were cool stolen at a big gaming store when I was 12. I collected cards important to the Magic story because I thought it was really interesting and read all the books. It completely devasted me, but after that I realized how scummy many Magic/Yugioh players really were. I was naive and left my bag leaning against a wall to go to the bathroom, but really I was only 12 and didn't know better. Stealing is huge at these stores - even more prevalent, but less morally bad, was traders who would try to jew kids out of cards. While people getting collections stolen only happened every few weeks (in NYC), I would always be willing to trade and new people were constantly trying to rip me off because I looked young.
Really turned me off of the community how shitty the magic community was. I had a few friends who were really nice and we would draft and test together, but I would say 60% of players I never wanted to associate with at all, 5% were outright thieves, and 25% would scum you out of a trade if they could.
>Vandalize your property to prevent it's theft
Really activates those almonds.
>drill cards
>cards are functionally the same, but cannot be stolen
>thus, they are more valuable than regular cards
>thus, they are more likely to be stolen
People who steal cards aren't stealing them for use, they're stealing them to sell.
And a giant hole means they're not worth much.
It was the exact same thing with me, except I was playing YuGiOh at 12 (I know I know). It wasn't even just cards. I would have all sorts of accessories stolen. You know those transparent d6s that have smaller d6s inside of them? Yeah, one guy nabbed an entire set from me. I even brought a set of these cool transparent lego pieces in a ziplock bag to use as spell counters, only to see it find its way into one fat guy's carrying case. I was too naive and stupid to do anything else. They didn't smell bad at least.
The buyer would appreciate that the cards are unlikely to be stolen, just like OP did, and would therefore be willing to pay more for them.
>Buy proxies
And support the Chinese opium trade? I'd rather die!
Can't be stolen, huh?
little trick I used to stop thieves was I put my initials on the inside of my sleeves
Local store owner always takes trade ins out of sleeves noticed immediately they were mine, held nigger there till I came in and we raided his bag
Why would he pay more for a damaged card when he can get a undamaged and do the damage himself ???
Video games don't have this problem
I don't mind stamped cards unless the FLGS is being scummy and re-selling ones they bought for full price.
I used to have ancient soviet drill like that. Except it had proper shoulder rest, so you can push with all your weight if necessary.
>not cursing your cards with dark ritual so any dumb thief gets raped by a pack of AIDS riddled baboons every moon until the cards are returned to you
Get on my level, profane
This triggers me.
Sometimes a man just NEEDS that mint in box toy for the collection...
Who cares?
It's a problem with every game based on collectible pieces. People are greedy, that's it.
The idea sounds appealing but what if I want to trade or cash in some of the cards later?
>Return to magic after several years' hiatus
>Start playing in a small shop near my then home
>Everyone is a total bro
>A little bit elitist but quickly change their attitudes once I top several drafts and game days, recognising me as one of their own
>Clean, no theft, occasional neckbeards are mild-mannered and groomed
>Have to move out to a different city
>Can't play magic because not a single store is anywhere near the quality I am used to
>video games will have an option to steal cards from your opponents instead of buying boosters
Why even play?
Man in question NEEDS professional medical help asap.
Basically Toy Story 2 IRL.
We just play with proxies.
Was buying squid Amiibo because I'm a fag. Cashier dropped the box and was really worried I have a damn.
What's the point of I'm not going to take the packaging off them and play with them!?